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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45653 times)


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #510 on: January 07, 2009, 07:42:32 am »

The great RPG gods have smiled upon us and given me time in the morning to finish the turn! Took Armok's suggestion and typed it all in notepad, of course now when I paste it here I'll have to check for spelling errors with Firefox. Not a problem though, can't beat the extra typing room. So, here it is! Hope I didn't miss anything.

23 is my lucky number! Woo! +1 to all luck rolls! Too bad after the brute was killed, things seem to have slowed down back at HQ.

Also, I feel I should bring it up before it is actually in place during any major events, although it may be here now. Never, and I almost positively mean NEVER take anything for what it appears to be, even if I write it down. If I say someone has no injuries, that's because they are unaware of any. For all they know they might have internal injuries, concussion, etc. A good amount of Observation might help you notice if you're sleepier then you should be, but other than that, you never know. Same goes with the effects of items, statuses of enemies, friend versus foe, and pretty much everything.

Not to say the Rahn inya are allies, none of them are actually dead, the mushrooms you ate are about to asplode inside you, Gaweir has severe brain damage from his fall, and Inaluct now has a slow-working lethal poison in his system from his arrow wound though. Might be true, but I'm not confirming it.

And a note on your leg Zako, it'll be fine for a while, once the cold damage wound turns orange or red you should get it out. (the cold damage wound hasn't appeared yet)

And one last note, I have discovered that 40,000 is the max character length for a post. So I'll have to figure out something for the first post. I'm thinking starting a new topic at some point, ridding of this one, and making multiple beginning posts, maybe one for the beginning stuff, one for the characters, one for the HQ, lists, and maps. Or more. Opinions? Suggestions?

Turn 23
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: Dang... I'm still thirsty and tired... Maybe I'll take a break, drink some water, try to heal up Abronycus. You know, very laxly.
Astor: I, being the wind made flesh, offer to scout ahead. It has been a long time before I have had the chance to really run, and having the opportunity would be refreshing. If I find something interesting in relation to our goal, I will work my way back.
Gaweir: I happily accept my weapon and shield back when they are handed to me, I give the brute a kick in the face just for good measure, swagger on back with everyone else to HQ, and depressingly take a bit of a rest while I try and heal my wounds to the best of my capabilities, and accept help if its offered, as I'm no real medic. Just some bruises and scratches. The open wounds could use some cleaning and then wrapping if I can find the supplies. And I should also on my way, ask if the Old Man might be able to enchant another Amulet of healing, as they seem to be an important thing to a pro-combat group. We're taking a pounding all the time, and we could use several of them.
Abronychus: I attempt to chill out as much as possible given the situation. I make small talk, because everyone knows that pain doesn't hurt as much if you pretend it doesn't hurt at all.
Zak: I retrieve Gaweir's sword and shield for him, return to HQ and heal myself and Abronychus as best I can.

With the last of the Rahn inya slain, the party was finally able to relax. Abronychus, still resting in the HQ and losing a fair amount of blood, seemed to slowly be getting better, undoubtedly an effect of the amulet. However, the amulet seemed to be working far slower on Abronychus than the others. The spear bearing villager was of little help, and simply sat by him and kept him company. While Zak went and grabbed Gaweir's dropped equipment and followed him, Gaweir, after kicking the brute one final time with a smirk of pride, returned to the HQ to rest as well. Flat went back to the HQ as well, to help out Abronychus as much as he could, but not before a quick stop at the well. However, upon raising the bucket, Flat found no water, but instead found it nearly full of moss. Looking down as far as he could see, he noticed the bottom of the well was visible, slick as if water had recently drained, but was covered in moss as though it had been sitting empty and damp for years. The moss, after being squeezed, gave Flat plenty enough water however.

