Yea, the Lettuce Ladies have set vegetarian rights back tens of years.
(For those of you interested in what that means, let me spell it out to you. Meat is not required to build muscle or be a bad-rear ended soldier boy. I spent 4 years in the marine Corps as a Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian. The majority of my protein intake was from vegan sources. I was able to function and thrive on the physical front. On the mental front, I was assaulted daily. I had people put steaks in my food if I got up and walked away. Sometimes I would go two or three days without food while on arduous hikes with gear and quite a bit of activity because someone thought it was funny to screw with my food, and thought that my ideals would break down by them doing such stupid things. Fortunately for them, my ideals and values never broke down, so I kept those corps values that made me a marine. Consider this, Would you call me a "stupid herbivore" for being a vegetarian? Would you call a gay guy a "stupid peter poofer"? What about a black guy a "shoeless savage"? I'll bet the answer to one of those would be a no, and if you did two of them, you might find yourself in a world of hurt. Just the same, people who look like Ethiopian refugees should NOT be the poster boys for Vegans. As for the "sausages", I agree, but I doubt they are meat. Look at the off color of them. Generally a sign of a soy-based source.)
As for PETA, I have always maintained they are both Hypocrites and too doped up for reality. Seriously!
Cat Eating is more widespread than they think. PETA members, with their extremist radicalism, will ignore you if you spout their same slogans back to them using sources from the Sweatshop circuit. They walk around with their Chinese-made Goods and think they are morally superior to other people. I believe that People should treat animals Ethically... The problem is, my definition of ethics stops at the level we grant to the Dominant animal... Mankind. If we won't do it for man, why the flaming flamingos would we do it for rover or guppy the tasty sea kitten?
As for those off to eat even more meat in retaliation, man you guys are funny. I pray you aren't Americans, we have way too many steriotypical obese people here. Or, if you are American and must eat it, jog a few miles afterward darnit. Don't let the PETA people beat you just because they inspired you to eat so much meat you are too fat to overpower them. That's what they want... Then they can take over the world! Just say no to letting the PETA be stronger than you!