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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 385131 times)


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1200 on: October 30, 2008, 07:21:38 pm »

Bomzulash, "The Home of Pain".

This is a masterfully sewn image by Stratvich Fillwhip. The image is of Stratvich Fillwhip. He is surrounded by scantily clad Dwarven women.

Stratvich Fillwhip
Random crap
Random crap
Random crap
Random crap
Random crap
Random crap
Random crap
Bomzulash, "The Home of Pain". Stomach.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1201 on: October 31, 2008, 08:23:33 am »

<distilled awesome>

I think we should form a petition, to get Toady to implement tattoos and especially sewn images for body parts.  Just imagine the terrible, terrible things the RNG-Gods would give our hairy little charges.

Some OOC Notes:

The battle between Stravitch, Lanni, and a well-timed Zako was absurdly challenging to do.  Either all three of them toppled into the magma together, or Stravitch would explode her in one lazy hit.  It got to the point where I had her stats jacked up like this and there was a 50% chance that Stravitch would still explode her in one hit:
Spear: 75, Shield: 75, Armor: 75, Wrestling: 75, Strength: 20, Agility: 20, Toughness: 20

Compare that to the standard points you need to get to legendary... 16.  Stravitch took a wound to the stomach (a brown), broke her hand (a yellow) then got thrown over the edge and landed on the ground below, that lucky bastard.  Zako, now a legendary wrestler, threw her over the edge because she was stunned, I guess from knocking his bulk aside. 

Where did she land?  I guess it doesn't matter because the game bugged out with an infinite siege after I saved with a goblin mid-flight, and I had to save-scumm to a previous version.  Meaning whatever-the-hell-I-want to happen to her will happen to her :D
« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 08:26:11 am by Heavy Flak »


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1202 on: October 31, 2008, 09:57:53 am »

Like Stravitch would like death stop him from seeing his masterpiece completed first.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1203 on: October 31, 2008, 10:51:38 am »

Upon dying, stravich would just beat Death up and wander back into life.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1204 on: October 31, 2008, 03:56:36 pm »

Upon dying, stravich would just beat Death up and wander back into life.

OOC: Hahaha... OMG, I could so picture that.

"Oh... my... Stravich is dead"
"He will be missed, sorta."
Stravich's mangled corpse suddenly shivers violently and sits up abruptly with a rattling intake of breath.
"What are you all staring at? Why aren't you working..."

Later that same day, the other undead dwarves confronted Stravich...
"Well, what brought you back."
"Brought me back?!? You pansy pushers, you mean you didn't tell Death to get the hell out of your way? Speaking of which, you're in my way, unless you coffin cravens are coming along with me to Dodik's or desire some training."

Happy All Hallow's Eve, you crazy bunch of dwarven deviants!  ;D


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1205 on: October 31, 2008, 04:07:51 pm »

The events of the 20th of Limestone, 1066

"Now now, just because you're impaled doesn't mean you'll die," Dojango soothed.  "We have a lot of blood in us, and as you'll know, most everything is in a direct line behind the lungs.  The lungs, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, heart... there's a good chance it missed all of those completely."

Love the dwarven anatomy.  XD
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1206 on: October 31, 2008, 08:05:07 pm »

The events of the 22nd of Limestone, 1066

The Goblin menace taken care of, and the Dwarven menace back on his feet, life in the desert fortress returned to it's own level of normality.  Aryn, flanked by his retinue of personal guards, exited the stairwell top-side.  He was in relatively good humor, giving curt nods to workers heading out to their daily chores, or haulers heading towards the magma pit to deliver their bounty. 

Reaching the edge of the trade depot, Aryn held up a hand and turned to glance briefly at his guards.  "Wait here," he said.  "Traders are a harmless lot, stay stationed here.  Watch for assassins, and thieves."

As the guards spread out, Aryn stepped into the coolness of the depot, and began to peruse the wares.  He was heckled by the merchants to purchase their overstocks of leathers, barrels of silk - for some reason, they brought a dozen Anvils with them, but these he pushed off.  His interest was in metals, in flux, in the rare gems they brought with them, and he was quick to make note of their goods, and to discuss with Glacies their current stock. 

His concentration was broken by a mellow voice calling from behind him, "Hello, Mr. Estetar.  It's a pleasure to see you again."

Aryn turned slowly, his lips pursing together.  He looked at the speaker, a dwarf that seemed to be made up entirely of angles, broad shouldered and narrow waisted, his arms and legs long and lanky.  A shock of orange hair rife with arrogant curls, his orange beard lush and flowing to his belt, the picture of masculinity.  Aryn's rage threatened to boil over. 

"You've been here days, Roaroak, and didn't even think to come announce yourself to me?"
"You've been busy with more important things," Howard Roaroak said calmly, "I knew when they were taken care of, you'd come here.  I didn't want to bother you."
"You're an ass, Roaroak.  The world doesn't revolve around you."
The Dwarf just shrugged, the action lazy and insolent, and Aryn controlled himself from taking a swing.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming," Aryn asked, finally.
"I did," Howard replied.  "Didn't you get any of my letters?"
"Outside of the encryped one - why did you encrypt that one?"
"You told me too."
"You didn't give me the key!"
"You didn't ask.  That wasn't part of your instructions."

