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Author Topic: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)  (Read 89772 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #105 on: December 14, 2008, 08:20:53 pm »

- CHAPTER TWENTY SIX: Waiting For Trees -

The Ominous Omniscient Council Of Vagueness Is Watching ...

The dwarves have been busy, mostly focusing on the towercap farm. They were disappointed by the number flourishing, and out of impatience decided to expand the farm. Their new goal is an only slightly less feeble 70 by 40 area. When digging out the area the miners attempted to avoid the young plants by following a high priority path around the outside, but in their foolishness still crushed a number after dozens of haulers (and their uninformed pets) began clearing the area of stone. They have displayed some degree of caution by installing a pump to empty the farm if required, smelted from galena.

The dwarf "Syoan" has further demonstrated his pedantry, not only by screaming that the miners had struck mica again, but by announcing a carpenter had canceled eating once their food had been lost or destroyed.

The Site was visited twice this season; once by elves. The dwarves accepted their delivery of wood and paid using skull totems. The wood was used equally in carving barrels, bins and arrows. The second arrival was another titan; Lema Insightdusks the Oracular Prophecy. Delightfully ominous. The dwarves are currently ignoring it. There was one mood this season; a wood burner who used a great many items to produce a mere toy. There were two deaths this season; a dog sealed away in the mines finally drowned, and in the final few days their Dungeon Master starved to death while held captive. "Strife" was unimpressed that dwarves do not gain the same apparent immortality granted to animals in cages.

The dwarves completed and irrigated their expanded towercap farm, and shortly began another project. It is incomplete, the area not yet cleared of stone, but we know of its nature; a decorative shrine to an artifact of "Nym". An armour stand. How symbolic, for it is foretold we shall all be making a stand against the Site too soon. The dwarves are eager for a fight, but even Flint has grown unhappy from a long period on duty. The dwarves relieved him for a time, but decided to save even their weaker ammo for future use. Limited stockpiles and the dumping of wood meant they were often not as careful when it came to saving crops from withering.

Several dwarves have been stricken from possible inductees this season. Despite some time off duty "Kornash" remains dabbling at swordplay. "Ivanor" had a second child with The Tax Collector which, ugh, there are some things not even We wish to think of. The peasant mayor who usurped The Tax Collector showed weakness by ending his export mandate the moment merchants were seen. Later, The Tax Collector was reelected.

The Site was visited once this season; human caravans thought to trade, but were stopped by the titan. The titan attacked, easily killing the guards while the caravans themselves escaped. Only recently the humans sieged the Site; opinions on the dwarves are yet divided, it appears. There was one mood this season; a farmer, who demanded rough gems, metal bars and silk. Several dwarves ventured outside to dig into a visible gem cluster away from the fortress, the remaining wood was used as fuel to produce the metal, and a long tunnel was dug from the workshops to an unflooded part of their mines now full of the webs.

There were two deaths this season; both wrestlers who were wandering outside when the titan attacked. Before dying they succeeded only in enraging the megabeast. Their military was readied, but the titan stumbled into a cage trap before battle began. It is now being held under disturbingly loose guard in their workplace stockpiles.

Little of interest occurred at the Site. The Tax Collector mandated the construction of nickel silver items, but was ignored. Without jails or any enforcers, the fish cleaner apparently deemed responsible will never be punished.

The Site was visited twice this season; once by dwarven merchants and once by a goblin snatcher. Both were ignored and left. There were no moods this season, although the farmer only finished his early this season. A decorative galena bracelet was produced. There were no deaths this season.

The latest project of the dwarves was almost completed. Once all the stone was removed, the entire area was smoothed. Afterwards, walls were constructed to spell out a dwarven (ie. crude) message. The area was then further engraved. With several very skilled stone detailers working, "Syoan" was forced to admit defeat in announcing every individual masterpiece. ("MASTERPIECE ENGRAVING!", later, "Another Masterpiece engraving!", later, "master *cough* piece eng ... engr ... engraving *hack*") Some time into this stage it was decided the walls were not visible enough. The dwarves deconstructed them and rebuilt with olivine dug out and stockpiled, originating from nearby their execution chamber.

