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Author Topic: Geshud Osod, the Fortress of Bones (Community/Story in Legendary Lands)  (Read 101519 times)

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #270 on: December 08, 2008, 07:36:06 pm »

21st of Timber

The second of the large construction projects is now complete! The first being our defensive walls of course. That in and of itself took years, even though it was done in rough stone.

The roofing of the inner green space is now finished in green glass. This works well to act as a temperature buffer, so now we can use the southern building without having to brave the feet-high snow-drifts that tend to accumulate.

This also effectively makes this roofed in space akin to a greenhouse where, in theory, we could plant above-ground crops as well. I digress though, and for now this area shall serve as a location of refreshment and tranquility, outside of our normal structures and where we can go to see the weather without being in it. The trees in this area have also been set aside and not harvested since our early years. Should the need arise it may act as a wood source, but only at great need. I'm not much of a nature lover myself, I really prefer the deep earth of the mines, but some have that bent and can now enjoy it in peace.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 07:38:23 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #271 on: December 09, 2008, 03:01:29 pm »

The south tower reverberated with the sounds of hammer and chisel, of stones being carried and laid and the shout of dwarves calling out to each other in the massive emptiness that now existed in the center of the structure. The air was chill, but not uncomfortably so, and many of the dwarves worked in their normal clothes, the labor ensuring that they keep warm enough. Already the massive base of the structure was being worked on and a single figure stood atop one of the walls, consulting papers in his hand and occasionally barking out orders.

Then for no reason at all he suddenly stopped, closing his eyes as if to think. Or listen. After several minutes he shook his head as if trying to dispell the peculiar sensations he had been paying attention to. He glanced down at the papers again uncertainly, barked out a few more quick instructions before rolling the mass up and tucking it under his arm. His quick pace would have been a jog or run for many, but he knew the way well, making his way to the barracks of the first hall. A plethora of sound assaulted his ears but he quickly sought for and found the dwarf he was looking for. Or one of them at least. His blue-silver armor was a dead giveaway and he kept it immaculately clean and oiled so that it shimmered in the dim lamplight of the barracks.

They held a brief consultation before the metal-clad dwarf called another over who quickly saluted both and listened before dashing off for the upper steps. It seemed strange to the runner that he was being sent at all, but once he crept to the edge of the parapet and looked out into the swirling mass of snow he didn't have long to wait before the inexplicably expected arrived.

Shouting out the alarm he stood, making his way back to the living confines.

"A vile force of Darkness has arrived!"

Then later,

"We are besieged from the east!".

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #272 on: December 10, 2008, 05:53:12 pm »

12th of Moonstone Mid-winter

As soon as the word had spread a quick chaos descended before being loudly, and where necessary, violently, subdued by Ragnar and Aardvark. It wasn't that dwarves were panicking, it's that too many of them were eager to watch. The last siege that had occurred had nearly been a disaster and the military leaders were more prepared this time. Aardvark quickly assigned the fortress guard to be stationed at the exits, preventing curious civilians from exiting into the battlefields or roof of the north-eastern building.

Ragnar, for his part had gathered many of the squad leaders, Urvad and Fath being notable exceptions, being off duty and having had their share of patrol during the year guarding woodcutters. The normal soldiers were assembled in the barracks, awaiting orders when Ragnar and Aardvark walked in.

Ragnar addressed them in his usual gruff manner:

"List'n up ye stone-totin' pack of lollygaggers. The bedlam o' the last siege was no' accept'ble. So... " there he paused," startin' now all guard will keep da civvies in check during combat. The rest o' ye will either help, or, fer those as haven't seen much combat, can observe from da' roof where possible. Mind, that only be valid when no enemy archers be present. Am I clear?"

A resounding "Aye, sir!" shook the floor as Ragnar raised his hand for silence again.

"Dis time you'll all watch how it's done from da roof. The squad leaders will accompany us. Kuli, Kolok! Fall in behind us. Melonius, you're roofguard. We've got the blighters trapped behind our gates now, so they're contained, but if we want traders next year they've got to be cleared. Now, dismissed!"

