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Author Topic: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up  (Read 6297 times)


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Tell the dweeb with hairspray that I actually am a fan, but costumes for the character I like are rare, listen to the rest of the crowd to find out what names the various characters have and say the costume is for [name of character mentioned least] in case he doesn’t believe my claims, find another crowd, hopefully one more lax about cosplay


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #91 on: August 02, 2021, 05:30:13 pm »

Since I love this NES Game's intro song, I'm heading to the Skate Park to check out the Skate N' Die Punks with most of my allies, except the below.
I'll leave most of Santa's Legion to keep control over Overhill Graveyard for now.  The Christmas Prince has been a loyal ally, so I'll have him and a couple of Santa's Legion go to the Dojo, enroll in some Martial Arts classes, and let me know how they're doing.  Maybe they need some business help as well?


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2021, 06:27:08 pm »

Add me to the waitlist, please

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« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 06:42:23 pm by Strongpoint »
They ought to be pitied! They are already on a course for self-destruction! They do not need help from us. We need to redress our wounds, help our people, rebuild our cities!


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #93 on: August 02, 2021, 06:30:15 pm »

Add me to the waitlist, please

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((here, just added an i to the /spoiler))

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #94 on: August 03, 2021, 12:37:46 am »

Major weather problems today delayed the finalization of the turn, I will complete it tomorrow. Apologies for the wait.

Add me to the waitlist, please

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Accepted, welcome aboard.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #95 on: August 03, 2021, 05:30:51 pm »

(( Hey, I almost certainly forgot to make an action this time around and have been letting it drag too long. I really like the concept of this game, but I feel as if though I'm lacking inspiration, which may have to do with the number of other threads I'm taking place in, as well as the other I'm running that take up most of my brain space. I don't want to hold things back at all, so it would probably be best to remove old Grüber Falx from the list and let one of these waiting folks take his place. Sorry! ))
I've lost control of my life.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 2: Sporty Slayings & The First Location Capture
« Reply #96 on: August 03, 2021, 06:28:43 pm »

Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
Time: Noon

Pepito's Pizzeria (ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
"Hey ho I'll keep it ya in mind uncle. Now if ya can excuse me I gotta make some bombs, knowwhatI'msayin'? Hey ho fuggetaboutit"

[Charisma: 5+1(Charisma)+2("That's my nephew!"] Giant gives his nephew a look of concern, "Are ya sure you want to do that, with your arm all jerked out and whateveah?.....Ah shit, youse a grown man now, you can take care of yourself! Just gimmie a call whenever you want Mario to take a look at ya. And make sure none of them bombs go off near the pizzeria, I'm tryna run a family business here! A presto!" As Joey turns to leave he hears his new uncle yelling into the phone, "I got all these guns here and you don't got the money yet!? You muddafucka!"

In an adjacent alleyway to the pizzeria, littered with discarded cardboard pizza boxes, Joey performs another graceful spin. Instantly, the suit and fedora are replaced with a leather jacket emblazoned with badges, scuffed up blue jeans, and fingerless gloves. He even receives a patchy beard and tattoos of "tough" images like skulls and knives. Joey's makeover ends with him looking like a bonafide outlaw biker. Transformation completely, he strides out of the alleyway and makes his way down the road...
"Giant" Vitali - (Fury of the Small, Brass Knuckles)
*Tortino Squad [12/12] (Revolvers, Bats, Switchblades)

Mar Bayo (knightwing64)
“We have to kill troublemakers with superpowers, Don’t question it.” [Charisma: 5+1] Logan makes his position clear to the Beach Boys and after a pause, Ryan Bilson shrugs. "Ok then, let's see where this thing takes us. As long as we stay kings of the beach."

Logan pulls levers on his train and begins to drift and donut all over the street to win passersbies over. [Train Conducting: 7+2] A group of surfers, thoroughly impressed by these train tricks, runs alongside the vehicle. "Dude, the way you ride this machine is totally bitchin'. We're this line," they say as they pile aboard the engine.

+Ally: Surfers [7/7] (Surfboards, Athletic, Radical)

There's some jostling and squirming as the new arrivals hop on. Squished between a Beach Boy to his left and a surfboard on his right, Logan realizes that the space inside this smaller model of train is not going to carry anyone else. In fact, there's already a personal space problem.
Ryan Bilson (Leader, Cool Cat, Revolver)
*Beach Boys [8/8] (Love Partying, Women, Music and Cars)

Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot (Fluffe9911 & ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
Bodies lie strewn across the blood-ridden asphalt. Fires blaze steadily. gunshots and laser fire fill the air. "HONK!" Webster stares at the carnage, transfixed at the punishment he has wrought upon the world of men. The flames of burning cars are reflected deeply in his endless, goose eyes. The British pilot attempts to speak up out of concern, but seeing the malicious gaze in the goose's eyes, he decides to stay quiet.

