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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131216 times)


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1350 on: February 06, 2011, 11:55:35 am »

Hope you're all enjoying this little side story as much as I am. It's rather refreshing to write something that takes place far from Flamebanner and Uktang's tower while still both affecting the story and allowing me to introduce more characters.
We are enjoying this story very much. Very much indeed.


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1351 on: February 06, 2011, 12:13:06 pm »

Damn those human animal trainers, Hopefully these dwarves don't end up like every stronghold I build in Stronghold 2, with someone bashing the door down and killing everyone


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1352 on: February 06, 2011, 05:41:27 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

Fearful murmurings spread among the Dwarven defenders as the Goblin army came into view at the far end of the rocky plain that led to Spiderthorn's gates.

Among the hordes of Goblins and Kobolds the larger shapes of Minotaurs, Trolls and Giants could be seen. Off to either side of the main force rode a unit of mounted Goblins, protecting their engineers as they rolled the slow-moving catapults and other siege engines into position.

General Kurel watched as a single Goblin broke off from the army and came forward, bearing a standard, the sun glaring off the bleached bones and skulls that adorned it.

"Lay down your weapons in the name of Uktang!" The Goblin screamed loudly. "Surrender or die!"

Kurel shook his head in wonder at Goblin stupidity and nodding to Anriz he descended the stairs to the ground.

As the Goblin fell dead the Dwarves watched as the invaders set about erecting tents making camp just outside of crossbow range...

Now this is what a Goblin siege should be!  :D


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1353 on: February 06, 2011, 05:56:45 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

"They'll have to attack us eventually." Kurel said as the other commanders gathered around the table. "I ordered the farms and greenhouses expanded weeks ago so we have plenty of food and booze for everyone here."

"My smiths are still working through the mountain of iron Clan Amud sent us, so we're good for weapons and armor as well." Mirstal reported.

"My concern though is that we haven't seen any Undead out there." Kurel said worriedly. "I doubt the Goblins would march without their allies."

"Keep everyone on alert." The General decided. "Once they realize they can't simply wait us out they'll throw everything they have at us..."

...And trust me. What they have is ALOT! Possibly including some new foes.


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1354 on: February 06, 2011, 09:30:47 pm »

Hugo cancels real life: Drawing interest engaged.
New Foes/creatures. Im now thinking of drawing this scene as well.

Well done thunderclan, well done. (and my that I mean this is really blowing my mind by greatness!)


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1355 on: February 07, 2011, 12:31:17 am »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

Evidently the Goblins shared Kurel's opinion as they did not wait. Instead they launched their attack at dawn, catapults firing massive boulders at the walls of Spiderthorn while the Goblin units formed up.

Spiderthorn's walls were of Dwarven construction though and were more then able to withstand the pounding as the Dwarves returned fire, siege engineers launching ballista bolts that cut through the enemy lines.

After an incredibly long few minutes the hail of boulders ceased as the Goblin infantry advanced, several carrying crude scaling ladders.

Eyes glued on the marching greenskins Num settled a brace of bolts into his crossbow and glanced to both sides, seeing his men and women crouched behind the crenelations, weapons at the ready.

"Warriors of Windclan! Open Fire!"

As the shouted command ran down the walls the Dwarven marksmen twisted out of cover and opened fire, bolts slicing with pinpoint accuracy into Goblin throats and heads. Up in the towers a shout was heard and the Dwarves of Skyclan added their bolts to the mix.

The invaders could not hope to take the walls under such heavy fire and fell back, taking more casualties as they fled.

"Hold Fire!" Num shouted as the enemy passed out of range. Lowering his crossbow he glanced along the walls again, proud of his soldiers skills. As the marksmen turned the walls over to the second watch and headed to the mess hall for some beer and a meal, the small number of wounded Goblins bled to death amid a field of blue and white fletched bolts.

The bit that it seems no one got was in the Clan names themselves. All 5 Clans are now represented in this tale.

Clan Amud: Thunderclan of Flamebanner
Clan Num: Windclan
Clan Iger: Riverclan
Clan Shedim: Shadowclan
Clan Anriz: Skyclan

Thunderclan is the only one not present here because we're too busy defending/rebuilding Flamebanner.


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1356 on: February 07, 2011, 06:21:53 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

Two more attacks were broken by the Dwarven marksmen though the walls had begun to crumble in places from the barrage of catapult fire and Skyclan had lost a unit of Warriors when one of the towers collapsed.

Under the cover of darkness the rest of the enemy army arrived. Wizards riding alongside their skeletal minions while a horde of buzzing Stingtails darted throughout the ranks. Leaving his mount in the care of one of the Goblin cavalrymen Kaloh strode towards the command tent.

Entering the tent the wizard saw that the other commanders had arrived and were already discussing battle plans.