Outside the goblins chafed at being imprisoned, but their leaders calmed them. They knew that this is simply how things worked here, and that their only chance to get at the dwarves was an all or nothing attack. In many ways it made the work of the leaders easier. They'd not have to worry about any trying to flee at the sight of the enemy. Should they survive to fight their way to the mechanisms or beyond they would receive acclaim, prestige and wealth beyond imagining, and that was just what their leaders would bestow upon them. There were also the pleasures of conquest that came with success. It was worth the risk, in any case, and most were there willingly. When they heard the doors clang open against stone they knew that the enemy would be coming and now was their time of glory.

What they didn't count on was only four dwarves coming to meet them. Four dwarves striding confidently out of the warm mist billowing around them. Four dwarves with an eager glint in their eyes and battlelust on their faces. Four figures coming to greet them as if the dwarves of the apocalypse.

Four heralds of death.

The first outrunners charge them, but are stopped short as a series of blades spring up to eviscerate the creature. Two others mark the location and rush past their fallen comrade only to fall into shallow pits, surrounded by bars.

Aardvark turned to Kolok, grinning.

"Now, I know this is yer first battle, so stick with us and we'll help ye out if'n ye get into trouble."

Kuli gave a short laugh. "What he means is, he'll steal yer kill if'n you're not quick about it."

There Aardvark too gave a quick chuckle. "Hey, if you're too slow to keep up with the pack perhaps we should just put ye by the fire and give you a warm drink 'till ye die of old age."

It was then that Ragnar piped in, stone-faced and serious.

"Ach, yer both daft. What makes ye think'll leave sum fer ye?"

Kolok wisely remained silent as the other two considered for a moment before falling quiet themselves.

They passed around the corner to see the enemy upon them. Their scout had returned with an accurate count, thanks to their being seen well before entering the gates proper. Sixty odd goblins stood before them, many of them armed with their wicked iron weapons. All but Kolok had faced those odd before, and if any were afraid it was not voiced aloud.

The first group stood before them, almost surprised at their appearance, but undaunted. A few had swords with wicked edges along one side, but most were unarmed, prepared to pile on an enemy till it could be stabbed to death. Aardvark and Ragnar led the charge, the first cutting a goblin down in a single stroke, cleaving it from shoulder to hip. Ragnar has no less success and his mighty blow connected, cutting through metal armor and flesh and bone, cleaving deep into the goblins chest before sending him slamming into the goblins coming behind. Kuli and Kolok quickly tore into the goblins that were trying to flank the others, striking blows where possible, parrying or dodging counter-attacks when made. The dwarves were obviously superior combatants. The first few seconds of combat were illustrative of the last seconds of the lives of the first squad of goblins.

The second squad of goblins consisted of wrestlers and speargoblins, and after seeing the carnage wrought just ahead of them braced themselves for the charge of the dwarves of Dorenemal. Little enough good it did them. Kuli matched them spear for spear and smote one of the speardwarves on the line down in seconds, creating an opening the others exploited with their shields, deflecting the barbed weapons of the goblins as the cut into them. Kolok felled goblins as he had felled trees but months earlier, with speed and apparent ease. The second squad lasted longer than the first, if only because three broke and ran for the upper ramps, Aardvark shouting for the upper gates to be shut as he ran to catch them. Two were caught in the traps on the ramp but the third made it past, scrambling desperately to escape the heavily armored dwarf paces behind him. He had almost gained the gates as they slammed down and turning to seek a place to hide he had only a fraction of a second to see the axe slamming down upon him.

By the time the third squad had been decimated the soldiers on the roof were cheering on the champions and calling out jeers to the remaining goblins. The fouth squad was already decimated by the time Aardvark and Ragnar arrived. Melonius had been firing on them since the early stages of the siege and their leader had been slain, scattering the others in hopeless despair. Almost as a parting shot Ragnar slammed the body of one of last six goblins alive so hard it flew from near the ramp by the east gate into the fortifications behind which Melonius was firing, splattering him with blood, as well as several soldiers behind him.

