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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101509 times)

sneakey pete

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #240 on: November 04, 2008, 04:00:37 am »

A glasshouse! nice (and quite suited to the location)
Magma is overrated.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #241 on: November 06, 2008, 04:36:46 pm »

11th of Moonstone

I was able to deliver Lord Rovod's table to his rooms today. I must say, it's a rather impressive piece of work. Our metalcrafter, Ustuth,  in particular did a splendid job of it. It was a custom piece for Rovod, who has done so much for our metallurgical pursuits. Honestly, despite being a noble he has worked nearly non-stop smelting ore for years and even has been turning out some decent metal furniture, bins and barrels. Twas he who made the table itself to begin with. I requested a list of his favorite items to check against when he made the request for something nice to be added to his dining room. This was what I'd decided on. Sure, he knew of the table so it would be no surprise, but he hasn't seen it since it was cooling in his workshop.

I covered almost every gem and metal on Lord Rovod's favorite list, though we were short of dragon-bone. Naturally, as we've not had a dragon in this recent vicinity in over fourty years. He was very appreciative when I delivered it to him.

"Ah, Paulus. Is that the table? My goodness, you do know how to spoil a dwarf. It's just the thing I've been wanting in my dining room. Nice to be able to eat in style, and admire good craftsdwarfship. Now that we're so prosperous I felt it was time for an upgrade."

"I'm glad you enjoy it then. I mean, how in earth could you be expected to ponder fell beasts and treasure if you've little enough of it in your room."

A quick glance around would have dispelled that notion instantly, but personal possessions were just that. Personal. Not that he didn't have a great deal of them. Still, he, of all the nobles, had truly earned them. He was legend as a furnace operator, being able to trick the smallest grain of metal out of ores in seconds where others would have spent hours laboring in vain. His other talents were not inconsequential either.

He sat down in his polished obsidian chair, casting aside a small bone that lay in it, as he pulled it up to his new table.

"I love it. Particularly the engravings. This one in emerald is especially nice. Fell beasts indeed. Heh. And of course the copper one is very appropriate for me. Avuz's blessed forge. Nice piece of work that was too. How's her temple coming?"

"It's coming along well enough. Slowly but surely. The masons are laying the roof for it now. I'll begin work on the temple proper here soon enough. It'll have some nice features of course, and your skills will be greatly needed once decoration begins."

"I look forward to it then. I don't suppose you can tell me of your plans for the temple proper?"

I grinned. I'd kept them completely secret for now. Everyone knew we were making a temple, but no one knew what it'd look like yet.

"I suppose I can give you a certain lassitude there. Now, keep in mind that this is a rough sketching..."

"Yes, yes, out with it. I'm eager to hear what you have in mind."

"Well, it makes sense that the goddess of mountains, minerals and metals would want her glory displayed properly. The foundation layer will be polished chalk blocks in the shape of a four pointed star. Should we have enough material four counter-points will go in the non-cardinal directions, being small triangular pyramids in each corner. The next layer will be magnetite blocks, equally polished, forming a ramp to the top. The third layer and fourth will require your help, being iron and steel respectively. We'll need statues and furnishings in precious metals as well for the top, and suitable places to display her artifacts, the mini-forge there being foremost."

His eyes seemed to alight with eager anticipation at the completed project.

"Of course, we'll need some specialty work done. I've a few other additions in mind, like a secret chamber for the priestess, should we get one. And vaults and catacombs beneath it of course, for her faithful."

He smiled wide. "One would almost think you yourself worshipped her from what you've got planned. Well, if there is anything I can do for you let me know. I'm eager for our goddess to be worshipped as she should."

"Aye, well, Kashez the Velvety Incence has my devotion, but I do have  few things I'd like in that regard."

I handed him a small piece of paper, designs and sketches for a few pieces of furniture I wanted him to work on.

"I'll get to these as soon as I can."

"Thank you Lord Rovod. I'm glad you enjoy the table as well." I made to leave before he interrupted quietly.

"Keep an eye out for yourself, Paulus. I've heard Agna's been trying to dig up some dirt on you. He's also taken to borrowing our philosopher's books on old law."

I nodded.

He looked concerned for a second, though it was hard to tell whom the concern was for.

"Ya didn't hear it from me though, lad."

I nodded again and smiled.

"Of course not. I was just here delivering a table."
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #242 on: November 13, 2008, 12:54:47 pm »

26th of Moonstone

I had a little talking today with my younger brother. Apparently his wife decided that she still wanted some crystal glass items made, despite our inability to make such things. It is her perogative as royalty, of course, but it is not that that I truly object to. I found out from Tarin that she's been going to Agna for advice on whom to punish for the crimes since the Queen has arrived. She wants to be seen as doing the 'proper' thing and following established channels. Apparently even Tarin had a talk with her, in light of what Agna has done for us in the past, and she decided it was time to try to mend the rift between us, since we now live in the same place. I don't know if that is possible. We certainly aren't inclined to simply lie down and let him walk all over us.