The Site was not visited this season. There was one mood this season; a planter, who demanded wood. The farm was briefly opened to cut down the first few growing trees. A toy boat was eventually produced. There were no deaths this season.

[Authors Note: It is A Fact that Everything Is More dramatic and ominous when You capitalise random terms.]

Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Speaks

17th Granite
Elven merchants have arrived again. Ruins ignores them. Gah, couldn't we catch them in cages or drop the roof on them or SOMETHING? This last year has been so boring. I suppose the dwarves have kept my palace running somewhat well, even if they waste their efforts decorating some useless armour stand. Really, Kornash doesn't even spar down there when it's so far away from food and beds. What was the POINT of it again?

23rd Granite
Fey mood. Brewer. Trustprince the dog bone greaves. YAWN.

12th Slate
Finally, something interesting is happening! And by interesting, I mean another twenty or so migrants have arrived to be housed in my palace. And by housed in my palace I mean thrown into the Bedroom Of DOOM! and dumped into the pit because Ruins warned them that we were already full with idle dwarves. Irritatingly, there are more than just peasants and cheesemakers this time. I can sense their purple evil from here. Dwarven nobles. This is supposed to be a feline palace, not a dwarven barony! But no, we have to put up with ... hey is that another Dungeon Master? Don't they know what happened to the LAST one? I'm pretty sure we still have his corpse in a cage somewhere. A hammerer. Yeah, he's getting the Bedroom Of DOOM! first. I can't have him killing my useful slaves. the Tax Collector, because all we need right now in the middle of sieges and sitting above some dark power is the economy to ... to ...

Waaaiiit a minute.

"the Tax Collector" vs "The Tax Collector" death match. This has to happen.

16th Slate
TCH. Dwarves are no fun. When the Tax Collector arrived and heard of the state of affairs, the first thing he did was accuse The Tax Collector of being an impostor. The Tax Collector responded by accusing the Tax Collector and the other nobles of being impostors, and furthermore, useless. What followed was a series of back and forth questions on obscure tax laws and convoluted mathematics that might have been really dramatic for t(T)he Tax Collectors but was boring enough to everybody else that they wandered off to trade with elvish merchants that had snuck in with the migrants. The elves had wood! And that was literally all.

The taxmen are still sniping at each other now. The general consensus amongst the dwarves is that they're both cold bastards but the uppercase can do some pretty impressive engravings so they'll kill the other one.

18th Slate
The migrants have all been recruited and stationed in the Bedroom Of DOOM!. Flint suggested setting our caged titan on them. Ahahahaha NO. I mean, I love seeing idiot dwarves suffer as much as the next nondwarf, but there are limits. Specifically, when my entire army is killed and I have to flee my palace. I'm having the pit toggled on and off until everybody falls in, although I had to have a large area of stone ordered dumped to get the occasionally useful yet currently lazy dwarves out of the room before locking it. Amusingly, guess who were the first dwarves to lock the room and toggle the bridge when the order was given to execute? tHE TAX COLLECTOR and THE HAMMERER. Maybe those nobles aren't so bad after all.

20th Slate
Dwarves are short, stubby, fat, lazy, stupid creatures. WHY is it that when the floor opens up underneath them they are able to leap for safety with no difficulty whatsoever? Tch, I have a new plan. I'll use those large dug out areas in the mines to collapse the roof on top of the migrants and the nobles all at once. I'll just need Ruins to channel a rectangle and have Ivanor rig up a support. Might as well keep trying with that pit for now, it's at least a little bit amusing.

1st Felsite
Mwahahahaha, two of the migrants have fallen into the pit with a satifying splat. That makes my total slaves number 119. Meanwhile, the bed lures aren't working. If this is anything like when I had the first Dungeon Master caught we'll be waiting all year. I'll use levers instead. If the last few years have taught me one thing it's that dwarves will fall for ANYTHING.