"Kaloh, Your forces were supposed to arrive with the rest of us." General Uzet said as he saw the wizard.

"My apologies General. We were forced to stop and deal with some Elves that tried to stop our march. I managed to convince them to join us instead." Kaloh said with a smile.

"Well, now that you're here maybe we can finish off these beer-soaked fools who think they can stand against the might of Uktang." Uzet said before turning the conversation back to the battle.

"Gorcha, you will be in charge of the infantry. You'll follow me and the cavalry in the main assault." The General decided, gesturing toward the maps that covered the table.

"I'll have my minions swing around and attack from the sides. We should be able to divert some of the Dwarf fire away from your people." Kaloh said, knowing his skeletons would be harder to kill at range.

"Very well, Use the Stingtails as well. They should make a satisfying distraction." Uzet said as he turned to the remaining leaders.

"Lord Silverthorne, Keep your people in reserve. We'll signal when the time is right for your attack." He said, waiting for the human's nod of acceptance before turning to the large man who sat patiently nearby.

"Saingur, you and your people will do a sweep through the woods and make sure no more Dwarves are lurking there, then I want you to join the assault." The General said, remembering the number of Goblin lives lost during their approach.

"We'll be quick, don't want to miss out on all the fighting." The gray-haired human growled before turning his attention back to the wolf that lay patiently beside him.

"Get moving then. We'll launch the assault soon and this time we hold nothing back." The Goblin general said...

Yes, the final battle for Spiderthorn will be coming soon. I hope to make it as epic as I've been planning Flamebanner's to be. All of Uktang's current allies will be seen in action...


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1357 on: February 08, 2011, 03:14:43 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

Battle cries and the screams of dying Goblins filled the air as the greenskins once more made a run on the walls. This time though the enemy engineers didn't halt the barrage of boulders sent against the walls. Dozens of Goblins were crushed by rocks that fell short but thousands more continued to rush to their deaths by ballista and crossbow bolt.

A cheer rose from the Goblin lines as part of the fortress wall began to collapse, the Dwarven masonry finally pushed past it's limits. Several Windclan crossbowmen were lost among the rubble but before the dust could settle a patrol of Riverclan Warriors had filled the gap, weapons at the ready as the Goblin attackers fell back to regroup and a second force emerged from the enemy camp.

Mounted on the strange horse-like steeds came at least a hundred heavily armored Goblins, armed with spear and sword. Right behind the cavalry came a combined infantry unit of the Kobold and Goblin forces, carrying the Goblin standard with them.

The cavalry leader waved his sword at the breach in the walls and, uttering a wordless battle cry which was quickly picked up by the others, kicked his mount into a charge.

The Riverclan Dwarves holding the gap gripped their weapons tighter as they braced themselves for impact. Windclan and Skyclan bolts felled many of the riders though the mounts kept coming as the cavalry crashed into the Dwarven line and the real battle began.

Swords and shields clashed against the Dwarf shields as the defenders worked to hold the line. The Goblin mounts proved deadly opponents though, lashing out with their clawed feet and sharp fangs. As more Riverclan soldiers arrived they flowed through the ranks to fill gaps left by the wounded and dying.

"Turn them! Hurry and turn them!" Kurel shouted at the engineers as they struggled with the heavy siege engines. Adjusting the angle of the nearest ballista emplacements took time while Dwarves continued to die in the gap.

As the ballistas finally got adjusted properly and opened fire the Goblins turned and fell back while the Goblin mechanics fired on the gap, decimating the brave Riverclan warriors and then stopping as the cavalry began another charge...

The battle has begun now  :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 06:30:02 pm by thunderclan »


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1358 on: February 08, 2011, 08:11:45 pm »

You know what this reminds me of? The Total War series of games. Excellent writing as always, thunderclan.

Ze Spy

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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1359 on: February 09, 2011, 05:09:34 am »

I don't know, but it sounds like a normal Empire : Total War Match


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1360 on: February 10, 2011, 06:54:04 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

As the Goblins crashed against the Dwarven line, swords and axes hacking at the defenders a unit of engineers ran out with more of the crude ladders. Many were cut down by the Skyclan marksmen but the group was too large and several ladders were raised against the walls as a second infantry unit charged onto the field, shields raised against the hail of bolts.

In the gap the Dwarves were managing to hold their position due to superior armor and weapons but the tide of greenskins that continued to crash against their shields was proving near impossible to break. Small groups of Riverclan soldiers were strengthening the lines and the nearby marksmen were lending what aid they could but without a serious turn in the battle the defenders would be slaughtered.

The change came sooner then expected though it only served to further hinder the Dwarves. Terrified screams rose from the garrison soldiers that had been stationed on the Western wall as a buzzing horde of Stingtails erupted from the forest and swept over the walls, scorpion tails lashing out, biting through armor and flesh alike as the vile creatures flew on, leaving a number of the garrison dead.