The few remaining aliens are not deterred by their few numbers and press on with the attack, with the conquest of Earth being more important their own lives. They chase down the two surviving members of the first Death Rider Squad [3 vs. 6], but are unable to locate them. The bikers had dove underneath the undercarriage of a large SUV, and they hold their breath as they watch the aliens slowly walk past their hiding spot.

With a lull in the fighting, the second Death Rider Squad run around their limousine barrier and assault the Planet X representatives head-on. [1 vs. 8] As they begin to fire, one of the aliens turns and presses some odd buttons on the front of its chest-mounted radar. The radar screen bursts in a brilliant white explosion, so bright that the Death Riders scream as they are blinded. Even Webster and the pilot, at their removed distance, have to shield their eyes. With the bikers staggering, the aliens resolve to shoot them, without the assistance of one radar machine. [6 vs. 9] Even in their stunned state, the bikers are smart enough to blindly run from cover and hide behind whatever vehicle they bump into first. They scatter, giving the aliens no good shots as their lasers only melt asphalt and tires.

A sole biker is completely unphased by the blinding maneuver, Tycoon, who only seems more angry. "YOUR LITTLE SPACEMAN TRICKS CAN'T STOP ME! GET OOOOOUT!" [10 vs. 1] The leader runs through laser fire completely undeterred, and gets so close to the aliens that when he fires his shotgun two of them are sent flying, riddled with bullets, smashing into the side of a Toyota. The final alien, with all its comrades slaughtered, abandons the mission and sprints for the spaceship. "NO YOU DON'T!" The businessman pulls out a car remote and presses a red button. As the alien makes its escape, it is completely blindsided as a pickup truck rams it from the side at 80 MPH, carrying it away in a blur.

In the immediate quiet of the battle Tycoon clambers on top of a Toyota. "I AM MICHAEL TYCOON BRADLEY, AND I AM THE SOLE PROPERTIER OF MICHAEL'S USED CAR & BIKE LOT! NO ONE CAN CHALLENGE MY POSITION! NO ONE!" As he makes this triumphant gladiatorial claim, all the surviving Death Riders come out and surround him, cheering his name, hooping and hollering. If anything their faith and loyalty towards their commander as only sharpened.

While Webster watches this skirmish comes to a close, the masked assailants who previously appeared begin to charge up the small hill at the duo, assaults rifles aimed and brandishes. One of them barks, "Capitalist pendejo!" [3 vs. 4] The Monteneros are trained assassins, but it's still hard to aim when you're running up a hill. Bullets spray around them, and when one lands directly between the pilot and Webster, the human takes action. The pilot scoops up Webster in one arm and makes a break for his plane, about 100 meters away, while bullets pocket the grass around them. [Dexterity: 10] It's a good thing he left the cockpit open, as he makes an incredibly athletic leap from the ground, clearing entrance to the plane with his "boss" in tow. Landing comfortably in the seat, he quickly lowers the window and takes off without a hitch. Looking out the ascending window, Webster watches from the pilot's lap as the Monteneros still shooting at them, while on the other side of the parking lot the Death Riders continue to celebrate. "That was a close shave, sir."

A sole biker enters the car lot from a side entrance. He witnesses the hovering aircraft, the assassins trying to shoot it down, the celebratory biker gang. In between all of the living are bodies, ruined cars and streaks of blood and bullets.
Tycoon (Business Clothes, Pump Shotgun, Rage!, Savage)
*Death Rider Squad I [2/12] (Business Clothes, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

Monteneros Assassins [8/8] (Hostile, Concealed, Body Armor, Assault Rifles)

Paperclips Sporting Arena (naturegirl1999 & Failbird105)
While Tina is berated by the gatekeeping fan, she listens intently for discussions of the various Realm of Royals characters. [Learning Cultures: 6+1(Wisdom)] Picking out a name that is only brought up once, Tina declares her cosplay: Paige Mack, the intrepid serving girl. The gatekeeper scoffs, "She's bottom tier, no one likes her!" But the others in the crowd shut him down, stating that just because a certain character isn't viable doesn't mean that someone doesn't like this. He grows quiet and resentfully allows Tina to stick around, although he still isn't happy.