The siege was broken to cheers from the soldiers as Ragnar, Aardvark, Kuli and Kolok stood, cut, bruised and covered in gore but victorious near the shut east gate. The heroes were welcomed back and feted with enthusiasm below in the dining hall. Those that did not or could not watch the spectacle were regaled by those who did, and it was not idly that the four were called champions of Dorenemal. Melonius was titled Melonius Isanoddom Akum Lisig or, Melonius Stillcloisters the Catch of Berries, in no small part due to being hit by a flying corpse. Kolok has been titled Kolok Berbesmar erkon Solam, or Kolok Earthenpulleys the Infinite Master of Nations.

((Final kill count
Aardvark: 19 kills
Kolok: 11 kills
Ragnar:21 kills (winner for this siege)
Kuli: 5 kills (unfortunately your neck wound contributed much to this)
Melonius: 3 kills

And a screenie for the gore effect...))

« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 06:31:43 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #273 on: December 11, 2008, 04:35:15 pm »

10th of Opal

Dozens of dwarves were still out sifting through the light dusting of snow covering the equipment, corpses and body parts that the goblins had left behind in their neglect. Dumping it all was time consuming, but it reflected well on the Mountain home that it's streets remained clear most of the time. It was perhaps with trepidation then that the dwarves outside listened to the voice that they heard carrying over even the frigid wind that blew up from below. Had the gates been open it might have sparked a panicked riotous retreat back to the safety of the fortress, but thankfully such was not the case.

"I am the Titan Orshar Aluthkobem and I have come to challenge a champion of Dorenemal!"

I was one of the many that gathered on the roof of the north building to get a look at the challenger before deciding what to do. Ragnar and Aardvark joined me there before too long to gaze eastwards at the threat standing bare in the snow-locked cliffside. It was hard not to admire the physique of the femme-fatale standing there, impassively awaiting a response.

It was then that a voice was heard behind us, causing several other annoyed and angry voices to be heard only briefly as they were shoved aside.

"Make way for the Queen!"

The pair of Royal guards stopped as they reached us, indecision mirrored in their faces, before a voice came from behind them, contrastingly sweet.
She was looking directly at me when she spoke, though her words encompassed the others.

"Ah, good, I'm pleased to see you all here. Well, Captain, what is to be our response?"

Aardvark swallowed only slightly, but did not look away nor flinch.

"Kuli has volunteered to fight. In fact he was so hasty about it that..."

She cut him off as she saw the Titan for the first time, raising an eyebrow as she looked over the figure there.


Aardvark was a little taken aback and queried, "Your Highness?"

"No, let Kuli stand as second. There is a dwarf of the guard, one Crush Hamespirals. Send him."

A cloud passed briefly over Aardvarks face and it was then that I knew two things. He was the guard that had started the rumors about the Queen's last child. He also stood little chance.

Grimly, Aardvark saluted and stalked off, boots ringing out louder than normal as he tramped to deliver the mandate of the Queen. Undaunted she walked over to the parapet to address the intruder.

"I am Zuglar, Queen of the dwarves. What right have you to disturb our peace? Begone from here while you may."

The titan laughed lightly, her breath creating a mist that obscured her face for a few moments each time.

"I care not who you are puny dwarf. I have slain seventeen trolls in combat and fear no midgets like you. If there are no challengers I will throw down your gates and doors and crush the lot of you for sport!"

The queen, for her part, scoffed slightly at the suggestion and began condescendingly.

"You think trolls our superior? You are indeed dim-witted then. Very well, you shall have some sport, but know this, our champions will not be disturbed by your idle boasts. We will send out a dwarf to prove your worthiness of the champions. He has little enough skill and is of no more use to me. You may do to him what you can."

The titan frowned but began stretching in the cold, eager and awaiting the challenge. She had little to wait as the gates opened to admit two small figures. One remained by the gate, rocking lightly back and forth between his heels and the balls of his feet, spears resting upright in the snow next to him. The other advanced haltingly, shield and mace held at the ready as he approached the Titan.