10th Felsite
"Heeeeeey, Baron ... Go pull that lever down there. Repeatedly. And don't stop until I tell you to."
"And WHY should I do such a thing, Ivanor?!"
"Uh ... It's a fortress tradition. Trust me, the peasants will respect you a lot more afterwords."
"Hmm, very well."

"Sir yes sir!"
"You are now stationed to patrol that rocky, dug out area by the support."
"Flint sir, may I ask why?"
"No you may not!"


14th Felsite
The Tax Collector has been informed the fortress population is now 94, and that is all I shall say about that little interlude. (But don't the dwarves have to deal with the mess that-) Not if Ruins gets her pick to the staircase first they won't. (Aren't the dwarves going to be unhappy that-) Party at the microline statue. (Hey, you forgot to lure the two children down-) *Collective gasp*. I beg your pardon! I may be an "evil" cat intent on dominating the world via catsplosion but I am not a monster!

... Yes, yes I did.

[Author's Note: Normally, I would try and keep the nobles happy, accommodate all migrants and manage the economy well. But can I be bothered in this fortress I intend to very shortly expose to massive danger? No.]

Lady Ruins Practises Her Dramatic Monologues

14th Felsite
the Tax Collector was killed along with the other nobles, and by and large the mooks were indifferent to his conflict with The Tax Collector. I am not so foolish. Before now I had told no one, but the first Dungeon Master's dying words were that there was an impostor in our fortress, and I had suspected The Tax Collector's motives some time prior. The Tax Collector is no fool, he met with me outside the fortress where it was quiet. He admitted to being from the Council. I knew they were watching, but not that they had been suspicious of myself for so long. In return, I took a chance and told The Tax Collector all I planned. Most of it he had deduced and enough of it he agreed with, but he had not anticipated his own task; to search this island for allies. They need only be few, and not even loyal enough to know my full intentions, but The Tax Collector was the best judge of potential and skill there was.

Would The Tax Collector betray the Council? His response was that he was a dwarf. Ah. There are some things he can't ignore, and I suspect I will have need to hide myself soon, but he will do exactly as much I planned. For the moment ... There is some dark power hidden in this site, and it is more than time for it to be in dwarven hands.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #106 on: December 14, 2008, 11:55:54 pm »

Strife's private notes:

I'm is confuzed, which tax collector is (was) which.
The kitten confuzes me. However, I WILL get my chance to complete my ultimate plan of dire ultimitatude! [sic]
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #107 on: December 16, 2008, 08:07:44 pm »

[Author's Note: This chapter contains significant HFS spoilers]


Lady Ruins Practises Her Dramatic Monologues

17th Felsite
It is time. Whatever power has been hidden here, I shall claim. Yet I know this shall be no easy task. If Asno was killed to keep it secret, it must be a great danger too. We will need defences. Kornash and the meleetry continue training, but aside from Flint none of the marksdwarves have reached elite skill. All of our livestock I will order butchered for their bones, and bolts made for practise. Will twenty trained dwarves be enough? No, but Ivanor's mechanics, my miners and even The Tax Collector's engravers are also hard at work. We shall have a long corridor rigged to cave in if anything dangerous arises from the depths. A winding corridor will be fortified so that Flint will have a great time to fire upon any targets while they slowly wind their way closer. At the end, another long corridor with three ballistas facing down it, and a stockpile of ammo to the side. If all else fails, a smoothed chamber will be readied for Kornash to make the final stand.

To work!

17th Hematite
Our preparations continue, but already we are in danger. The goblins have discovered out intentions and are sieging the fortress. They have already killed several human merchants nearby, and are waiting for their chance to strike. With the bridges retracted, they shall have a hard time finding it, and we have grown from requiring outside aid. We will have larger problems to deal with, soon enough. Hmm, that gives me an idea. The caged titan. It is dangerous, but we can use it as a last retort if we are unable to contain the power. I'll have Ivanor hook the cage up.