Off to the side, The Lorax kicks over a trash can. "Take that, you landfill transient demon!" A police officer walks over to the orange humanoid and with a sigh says, "Sir, please refrain from destroying property." The Lorax points a finger at the cop and says, "You're part of the establishment, nothing but a greaseball goon looking for a quick paycheck as you murder the forest!" The situation has the potential to escalate...
Excessive Force (Bulletproof Suit, SMG, Pepper Ball Gun, Taser, Baton, Remorseless)
* LPPD Unit I [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit II [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit III [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)

Overhill Graveyard (Euchre Jack)
With the Overhill Graveyard under her control, Galia organizes her domain before moving on. Most of Santa's Legion is left at the graveyard as a garrison, while The Christmas Prince and two of his closest followers are sent to the Muntford Avenue Dojo to acquire new martial arts skills. He bows, "We will return more deadly than ever Queen, and extract our Christmas vengeance on this sick, unfestive world."

They leave to turn one way down the sidewalk in front of the graveyard, while Galia, Frank Luke, Der Rudolf, and the Anti-Corruption Advocates turn in the opposite direction...

San Marco Mega Raceway (Unraveller)
When Grüber Falx drops The Viper into a cold-water cooler, the Death Rider body guards keep trying to shoot him out of the sky. [4 vs. 2] Falx swerves and spins in the air to avoid the bullets, and does so successfully for the most part. He gets hit in the face, but its a glancing blow, and doesn't do much more than a bad shaving cut. It might leave a mark. The Bavarian flies out of the bikers effective range. The Viper spends some times shaking ice cubes out of his clothes, and by the time he looks up Falx is a dot in the sky. Unable to hurt him, The Viper gives the competitor a middle finger.

Over in the stands (more like the last stands), the two standing Voortrekkers are backed up against the wall with Death Riders closing in from all possible angles. Without any other options, the scouts start blasting their shotguns. [5 vs. 9] They miss the first volley, and that gives the bikers enough time to roar and charge forward like a barbarian horde before the Dutchmen can aim their next shots. [10 vs. 8] They stand bravely, using their guns as clubs, but there's just too many bikers. A flying brick hits one of the Voortrekkers in the arm, making him drop his weapon; the gun disappears into rider hands. [2 vs. 1] The other Voortrekker is smacked in the head with an empty aluminum beer can. At this point the Voortrekkers are simply trying to wrestle and escape their way out of the mob, luckily the bikers have not been incredibly effective in grabbing the slippery scouts just yet.
The Viper (Fancy Clothes, Savage, Veteran, Sturdy)
*Death Rider Squad I [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad III [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

El Fuego Taqueria (King Zultan)
"It seems relatively safe here, so let us wait here until our aid arrives." The doctors agree that this area is safer than the Taqueria itself, and so they disperse among the two stories of the store. King makes his way on over to the football clothing section looking for padded apparel. There is a whole wall of football shoulderpads of various materials and sizes. Scanning over them, it looks like the cheapest version runs at $90 and only goes up from there. Football is not a cheap game to play. Nearby two U.N. medics argue, one stating that the intensely physical nature of football makes it very healthy, while the other one retorts that the potential of brain injury makes it too dangerous to play.

The door to the Forward Pass! opens to an armed soldier dressed in Indonesian fatigues, an assault rifle strapped across his back. He makes a beeline for Zultan, stopping just before him. He nods, "I have been ordered by Governor Wibawa to take personal charge for you, Mr. Zultan." He reaches into a hip holster and hands Zultan a pistol, "I was instructed to give you this."
+Ally: Indonesian Soldier (Military Fatigues, Orange Beret, SS1 Assault Rifle, G2 Pistol, Loyal)
+Asset: G2 Pistol
El Apunalador - (Mariachi Clothes, Massive Steak Knife, Butcher)
*La Pantera Squad - (Mariachi Clothes, Pistols, Machetes)

The Skate Park - (Euchre Jack)
The Skate Park is a jungle of concrete, dipping circles and half-pipes, long metal rails. Nearby in the grass are tables and a restroom, the exterior coated in graffiti like "Rad", "Diabolical" and "Sk8 Fast, Eat Grass". the park is full of skaters gliding past, doing kickflips and 360s. Loud Hardcore Punk music blasts from a boombox.