They saw each other and nodded, one encased in steel but barely reaching the waist of the other, who stood as she had been born in the swirling snow. She began charging him and he started running as well, a silent ballet out in the howl of the wind and ice. The first blow struck was audible, only because it rattled Crush's armor so badly he was knocked on his back paces behind where he had started. The titan pounced upon him, hoping to take advantage of the position but was unable to get a grip on him as he wormed his way out and back to a standing postion. He struck with his mace repeatedly, scoring a few minor hits which Orshar shrugged off as easily as the cold. The battled back and forth for a half hour, neither able to gain the upper hand. Crush acquitted himself well, always managing to break the grip of the titan before counterstriking and dodging away. Time seemed to stop for them as they dueled.

An hour passed, then two, then four. The sun set slowly locked in mortal combat and the moon rose in the cloudless night sky, a deadly chill settling over everything except the two combatants who still struggled, locked in each others grip. Early the next morning it as the pink dawn tinged the sky and the winds changed direction, coming in from the west now, it looked briefly as though Crush might have gained the advantage. The titan had lost her grip on his arm as he spun away, and finding himself behind her struck a mighty blow to her back. A resounding crack echoed as the mace hit, but she rolled with the blow, blunting it's force. A wave of nausea fell upon her as Crush advanced, hoping to land a deadly blow. The wind kicked up then in a swirl and blinded him momentarily and when it had passed his advantage was gone, the titan advanced again, rubbing her sore back, a grim look on her face.

All that day they battled as well, the titan beginning to show signs of weariness, a sluggishness that sapped the strength and energy. Once he was nearly thrown from the cliff, twice he was nearly crushed beneath her as she jumped at him. The spectators had long since dwindled to a few, wrapped in furs, who stood watch, more out of duty and interest. The queen returned that afternoon, almost surprised to see her fellow still standing. Idly she commented as if in passing, a small smirk lifting one side of her face: "Well, he always did have a lot of stamina..." before withdrawing again to the comfort of her rooms and food.

One grim watchman stood ever silent near the gate, watching the combat as if entranced, as if oblivious to the elements around him.

It was his old sparring injury that finally did the determined dwarf in. He had just been grabbed by the titan when he felt his back siezing up and he knew then that he was in trouble. He passed out briefly only to come to by the sheer amount of pain in his limbs. Grunting he wrenched himself away from the titan's grip to stagger a few feet. She seemed amazed at his ability to continue to daunt her but did not relent. His leg hung twisted on one side and would no longer support weight, his shield arm hung nearly useless at his left side and rents in his chainmail were showing his ragged clothing underneath. The titan led in with a forceful punch and he was unable to dodge away in time, catching it in his lowered head but still reeling at the force. The titan descended upon him and looking at her from his position he only had a single thought before he blacked out. "There are worse ways to go..."

Kuli advanced on the Titan from his position at the gate as soon as he saw the titan's finger curl around Crush's throat. He knew then that the guard had lost, but saw some chance at saving him if he acted quickly. His orders had been to wait and stand as the guard's second in the challenge. Should he too lose the fortress would lose face to the challenger but after his observations of her combat style he had ideas that he could use to his advantage. Trying to distract her he called out:

"Hoy, ye've beaten him well enough. Ye wished to face a champion of Dorenemal, well now ye have yer chance. Come face me. I am Kuli Dancetreaties, the Tenacious Machine of Lightning!"

Wearily she released the limp form in her hands as understanding dawned on her. She looked from the ragged chainmail of her former opponent to Kuli, standing calmly in the snow, cloak thrown back revealing his, in places, gleaming steel plate beneath. The rest of his armor hadn't been fully cleaned from the siege only shortly before and still sported bits of goblin and spots of dried blood and gore. Orshar knew then that she had been wrong to underestimate these little folk, that she might be outmatched by this dwarf who, she thought, she had heard of. Her doubt gave way to training as she stood, sucking in air and trying to catch her breath.

