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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45657 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!
« on: November 21, 2008, 10:50:31 pm »

For reference, I'll keep the players here, along with their stats and such, in case you don't want to go searching through the topic for the most up-to-date information. With skills, the first number is level, the second is experience required for a level. 1-10 is average for slightly increased skill experience, 11-30 is moderately, and 31+ is greatly.

Current Turn: 22 (reply #431)
Day: 2
Time: Early AfterNoon

1: Webadict - Flat
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

2: Duke 2.0 - Astor Auster
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

3: Armok - Xix d.h. Nagaros
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

4: WorkerDrone - Gaweir Orsidious
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

5: inaluct - Abronychus
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

6: Zako - Zak
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

7: Golgath - Jalthas
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

8: Strife26 - Strife
Spoiler: Stats/Skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Wounds (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

9: Open!

10: Open!

The current status of the HQ:
Spoiler: The HQ (click to show/hide)

This is Xix's List, which holds the various actions people should do in their spare time if they have little else, and may also be used as a reference to determine the actions of absentees:
Spoiler: The List (click to show/hide)

The map for the current area is located here:
Spoiler: map (click to show/hide)
The scale for maps is 1 pixel = 5 feet, so one map is 1250ft x 1250ft, or about a quarter-mile (1px=~1.5m, so one map is 381m, or about 2/5 of a kilometer)

The current map is not every map, to conserve space in the spoiler. Past maps can be located here:
Spoiler: the island - shipwreck (click to show/hide)

Yes, another to add to the fine game collection here. Perhaps I've just picked the wrong games, as many seem to update at long intervals, but either way I wanted to make one that would update a bit more often. It's going to be mainly the usual RPG format, with characters taking turns displaying their actions, and I'll write up a story with it and such. I'll also include a bit of RTD, such that you are able to do, to a degree, seemingly impossible stunts. But crazy actions won't always work with a 6, not that I'm using 1-6 anyway, but you get the point. If you have a booming voice, and try to scream at a wall to break it, it could happen. Try to ascend to godhood, or convince an inanimate object that it doesn't exist... not likely, unless you happen to have a specific situation which allows it. So, here it is!

The Setting

You wake up to find yourself laying flat on a beach, with four other entities. The sun glares from above, preventing you from seeing very well. The beach, as far as you can see upon first waking up, stretches endlessly, aside from behind you, where you believe you can see the edge of a jungle. Small waves lightly splash across you, waking you up a bit more. Although the entire area feels calm, and nothing seems to stand out as dangerous, you can't help but sense a slight taint of evil here...

Your memory slowly returns to you. You recall that you had heard from a wise man that a great terror was coming to wreak havoc upon the world. You then remember you had gathered your things and set sail with a small crew to where the wise man felt the presence. But, a great storm came, battering the ship to and fro. For many hours the ship groaned as wave after wave crashed against its side, slowly tearing it apart as a few boards sprung leaks. But, unexpectedly, the ship was blasted sideways with more force than seemed possible from a wave, and it quickly capsized, the entire hull splitting in two. The last thing you remember seeing is the island you are now on...

Note that this is not the first turn, just the setting. Once 5 people have their sheets in, the first turn will come.
The Characters

Feel free to create any sort of character you want, as long as it isn't grossly overpowered. Human, elf, dwarf, minotaur, giant, dragon, butterfly, etc. For that character, you will need...

Name: Any name you wish to have. Include, at the very least, your first name, or a name you are known by. You can also add a last name, second names, etc.
Race: Whatever race your character may be.
Age: Any age is fine.
Weight: Include an actual numerical amount if you want, but more so include if you are average for your species, overweight, underweight, etc.
Height: Actual numerical amount for this stat. For four-legged or more creatures, use the height they would be at if they stood on hind legs.
Details: Details about your look. Hair color, eyes, skin, scars, etc. Also include replaced body parts here, such as if you have a peg leg or a robotic arm, etc.
Stats: General abilities of characters, as compared to the commonly smarter and more agile but weaker human and the stronger but slower and less-intelligent giant. There are 3 stats for each general category of power, smarts, and movement, as well as luck.

Note: for your character, include next to the value if the stat is above, at, or below average.