Those that had ranged weapons recovered quickly though and fired, the thick cloud of insects guaranteeing that something would be hit with every shot. At last the swarm fled, filling the air with shrill screeching as they flew up and out of range, hundreds of dead insects littering the wall...


I think that is the first time I've actually had the Stingtails kill on screen (so to speak) but yeah, they're a rather nasty creature...


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1361 on: February 11, 2011, 10:40:53 pm »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

As the first Goblins set foot on the walls Anriz cast her crossbow aside and drew her sword, charging recklessly at the greenskins with her small squad of marksmen while those stationed in the towers continued to fire.

Hacking a Goblin's head from it's shoulders as it appeared on the ladder, Anriz sent the corpse falling to the ground, knocking several others off the ladder and causing a brief bit of chaos on the ground, though it did no more then slow down the Goblin attack.

As the invaders arrived at the top of the ladders they drew weapons and ran to join the small battle that was quickly turning against Skyclan. Two members of Anriz's personal squad lay dead and all were wounded and bleeding. As a third Dwarf fell screaming and minus an arm Anriz raised her voice to be heard over the clamor of battle. "Fall back to the towers!" Disengaging in clumps the Skyclan Warriors ran for the nearest tower, rushing inside and up the stairs to the firing platforms, Anriz stooping to retrieve her crossbow before pushing through the door.

Several Dwarves were too overwhelmed to retreat though and were brutally cut down and trampled under the Goblin's armored feet. Intending to push the advantage they had gained the invaders began pounding on the thick granite door of the tower with hammers and maces.


Inside the tower, Anriz glanced quickly over her battered troops before pulling a nearby lever and dropping a portcullis over the doorway. Now even if they manage to get through the door they will not be able to proceed. Anriz thought as she wrapped a torn piece of cloth around a cut on her leg.

"Keep firing." Anriz ordered as her Deputy came up beside her. "They can't go anywhere while we hold the towers and we still have a few tricks if they get bored."

Seriously, I only came up with the idea today and can't wait to use it.  ;)


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1362 on: February 17, 2011, 04:20:05 am »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

Nodding to the tower's engineer Anriz ascended the stairs to the top level while the engineer began working the complex collection of levers situated on one wall.

The screaming of Goblins could be clearly heard as they were introduced to magma. Once she was sure the enemy was dead, melted along with their equipment, Anriz returned to her remaining soldiers and looked over the tired and bloodied faces. "We can't hideout here any longer my friends." The Skyclan Leader said. "There is still a battle to fight and Goblins to kill."

Her Warriors cheered at that and as they turned away to reload their crossbows and prepare themselves for battle, Anriz nodded again to the engineer who pulled a pair of levers.

Smoothly and silently a narrow stone walkway extended out from the tower, linking the top level of Skyclan's refuge with that of the next tower. Waving her people forward Anriz led the way out, taking care to avoid going to close to the edge and the long drop that waited below...

I believe the next update will be the start of the real battle...Not sure since I'm completely making the Spiderthorn section up as I go along. From the sound of things I may manage to surprise some of you with certain revelations.


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1363 on: February 17, 2011, 10:05:45 pm »

Awsomeness. Saddly I've been neglecting Dwarf Fortress and Drawing for the that time being and past 2 weeks due to work and Overlord 2 and... Well so many great games. anyways this is getting intense. I'll have to make a CG'd movie of this. Once the manager of I.T. gets his boots on and gets a me price for a second monitor.


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Re: Flamebanner: Returning To Greatness
« Reply #1364 on: February 19, 2011, 04:25:00 am »

Sethalkurik (Spiderthorn)

As his troops fell back once more, General Uzet finally grew tired of the Dwarves continuing defiance. Retreating beyond the range of the ballista operators the Goblin unhooked a beautifully decorated bone horn from his belt and blew a single, piercing note that echoed across the field.

Almost instantly hundreds more Goblin soldiers erupted from the camp, this time with their Minotaurs and Trolls roaring their own battle-cries.

Striding out of camp at a leisurely pace came the gray haired human Saingur. As he watched the greenskins storm across the field he opened his mouth and howled, summoning his wolves from every corner of the camp. "Kill them all!" He growled as several dozen wolves appeared around him. "Let the walls of their fortress be painted red with their blood!"

With that the Human changed, falling to the ground as his grey hair grew thick and spread over his body. When the change was complete, Saingur's place had been taken by a massive gray wolf, the same wolf who had led the attack on Shadowclan in the forest.

"Forward my people!" Saingur growled as he leapt into action, loping quickly across the field and overtaking the Goblins, his wolves on his heels as far above the screeching of Stingtails and...other things filled the air...

Yeah, anyone who was thinking Saingur was a simple Human animal trainer may want to rethink that. :D
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