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Author Topic: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up  (Read 6284 times)


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2021, 07:26:13 am »

Don’t worry fellas!

Get a way bigger train and find a way to give my passengers superpowers.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 3: New Faces, New Friends
« Reply #106 on: August 10, 2021, 12:52:56 am »

Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
Time: Past Noon

Mar Bayo (knightwing64)
Don’t worry fellas!” Logan tries placating the Beach Boys as well as the surfers on board his train, as both factions are starting to look pretty unhappy, the confines of the engine forcing them to jostle and bump into each other whenever anyone moves.

He needs a bigger train. He looks around. There isn't a train track or a station around for miles. What would be the best way going about this task?
[Intelligence: 6] The Death Riders steal vehicles all the time, there's a chance they have a train in their collection, or something like it?
[Intelligence: 10] Being a competitor often gives you superpowers, but what if you're just an average Joe? Truth be told, you really can't. Superpowers are reserved for those playing the WikiWar game, and the mysterious people who run the whole affair are very particular about keeping powers exclusive. A competitor could always get lucky and obtain a power that enables them to empower others. The only other avenue would be Dr. Hoffman, one of America's most premiere scientists. He likely knows the answer to these pressing questions. His exact location is unknown, but it's common knowledge that his wife Lisa Hoffman is the executive manager of the Costa Vista Beachside Resort Tower...
 Either way, one of the surfers has called a Beach Boy a "untubular toenail" while the swooner has responded by saying his rival is a "total square, with an obtuse angle to boot". Things are getting testy...
Ryan Bilson (Leader, Cool Cat, Revolver)
*Beach Boys [8/8] (Love Partying, Women, Music and Cars)

Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot (Fluffe9911 & ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
Webster and the RAF Pilot are soon sharing airspace with another man, a biker who needs no vehicle to fly, only the force of will.

Webster & RAF Pilot - 11
Tycoon - 9
Montenors Assassins - 3
Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo - 2]

The Pilot is the first to react to the excessive "HONK!"'ing of his partner, turning the plane to face down Joey as he performs some sort of bizarre Disco ritual. "Flying bikers then? Let's see if they can beat British lead." [7 vs. 1] The fighter plane spits out bullets from its twin machine guns, one of which hits Joey dead center on the chest, sending him spinning backwards.

The revelry of Tycoon and his biker horde abates a bit when they hear gunfire and look up to see a military plane in a dogfight with a flying man. "Tycoon, what's going on up there?" Tycoon squints, trying to make out the details of the aerial combat. "Well the plane is shooting at a guy? I dunno, might be one of ours? Hard to tell at this distance, and I never seen a single one of you sonuvabitches fly around like Superman. Eeeeh, could be trouble. Everyone, eyes up and on guard." With that, the celebration gives way to the bikers locating and preparing their weaponry.

The Monteneros fire a few more bursts at Webster before agreeing that he's too far away to hit with conventional weaponry. Before they can curse their bad luck, one of them emerges from their vehicle with a rocket launcher slung over his shoulder. "I bought this beauty from some of my Columbian amigos. It's a heat seeker, she even takes down CIA helicopters. Take a look," he says as he gets on one knee, pointing the device upwards and begins to aim.

Joey Jo-Jo Shabadoo is sent spiraling from the impact of the bullet, flipping around for well over 50 meters before he comes to a stop in mid-air. Bloods leaks from his chest, falling to the ground like a tiny waterfall. He could fit three fingers inside the wound, it's large and he's losing a ton of blood quickly. Before the plane can make another pass, he completes his dance:  . "By the powers of hog cranking and alchool poisoning I invoke a demon from the 9th circle to protect mah pack, awoooh!"
With his final pose, several feet away a fissure appears in the air, like the tear in a piece of paper. Emerging from this realm of hellfire and crimson stars are a pair of massive fist, further pulling apart the fissure. A massive figure free-falls to the ground, as tall as a small building, the top half of a minotaur and the bottom half of a spider. Clutched in its hands are twin war picks scaled to its size. When it lands, it crushes several cars underneath the tonnage of its eight legs. The massive hybrid looks around with its glowing orange eyes and then lets out a primordial roar that is deafening even to the competitors in the sky.