 - Strength: your character's ability to do anything requiring physical force. Put as an estimation (ex: good, bad, amazing) or as a value (1-100). For value, an average human has 20, a frail human has 10, a strong human has 30, a giant has 50. You can use 100, although it is quite overpowered, if your other stats are truly bad, however no higher, as even with 1 in all other stats, above 100 would be too strong.
 - Endurance: your character's ability to resist pain and damage. A human has about 15, frail has 8, strong has 22, giant has 30.
 - Stamina: your character's overall energy and ability to resist sleep and exhaustion. About the same values as strength.
 - Intelligence: your character's knowledge, or in other words everything the character has learned, such as names, the ability to read and write, locations, etc. Humans have fairly high intelligence, at least when taught: on average, about 40. Smarter humans may have 50, 60, or even 70, while giants have 10-20.
 - Learning: your character's ability to learn. Learning does not differ as much from person to person as other stats. Most humans are very close to 70 learning. Giants are near 15.
 - Wisdom: your character's thinking ability, such as solving puzzles that are not already known. To a lesser extent, wisdom also includes instincts. Humans have around 50 wisdom, while giants have 10.
 - Speed: your character's ability to perform actions quickly. Humans average around 20-30, while giants are at 10-20.
 - Agility: your character's ability to move with accuracy and precision. Humans average at 30-40, while giants are at 8-12
 - Dexterity: your character's ability to perform actions dealing with the hands, such as lockpicking, with accuracy and precision. Compared to humans and giants, it is about identical to agility.
 - Luck: the only stat to have an identical average for all beings: 0. Having even a small amount of luck can, at times, produce great results, however small amounts of luck rarely have any effect. Even decent amounts of luck, such as 50, can still produce results at uncommon measures. For this stat, the maximum is 25, however if you do have 25 luck, your other stats should be considerably low.

Skills: Specific actions that your character is adept at doing. If all of your categories (power, smarts, movement) are near equal, choose 2 skills that deal with them that you are good at. If you are centered around two categories more than the third, choose 2 from each of the good categories that you are good at, and 1 from the good categories that you are great at, and 1 from the bad category that you are good at. If you center around 1 category, choose 1 from each of the bad that you are good at, 3 from the good one that you are good at, and 2 from the good one that you are great at.

You can also pick a skill (one that would actually make a difference) in one of your non-favored categories to be bad. By doing this, you can choose another good skill, or take a good skill and make it great. If you specialize in one category, you can take a great skill and make it excellent. A bad skill can also be made horrible for another point. You can not have a bad skill in the category which you spend the point in. You can have up to 3 bad and 1 horrible skill.

Spells: Any magic-based abilities your character possesses. Fireballs, invisibility, teleportation, etc.
Clothing/Armor: Anything your character is wearing. Boots, socks, leggings, greaves, belts, shirts, vests, armors, jewelry, gloves, helmets, hoods, etc.
Items: Anything your character is not directly wearing, but owns. Drinks, keys, weapons, shields, food, books, etc.
Background: The history of your character. It can be a simple paragraph, it can be a massive wall of text, or it can be nothing. Or, it can start as little, and be fleshed out as your character remembers his past.


As stated above, people post their action just like in most of the others. You can state multiple actions if you plan to be away for a while, or you can explain, in the beginning or later on, how you will act in general to certain situations, so that if you are not present for a while, your character will perform actions as he/she normally would. However, unlike a few of the other RPG's and such, each person does not get their own turn written out. Instead, each visible group does, so that if players 1, 2, and 3 are together, they get one turn, and if players 4 and 5 are together, but apart from 1, 2, and 3, they also get their own turn. This way, rather than sorting through the events of each person nearby, you have one convenient piece to read. Or read them all to keep up-to-date with everyone else. This also helps to link events, such as one person healing another, without me having to post it twice (ex: For player #1's turn, I post that he heals player #2. For player #2's turn, I post that he is healed by player #1.).

To start off with, there will be 5 open positions, however I plan to open more up later on. The person who joins in later on must post when the position opens, so there's no reserving in the beginning for position #6.