19th Malachite
Our defences are complete and ready to be used if necessary. I have considered other additions, but none which are reliable enough to really work. Digging pits is of no use if our foe can fly. Flooding rooms are of no use if they can swim. If kobold thieves can avoid stone fall traps, I think a power this dangerous might manage. Our exploratory mining can now begin with some small degree of security. I'm having a moderate amount of food and ale brought out to the outside of the defended area, because it is a long way to walk and we miners may be digging for some time. Strike the earth ...

(It was really hard not to mine out those gems anyway.)

(Imagine this, but covered in blood and goo. That's pretty much what's going to happen.)

A Month In The Life Of: Syoan, Mechanic

23nd Malachite
HEY GUYS don't you think having a quote unquote CRAPLOAD of dwarves rush out to move stone and bring out ale is not a wise idea when mining for something dangerous? NO SERIOUSLY DON'T IGNORE ME. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, I'M SERIOUS. HONEST. Aww, forget it. Nobody ever pays attention to me anymore. :(

(On a scale of zero to tears, this is going to end in tears.)

A CHILD HAS BEEN TAKEN BY A MOOD! He took some things and wanted wood, but Ruins said we didn't have any left. Uh Ruins, see that tree farm over there? It has TREES in it now. The Tax Collectors butts in saying the child is not worth the resources being demanded. Which is really quite ironic when THE TAX COLLECTOR HAS HAD ANOTHER CHILD! ALSO, A SECOND MARKSDWARF IS ELITE! Oh goody, my first announcement has finally echoed into the mines and Ruins is coming out to cancel the stockpile. Hey Ruins, so what did you find down there anyway?

WE'VE STRUCK MICRO- (Kornash: "Don't even fucking think it.") Eep, N slash M. That guy is scary.

5th Galena
EVERYONE, EVERYONE! WE'VE STRUCK (All: *Glares*) ... raw admantine. Alright, this is great! That stuff is worth soooooo much and it's stupid powerful too. I don't know what Ruins was looking for but even she is distracted by digging it all out. AWESOME!

16th Galena

17th Galena

18th Galena

21st Galena

22nd Galena

(The scariest thing is actually that my FPS just dropped from about fifty to about twenty.)

Oh ... Oh dear god. HORRORS! DEMONS IN THE DEEP! HORRORS! DEMONS IN THE DEEP! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! HORRORS! DEMONS IN THE DEEP! No, I'm not going to stop saying that, I don't care if it's not helping we're ALL GOING TO DIE AAAAHH! A MINER HAS BEEN STRUCK DOWN! Ruins is still down there, run! Get out! No, that way is deeper into the mines what the hell are you doing! No, yes, YES that way! She's out, she's out! HORRORS! DEMONS IN THE DEEP!

(DEEEEEEEEEEMON FROGS! Kermit will have his revenge! Or is that the crazy frog? More like an army of Battletoads. I only wish they were Froggers. It's not the frog prince or Freddo Frog, that's for sure.)

Three Days In The Life Of: Nym, Gem Cutter

24th Galena
Demons approach. I never wanted to become involved, but I don't want these dwarves to die. I have grown close to too many of them to stand back and let them suffer for their mistakes. Ruins is recovering from her close call in the mines, and seems distant. The Tax Collector is trying to take command, but few will listen to his words. Flint and Kornash are soldiers, but they do not have the knowledge to lead. I am respected enough, and I have watched enough to know what must be done. I must take command of this battle.

The demons are leaping out of the mines, one by one. They're too far apart to make much use of the cave in. There are not many attacking yet, it is not worth releasing the titan now. I order Flint to begin firing through the fortifications. Half of the marksdwarves are clustered to the south behind solid stone. The few with a clear shot begin firing, but the frog demons are moving too fast to hit much. Several dwarves are running through the defences to, I think, retrieve a barrel of ale and plump helmet left behind. This may be an increase in dwarfiness from watching trees grow but it's not worth it! One craftsdwarf runs too close to a frog demon, and is torn apart. Several dwarves have become unhappy. I've forbid anyone from taking the food but they're still wandering too close!

