Why put him in prison? There are plenty of ways of slowly killing people. Why imprison them instead making them beg for death?
If some revolution does happen, I wish to see the Red Square getting a new coat of paint and hear a ballad of screams. They should publically execute all of the Russian oligarchs and their kin. Man, woman, children. Young and the elderly.
Sure, it would be cruel to kill kids. But in my almost entire 19 years of life in the Middle Fucking East, I know better than be "moral" and "sensible" in a situation like this. You go all out. You set a vicious example. No holding back. No humanity shown. Those pretty sentimental things are afforded to ones who have afforded them to you first when they should've. Showing humanity is just a waste on such people.
It would be a good little sidenote in history that future generations can use to taunt their own tyrants. A note written with blood.
As is long due.
No. As ruthless as I am, I would
not kill their children. They are innocent, and I don't kill innocents.
Enjoying the suffering of other people IS NOT OK. Even enjoying imagining their sufferings IS NOT OK. Sometimes it is emotionally unavoidable, believe me, I experienced rage and hate many many times and mind becomes... "creative". But I know that nothing good can come out of sadism.
I do want to slowly torture Putin and the Russian oligarchs to death over several days, however. Or just shoot them. Whatever. Their happiness or suffering holds literally zero moral vaue to me at this point. As long as they all die...
I mean, it's not like Russia has a long and fairly bloody history of exactly what you're calling for happening and then the new regime is generally just as bad if not outright worse.
Like seriously dude, this is fucking Russia you're talking about, the textbook example of "Bloody revolution ends up making things shit for everyone involved and then some"
There is absolutely no other way here. The only way is to kill them all and deport their families. Peaceful protest won't do shit even if half of the city population somehow is convinced to do so. Peace was never an option. Historical precedent is worthless, you need to look at the facts on the ground.
To quote Doctor Who: "You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people, being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive. Why don't you break the cycle?"
Because it is not possible to make peace with them. I would choose to break the cycle if it was possible. But alas.
It's also not about method. I never said I wasn't as much or more cruel to my enemies than them. But at least I respect human rights. That is what matters.
To the doves here, give me a single reason to believe a peaceful revolution is at all viable. What the fuck do you all propose? For us to hug and sing "Imagine" with the oligarchs?