"So, Old Ma- err, what is your name anyway?"
"You can just call me Old Man, hehe."
"Alright, Old Man, you know of the stone amulet we have, yes? The one with the ability to heal?"
"A... stone healing amulet?"
"Yes. It seems to quicken the recov-"
"From one of the shaman?!"
"Yes... why?"
"Those amulets are cursed!"
"We can take them off fine, how are they cursed?"
"They may restore your life, but in doing so they restore the power of the Rahn inya as well! I should have known, the Rahn inya rarely attack with such strength, and you have been wearing it! I'd guess you've been wearing it since you've arrived!"
"Are you sure they do that? That makes no sense, how would they restore our life and their power at once? You'd think it would harm you then, you know, opposite forces and all. I'm sure Xix would know what I mean."
"True... bah, fine, wear it. But I'm warning you!"
"Sorry to interrupt, but if we are to move soon, we should know where we are going. Shall I scout ahead?"
"Sounds like a good idea. Just make sure you don't get caught, the last thing we need is yet another strong arm being taken away."
"Yes. It's a shame that we lost Xix to that fiend. But we'll survive, and save her I hope!"

At the HQ, at the sight of the large amount of blood from Abronychus' wound, Flat quickly (a bit too quickly) took the arrow in him in his mouth and took it out, giving Abronychus a sharp and horrid pain, and causing him to grunt. Afterwards, Flat took the bandages from off the shelf, as well as one of the red disinfecting fruits, and handed them to Zak, who took a single fruit and, crushing it into a pulp, applied the juice to his wound. It stung severely, but was for the better. After, Zak took 8 feet from the bandages and securely wrapped Abronychus' wound, drastically lowering the bleeding. Zak then gently sat himself down and rested, massaging what he could of his leg to make sure it wouldn't die, at least not as quickly.

"So, you think I'll be alright?"
"Yeah, you'll be fine. You lost a good amount of blood there, but you'll be fine."

Flat rested along with Zak and Abronychus, also quite tired. Gaweir took the remains of the fruit, as it wasn't completely used, and gave his many scratches a light covering, using the rest of it.

"Those healing amulets, cursed or not: would you be able to make us more? With the number of injuries we keep receiving we could use more help."
"No, sorry. Constant, indefinite regeneration is quite a powerful enchantment. I could do it, but the materials I'd need... there's little chance you'd find them."
"Well, if we do need some in the future, why don't you tell us what is needed? We might cross them at some point"
"Alright. I'd need a pair of arcane mushrooms. They're pretty easy to spot once found, they're purple, they glow bright. DON'T take the ones with yellow spots. Those are useless. I'd also need a stone chip from something powerful, more powerful than the obelisk we have here. That, or a chunk of a powerful stone material, such as the obsidian you'd find deep in that volcano. Figures everything useful is near impossible to get. And lastly, I'd need something to channel, and possibly add to my power. Possibly an object imbued with power, or another, decently potent spellcaster. One of those two."
"Okay, thanks."

Astor moved with considerable speed through the jungle, traveling North, and hoping to find something of use. Most importantly, he needed to make sure the path was clear to the village, or the obelisk. And also he needed to find said path. Moving through the jungle was difficult, as the ground was covered in a wide variety of plants. There were green ferns, rising high above the ground, and small shrubs. Not to mention leaves. Everywhere.

After around ten minutes, sprinting as fast as he could through the many vines in his path and shrubs on the ground, Astor found the village. It had huts, such as with Kogar's, however the huts had stone walls, and the entire area was surrounded by crumbling stone walls, likely the ruins of the castle that was said to previously exist.There were multiple, identically-sized buildings around most of the village, aside from the North-East corner, which seemed to be where the keep was. Astor noticed many Rahn inya warriors prowled around the village, archers atop the buildings looking for survivors, and he even saw a few ambushers sneaking around. There was also a brute who was slowly stomping its way around the village.

Group 2: Xix, Jalthas, Strife
Xix: I'll try to figure out some other escape plan.
Jalthas: Since brute force isn't going to get me out of here, I'll try to convince the guards that I'm ill or some such fun thing in an attempt to get them to open up the cell...  Obviously, I'll wait for a chance to actually get out before I try to attack them or anything.  A dead guard won't be so great if I'm still in the cell and he has buddies outside.  If I can't get any guards to show up, I'll see if I can find a way to break off the lock from the inside of the cell. If one of the other prisoners in the cells can come up with a better idea, I'll be happy to follow through with that.  Or maybe me and Strife working together will convince them to investigate.  If that's the case, I'll go with the feigning illness action, hopefully with Strife helping to convince them to at least take a look inside the cell...
Strife: I'll look around the cell for anything that could be used as a lockpick, while still trying to get a guard's attention.