26th Galena
Oh god, a group of the children have started playing in front of the ballistas. The marksdwarves have stopped shooting. Why? I rushed out to ask them and found they've run out of ammo. I thought we still had plenty of metal bolts left, but all The Tax Collector could find were twenty five left forbidden outside for some reason. This is bad. We have about ten fully grown trees, I've ordered several civilians to cut them down and carve bolts as soon as possible. Another miner has been killed. I ordered Flint to retreat, but a few of the marksdwarves with ammo left moved into position to fire, killing two of the demons before falling back. It is a relief to know they CAN be killed. Now please, will everybody move out of the way so I can fire the siege engines without first impaling dwarves!

Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Speaks
27th Galena

(It's times like this I wish you could order all civilians to stay OUTdoors.)

Could you idiots maybe NOT. This is exactly the kind of thing that killed a third miner. I need some of those miners alive to dig my artificial waterfalls. Actually, I wish I'd started that little project earlier so all these unhappy dwarves could get dumped under it until they snapped to their senses, or at least be relaxed by the mist. Either way! If you dwarves have no useful jobs, GO AWAY. Go party by the microline statue. Go ... go dump all those spare olivine stones somewhere. A few more frogs have been killed. Most of the marksdwarves have run out of ammo somehow and a couple are charging around the fortifications to BLUDGEON the demons to death. Guess how that ended. If you guessed two dead dwarves, YOU'RE SMARTER THAN AN AVERAGE DWARF. We're never going to be able to fire those ballistas with all the dwarves around (although it is tempting), somebody get Kornash in there.

1st Limestone
Okay. Okay. I think they're all dead. Kornash and the rest managed to kill all the frogs in sight. Now who wants to go down into the pit to check?


Aaaaand, YOU, random engraver, are now a recruit and stationed down there. Say hi to the chained madmen for me. No, don't get a drink. No, don't go to sleep. Wimp. Anyway, let's see if I can convince the bonecarvers to make use of that last migrant wave. Hey. HEY! I said make bolts from them, don't just dump them in the cemetery. Gah, fine. Use the wood. DAMN IT, that annoying kid with his strange mood managed to steal one of our logs before the carpenters could reach it.

Wait, uh oh. Another frog just came into sight in the middle of our defences and ate a couple of dwarves. Kornash is running to kill it and THREE MORE just came out of nowhere. Ninja frogs. I do not need this. Kornash and two other wrestlers manage to take them down without too much difficulty, but then several more appear before they can even catch their breath. Stop that. The fighting is something of a jumble in the enclosed space and, oh great, Kornash was just struck down. And then MORE of the bastards spawn. I think we might have underestimated their numbers. Another wrestler is killed. Even more frogs attack. Fuck it, I'm releasing the titan, we can't take any more of this.

Oh sure, NOW they stop sneaking through. The titan is just wandering around, stretching his legs a bit. Most of the meleetry are fleeing. Half of the dwarves are in tears. THERE'S NO POINT, THE FROGS CAN SWIM IN YOUR RIVER OF TEARS! Get the ballista ready. One of the meleetry away from the fight is throwing a tantrum. Damn it, take it out on the frogs, why don't you. YEAH WE HAVE A TOWER CAP AMULET WOO!

(Please be the Amulet of Yendor, please be the Amulet of Yendor ... damn it!)

Fuck this, I'm getting out of here while I still can. The goblins outside won't pay any attention to a single cat. If I don't make it, tell my queen to harvest the sperm from my body!

Fortress Records (Filed By The Tax Collector)

10th Limestone
Nym has forbidden everything within the defences and canceled all zones, designations and the like from nearby but a significant number of dwarves are still running out into danger. For the moment the demon frogs have stopped attacking, but someone released the titan. The titan is now slowly making its way through our defences, killing several dwarves. Most of the fortress have succumbed to their emotions, and several dwarves are throwing tantrums and destroying buildings. There is little anyone is able to do about it until they calm down, but morale is low enough that it will take some effort to do so. The true danger was never demons, but restless dwarves.