On spells; all spells do have levels, however rather than seeing a level, they just have a description. For instance, weak fireball would imply a low level, while large fireball would imply a higher level. Unlike skills, if you do not mention a spell, you are considered to not have it at all. Spells do not level up as easily as skills; they are leveled much better through studying the spell in a book or some such. As a last note on them, spells that are "persistent" are always working (ex: a regeneration spell may be "persistent" if it is constantly healing you), spells that are "activated" must be summoned upon, such as the fireball. "Self" spells are cast upon yourself, "Ally" spells can only be cast upon friendly units (If you had a healing spell that would injure undead, if the undead is not friendly, you still couldn't use it on them, unfortunately), "Enemy" spells are identical to "Ally" spells, but work only on enemies. "Target" spells can be cast on any. "Enemy, Ally," and "Target" spells also have a cast range, from touch, which means you must touch the target, to a certain range. Spells are also very open-ended, feel free to try to edit them through concentration and such, such as increasing the duration or potency of a heal, casting range, its power, etc. Levels usually increase all its aspects.

Example Turn

Group 1: Player1, Player2, Player3
Player1's Action: Heal Player2 using bandages
Player2's Action: Shoot bow and arrow at the target
Player3's Action: Try to put out the fire on his hat

The group continued to relax on the beach, waiting for some random ship to come across the horizon, and possibly pick them up and allow them to join them on whatever adventure they might have. Player2, feeling that practice should always be exercised, continued to fire his bow at a makeshift target, working on his aim. While firing, however, he accidentally lifted his foot into the air and shot it with an arrow. Seeing this, Player2 winced slightly, but continued his practice, eager to perfect his art.

Not wanting Player2 to die in his campaign of death, Player1 promptly got up, brushing some sand off of his leather armor, and walked over to where Player2 was standing.
"Here, let me fix that up for you."
Kneeling down, Player1 lifted Player2's foot off of the ground and took the shoe off, and then yanked the arrow out. Immediately after, he wrapped his foot in the bandage, and applied pressure until the bleeding stopped.
"Ah, thank you, that feels much better."

Meanwhile, Player3 continued to stomp on the ground, where a now-blackened cap sat, covered in sand. Getting angry, Player3 began to stomp harder, smashing his foot into the flaming mass, until he accidentally then set his foot on fire. Eyes opening wide, Player3 started to sprint in circles, hoping the fire on his shoe would go out from his speed. However, this tactic also failed to put out the fire. Exhausting all other choices, Player3 then promptly ran into the water, putting the fire out immediately.


 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: Lost bandages (3 feet)
 - Skills: Healing skill exp increased slightly. Bandaging skill exp increased greatly

 - Wounds: Injured foot (pierced) status=bandaged effects=Decreased movement
 - Inventory: Lost arrows (1)
 - Skills: Aiming skill increased slightly. Bow&Arrow skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: Lightly Burned Right Foot status=untreated effects=none
 - Inventory: Right Boot Damaged, Hat Heavily Damaged
 - Skills: none

Group 2: Player4, Player5
Player4's Action: Punch Player5 in the face. If Player5 tries to return an attack, I'll attempt to grab his arm and flip him over
Player5's Action: Punch Player4 in the face. If Player4 tries to punch me, I'll kick him in the stomach

Player4 and Player5 suddenly stared angrily at each other, as if some horrible deed had been committed by both. Player4 was the first to deliver what he though to be a punch filled with justice as his right hand flew towards Player5's face. With quick reflexes, however, Player5 jumped back and kicked Player4 away. Bending over slightly from the pain, Player4 took a few steps back as Player5 then rushed forward and attempted to punch Player4 back with his left hand. Getting back up, Player4 tried to grasp Player5 and fling him over his shoulder before his punch went through, but he was too late as Player5's fist connected with him, sending him onto his back, unconscious.


 - Wounds: Bruised Stomach
                Cracked Skull status=untreated effects=unconscious
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Melee Combat skill increased slightly. Kicking skill increased moderately. Punching skill increased moderately
            Player5's Punching skill is now at level 2!

Most turns will be longer than this one, this was just for a quick example of what happens.

Quick description on colors...

Green - good
Yellow-Green - fair. Might have a few bad effects
Yellow - damages. Usually has at least one effect
Orange - badly hurt. Always has at least one negative effect, maybe more
Red - very badly hurt. Always one, usually two, possibly more
Dark Red - Destroyed/unusable/missing. Probably has a bad effect if it can't be used...