Trying to surprise her opponent she feigned weakness as they closed, more warily than before. Then in a rush she lashed out at him, catching him across the shield and knocking him back a step. She tried to grab him in a bear-hug and pull him into her grip but he danced away, stabbing her lightly in the thigh. To his surprise his thrust penetrated poorly and he marvelled at the innate toughness titans possessed. She grabbed at him again, grasping at his arm but he shook her off. A blow to the head dazed him as she continued to rain punishment upon him, but her strikes were equally ineffective against his armor. As she grabbed his shoulder to spin him he threw her forcefully off, sending her exhausted to the ground but only briefly. Pulling herself up she drew herself into a crouch and jumped at him as he stepped back and thrust the butt of his spear into the ground, planting a foot upon it. Her own weight drove the spear through her and had it been a lesser weapon it might have shivered and broken, perhaps sparing her the fatal wound, but it was forged steel and dwarven craft proved true. Thus the titan Orshar Aluthkobem perished at the hand of Kuli Dancetreaties.

Kuli hurried over to Crush, bending over his broken form and checking the extent of his injuries. It was bad, very bad.

Kuli stood a silent vigil over the last few minutes of Crush's life and though he did not wake Kuli softly whispered into his ear as he began struggling for breath:

"Do not worry. We will see you buried in honor."
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #274 on: December 11, 2008, 09:52:47 pm »

I do believe that that was very, very awesome. Thank you for letting me go first Paulus, and thanks to Kuli for making sure I didn't die in the big sweaty manhands of a titan.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #275 on: December 12, 2008, 09:17:39 am »

The glory of this victory belongs to Crush.  All Kuli did was finish the creature off after Crush weakened it.  Rest peacefully, noble dwarf!

Good work, Paulus.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #276 on: December 12, 2008, 01:28:22 pm »

((Actually he did much better than I expected. He couldn't do enough damage to kill her though. The spine injury he inflicted was lt. grey and the only one that was still there by the time you got your turn. So in essence you were fighting a perfectly fine Titan, though admittedly she was tired still. So, though it was a near stand-off between Crush and the her it's wasn't that way with you. I made it seem shorter than it actually was with you since it ended suddenly. Technically in game time you two fought for two days before you got the critical, so you were both exhausted when you got the lucky shot. So don't sell yourself short. You got the kill and deserve the glory, though Crush likely helped some by wearing her out a bit first. It was just too hard for her to get past the steel armor you guys wore until Crush got really tired.

I had some fun and actually reverted to the save several times to see how each of us handled it. Most of us (Aardvark, Ragnar, Kuli, Kolok and I) had little difficulty defeating her without help at all. Crush, well, he was a guard with a spinal injury and so was a novice Shield and armor user with only chain armor and a Macedwarf skill with his weapon. So really, he did much better than I would have thought. I haven't had any other megabeasts come yet, but I'm guessing that the Titan is probably the weakest of them?))

12th of Opal

Apparently while I was preoccupied with the Titan, Lolor, our clerk, has given birth to a little girl. I congratulated her and gave her a little time off from recordkeeping. She'll be back at her desk in a day or two.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 12:36:01 pm by Paulus Fahlstrom »
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #277 on: December 12, 2008, 07:19:49 pm »

7th of Obsidian

Amost, a planter, left his work earlier today loudly proclaiming he'd had a great idea. He went topside to grab a single larch log that we have set aside and claimed a craftsdwarf workshop next to the siege workshop.

For three whole days and nights he worked without ceasing.

I passed him again after that in the dining hall, showing off his creation. It looked like a large, perfectly smooth section of larch, cylindrical like a log but polished smooth on all surfaces. I had to wonder what it was until he pushed on a section that slid effortlessly away until the thing looked like a smallish square box. He calls it Amallar Monom Morul, or Taughtmeets the Paper of Paging. Strange name for a puzzlebox. It is almost entirely unadorned and was made out of that single piece of larch, nothing else. Needless to say it's nice, but not truly that impressive.