Aryn could have screamed.  Instead, he took a deep breath and exhaled.  "I didn't see any other letters."
"The roads are dangerous these days.  This caravan is two months off schedule, I'm sure the mail carriers met... an unfortunate end.  We had to go over the mountains, as the valley near the sea is under Goblin control now.  More cities have fallen.  It's fortuitous we arrived at all."
"Did you begin working?"
"With so much time on the road, I did.  But it's not complete.  Give me a room and a table, and I can have your blueprints finished in a few weeks."
"Then go find Mayor Ineth on the fourth floor, and Glacies will most likely be down there in the mess.  Tell them I sent you, and to give you a nice room.  Stress nice"
"I don't need a nice room," Howard said, "Just a room with a table, a candle, and a bed will be fine."
"No.  Trust me.  Tell them a nice room, or they'll try to stick you in the barracks.  You don't want to be there.  Now go, I have to swindle your merchants."

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1207 on: November 01, 2008, 10:34:13 am »

The events of the 26th of Limestone, 1066

"Glacies" walked towards the trade depot, grumbling.  He'd gotten into a row with Aryn, and surprisingly, both Duke Bomrek and Tax Collector Crowpages sided with the old fool.  A half hour shouting match later, and the book keeper was clanking towards the trade depot to take tally of everything Aryn had placed on purchase.

Jools, his face a mask of exaltation, turned towards the newcomer.  For just a second, his look of revvery was broken by confusion, and Glacies looked down at himself.  He had on at least twenty necklaces, and a a couple rings on each finger.  Two different colored vests adorned him, and he wore a jaunty hat on his head, and another under his arm. 

"Wha's goin' on here?"  He demanded.
The small crowd of Dwarves around Jools turned to look at him, and one of them said in bored tones, "The traders are playing a game of chance with yon zookeep, and the fool keeps losing."

Squinting, Glacies stepped up and looked at the small stage set up.  There were three cabinets that had been hollowed out and set up, a curtain draped between them.  The traders were looking pleased as the appointed barker called out the rules.

"Nawww, listen he'ah mah frien's.  F'ar you newcomma's, rules are simple.  Two a' these cabinets have a donkey on t'othah side."  The barker paused as a trader leaned over to whisper something in his ear.  Frowning, the Barker continued, "Onna' these has a donkey on t'othah side.  'Notha has a donkey we made outta' some barrels and cloth, an' the third's got a full suit of jewel encrusted steel plate.  Master Jools here, havin' paid his coin yet 'gain, gets t' choose one door.  Now, choose a door."

Jools smiled and pointed to the center door.  The Barker nodded, and scratching under his chin, moved towards the one on the far left and opened it.  through the cabinet could be seen the wooden donkey.  "Now, as ya' can see, this one didn't have t' plate.  You can switch cabinets if'n ya' want."

"I'm staying," Jools said serenely.

With a groan, Glacies clapped Jools on the back of the shoulder.  "Now 'old up, I ran this exact game years ago on the road.  Swindlers game, you've got a fifty fifty shot of gettin' the armor now, supposin' they don't pull a fast rig and switch the prizes behind that curtain.  What's the harm, 'eh?  Just switch up."
"I apologize, book keep, but that's where you're wrong.  If I switch, I have a two-thirds chance of getting the armor."
"You're a daft bastard," Glacies snapped.  He yanked his hat off dramatically, and put the other one on, tugging it down to cover his eyes.  "It's fifty fifty, and those'r the best odds you're gunna get.  Look, there are only two cabinets, just switch, you pro'lly picked wrong at the start."
"No, no, I assure you, I picked right.  I'm staying."

The Barker, shaking his head, opened the middle cabinet.  Through the cabinet was a bored looking donkey, chewing away at the sparse tufts of weed sprouting from the cracks in the stone floor.  Jools made an excited noise and clapped his hands.

"You WANTED the donkey?" Glacies asked incredulously.
"Have we not met?" Jools replied, perplexed.  "I'm more likely to get a donkey than that stupid armor, and if I don't switch, my chances increase to two thirds."
"You're wrong,"
"Bugger all, I'm playin' this game, I'll show you how it's done," Glacies said, pushing past Jools.

"We don't have anna'more donkeys," The Barker said. 
"I don't care, lay out a barrela' ox shit if you want, I'm gunna clean you all out."
Jools popped his head from around Glacies, lifting one hand up to be noticed, "Sirs?  Is it okay if I have the wooden donkey, too?"


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1208 on: November 01, 2008, 01:57:57 pm »

Noooooooooooooooo.... Flashbacks to Nist-Akath... my eyes burning from the pages of fury! Augh!