Light Green - a level up in a skill
Dark Blue - a great amount of experience is earned
Blue - a decent amount of experience is earned
Light Blue - a small amount of experience is earned

Light Purple - slightly enchanted
Purple - moderately enchanted
Dark Purple - heavily enchanted, cannot be enchanted any further
Teal - unknown number of enchantments, unknown enchantment
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 10:31:27 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2008, 11:14:45 pm »

Name: Flat
Age: Unknown
Weight: ~200-250 lbs.
Height: 6' 2”
Details: Very identical to a giant bird, it has a vibrantly colored with gold wings, a blue head, and a white belly. It has deep blue eyes, a light orange beak , and scaly legs with sharp talons. Its wing span is nearly thirty-five feet, but due to its weight, it has some ability to fly as long it is not burdened, though it can glide after jumping when it is. It has the ability to hold people when it does glide. It is slightly more intelligent than the average bird. It has the ability to memorize locations, as well as determine patterns and understand language, despite its inability to speak it.

 - Strength: 45
 - Endurance: 15
 - Stamina: 40
 - Intelligence: 25
 - Learning: 25
 - Wisdom: 25
 - Speed: 60
 - Agility: 45
 - Dexterity: 35
 - Luck: 0

Movement Skill – Gliding [Great]
Movement Skill – Flying [Good]
Power Skill – Carry [Good]
Smarts Skill – Understand Language [Good]

Spells: Magical Resistance (Innate)
Clothing/Armor: There is a ankle bracelet with a gold plate that says “F.L.A.T.” The other ankle holds a ring of keys. The whole body is covered in feathers.
Items: N/A
Background: N/A
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 12:09:09 am by webadict »

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2008, 11:23:19 pm »

Name: Astor Auster, Astor of the Windy City
Age: Perhaps early 30's?
Weight: Slightly below adverage
Height: 5'1''
Details: Squinty eyes, narrow mouth, large nose. Hair is like tufts of fur, going down to his ears and a bleached black. His skin is stick all over, with very little hair growth on his body. Most of his features look flat, with no definition of anything really. Swirly faded tatoos on his shoulders in a flowy, non-objective pattern. Large strong legs in contrast to the non-defined nature of the rest of his body.
 -Above-adverage strength, but only in the legs. Upper body is a bit below adverage.
 -below-adverage adverage endurance.
 -Much above-adverage Stamina.
 -Bad intellectual stats
 -Amazing speed
 -Much above-adverage agility
 -adverage dexterity.

 Kickboxing(For strength)
 Endurance Running(Stamina)
 Moving over rough terrain(speed, agility)
 Stone slinging(dexterity)

 Spells: None
 Clothing/Armor: Faded olive Paludamentum(Thick cloth, soft and durable), Beige loose wool shirt, leather strapped sandals with toe guard, Decorative headband in a faded olive color, raw leather knive sheath(With a strap for the waistline), Thick wool belt.
 Items: Fingerless leather gauntlets, Flint and steel, Hunting dagger, Leather sling.(All of this attached to his belt)
 Background: Astor was back at home a hunter. Of course, on the large plains he called home hunting was a high-ranking job. He had to be good to catch anything on the vastness of the plains. He was born there, grew up there, and matched with his wife there. Upon hearing of a great problem in the world, he vowed to never let it effect his family, or his future family. So he braved the strange cities to join the crew on the ship heading towards this great evil.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 10:30:53 am by Duke 2.0 »
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2008, 11:27:56 pm »

I'll join!

Reserved! (3'd that is)

Name:Xix d.h. Nagaros
Species: Sphinx
Age: 345.
Weight: normal, maybe 160 kg
Height: height from ground to head about average human, the strange way you wanted it described maybe 2.3m

Details: rather average for a female sphinx, lower body of a lioness and upper body of a human etc., like most sphinxes rather attractive, but not to supermodel-sillyness like people in movies and such, nor is it any defining trait in her. she has blue eyes and brown hair. she usually wears a vibrant red/purple/blue striped tunic whit a hood, wears squareish glasses. Also wears a Mona-Lisa smile at most times.