In any case, it's another glassmaker that is bearing the brunt of Agna's efforts to slow our projects down. Now that I'm in charge of the large construction projects I wonder if he's doing it to interfere with me and make me look bad. It's unfortunate that Dresdor will be confined in jail for so long. A hundred and twenty five days. That's nearly a third of a year. I know what that's like. It's not fun. Still, Bembul should be on top of taking care of him so this time we'll have no 'criminals' starving.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #243 on: November 13, 2008, 10:55:34 pm »

1st Opal

As I was headed down from checking on the construction of the roof and preparing the design for it I saw a sight that cheered the heart somewhat. Kolok had apparently recovered fully from his injuries a little while ago and had gotten back in the swing of things hauling rock from the mines to get back in shape. He was reporting to Aardvark and Ragnar as I passed the barracks so I paused a bit to watch.

Kolok was standing at attention as the two inspected him. His gear gleamed that lustrous silver-blue that well forged steel takes on. I admit, he looked quite the sight. Not him as in him, but in steel high boots, greaves, gauntlets, helm and plate over a steel hauberk he looked more like an armored bear than a dwarf. A freshly polished steel axe hung in a loose scabbard on his back and a shield was strapped to his arm. Aardvark was busy inspecting the armor. Most of it was his own work, but some of it had been put out by Draco, and no doubt he wanted to see if it passed muster.

Ragnar was busy giving him the run down on army ettiquette and procedure, before sending him off to train. It's practice for the soldiers to have their own rooms. The champions in particular have the best rooms, those engraved both wall and floor, and provide a nice incentive to train hard. And to be careful. The walking wounded were not allowed to spar as a matter of protocol, and without the constant training few reached the skill required for such distinction.

Still, as I headed down I knew our people were in good hands. There was something that I could gain a measure of reassurance in. For some reason I'd been feeling a growing disquiet about me, particularly when all was silent and I could listen to the murmurings of the earth. I wasn't sure what it portented, if anything, but another dwarf trained and properly equipped couldn't hurt.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #244 on: November 14, 2008, 04:12:56 am »

Ahh Youre narative skills are great and you also include all of the story dwarves evenly

Keep up the good work!

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #245 on: November 14, 2008, 10:58:02 pm »

11th of Obsidian

Bembul and I were walking through the vast dining hall towards the south building discussing fortress affairs.

"Yes, I agree, but I wish sometimes that things would move along faster if you know what I mean."

"I'll do what I can, Bembul. But, Gusilnakis wasn't built in a day either you know. And to be honest the noble's mandates haven't been helping."

"Aye, your brother's wife is still insisting on some adamantine goods. Heaven help the metalsmiths. And with Dresdor in prison I'd wager the glassworkers haven't been producing as much either."

"True, but from what I understand the length of term may have been deliberate."

Bembul turned to look at me as I said that, before we continued apace.

"Let us hope not. Still, from what I hear things are going well?"

"Yes, well enough. The ..."

A voice interrupted us from behind. I recognized it at once, and removed the quick grimace from my face before turning.

I nodded politely to her, as Bembul bowed slightly from the waist.

"Your Majesty."

Bembul too murmured his greetings.

"A pleasure to see you my Queen. And you Lord Agna." The Queen's advisor recieved a deep nod from Bembul, though I couldn't bring myself to such recognition. Agna gazed coldly at me as the Queen spoke.

"Ah, Paulus, I was hoping to run into you."

She put her hand lightly on my forearm as she spoke.

"I've been meeting with the generals of our armies the last few days and wondered if you might have some insight you could share about the goblins. I've left orders for our cook to prepare some mako shark roasts and I was hoping you'd join me for dinner and a drink in my dining chamber tonight."

That would explain the shouting and broken crockery in Fre's kitchen earlier. My mind went into high gear as I sought a reasonable way out of this.

I gave a stiff bow as I replied.

"I'm afraid you'll have to forgive me, my Queen. I've been discussing construction with Bembul here and I'm due to go below to the mines for some time to designate the stone we'll be needing. Ragnar would perhaps be a better person to talk to about goblin matters. He's had as much if not more experience than I in dealing with them."

I saw her eyes narrow only a fraction as she walked on.

"Well, perhaps another time we can discuss things over dinner then Paulus."

"Perhaps, my lady."

I heard Agna comment as we walked away. "I tell you, something about him is not right. I've told you before..."

"Agna, you tire me with these comments. Still, have some strawberry wine sent down with dinner. Two bottles. I think I need to have arrange a meeting with someone else tonight..."