The Bikers respond with a moment of paralysis before they run screaming for the store. Even Tycoon is in a dead sprint, "NO NO NO FUCK FUCK FUCK GOD NO PLEASE NO!!!"
Tycoon (Business Clothes, Pump Shotgun, Rage!, Savage)
*Death Rider Squad I [2/12] (Business Clothes, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

Monteneros Assassins [8/8] (Hostile, Concealed, Body Armor, Assault Rifles, Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher)

Haures the Unyielding (Demonic, Huge, Terrifying, Besieger, Spider Leap, War Picks)

Paperclips Sporting Arena (naturegirl1999 & Failbird105)
Tanya & LPPD III - 10
LPPD I - 8
Cpt. Excessive Force - 7
Tina & LPPD II - 6
The Lorax - 4
Hostigi Knights - 3]

Tanya scans the crowd like an apex predator, losing sight of her quarry along all the different faces and moving bodies. "That orange little shit is going to get on my nerves..." Tanya find a batch of LPPD officers hanging around a cop car, and so she slips in their circle, copying their formal but annoyed posture. [Blending In: 3+1] They mostly shoot the shit over how obnoxious it is to work these type of events since the most exciting thing is someone getting sick and throwing up in a trash can, or a drunk fight that lasts for five seconds. "I should be home watching TV, but shiiiiit. I need the overtime pay." Just as something juicy and useful begins to be said, one of the officers focuses on Tanya. "Hey, hey what a minute. I've never seen you here before. You're a rookie?" His wariness turns to arrogant bemusement as he produces a twenty dollar bill, waving it in Tanya's face. "Hey rook, go get all of us some snacks from one of those vendors over there. And keep the change, would ya princess?" The other cops snicker at this last comment.

The fan group Tina has inserted herself into finds some benches to sit on, which gives her the opportunity to set her Apple II down and do some research on Realms of Royals. [Computer Research: 8+1] The old computer is slow to load, but finally Tina is able to get an ASCII copy of the game's Wikipedia page. Within minutes, she is able to glean a lot of the basics: how it's the world's most popular MOBA, pitting the royals from all different countries against each other. She realizes that the character everyone is assuming she is cosplaying as is a minor Irish noble, and a character portrait of Paige Mack shows that the royal bears an uncanny resemblance to Tina. Now the words of the people around her start making sense: a "slay" is a kill, "jubilee" is this game's version of an ultimate move, and "jungling" is a technique where a given royal will colonize a jungle in order to profit and build up natural resources for the late game. Tina figures she could hold a casual conversation about the game at this point.

The police officer speaking to the Lorax sighs, "Sir, will you step aside with me please?" The Lorax screams, "Never you gas-guzzling pig! Pocket dirt!" From some unseen pocket on his hip, the Lorax produces a fistful of soil and flings it into the officer's eyes with stunning accuracy. The cop screams, falling to his knees and clutching his eyeballs while the others in his unit pull their batons on and rush the little orange dude. [3 vs. 2] The Lorax gleefully ducks under their swings and escapes from under their legs, though one of them gives them a kick in the backside as he flees. "Yowwie!" He exclaims, running and holding his buttocks. "You've really made me mad now! I speak for the trees, and the trees are telling me to kill!"
Nearby fans run out of immediate area as the Lorax and the cops begin to battle.

Cpt. Excessive Force (Bulletproof Suit, SMG, Pepper Ball Gun, Taser, Baton, Remorseless)
* LPPD Unit I [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit II [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit III [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)

San Marco Mega Raceway (Unraveller)
Grüber Falx is being shot at by angry bikers, his Dutch companions are being slaughtered left and right. Winning this competition is going to be harder than he thought, but he has to do it for Blume's sake...
Or does he? He considers his change of fortune: before the WikiWars, he was just another working class schmuck with a heartbreaking story. Now? He has a list of new, if unseemly, erotic powers and he can fly. There are many avenues to save Blume, things that were just not possible only a few hours ago. The wish, that can go to whatever power-hungry fool desires it the most. He has more vital goals in mind.

And so with that he flies, not in a downwards arc to attack the Death Riders, nor to rescue his remaining allies. He flies up, and up, and up, until he is but a speck in the eyes of everyone on the raceway. The Viper's men keep shooting until their clips empty and they can only gawk as Gruber just...disappears.

"...That was anticlimactic. Well if I see that asshole again, I'll shoot 'im. But right now I just want to kick back and watch this race. Let me get back in my chair, I've missed the past dozen laps..." As the last two Voortrekkers are clubbed to death, The Viper lounges in his upholstered lawn chair and pops open a can of beer.

Grüber Falx has left the WikiWars competition.

El Fuego Taqueria (King Zultan)
"Glad to have you aboard, and with you here we can start to work on helping this city." The Indonesian soldier shrugs, "If it's what the governor wants, I am bound by duty to obey, for the sake of my country."
Zultan gathers his UN Doctors to bring up the next phase of his operation:
"First we'll need the support of the citizens of this city, then once we have that we'll find the best way to remove each gang from this city one at a time."