"Hey, come on! Someone get over here!"
"Yeah! I'm sick, I'm gonna die..."
"See? Get over here, quick!"

Jalthas, in case they were secretly watching, did his best to fake passing out. Xix continued to survey the room, checking every corner for something useful. Strife, while continuing to yell about Jalthas' ailment, also searched his cell. Unable to remember quite what might be encountered, Xix gathered whatever she could in case it might prove useful. From her cot, she ripped a few long strands of cloth. She found a few loose stones on the wall, and took them as well, with a bit of force to get them out. Strife took less, instead hoping to find something more useful than rocks and cloth. However, neither had much success.

"Looks like my captivves are awake!"

A deep, guttural voice called out from the hallway, and light footsteps were heard approaching.

"I know that voice... its you again! That shaman that took me! Why'd you capture me, hmm?"
"Vvery good, Xix. I require your aid... the overlord requires you aid... we all do!"
"You were able to capture me with ease, how can I possibly help? And why would I?"
"Evveryone can help, Xix. But you're better than them, and thus, evven if you can't beat me, you can still help. And you would help, because you're here to get rid of the evvil!"
"Oh, you're not the evil ones. I see. Well then I guess I will help you, one hundred percent. No doubt..."
"You don't understand, yet. The villagers have a well, which they are using to hide a massivve power that grows by the day, which will destroy all you and I know. We saw your group with them, and mistakenly assumed you to be conspiring with them. But now, we see you were simply in the wrong place, at the wrong time."
"A likely story. You could just as easily say that as you could lie about anything else."
"You want to give me my coat back? And help Jalthas out, he's dying!"
"Your coat? Don't havve it. Also, it's not often beings die, when they are neither harmed nor about to be. Nice try though, hehehehe..."

The shaman walked off as the three watched him leave. Jalthas got up, disappointed, as Strife just barely kept his rage down and Xix, with only a slight bit of pondering, continued her search of the room. With a sudden inspiration, she realized the cot was made of a single sheet, spread across many thin metal wires, with four larger metal poles holding the corners and raising the cot off the floor. Taking a claw, she tried her best to get through one of the wires. After a bit of effort, she managed to cut one side, and quickly began to do the others.

Group 3: Casimir, Dux
Casimir: The first turn!
Dux: The first turn!

"We've been sitting here long enough, what are you going to do to me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't even try acting like nothing is going on. You've got me in the top of a tower. Just get it over with."
"I didn't put you up here."

Two people, one dressed as what looked to be some sort of industrial worker, what with the many pockets, and one dressed as what looked to be some sort of evil king, what with the black robe and crown, found themselves in a room, at the very top of a tower. The room had a table completely cluttered with paper, writing utensils, scrolls, vials, and other objects, and there was also a bed by an arched, tall window. There was also a winding staircase leading downwards, however it was closed by a door, looking almost like an outer basement door. The floor was mostly smoothly placed light stone bricks, however a circular rug, highly decorated covered the floor, but did not reach the wall by about 6 feet, enough for the staircase to not be covered. It is a purple rug, with many fancy designs of gold and blue, and a few places of red. The walls are also the light smooth stone bricks, and have a few hanging tapestries of identical colors and design. The ceiling was a steep conical shape ascending upward, which is what told them they were at the top of the tower.



 - Wounds: none effects=tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Healing skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: bruised back effects=tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Fast Movement skill increased greatly. Precision Movement skill increased moderately. Observation skill increased slightly
            Astor's Fast Movement skill is now at level 3!

 - Wounds: cracked skull status=untreated effects=faster tiring, tired, thirsty
                bruised back effects=none
                bruised stomach effects=none
 - Inventory: Found Tattered Cloth (5) (6 feet long). Found Old Stone (3) Found Thin Metal Wire (2) (3 feet)
 - Skills: Architecture skill increased slightly. Archaeology skill increased slightly. Observation skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: scratches effects=very tired (--actions)
                winded effects=faster tiring
                bruised right arm effects=none
                bruised hip effects=none
                bruised chest effects=none
                bruised head effects=none
                badly bruised left shoulder effects=light pain, -actions using left arm
 - Inventory: Regained Shield. Regained Sword
 - Skills: Healing skill increased slightly. Healing Preparation skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: pierced stomach status=mostly treated effects=light bleeding, extreme pain (---actions), extremely fast tiring, very tired (--actions), faint (-actions, faster tiring)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Resistance skill increased moderately
            Abronychus' Resistance skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: broken left leg status=splinted effects=slight pain, --movement, frozen (slowly dying leg), faster tiring, tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Healing skill increased slightly. Bandaging skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Feigning skill increased slightly. Language skill increased slightly. Language Comprehension skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 07:45:45 am by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #511 on: January 07, 2009, 10:43:10 am »