Two wrestlers have moved in to attack the titan. After a struggle, they were able to stun and kill it. There are no more hostiles in sight. Aside from the goblins outside, but they cannot enter our fortress. Most of the marksdwarves survived and we can create more ammo when our tower-caps grow. The current fortress population is 76. Nobody has been able to locate Ruins, although none recall seeing her killed. If she has left then I too must slip away before order is restored. The Council will want to speak with me, and I have other work to do now. Once again no spare buckets can be located. Two are ordered made, and several dwarves put to work reconstructing buildings.

A Day In The Life Of: Flint, Merchant Of Death

16th Limestone
Flint bored. Nym say not much ammo left, has to hang back. But Flint still have twenty five bolts left! Could totally kill twenty five more things. Kornash gets to have all the fun. Although, not sure where Kornash is now. Seems to be a lot less wrestlers than there were before the froggies attacked. Maybe they're all tired and sleeping. Kornash too strong to get killed, right?

Flint ... thinks maybe breaking into the chamber not such a great idea. It sure stinks around here now and OH! What Syoan say??? A Demon! Not a froggie, the boss of the froggies, a burning flaming Demon! A wrestler down in the pit is killed, and another one runs away into the mines. The Demon running for us. Flint not like our chances against that right now. Flint go as far as to say we screwed.

[Author's Note: Why ... is there ... suddenly ... so much ... laaaaaaaaaag ...]

Wait! The falling roof! Nym yell to collapse it as the Demon approaches. Some dwarf run to do so. The Demon gets close and THUMP! Dust everywhere, can't see ... is it ... nope, Demon still alive. Knocked out, but Flint can't get there in time before it wakes up. Grab my crossbow anyway, it is time for the marksdwarves to show everyone what we're made of! (Um, bad choice of words. Flint see too many insides of dwarves already today.)

Wait again! The wrestler from in the mines is coming out again! He still alive, and starting to attack the unconscious Demon! Kill stealer. And, wait, no, he's burned now. That Demon STRONG. Flint turn the last corner, and see it down the corridor. Demon strong, but Flint stronger. No time to wait for other dwarves. Flint has been training long time for this. Killed titan, but this even stronger than titan. The ultimate foe. This is it. The biggest, baddest kill ever. This kill Flint secretly dream of every night. Except sometime that elite female marksdwarf. She hot, Flint like to load HER crossbow. ANYWAY, Flint raises weapon, readies the first bolt. Aims and HOLY CRAP Demon just shot massive fireball! Good thing Flint can dodge, hahaha. TO THE FINAL SHOWDOWN!

Wait, Flint forget which game he in. Shoot quickly but run out of bolts, hurt Demon's left hand a bit only. Try attack in melee, is now on fire and gonna

A Time In The Life Of: Strife, Brewer

21st Limestone
Despite all his best efforts, Flint is ... dead. Our greatest soldier barely managed to scratch the Demon before being consumed. Our fortress is on the brink of a full scale riot, our military is in shambles, dwarves are running over the place, even our siege operators are fleeing their ballistas when hostiles come around the fortification passages. I ... don't think there's anything we can do anymore. Oh god we're all going to ... to ...

Oh you have GOT to be kidding me. Some random marksdwarf, who hadn't even reached elite status, somehow just killed the Demon in, what, five bolts. Even the goblins outside have all fled from us. Hahahaha. How about that. WE'RE NOT GOING TO DIE AFTER ALL, SYOAN! We're not going to die.


Date Unknown
All of us with our minds still intact are in agreement. We're abandoning the fortress and never coming back. Even after narrowly defeating the demons the mood of the fortress did not improve much. Too many had been killed for our celebrations to mean much, and in moments of silence we could still hear screams from the prisoners in the pit. Ruins was lost and The Tax Collector left us to our own devices. Nym did what she could, but there were always tantrums and miserable dwarves. Ivanor helped to rebuild what was destroyed and Syoan communicated orders and warnings throughout the fortress, but it didn't really help. A few dwarves and I tried to clean up the bodies, but mostly we just ended up with miasma everywhere. Eventually a carpenter snapped and went insane. Two dwarves fell to their deaths in the Bedroom Of DOOM! when an angry dwarf broke the bridge.