Bembul raised an eyebrow at me as I headed back towards the stairs and below. I merely shrugged.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #246 on: November 17, 2008, 01:05:44 pm »

1st of Granite

Another year has passed. The festivities in the commons are quite the party. It rages for nearly a day now, though our abundant supplies can easily handle such drinking. I stayed for a little while, more for show than inclination, before heading back to my office. I've been thinking a bit lately, ever since a strange dream I had a few days ago. I won't go into it in detail, but I believe I've been visited by Kashez, at least in vision. I saw clear as day a portion of the eastern cliffs, which held a deposit of a specific color, I think it was kaolinite or something like that. There will be the location of the shrine to Kashez the Velvety Incense that I've been dreaming about. It will also contain furnishings for a room and office should I feel the need for some meditation and peace from the others. Amusingly enough after my survey of it, it lies directly beneath a lake on the upper cliffs that has the shape of a heart.

As a quick summary of our census:

We have two hundred and twenty one dwarves currently residing within our walls. Twenty one of them are martial champions. Incidentally we also have now fourty six children. The royal appraisor estimated the total fortress worth in the area of five million ingots.

In any case, Dorenemal is well enough, though I fear that with the arrival of our Queen a sickness has arrived. There seems to be more disagreements than normal, and dwarves are beginning to be more ... selfish? It's hard to describe. I'm not sure if the Queen is the cause, or if, as I truly suspect, it is caused by such an abundance of people in an enclosed area. The disparity between the wealthy and the poor grows as the nobles seek to furnish their lodgings as they believe they deserve, while the poor who cannot afford what I consider a decent room, are turned out to sleep in the barracks.

I shall have to think hard on this. It makes me ill at heart to think of our clan divided so, but such is our society that it would be hard to change. Still, we shall see what I discover when I look into the matter more thoroughly.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 07:54:22 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #247 on: November 18, 2008, 01:10:09 pm »

11th of Granite

We'd opened the gates in preparation for the trading seasons ahead and true to form the elves arrived, braving the heavy snows still blocking most paths. They seemed pleased to arrive and told tales of safe paths being more difficult to find this year. I suspect that the goblins, though not direct enemies of theirs, are making travel hard for them as well.

It seems silly to me that they would make the journey at all burdened only with cloth. Cloth which we have no use for, as we have more than sufficient, and of better quality. They had a small basket of strawberries that I had Bembul acquire for Fre. She could do wonders with fresh berries.

Their diplomat has arrived as well and is in the process of meeting with the Queen. I expect little change in our agreements. We'll likely be limited to nearly a hundred logs again this year, which, considering the recently harvested forests, will not be hard to agree to.

Unfortunately, if the roads are passable enough to elves, then surely our enemies will find them passable as well. It's been common enough for the goblins to try to surprise us even in the dead of winter.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #248 on: November 18, 2008, 10:28:44 pm »

17th of Granite

We've ordered the gates closed again today. As it turns out we found two goblin corpses in our traps. Baby-snatchers. I went up to survey the clean-up and to make sure things stayed orderly. Much to my surprise two of our own found two more goblins lurking near the ramp. Zefon, our gemsetter and Kosoth a planter took it upon themselves to represent the dwarven women here at Dorenemal and express their feelings to the other two baby-snatchers in person. Most of the other civilians fled in terror but these two pounced on the goblins and began beating them into submission. Five minutes later Zefon continued to pound the now-unconcious goblin while Kosoth had hers in a strangle-hold which it did not seem to be resisting. Let it never be said that women are the weaker sex. Particularly not here at Dorenemal. Anyone that believes that can go have a chat with the Queen. Or preferrably with Urvad. Any dwarf that can attain champion rank in four martial proficiencies, bear nine children while in active military duty and knock a sparring partner across the room and into a wall, while pulling her blows should be able to persuade any foolish enough to broach the subject. I'm not expecting her to return that helmet for military use any time soon either.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #249 on: November 18, 2008, 11:39:33 pm »

Just thought I'd say, you're writing is still as brilliant as ever.  Keep it up!
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #250 on: November 19, 2008, 03:35:29 pm »

18th of Granite

It's only been a day since two of our civilians beat two baby-snatcher goblins to death. I was above supervising the clean-up and discussing minerals with Deduk and Urdim, two miners. At least Deduk and I were discussing things. Urdim was off helping clean up the mess.

"I'm aware of the differences, Deduk. They're all red. But this one in cinnabar, this one is bauxite and this one is kaolinite."

"Aye, well, if ye say so. ... Sir."

I glared at him. "Don't give me that rubbish. I'm no more a sir than you are an aged geezer, lounging around the dining hall near the fire."

"Hmm... maybe someday then, aye." He gave a quick wink. "If ye say there's a deposit of this in the eastern cliffside Urdim and I'll find it fer ye."

We were startled out of our conversation by the shout.