 - 25, (the human half about average but being half lion ought to make you slightly stronger than human)
 - Endurance: 18 (^)
 - Stamina: 8 (if you have ever seen a documentary about lions, or even just owned a cat...)
 - Intelligence: 70 (Knowledgeable...)
 - Learning: 75 (...and smart...)
 - Wisdom: 65 (...and a sphinx.)
 - Speed: 28 (mostly reflex and running speed, again this is based on species and otherwise would have been lower)
 - Agility: 28 (^)
 - Dexterity: 37 (the only physical stat she is slightly above average in for her species)
 - Luck: 2. (just a little)

Skills: (I centred only on the middle smarts category)
1) good: Running in tight twisty spaces ( like corridors, or labyrinths, maybe forests to etc. )
1) bad: heavy lifting.
1) good: programming low level languages, the inner workings of computers.
2) good: reading, is a speed-reader, counts for reading in distracting situations to.
3) good: prediction/foresight, maybe she’s just good whit physics and people, maybe it’s an undeveloped sphinx oracular gift.
3) good: architecture, archaeology, kind of half a skill each of those and mostly were it overlaps.
4) excellent: Mathematics, and practical applications of it, this leak over to most of everything else because everything is math at the bottom level.
5) great: observation and analysis, like Sherlock Holmes.
1) good: fast manipulation of small objects, especially typing.
1) bad: climbing, she can still walk stairs, and even mountain slopes, this is more because she’s afraid of heights and because she cant lift her own bodyweight by the hands, so climbing a rope or ladder or tree or the outside of a building wont happen.

Spells: the POSSIBLY has foresight, and she also has some experience in using magic artefacts and objects, but nothing she really can do just on her own.
Clothing/Armor: striped tunic whit hood, squareish glasses, wristwatch, small purple bunny-themed backpack, thick gold ring around left foreleg (that’d be the middle set of limbs).

Items: Anything your character is not directly wearing, but owns. Drinks, keys, weapons, shields, food, books, etc.
1) Windows/Linux dual booting laptop whit 256MB ram, 20GB hard drive, ect. system to fit those two numbers. It also has a satellite internet assess built in.
2) Home made solar cell-based battery charger.
3) Small first aid bag.
4) Wilderness Survival for Dummies, book.
5) Cheap model digital camera.
6) Wand of Telekinesis, it’s made of wood and about 1.7m long, doubles as walking stick. (Specific powers left to GM, due to potential overpoweredness risk)
7) 2 Snickers bars.
8) Wallet, depressingly empty except for some pictures of dolphins.
9) Notebook, eraser, and pencil.

Background: System admin who wanted a change of pace and thought adventuring against evil sounded cool. More coming most likely but preferably thought RP.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 12:36:45 am by Armok »
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2008, 11:43:34 pm »

Player #4...

Name: Gaweir Orsidious

Age: 23

Weight: 167 Ibs

Height: 5'11

Details: Slightly strong build. Raven colored hair, grey eyes, slightly pale, with a nick of a scar at the bridge of his nose.


- Strength: 26 (See: Slightly Strong)*Human)

- Endurance: 18 (See: Slightly Strong)
- Stamina: 25

- Intelligence: 45

- Learning: 74

- Wisdom: 38

- Speed: 25

- Agility: 44

- Dexterity: 39

- Luck: 4

Skills: Swordsmanship (Good) Languages (Good)


Spells: Focus (Magical Trait)

Clothing/Armor: Black Tunic and baggy pants, with tough rideing boots. Steel Mail Suit(Leggings and Haubrek), Vambraces, steel Gauntlets, Bear Fur Cloak, A finely tanned and perserved bear head in place atop his (Steel)helmet(Nose guard, think Normans). Silver Chain around his neck glows faintly.

Items: Finely smithed Sword (Longsword Length), Bear Leather Sheath (Sword), Kite Shield With a Snarling Bear on red. Waterskin filled with water. Blandish field provisions (Salted and dried pork, brown bread, fruit).

Background: I think I'd rather have my character only remember his skills, what he looks like, his beliefs and morals, his name, and at least the core of his nature. His history will have to be reobtained.