Things were only going downhill, but I'm sure with some fresh air and a sunny holiday us survivors will be fine. Vomiting is still technically better than blood! We're taking what food and ale we can carry, but nobody has dared venture into the mines for the admantine. It'll be left as treasure for stronger dwarves than we, I suppose. The livestock are all dead, but we're being followed by a cat that everybody had forgotten about; Ivanor named him Claws.

I'm sure the goblins will be happy with us. I mean, we might have destroyed their holy ground, but we did defeat ALL of the darkness they were hiding, right?

« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:38:24 am by OneMoreNameless »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #108 on: December 16, 2008, 08:10:28 pm »

- Sign up now for fortress #3! -

The next fortress begins with TWO plotdwarves (one mechanic/siege and one carpenter/gems), so there are FIVE slots free for embarking dwarves! Tell me a name, any skills or items, and optionally a personality and you're in. (Although, I'd rather not have any repeated characters if you've joined a previous fortress. It's not that Vidar shouldn't be reborn as an avatar for The Great Tree, but ... ;)) If all five are taken, you can still claim a migrant in advance.

I haven't chosen the exact embark location yet (I'll probably need to tweak world gen settings to find one) but in theory it would be a beach (ocean + sand), have magma, be untamed wilds or haunted / terrifying and even have a cave nearby. Aside from just surviving, I have this idea for a glass prison (complete with magmafalls, sweatshops and food drops from above) or maybe a glass palace for Fluffy. Although, the two might effectively be the same thing. :P An entirely glass SOMETHING(/S) for a semimegaproject anyway.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #109 on: December 16, 2008, 10:17:23 pm »

I'd be happy to sign up for the next wave of insanity.

Name: Kibeth
Occupation: Mercenary/Fisherdwarf (Male or female works fine with me)

He has previous experience on board some privateer-like ships that would pillage coastal towns and ships of enemy nations. Has some experience with swimming (2), a sword (2) and minor experience with armor (1) and shield (1) but mostly just likes to fish (4). Put me on food production and I'll catch plenty of fish. No farming needed, except for alcohol of course! His ultimate goal is to train as a wrestler and be able to land some sharks or whales off the deep coast.

He also has no problems knifeing those he sees as disloyal in the back and dumping them overboard, if you know what I mean.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 10:19:45 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #110 on: December 16, 2008, 11:57:24 pm »

Oooh! Oooooooh! Me! Me! *Raises hand reaaaaaly high*

Uhm, I might grab a miner please, I don't mind on gender, name them Bahlthier please!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #111 on: December 17, 2008, 12:28:09 am »

I'll take one!

Name: Crystalbeard if male, Crystaleyes if female.
Occupation: Glassblower/smith/other burning stuff occupations if needed
Preferences: Should like some sort of glass, if possible.

I don't know if you usually do a starting smith or not. If you do, you can give my dwarf enough stuff to make either starting armor/weapons for people or some trade goods (I like to bring a platinum ore and make platinum crafts, since even a single poorly made item nets you 400 dwarfbucks).

If you don't plan on a smith, I guess he/she can do masonry or engraving until the glassworks is up and running.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #112 on: December 17, 2008, 01:45:29 am »

Yikes, you really wrote Nym in as in important figure in the last days. My mood just jumped from "Quite Content" to "Happy" from that thought. XD

I would like to be in the initial seven for this round, because I can.

Name: Warrel(male)  Warla (female)
Occupation: Architect/Mechanic. I would also like him to be the Manager or Bookeeper, if that job isn't taken by your plotdwarves. I also would not mind having Siege Engineerng (but not Operating) enabled.

Preferance: Must be at least "Is organized". Preferably slow to anger/Not very artistic.
Backstory Tidbits: Warel/Warla is a recent honors graduate of the Regional Institute of Designing Meticulous Deathtraps (RID-MD). S/he has a penchant for creating ingenious ways to kill invaders.  S/he would have graduated at the top of her/his class, but in the final s/he recived a demerit for allowing another student to die when demonstrating her year-long project.  S/he is also youngest of her twenty siblings.