For a split second I was concerned that the gates had been breached. Then I realized the more likely scene. The thieves had come with at least one goblin patrol. They'd come within our gates and the thieves had been sent out to find what they could. Of course they'd triggered the alarm and the patrol had hid as best they could, waiting until things had calmed down. The only way out of the fortress for them was to wait for the gates to open, or fight their way through it. Goblins weren't the brightest of creatures.

Only two goblins could be seen from my vantage point. One was chasing a planter up the ramp. No concern there. A second had rounded the corner and was preparing to jump on a dwarf and try to beat it down.

The first mistakenly assumed that chasing a dwarf away from others would make it an easy kill. A half score of obsidian blades impaling it from below would have persuaded it otherwise. Had it time to think before it was cut to shreds.

The second goblin charged a dwarf, the nearest dwarf. Unfortunately for it, that happened to be Urdim. The other miner up here with Deduk and I. The goblin lunged, and Urdim brought it's elbow up into it's face, knocking it stunned to the ground. He punched it in the back of the head as it tried to rise, breaking a few teeth on the silver pavement beneath before burying his pick into it's back, then leg. A third goblin rounded the corner to see it's squadmate being pummeled by a mere miner and tried to take advantage of the distraction. The goblins seemed to have no luck whatsoever though as the Urdim finished off the first just in time to turn and face the second. I ran past, sword out, to secure the area in time to see Urdim's pick pass through an arm into the goblin's torso. No worries.

Only two more goblins could be seen around the corner. A hammergoblin, obviously the leader, trying to convince his remaining wrestler to go around the corner to investigate the goblin screams. Seeing me approach he squared himself and braced for my charge. To his credit when our shields struck each other he only retreated a step, but it was enough of a pause for my blade to carve into his arm, dropping it and his weapon to the snow-covered street. He tried to fend me off with his shield, but lost that hand as well, and a foot before trying to run. My second charge was much more effective and sent his remains flying a good twenty feet to rest in pieces in the snow near his wide-eyed soldier.

The gates were closed. I didn't even need to hurry. And a goblin wrestler stood no chance. Seconds later it was mercifully over, a leg and head lying apart from the rest. A quick reconnoiter of the remaining path convinced me there were no further goblins within our gates in any direction.

Boy it's good to be out of bed again.

P.S. They did find the deposit I had mentioned and have cleared it out. I've been discreetly having it taken care of. Other worshippers of Kashez, of which there are some, but not many, have been helping, knowing it is to be a shrine to him.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #251 on: November 20, 2008, 12:28:07 pm »

Lord Rovod called me into his rooms to share a freshly brewed batch of rum. Apparently he says it's best that way. While there we had a very, very interesting conversation. It does help illuminate some things. Like why certain people retain the positions they do. I can't write more here lest it be found and read and viewed in a treasonous light, but let's just say that Lord Rovod is somewhat of an oddity in his object of worship around here. I suspect he'd already gotten into the rum before I got here.

He assured me that his deity was well represented by this place and that no specific shrine or temple was needed and that I should continue with Avuz's temple, no matter what. I learned something I did not know about the goddess though. Apparently she is one of the Elder gods. According to legend she is one of the few to have remained. Apparently the ruling families have worshipped Avuz for hundreds of years, if not thousands but that that recently changed. The Dutchess' family still does, in accordance with their previous royal lineage. Our Queen and those she surrounds herself by... do not. It begins to explain much to me. I've included a brief sketch of devotions below.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 12:31:02 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #252 on: November 20, 2008, 10:30:33 pm »

6th of Slate

Urvad gave birth to a healthy baby boy today. Named him Tholtig. In any case it's her ninth. Ninth! As I had imagined she continues to use that battered helmet of hers as a sling and carries the infant around with her, even in sparring sessions. I no longer fear for their safety. Should she come up against a foe I'd seriously consider fearing for the enemy. I still think back with some regret to the loss of Datan.

((Actually I looked him up and apparently he is still a member of our fort. His location? The exact spot where he was stolen, stuffed into a bag, and fell after his mom sliced the goblin into little pieces. For some reason it still lists him as alive, which is why she never mourned his loss. It also still lists him as a baby, though his younger siblings are now children, which is strange. I'm wondering if there is some bug in a recovery scenario when it comes to baby-snatchers. If I zoom to his location it shows me a grass covered tile. I fear to look in our bags (we have hundreds) to see if he might be in one of them.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #253 on: November 20, 2008, 10:55:23 pm »

Might be related to the bug in Migrursut where a child apparently disappeared, but closer inspection seemed to indicate he was somewhere inside a solid stone wall.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

sneakey pete

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #254 on: November 20, 2008, 10:59:22 pm »

Hehe, some very appropriate religions you have there mate.
Magma is overrated.
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