I wondered if it coincided with the equally minimalist previous artifact for some reason but saw no connection between the two.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

sneakey pete

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #278 on: December 12, 2008, 11:50:07 pm »

((Yeah, titans are the weakest. i'd say hyrda's are next, dragons after that (since they do have the whole fire thing), and bronze colossus's being the toughest (they're bronze, dammit!)))
Magma is overrated.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #279 on: December 15, 2008, 04:07:48 pm »

13th of Granite

The queen rubbed her temples. She shouldn't have drank so much last night, nor allowed her new 'toy' to get her so drunk. It was her own fault for having the kitchen bring up a keg of each kind of their finest. They just made such good stuff here it was hard to resist. And why should she resist! It had felt good at the time and she knew that another tankard of it now would clear her head. It wasn't that that gave her the headache she now felt though. She'd been informed that the elven diplomat had arrived and was on his way down.

She hated dealing with the limp-wristed, pansy-assed (heh they always bring donkeys...) rope-reed wearin', flaming tree-huggers. She had considered sleeping with one years ago, just to see what they were like in bed, but even thinking about it now made her shudder with foreboding. Thank goodness the races weren't mixible. That was not a crossbreed that she'd like to see. No, even she wouldn't sink to that level.

She sighed again, rubbing her head as a knock was sounded at the door. That'd be him now.

She nodded at one of the royal guards, now stationed inside her door to let him in, setting herself behind her jewel-encrusted table and playing her fingers idly across one of the sapphires set into it. It always made her feel just a little better for some reason, but even that was insufficient for such a meeting.

The diplomat strolled in, cockily, as if he knew that the beleagured nation could not risk angering yet another enemy. He sat, unbidden in the chair opposite her and looked almost disdainfully at the wealth she had displayed, sneering at the sheer amount of waste, the abuse of nature that must have occurred for it to be there.

The meeting began, but she wasn't really listening. Her mind was elsewhere, distracted by the intricately carved table, or thoughts of the previous night. She smiled slightly, absently, as the diplomat continued, taking that for a good sign. It was when the door opened that her attention became riveted. People were not allowed to interrupt their meetings. Not for trivial things. A guard came briskly striding over to the table and bent to whisper in her ear. Her face drained of emotion, an unreadable expression came across it briefly before her brows furrowed. The elven diplomat leaned in to see if he could get any hint of what news had come. It didn't seem to be good. It wasn't, but inwardly the queen was smiling. She had the pointy-eared bastard right where she wanted him now. This was looking like it would indeed be a good meeting after all.

Her scowl did not lesson as she waved for the elf to continue. He began again after a slight pause, and she again appeared to be distracted, running her right hand over an intricately carved image of something in ruby. As if on cue, two royal guards detatched themselves from pedestals where they stood as silent as statues and drawing their weapons advanced upon the diplomat until they stood behind him to either side. He quickly noticed and nearly stood, an outraged expression and the words: "What's the meaning of this?" on his lips. He quickly sputtered as one of the guards unceremoniously slammed him back down into the obsidian chair.

The queens face was serious as she explained: "It appears my dear, whatever your name was, that your merchants have arrived above. While coming to the trade Depot they were supposedly 'attacked' by a goblin with a knife. They convinced one of our leaders, one Paulus Fahlstrom a well known and well liked bookkeeper and mechanic, to go investigate. He did and was apparently ambushed by not one but two groups of goblins on the southern slopes."

The diplomat went pale and began to speak when she cut him off again.

"When reinforcements went to help save him they discovered a group of no less than six goblin assassins concealed on our road, seeking entrance to our fortress. ((3 thieves and 3 babysnatchers actually))

Seeing as we are aware that your nation is on, at the least, amiable terms with these goblins, I begin to wonder if you yourself are not allied with them and sent to assassinate me at this time."

The diplomat remained in silence, contemplating how on green earth he would save his skin and salvage the situation.

He tried to speak twice, before closing his mouth and sitting there in silence.

Zuglar let him stew in silence for some time before continuing, inwardly giddy, outward cold as the stone around her.

"This is what we will do... judging from your reaction you appear to be no assassin, so you may live. Be aware that your actions have strained the relationship between our peoples and that any further action in this direction will lead to appropriate and warranted responses in kind against you and your people across our kingdom. You tread on dangerous ground amonst us now and we will watch closely any further presence of your people in our mountains. Now... begone."

He rose, tight-lipped and pale, though with fear or anger it could not be told. Before being escorted out he turned:

"And our treaty?"