I've read the last few pages and now I want to go back and read the thing from the beginning. I haven't done such a thing since Nist-Akath.Gaugh >.>
..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1209 on: November 02, 2008, 12:35:05 am »

The events of the 5th of Sandstone, 1066

For the first time in years, work was canceled.  There was an initial outpouring of praise, of celebration, until word began to trickle through the channels: There is no work, because there is an emergency meeting in the mess hall.  Aryn has something important to say. 

As noon drew close, Dwarves began to file into the dining hall.  Some grumbled, some didn't, some were genuinely interested.  But none skipped, if only because this broke the monotony of the day. 

Aryn stood at the end of the room, in front of an easel draped over with a heavy cloth.  Standing behind him, off to the side, was Howard Roaroak, his lanky frame slouched back against the wall in insolent defiance.  When the room seemed close to bursting, Aryn stepped forward and cleared his throat, speaking out loudly and clearly.

"This is a historic day.  I've called you all here, I've canceled work, for one specific reason: so there is no excuse to miss this announcement.  Dwarves - men, women - citizens.  Life, The world, society, has conspired against us.  We have been given a bum deal, we've been persecuted, we've been hunted, we've been tested.  We, effectively the last remaining members of our home country, are all that is left in this world.  The Goblins have run amok, their monster brethern have laid waste to once proud Dwarven strongholds.

"What are we left with?  A pitiful existance, clawed from these very sands. Through stubbornness, and grit, we managed to survive and eek out a life.  This life has been threatened.  This life, our freedom, is being challanged by the very goblins who have destroyed the life we came from.  These half-breeds, and their Goblin controllers, are angry at our ability to decide what is right and good, at what is fair and just, at what is pure

"This past year, I commissioned a work.... a blueprint from a Dwarf who is considered a revolutionary in his field.  His contemporaries may condemn him, but they are just scared of his genius.  Mister Howard Roaroak, standing beside me, is the wave of the future.  He is the natural progression, the evolution, of the Architectural Arts, and it is for that very reason that I hired him.  For my project, my vision, was not something that was contemporary.  It was not a something standard, to be pawned off onto the Leopardknights of the world, onto the merely mediocre.  No, we - we as a community - needed the best, and I put up a lot of my own personal fortune to hire him, with the understanding that he would have full creative control.  Howard, would you like to have a word?" 

Howard shook his head, and after a momnetary setback, Aryn continued on, "speaking to a crowd is not his strong point... and that's fine.  He's not paid to talk, he's paid to create.  Howard has given us something amazing in his design.  I've examined it with a fine-tooth comb, and it's fail-proof.  And that, that, is why I've called you here today.  To present to you my dream, as designed by Mr. Roaroak.  I present to you, Oceansbled."

Aryn gripped the edge of the sheet and gave a hard tug, yanking it off of the easel.  The crowd gasped as the and the reaction seemed to please even Roaroak, the faintest hint of a smile curling the corners of his mouth.  Aryn grinned, slapping the edge of the paper with his hand.

"This, my friends, is the future.  This is safety, it is wealth, it is advancement, it is community.  This is open to those who produce, those who work - those who follow Dwarven Laws and Society.  My friends.  I give to you... The Future.  I give to you... the greatest achievement Dwarven Kind can create.  I give you something the Goblins can't destroy, the humans can't conquer, the leeches can't abuse.  I give to you... I give to you, a utopia, carved from the wastes."


End Chapter 3: Of Glass and Steel
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 12:37:25 am by Heavy Flak »


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1210 on: November 02, 2008, 01:31:50 am »

Noooooooooooooooo.... Flashbacks to Nist-Akath... my eyes burning from the pages of fury! Augh!

I've read the last few pages and now I want to go back and read the thing from the beginning. I haven't done such a thing since Nist-Akath.Gaugh >.>

I read the first page once, then stopped. I just read this page and I'm going to start again.

GAH! Not again, I have zombies to write about!
Even the avatars expire eventually.

sneakey pete

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1211 on: November 02, 2008, 02:03:36 am »

Ahhh, Glass and steel!
Magma is overrated.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1212 on: November 02, 2008, 03:04:04 am »

Wow... I'm slow. I didn't get that till I read your post sneakey_pete.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1213 on: November 02, 2008, 05:19:10 am »

Is this game still open for new characters? If so I'd like one... Make him named Mikaf, and make him... something. Whatever fits. Prefer a Swordsdwarf or perhaps a Marksdwarf or maybe a mason or possibly a miner or a woodcutter or a cook or a brewer or a trapper or a hunter or a mechanic or an axedwarf or a carpenter or a gem setter or a small animal dissector or a judge of intent or a gem cutter or a metalsmith or a fisher or a wrestler or a hauler...

Oh, and if possible, make him lukewarm at best on the whole religion thing. That'd be neat.


Oh, and great thread. Three thumbs up.
Give an elf a fire and he's warm for a night. Drop an elf in magma and he's warm for the rest of his life.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1214 on: November 02, 2008, 05:33:22 am »

And so ends another chapter...

WOW! Manoman am I glad I joined the game!
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