Personality: Grim, selfless, caring, but can be utterly ruthless when he sees no other choice in dealing with those he has sworn to protect. He will save his own skin if he knows that there is no absolutly no chance to save someone, but he will take risks to bring his comrades to their destiny.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 12:01:24 am by WorkerDrone »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2008, 11:45:10 pm »

Reserved, #5.

Name: Aquaman! Neptune Poseidon Polyphemus Abronychus
Age: Unknown, young adulthood
Weight: Roughly 130 pounds
Height: 5'9"
Details: Average build, not particularly strong. Dark brown hair, greenish eyes, pale skin. Birthmark shaped like a fish on left lower leg. Human.

Endurance: 16
Stamina: 25
Intelligence: 50
Learning: 73
Wisdom: 55
Speed: 40
Agility: 41
Dexterity: 45
Luck: 0

Movement: Speed
Movement: Swimming


Spells: Waterbreathing

Clothing and Armor: Menacing bronze helmet with exquisite coral decoration; rough beige colored tunic; underwear; pants; shiny steel gauntlets decorated with ocean sunfish bones.

Items: Thick bronze gladius; bronze trident with iridium decoration; large silver plated steel bottle full of water; bronze food container decorated with a picture of Aquaman in tin and containing a banana, half a loaf of bread, a piece of pie, and a bunch of grapes (it's not a lunch box! D:); 4" by 4" smooth basalt cube.

Background: Currently only remembers childhood in seaside village and running off to fight evil, then getting shipwrecked. Still recognizes companions and understands skills.

Personality: Enthusiastic about finishing whatever quest he's on, but not overly violent. Willing to compromise, and generally agreeable. Likes water. This and the background section will probably be fleshed out later in play.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 12:20:51 am by inaluct »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2008, 11:47:27 pm »

Name: 'Badass' McShenanigans (nicknamed 'Shannies').

Age: 17.

Weight: 159 lbs.

Height: 6 feet 3 inches.

Details: Has dark green eyes, dark brown hair that comes down to said eyes, and is missing a chunk out of his left shoulder.

Stats: 21 strength, 12 endurance, 27 stamina, 45 intelligance, 60 learning, 46 wisdom, 21 speed, 33 agility, 27 dexterity, 0 luck.

Skills: Is good at woodlore/woodworking. Is good at crafting things.

Clothing: A cotton undershirt and a leather vest. Boxers, and athletic pants. A copper bracer and a steel pauldron on the right arm. Barefoot. A belt, with a sheath and a machette.

Items: Several blunt-ish pocketknives. A handkerchief. A pair of aviator shades. Some breath freshener.

Background: Social outcast that spends waaay too much time alone. Developed woodcarving and item-crafting abilities due to idle-hands in his lonesome boredom. Was caught between a drunk driver and a light-pole, hence the missing shoulder chunk.

GAH: Should've just reserved. I started typing like, 6 minutes before this actually got posted, just inaluct had a better idea than mine  >:(. Freakin' reserve-o-philes.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hey, if you can dream it, you can do it!
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2008, 11:50:01 pm »

Red leader, calling in!

"I can't shake 'em!"

Edit: To be fair, I never reserved. I'm just that fast.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 11:52:43 pm by WorkerDrone »

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2008, 12:05:29 am »

 "Do a barrel Roll!"

 To be fair, I need time to work on mine to make sure it gets as close to beyond quality as possible. I'm thinking... Either monk or really quick quick guy. Like, Bitey Castle quick.
 Yup, I'm making a quick guy.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2008, 12:07:05 am »

Lol, screw being a human. I'm a freakin' giant bird!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2008, 12:21:46 am »

Yeah. But your character can't speak. Then again, if you tried, you might happen to be the best developed character out of the bunch. What character is better then a Giant Bird, I wonder.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2008, 12:23:54 am »

I don't need to speak. I can chirp!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2008, 12:24:33 am »

And squawk. Don't forget the squawk.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2008, 12:25:24 am »

I wonder what F.L.A.T. stands for...

Is it "Fire Lights A Trail," or something like that? That has connotations of guidance. Is your character a messenger from Quetzalcoatl sent to guide us on our mission against evil?

Also, Aquaman reporting in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2008, 12:26:53 am »

*SQUAWK* Okay. Got it. Besides, everyone was so lame being a human... What fun is that?

And as for what FLAT means... It's a mystery!
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