isn't it just hermit fort mode in first person?
survival is main goal, building a flat panel tv screen for your self and your buddies is the meta game.
I guess, but survival is easy. Build wall, done. You survive.
Sure, if you wanna be an pansy elf.
To me, Minecraft has the same attitude as Dwarf Fortress, Losing is Fun. Sure, you can make a little cottage and farm and be safe from 99% of deaths, but wheres the fun in that?
In my game, I made a nice farmland as a sanctuary zone for healing and producing simple armor (leather) and such if need be; but it won't have the essential backup equipment I would need (like arrows) that, I'd have to enter one of my mines where I have to manually get the flint to craft more, seeing as feathers are getting rather plentiful.
Considering I like my world as it is, and want to continue exploring, I will develop a new location, and then use that as my new base of operations, and start anew after the beginning stages are developed enough, just to more extreme goals.
For example:
Starter Mines- Just as the name states, it's a simple starting point, good for basic stuff, not much else will be added to it, and I have allowed a personal limit of 2 mining levels (32 tiles deep-per-level) meaning redstone and other minerals will not be as likely to find here, and will also be an import for it if I decide to work on this site more.
Greater Mines- Obviously I'm going to be going a little more in depth (no pun intended) with this location and flesh it out a bit more at east internally as a more roomy mining community center (so to put it). It'll have better accommodations than the starter mines, have more mine shafts, and a greater storage. This will likely be a project material production location where cobblestone and probably more ores and maybe even redstone will be it;'s export, whereas Starter will have it's tree farm providing wood as it's main export.
*Unnamed* Lighthouse- This will be a major (though not mega-) project to serve as a beacon for the two sites at least, and will serve as a primary means of finding the places, or spotting others. When it's done, it'll probably replace the initial sky-compass built in Starter Mines territory.
There will be other sites, like maybe the "Great Plains" Keep a short distance from Starter Mines inland, more to serve as a weapons storage, and a starting pint for a subway system (ores imported from GM, wood imported from SM). I have a bit of a system to make use of. And maybe some monuments will be either built or carved, seeing as I have some rock faces and cliffs that I can engrave a face in or something, or some other obscure things could be built, like mentioned earlier, an optical illusion only visible when rendered in isometric mode, or from a certain point on the map.
I would only resort to staying in my farmland if I want the threat of mobs, but don't want to deal with them. They make good alarms if it's getting dark out, and I can't see much of outside (like crafting a ton of stuff in Starter Mines). Of course, I make it so I must actually leave my fort to get to the sanctuary. That would be my policy, either last stand your doorway (or death from above if you made a way), or run like hell to the nearest sanctuary t either heal up, or wait for the zombie/skel infestation to burn up. Sanctuaries would also provide an easier method to taking out creepers as well if I don't want my land damaged (already lost a decent amount, and wasted some material patching up some craters; really annoying).