May i ask, to everyone voting for the "better" C option:
Why would you want to live near the sky like a FILTHY and STINKING pigeon? When you could live in a MANSION just as someone as SPLENDID and INCANDESCENT as ZENDRAKIEL the RESPLENDENT should! ...or at least as close to a mansion as possible.
Thus, i beseech thee all! To divert from this course and vote for improved D, so that we might build a GLORIOUS mansion overlooking our subiects, to be seen and ADMIRED by all. For dragons are not born nor meant to live amongst MUCK and MUD, but amongst MARBLE and WORSHIPPERS... Just think of all the worship we shall get down here...
If the "better" C option sounds so appealing, perhaps it could be worked into the improved D option. Although i think that is not better at all, and even the original "D" option was more preferable, but the improved D option is of course the most MAJESTIC of them all.
So what'll it be?
Also as a filibuster, i'm starting a vote to
My platform is that i believe fun run contrary to the very spirit of SPAM. Not every game has to be fun. Players should not be in a position to think for themselves and suggest creative solutions to problems that increase engagement and thus turn it into a actually fun game.
Motion to BAN fun:
No Ban(Fluffe9911)
(Dont take this seriously just memeing around lol)