[Strategy: 7] While the doctors are not military or diplomatic personnel, they have decades of combined experience in warzones. They have a few suggestions: first, is that usually the local community is too scared of the gang to stand up from them. Emboldening and working with the common people could change this and rob the gangs of some of their protection. Second, gang life is tough, full of danger, stress and adversity. If gang members were given other opportunities, especially the low level ones, they could be swayed to leave their lifestyle. And if all else fails? A massive push of force from a powerful entity that shocks and disrupts them so badly they have to pack up and leave. It won't get rid of the gang temporarily, it might even make them stronger in the long run, but they'll be forced to relocate in the meantime.

With all that squared away, Zultan begins to go around the store and speaks to the customers about joining his cause. [Persuasion: 9+2(Diplomacy)] The first few people that King approaches gently rebuff him, bourgeoise sorts who have no intention of dirtying their hands. However, one group is much more enthusiastic: an entire football team of a local small college who were shopping for new gear. "Man, we lose every game! It would be great to finally use our skills and get a W for once! And we can even treat this as practice! Let's do it, Musk-Oxs on 3! 1! 2! Musk-Oxs!!!"

+Ally: Musk-Oxs Football Team [30/30] (Enthusiastic, Teamwork, Athletic, Skilled Tacklers]
El Apunalador - (Mariachi Clothes, Massive Steak Knife, Butcher)
*La Pantera Squad - (Mariachi Clothes, Pistols, Machetes)

The Skate Park (Euchre Jack)
"We have no interest in shutting you down.  We want to build you UP with the power of Marketing and Investing.  What you need is to promote yourself better online, so that your Skate Park can grow.  Wouldn't it be great if you had some food vendors so you didn't have to leave to get food? And I have TWO companions that can fly banners advertising your Skate Park.  How about we work together?"

[Charisma: N/A] A few of the skaters look genuinely curious about Galia's proposal before Kirk Copain steps up to her, close enough that either of them would be able to punch the other in the face at moment's notice. Frank Lucas and Rudolf take a step closer to Galia, ready to throw fists and hooves should it come to it. The other skaters are closing in too, but the hundred-strong anti-corruption advocates encircle everyone.

Copain speaks, "Listen lady, you don't understand the first thing about punk skaters. We skate because it's cool and rebellious, not because some stupid advertisement tells us too. You just want to fill up this place with lame-o's and posers so you can earn some stupid corporate money. Well, you know where you can shove all that money." He spits right between Galia's feet. "From the second I see you and your bum-ass crew, I knew none of you were legit, and just came over here to be some whack narcs. Well screw you! What are all these bozos in suits going to do, rough us up because you're too chicken to fight?"
One of the activists shakes his fist, "We won't brawl with you, that goes against the laws of this land! But if you don't anything wrong, we'll write a letter to the local newspaper decrying your sinful actions!"
This response makes Copain smile, as if it proves the validity of his positions. Galia can tell he's an equally charismatic leader as she is, in his own sort of way, and has a strong sway on all of his followers. As soon as he laid out a rebuttal to her plan, each of the skateboarders who looked interested now glare at her furiously.
Kirk Copain (Scooter, Radical)
Skate N' Die Punks [11/11] (Skateboards, Spray Cans, Radical)

Pepito's Pizzeria (0rca_tr0per)
A Black Hawk helicopter lands in a blank patch of asphalt behind the pizzeria. As its whirring blades slow, from within steps out Lord Screech XIII, one of South Africa's most acclaimed karate choppers.

His arrival on the scene corresponds with a black van pulling up to the back entrance of the establishment. The rear doors open, and two muscle-bodied men in collared shirts pull a third man, blindfolded, gagged, handcuffed, screaming and struggling, out from the vehicle. The door to the pizzeria swings open and mob captain "Giant" Vitali comes into view, all 5'1" of him. He looks stone-faced and serious as he waves the goons in, their victim in tow. "Good, you got him. Let's put him in the freezer, see if his family pays up before the frostbite gets him..."

It's only when the kidnappers are through the back door that Giant notices Lord Screech XIII. At first the gangster looks stunned, but suddenly a smile is plastered on his face. "Hello there amico! Welcome to Pepito's Pizzeria, my little slice of heaven!" He runs up and gives Lord Screech a playful poke in the ribs, "Say buddy, why don't you forget all about what you just saw and I'll have my boys cook you up free pizza, whatever flavor you want?"
"Giant" Vitali - (Fury of the Small, Brass Knuckles)
*Tortino Squad [12/12] (Revolvers, Bats, Switchblades)

Spoiler: Gangs and Locations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tina (Naturegirl1999) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logan (Knightwing64) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Webster (Fluffe9911) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tanya (Failbird105) (click to show/hide)

It took me much too long to finish this turn. I'm going to increase the standard time for a new turn from 48 to 72 hours, to set a more realistic expectation in the future. I apologize for the disappointment and will strive to do better.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #107 on: August 10, 2021, 01:03:31 am »

It’s fine. Don’t worry about it

Learn how Paige Mack fights in game, if it isn’t too magic heavy, perhaps those skills can be somewhat transferable

King Zultan

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #108 on: August 10, 2021, 05:18:09 am »

(Take as long as you need to produce a turn.)