So, I'm contaminated with magical radiation from spending eight hours in the village's water supply (take that, air-breathers!), wearing an evil regeneration amulet, have a collective negative 6 modifier to all actions, and a giant bird just treated my internal injuries.

And something weird is happening at the well.

My actions depend on who runs into the HQ screaming about the amulet/the well first, and what they're screaming about.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #512 on: January 07, 2009, 12:36:11 pm »

I continue to treat my leg, trying to heal it as fast as possible. I ask the old man where the two people who came with me are and if he could get them.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #513 on: January 07, 2009, 12:52:21 pm »

 Knowing the might of this foe, Astor wisely decides to back off and run back to the village. If ambushed, he will sprint a good distance and hide to do his own ambush. If given the chance, he will shank all in his way and get back to the village. Also, if he sees any mushrooms that look familiar, he will try to nab them.

 Man, I have a character that is made for unarmed combat and we deal with foes that can only be killed by running them through the chest.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #514 on: January 07, 2009, 02:20:51 pm »

Excellent, in just those two lines you gave me, you've captured Casimir very well.

I'll ask Dux what, then, is going on here. If it seems safe, I'll glance out of the window and take a good luck at what's on the desk. I'm still quite cautious, so I'll try not to, say, sniff the substances in the vials.

Edit: I've just realised Dux devoted/devotes his life to research magic and Casimir spends quite a bit of time on science. A nice pairing!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 02:25:55 pm by Vlynndar »
For that viciously bad pun, I'm gonna introduce a NPC named Vlynndar just so that I can kill him of in a cruel and unusual way.
Watermelons are pretty important.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #515 on: January 07, 2009, 02:37:22 pm »

Jalthas will examine the door for any weak points, particularly where the rust might let him smash through it, discussing what the shaman said with the others.  If he can find a weak point, he'll likely try to break through the door.

Edit: As for the conversation, it'll mostly be to the tune of interrogating Zix into what exactly has happened so far, because Jalthas and Strife haven't exactly been in the middle of things... Other then cells.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 02:59:17 pm by Golgath »
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #516 on: January 07, 2009, 02:39:20 pm »

I've just realised Dux devoted/devotes his life to research magic and Casimir spends quite a bit of time on science. A nice pairing!

If other people had given sheets, I probably would have chosen you two either way, for this sole reason. I originally planned to have you two in the dungeon with Xix, Strife, and Jalthas, but I simply had to put them together alone, at least for a few turns. Glad I got his personality down, too :P

Still need to decide if I should make a new topic and rid of this one, so I can update the first post. I probably will later, and ask that this one be removed. I'll also back up all the previous turns in my text file. And then we'll combine the turns and publish a book!

Actually, I might request this after the next turn. After I back up all the turns of course.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!

Jay Kayell

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #517 on: January 07, 2009, 03:14:40 pm »

Dux first decides to see if all his belongings are still with him and then search the room, paying special attention to the things on the table. Then he uses his skill in telepathy to read the mind of the other man to find out his intentions. He also looks out through the window to determine the fall height and where they are.
If after reading his mind he decides that the man is not a threat he answers his questions as well as he can.

And I just want to say: Yes! I'm in the game! ;)
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #518 on: January 07, 2009, 03:25:11 pm »

Hmm... What ever happened to my armor? Will it be completed???

Also, I need something to do. Can't the old man enchant something of mine? Like the ankle bracelet? Or can't I fight?

Maybe I can do something nobody else can... Like fly! But better! Fly and Flat Cannon! That'll be cool... Or I can ruffle all my feathers!

Flat cleans his feathers, picking out some for Abronycus. It'll make him feel better! Afterwards, Flat will try to keep Abronycus company and help heal him.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #519 on: January 07, 2009, 05:09:02 pm »

If Gawier or anyone else runs in screaming frantically about the amulet, I'll take it off.