The queen sighed again. She had been hoping he'd leave without remembering.

"We've kept to our side of it. And can agree to no less than a hundred and fourty three trees for the following year."

"And Paulus? Lives he still?" The diplomat asked this last without any trace of cynicism or disregard.

The queen sighed, but even here she was able to show their position of strength.

"He's fine. 'Twas only a dozen what ambushed him. From what I hear none of them escaped."

The elf nodded, some relief showing on his face. The figure for trees was high, but the diplomat was in no position to barter and merely nodded before departing, his final barbed words echoing in the nearly empty chamber. The queen ground her teeth. She, of all people, at a height slightly below the dwarven average of four foot seven, hated that parting line. One of these days she'd have an elf flayed alive for it, if only it were more warranted.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #280 on: December 16, 2008, 12:38:56 pm »

10th of Slate

Both Urvad, our champion, and Udib, our guard, gave birth this past week. Two more fine male children to add to our growing ranks. I begin to wonder how long Urvad can keep this up. At this rate, in twenty years her family and two or three others will outnumber the rest of the fortress. Still, I have to admit we can use more dwarves like them both.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #281 on: December 16, 2008, 06:32:44 pm »

27th of Slate

Well, after an unauspicious start the rest of the spring has gone by very productively. After the ambushes on the southern slopes I've spoken with Aardvark, Ragnar and Bembul about building an extension of our wall down there to help ensure our safety. It's not really needed, but would allow us to fish and harvest the trees there in a quicker and less interrupted fasion.

Work on both the temple and the observation tower of our grand staircase are going well. The observation tower should allow us to maintain a guard there to give us a better lookout for incoming hostile forces.

But I'm particularly fond of the temple complex. We've finished with the outer walls and have been working mostly on the interior, but I was able to go to the upper cliffs to get a better view of the design on the roof now that the snows have thawed on it.

Above is an image of a four-pointed star in Granite and Obsidian (background), Kaolinite (red) and Silver and Bismuth (center white and purple).
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #282 on: December 17, 2008, 02:40:28 pm »

13th of Hematite Early summer and the only nice season of the year to be aboveground

The humans have arrived while I was below. I could feel the rumblings of their wagons through the stone. Though with me no longer being the broker, nor with Abba bringing us much needed goods it seems a bit anti-climatic to me. It seems to me that the much of the fun in life was taken out of it by the unnecessary complications of life that success inevitably brings. I feel I'm growing weary of it. The constant struggle against stupidity. Fighting goblins is easier and simpler. Or delving in stone. I almost miss being in the rocks and earth like in the early days.

Working on temple construction has been nice, I must admit. It's comforting to see a project come together, with dozens of people working on different parts and once without knowing how it all fits together. That and it gets me away from the crowds in the main halls. The first level is now complete and work on the second has begun, though we're short on Magnetite blocks even though Cepheid has been working long hours on them exclusively. And we do need a few more Kaolinite blocks for the edging of the second level. I wish now we hadn't used so many on the observation deck roof, but the fields of red and white up there are appropriate colors for our fortress.

P.S. Looking back I wish I had gone up to see the traders. By the time I did finally make it up there the merchant liason apologetically informed me that he had brought a letter for me from Abba, but that it had been confiscated shortly after he had arrived and begun asking about my whereabouts. The Royal guard has been stationed at the trade depot during visits because of the tightened security imposed by the Queen after the elven incident. Or maybe I should say so-called incident. I don't believe for a minute that the elves intended to send me out there after a goblin so they could ambush me, any more than I belive their diplomat could be an assassin. I suspect it's an attention diverting/grabbing ploy, but for what purpose I'm not sure. Now I shall have to see if I can find out which guard confiscated my letter and determine whom he is loyal to. I can only hope it was one of Tarin's guards and not Agna's or the Queens.

