Hoping the seals on his Void Armour hold, Tallion draws his Shuriken Pistol and fires wildly into the swarm.
Full Auto Burst into the Swarm.
Your spray tares through the swarm like the God of war, each hit squelching a line of bugs and leaving their fragments against the ground. Still the pure size of the swarm means that for every one you killed there are yet five more that live. It is almost like fighting humans, perhaps the World Spirit has been learning from the parasites that dot its surface?
"Wasp" Swarm has taken 16 Wounds!
(It was 31 before the half-damage kicked in. Kinda glad I picked a swarm this time.)
Teeth snaps at the bugs with its jaw, stomps with its feet, and crushes them with its tail in a frenzied attack more instinct than trained. Such actions do little to thin their numbers, despite how many squished bugs now stick to the poor Raptor.
"Wasp" Swarm has taken 19 Wounds!
Kedia's Raptor takes a similar tactic, to similar effect. Still between the three exterminators there is now a noticeably smaller density of wasp creatures filling the air, a sign that this is a battle that can be won.
"Wasp" Swarm has taken 24 Wounds! It has now shrunk to size Enormous!
Indria fires out a Semi-Automatic burst from her hellgun! Its blasts lights up the night, vaporizing any of the bugs that found themselves in its deadly path. The scent of burned bugs fills the air for all who have their noses exposed to the atmosphere, a group currently consisting only of the Raptors and the bugs themselves.
"Wasp" Swarm has taken 31 Wounds!
An angry swarm of wasp is not a fun place to get caught up in. It retaliates for its dead comrades, attempting to sting Indria, Kedia, and Tallion through their armor! Indria and Kedia are able to avoid getting stung, while Tallion feels the prick of stingers that nearly pierce his armor. He is lucky enough to brush them away without taking any damage - this time.
Kedia 17
Tallion 16
Teeth 12
Unnamed Raptor 7
Indaria 5
"Wasp" Swarm 5 (Indaria goes first as PC)
It is now Kedia's turn.