If no one alerts me to the nature of the amulet, I'll drift off into unconsciousness and weird hallucination-filled sleep. Alternately, if I make a miraculous recovery, I'll crush the amulet like a walnut, stand up, say something cool, and stand there in total shock for a few minutes.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #520 on: January 07, 2009, 05:33:26 pm »

Next Turn:

I need to use my focus ability. (This should be able to help me get into the trance.) After a few moments of warding off my pains, I'll try to enter a trance and seek the aide of outside forces. The trance shouldn't take an entire turn it turns out well. After Astor returns with the news of the Rahn Inya conquest to the north, I will try and use the information I get from my trance, in my plan of action against the Rahn Inya.



NOOOOO! Don't crush the amulet! Do you realise how long it takes for wounds to heal completely naturally? Crush it when we have magical stuff that doesn't empower our enemies.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 05:36:46 pm by WorkerDrone »


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #521 on: January 07, 2009, 06:03:53 pm »

I just want to reiterate, as its a point I cannot stress enough.

Also, I feel I should bring it up before it is actually in place during any major events, although it may be here now. Never, and I almost positively mean NEVER take anything for what it appears to be, even if I write it down. If I say someone has no injuries, that's because they are unaware of any. For all they know they might have internal injuries, concussion, etc. A good amount of Observation might help you notice if you're sleepier then you should be, but other than that, you never know. Same goes with the effects of items, statuses of enemies, friend versus foe, and pretty much everything.

As for other things, Webadict, as you recall, the leatherworkers were busy making it, and I believe they said it would be done by today's morning. With everyone slaughtered after the morning, they should have had enough time to finish before dying, thus the armor most likely exists somewhere nearby.

That's all for now, turn won't be tonight, almost no chance tomorrow, however Friday has possibilities. That'll give Strife and Armok a chance for their turns. Also, I'm busy copying down every turn that has occurred so far, in preparation for the great migration. I really should start planning some things out, rather than by going almost purely on improvisation. But oh well.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #522 on: January 07, 2009, 06:12:28 pm »

Out of the seven villagers I armed, two are still alive, yes? One was still fight worthy, and one was wounded like Abronychus? Damn, I hope you don't mean EVERYONE was slaughtered in the village. I won't have much to work with then. And I hope that Blacksmith is still alive.

Great. A new todo list.

1. Check the village for a total headcount.

2. Heal wounds.

3. Gather Information.

4. Gather ungodly amounts of needed supplies.

5. Arm and Armour, and pretty much train a small force for attack.

6-5. If there are no villagers left, find people outside the village to do so.

7. Build defenses to attack from, as a means of fighting from the island.

8. Defeat the Rahn Inya.

9. Save the day.

10. Save the women. Wait...

11. Find some women.

12. Find some awesome amulet of ultimate power to aide us in our planet hopping quest to defeat the 'evil'.

13. Check for traps.

14. Ask if there are any traps.

15 Is it a trap?



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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #523 on: January 07, 2009, 06:28:50 pm »

For the record, I read the turn before anyone else had posted, my move would just be hard to type 'qwerty.'

Strife will be polite to the shaman.
"Well, I'm unfamilar with the situation, so if I'd be happy to discuss it with you. Provided that I can be convienced that what you sau is true, I'll be happy to devote my not insignificantprowess to your cause. Although my first priority would be getting my stuff back; it's heavily enchanted and has the power to upset, the power of balance, you know."

Strife doesn't trust the shaman any further than he could throw him (which might actually be considerable, but you know). Especially considering that Strife losing his stuff THEN appearing in a prison has never happened before. Strife will attempt to feel out his opposistion and get out of the cell if possible. If it looks bad, Strife will kick ass and take names. Grabbing whatever weapon is handy.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - spots are now closed
« Reply #524 on: January 07, 2009, 06:35:29 pm »

Finally finished copying all the turns. I'm surprised it only came out to 288KB. I expected a few MB. But, anyways, if and when Armok posts, I'm gonna copy down everyone's actions into the file, and then I'll create the new topic. Also, should I simply make a post requesting this topic to be removed, or something else?
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!
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