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #283 on: December 17, 2008, 07:35:58 pm »

24th of Hematite

As a sidenote, Zefon, our non-crazy glassmaker discovered a kobold trying to sneak in. As per Dorenemal form she pounced on it immeadiately and began wresting it's dagger away from it. She was having somewhat of a hard time of things when Tholtig, our other hunter and resident bonecarver (Led is the first in both categories), came up the stairs to see them wrestling. Despite the fact that there hasn't been game in our hills in years, largely due to Led and Tholtig, he still carried his crossbow and with a few well-placed shots put the thief down. Amusingly the thief died two paces away from the doors to our refuse pile. Pretty convenient a place to die. If only goblins were so accomodating. Of course, goblins lack the intelligence to bypass our traps.

((Now that would be something cool to mod or hardcode in... racial knowledge of pre-existing traps. If your friends or squadmates perished to a trap then they know it and could avoid it, providing it wasn't removed and rebuilt elsewhere. Traps are somewhat cheap and make things way too easy. I'll be cutting them down or out entirely in the future. With the exception of a few well-placed cage traps so that arena combat can still occur.))
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Dorenemal: Rise of the Fahlstrom Clan (Community Fortress)
« Reply #284 on: December 18, 2008, 03:20:52 pm »

26th of Hematite

Lolor burst into my office from next door as I was going over the designs for the upper floors of Avuz's temple. She was short of breath as if she'd been running, one child still strapped to her back, the other's pattering feet could be heard running down the hall after her. She held a piece of parchment in her hands.

"I ... thought ... you'd want to ... see this."

I took the paper from her hand and perused it. It was the official copy to be filed of a punishment given for a failure to comply with the production mandate for adamantine... wait a minute... I rushed out of the room heading towards my brother's chambers. I knocked once before barging in. He was there and looked surprised at the fierceness of my glare as I pushed the paper in my face.

"Explain this!"

He looked at the paper for a minute and nodded until he saw the name of the person to be punished. The look of surprise on his face told me then that it was not his fault. If I'm anything, it's a decent judge on intent.

He stammered. "I knew about the failure to craft adamantine items, my wife finally got fed up with it again and we agreed to use the next name on the list that we've covered. But it certainly wasn't Ragnar. Nor was the sentence quite so severe. Let me check on something. Wait here."

He thought for a minute, then headed out, returning not five minutes later.

"Like I thought. I knew she had a meeting this morning with the Queen and her advisor. Agna offered to submit the form to Mistem and took it after the meeting. He must have changed some of it."

"Well, what can be done about it."

He looked a little sheepish, his voice subdued.

"At this point... nothing. The sentence has likely already been carried out. This is considered a minor thing and so no allowances are made for things like this."

"Two hundred and one days in prison is minor?" My voice was beginning to rise. "This is Ragnar we're talking about!"

"I'm sorry, but there's really nothing we can do about it. At least in official terms."

"Hmph, well, I'll see what I can do unofficially then."

Lolor had already left by the time I got back to my office and I was able to sit and think in quiet. Some ideas came to me, and I saw no reason, legally why I shouldn't be able to act upon them.

-Later that day-

It took considerable resolve for me to make my way down the dark halls towards the jail. Walking those paths hasn't gotten easier since I left that hole, but perhaps I would be able to change that somewhat in the future. It was long since time I came again, if only to remind myself of the potential for abuse in the system.

Ragnar had been placed in the same corner of prison I had been in, and he looked none too happy about it.

"Hav ye come ta set me free lad? 'Cause if not and I hav ta stew here fer as long as they say I'll gonna be bashin' me some heads when I get out."

"Sorry Ragnar. At this point I lack authority to do something like that. But what I can do I will."

I gave a short whistle and the sound filled the room, passing up the hallway. Other sounds answered, steps and occasional grunts as dwarves began bringing goods into the prison.

Ragnar looked a little taken aback as a bed was situated next to him, as well as barrels of food and his favorite swill. The final touch was having Ondinzeg installed in the middle of the room. There was something about it that just cheered dwarves up, despite it being a chain.

"It's the least we can do for ye Ragnar. That bed is now designated as your quarters, so consider this more like... an enforced vacation. I'll see that you're well provisioned."

His look softened somewhat, but he still looked annoyed.

"Aye, well, perhaps I won't be bashin' skulls in then. But this better by my sewer brew or I'm complainin' ta management."

I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...
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