As Galia and company approach, out from seemingly nowhere an entire skate crew lands out of the sky before them on their boards. They wear Heavy Metal t-shirts and basketball shorts, hair shorn into colorful mohawks and frosted tips. They look college age, but Galia can assume that none of them are attending a higher educational facility. Among their suspicious glares, one of them stands out, a lanky, straw-colored boy in a beanie. His ride of choice: a scooter. He speaks, "I'm Kirk Copain, leader of the Skate N' Die Punks: We skate until we die!" He points an accusatory finger at Galia, "You and your crew are not tight with us. All those suits, you're either the PTA or cops, and either way you want to shut us down. Well no way! We skate until the heat death of the observable universe!" He lifts his scooter triumphantly, like a rebel soldier hoisting an AK47.
Kirk Copain (Scooter, Radical)
Skate N' Die Punks [11/11] (Skateboards, Spray Cans, Radical)

Spoiler: Gangs and Locations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tina (Naturegirl1999) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logan (Knightwing64) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Webster (Fluffe9911) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tanya (Failbird105) (click to show/hide)

(( Hey, I almost certainly forgot to make an action this time around and have been letting it drag too long. I really like the concept of this game, but I feel as if though I'm lacking inspiration, which may have to do with the number of other threads I'm taking place in, as well as the other I'm running that take up most of my brain space. I don't want to hold things back at all, so it would probably be best to remove old Grüber Falx from the list and let one of these waiting folks take his place. Sorry! ))

I'm sorry to hear that, I definitely enjoyed Gruber's characterization and his input on the game. But I understand, it is very easy to become overloaded with commitments to different games, I emphasize with that based on experience. I only saw this reply after nearly finishing this turn, so on the following turn I will give the Bavarian a dignified exit. I hope to see you again in the future Unraveller :)


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #97 on: August 03, 2021, 07:17:29 pm »

"Now's my chance to play both sides' Joey thought as he striked as pose, and as he spoke his words of power in the most bikery voice he had he began to float off the ground. "By the powers of hog cranking and alchool poisoning I invoke a demon from the 9th circle to protect mah pack, awoooh!"[/color]

Fly high into the air and summon a demon to kill those suckas, awooooh!


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #98 on: August 03, 2021, 07:32:35 pm »

The sudden take off into the air snaps Webster out of their trance they sit dazed and confused for a second before they start honking rapidly and flapping their wings in the general area where the controls at!

"HONK! HONK! HONK!" Get the pilot to shoot down the weird flying demon person as well as the assassins if possible, we shall be master of the skies! Blood for the Blood Gaggle! Skulls for the Skull Pond!

(Was originally going to just let the pilot calmly fly somewhere else but then I realized wait a second Webster wouldn't do that! so time to fight wooo!!)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 07:59:38 pm by Fluffe9911 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #99 on: August 03, 2021, 11:13:44 pm »

(was the officer getting distracted by the Lorax the same one that accosted Tanya? Also, sorry for not posting, got caught up in a lot of other things after it took me too long to think of an in character plan for Tanya that wasn't stupid)

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #100 on: August 04, 2021, 12:44:12 am »

(was the officer getting distracted by the Lorax the same one that accosted Tanya? Also, sorry for not posting, got caught up in a lot of other things after it took me too long to think of an in character plan for Tanya that wasn't stupid)

It was another officer, though both are in the same LPPD Squad.

No worries, there's no hard feelings on anyone that misses a turn in this game. Sometimes we have a lot going on, I certainly did in the previous week.

King Zultan

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #101 on: August 04, 2021, 08:03:13 am »

"Glad to have you aboard, and with you here we can start to work on helping this city."
Zultan then went around the store and gathered the doctors to explain his plan to rid this city of the gangs that plague it.
"First we'll need the support of the citizens of this city, then once we have that we'll find the best way to remove each gang from this city one at a time."
See how my group feels about this idea and if they have any ideas as to how to get rid of the gangs, then once that is all established start going around the store and asking costumers if they are willing to join my cause.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #102 on: August 04, 2021, 08:14:16 am »

Use my computer to “review” (learn about) Realms and Royals to let me better blend in with the crowd ((to GM, my hope if if I blend in enough, Tanya’ll lose me and the cops would stop her from attacking “innocent event goers”


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #103 on: August 04, 2021, 03:15:39 pm »

(I hadn't realized that I had 100 Anti-Corruption advocates.  If only they weren't Pacifists...)

"We have no interest in shutting you down.  We want to build you UP with the power of Marketing and Investing.  What you need is to promote yourself better online, so that your Skate Park can grow.  Wouldn't it be great if you had some food vendors so you didn't have to leave to get food? And I have TWO companions that can fly banners advertising your Skate Park.  How about we work together?"


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #104 on: August 09, 2021, 12:54:14 am »

(this feels like the perfect environment to start up a riot in, and I just remembered I have such a skill, but I have no idea what I would say to start one... well, okay, I have one idea, but not one I can execute this turn.)

"That orange little shit is going to get on my nerves..." Tanya mutters to herself. She thinks, what she needs to do is to spark up some chaos, but... how does one go about convincing a bunch of weaklings to start a riot?

Well, they apparently get pretty passionate about those games right? Listen around while blending in with the local Force, try to figure out what the big rivalries are.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 12:55:48 am by Failbird105 »
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