Organizer: 4
Architect: 4
Mechanic: 2

Obviously her preferred role in the fortress is building defenses.  Be they stonefall traps, cages, weapon traps, spikes, levers, bridges, falling floors, supports, Depots, flooding depots, screw pumps, waterwheels, windmills, Catapults, Ballistae, or ballista bolts, she loves to do them all
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 01:49:56 am by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #113 on: December 17, 2008, 04:17:49 am »

Oh, I definitely want to get in on this next one, with a new dwarf!

Name: Cookie (Male's preferable, female is alright)
Profession: Cook (duh) and Brewer (proficient in each)

Backstory: Cookie was once a cook upon a human ship, forced into the position in what was commonly referred to as "the noodle incident" (which he refuses to talk about).  However, he escaped and made his way back to the mountainhomes (or wherever we're coming from), and was immediately sent upon this journey back to the sea.  Cookie absolutely hates water and the sea in general.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 04:28:25 am by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #114 on: December 17, 2008, 04:31:47 am »

Rofl what a way for Flint to go good job with him.

I'd like to request a new character for fortress #3

Sarek-Male Sareika-Female

A paranoid and hyper-compulsive dwarf who is also very sickly and quite sucpicious of everyone however is tolerated because of his/her skills in the craftshop particularly with bone. (also worships feverently whichever is his/her deity )

Backround: As a young dwarf Sarek(assuming male) was born under a bad sign and so was doomed from the start. He grew older and quickly learnt the art of bone crafting as a child from his father, however soon his father left and he was raised by his insanely overbearing mother who would often lock him indoors to keep him safe, it is for this reason he became sickly and since he missed out on a lot of socialising sucpicious of others. Sarek's attempts to join the military were comical at best and after being injured several times simply sat in his room holding a bone amulet and rocking back and forth. And those who disturbed him would leave that room and never speak of what happened or even look into the eyes of another dwarf again.

(man this has turned out a bit longer than intended oh well :)) After a brief and convinient plot-wise affair with the mayor of that fortress Sareks faith was restored enough to hold his sanity and he soon left with only a few quirks, crafting skills and borderline sanity, So he left his old home and soon met up with a new group, Sarek managed to maintain some social contact although was still quite sucpicious of the others. (there done..and also never ask about Sarek's past or else prepare to suffer the insanse consequenses. Man that was long
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 06:00:57 am by Flintus10 »


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #115 on: December 17, 2008, 05:35:43 am »

Update! It was surprisingly easy to set the world gen up to provide plenty of ocean, caves, magma, and untamed wilds. After looking around I've chosen the location I'll probably embark on: It's a 4x5 area, which is the smallest I could find with all the features I wanted, mostly desert, and just to make life even easier more fun has an aquifer!

(I'll probably get started this weekend, and thank you to everybody signing up!)


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #116 on: December 17, 2008, 06:06:19 am »

I'd like to claim a migrant in advance please!
His/her name will be simply called hat. If possible, could I please get a mason/engraver/stone worker, but if not anything will be fine.
Dodók ádollikot, Kitten (Tame) cancels Store Item in Stockpile: Too Injured


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #117 on: December 17, 2008, 09:34:34 am »

Can I have a stonecrafter immigrant when one arrives? Name him Steinn if male, Steinunn if female.



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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #118 on: December 17, 2008, 05:20:13 pm »

Migrant! Engraver!

Brutus. The half insane engraver from what he insists is a different time period. Likes blue, if you can manage that.


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Sign up NOW for Fortress #3!}
« Reply #119 on: December 19, 2008, 09:31:46 pm »

Name: Waylon / Volundr  (derived from Germanic god of Smith, Wayland, also known as Volundr in Scandinavian mythology)

Profession: Metal Smith

Backstory: A young, idealistic dwarf that smiths only to make a living (although he is getting better at it), but whose real passion is magic. Not wizard magic, I mean like sleight of hand type showman magic. A good entertainer and speaker, but lousy at negotiation or any of the like.
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