"Welcome aboard men, with your help I feel we can take down the local gang members that are disguised as a mariachi band in
El Fuego Taqueria."
Guide my group back to the restaurant, then once there have the football team go inside and locate the mariachi band, rush in and tackle them, restrain and disarm them, have any remaining members of the team tackle anyone else in the restaurant that's hostile, have my soldier follow the team inside and have him ready to shoot anyone that pulls a gun on the football team, while I stay outside with the doctors and I keep my gun at the ready in case more gang members show up in front of the building.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #109 on: August 10, 2021, 06:57:33 am »

Calm down! I’m finding a bigger train, So stay in your seats AND BE QUIET.

I us my power to acquire a magical relic and then try to find a train yard or something and steal there train. Also, Try to find the Costa Vista Beachside Resort Tower.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 07:03:45 am by Knightwing64 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #110 on: August 10, 2021, 09:41:14 am »

Webster watches as the pilot hits the weird flying demon person clean threw the chest but before Webster can give off celebratory honks he notices the man carrying a rocket launcher below.

"HONK! HONK! HENK!" Webster starts floundering in the general direction of the rocket launcher guy! Evasive maneuvers! take down rocket launcher guy! Webster shall not go down that easily! Also dont let the weird demon guy get away! (assuming we are still in the air/possible) HONK!!!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 10:44:18 pm by Fluffe9911 »


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #111 on: August 10, 2021, 11:01:00 am »

Well good luck with this big boy suckas. Joey will fly to the hospital and switch back into his mobster nephew persona while on route, leaving these suckas to deal woth Garlogax the Destroyer or whatever that thing is


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #112 on: August 10, 2021, 11:07:17 am »

"Anti-Corruption Advocates, canvas the neighborhood to determine their thoughts on the Skate Park.  Frank, take to the skies, you know what to do. Rudolf, prepare for crowd control."

"Copain, I think we need to talk a language you understand..."
Punch Copain!


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #113 on: August 10, 2021, 12:15:11 pm »

>Take Stone Shape as my power, and order some pineapple pizza. That kidnapped guy is just an unnamed NPC and is beneath notice.
it's over


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #114 on: August 16, 2021, 11:20:24 pm »

You know what, screw it, head over there and use it as an excuse to listen around for what fanbases tend to be at each-others throats.

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #115 on: August 18, 2021, 01:57:48 pm »

This has been a rather harsh week healthwise.

Turn should appear later today.


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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #116 on: August 19, 2021, 04:50:30 pm »

This has been a rather harsh week healthwise.

Turn should appear later today.

I smell schedule slippage and IRL delays.
it's over

Machiavelli Corleone

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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 4: Ascent of the Falx
« Reply #117 on: August 20, 2021, 03:18:36 am »

Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up
Time: Past Noon

Mar Bayo (knightwing64)
As tensions rise in the tight corridors of Logan's train, the conductor attempts a more aggressive approach: “Calm down! I’m finding a bigger train, So stay in your seats AND BE QUIET.” [Charisma: 1+1] A sunglass wearing surfer with straight straw colored hair sneers at the Beach Boys, "Yeah you heard the boss, shut up!" Ryan Bilson takes a deep breath and retorts, "I'll shut up when I have to stop staring at you ugly yokels." This straw breaks the camels back and punches are thrown. [6 vs. 2] Don't let their trendy outfits fool you, The Beach Boys know how to rumble and they knock a couple surfers out cold. [9 vs. 6] The surfers start using their boards to whack the Beach Boy's on the skull, and send a few of them to the ground.

While chaos breaks around him, Logan cups his hands and channels his nautical energies until his eyes glow an oceanic teal. Sea foam manifests in Logan's palms and when it washes away a pointy and pristine fuscia conch shell is revealed in his grip. Despite its pretty nature, Logan can tell that this is no ordinary souvenir, and holds a great power.

+Asset: Tidal Conch (Mystical, Single Use) - Blow into this conch to unleash a monstrous tidal wave upon your current Location.

With this in check, and with crooners and slackers directly behind him trying to beat each other up, Logan sets to thinking. Where would a train yard be, or at least a station or something of the sort? Unfortunately, knowing the various locations this particular round of WikiWars is taking place in, there isn't anywhere that would produce trains. A shame, but he does know where Costa Vista Beachside Resort Tower should be. He pulls a lever and the train begins to chug along the road...

Ryan Bilson (Leader, Cool Cat, Revolver)
*Beach Boys [8/8] (Love Partying, Women, Music and Cars)

Michael's Used Car & Bike Lot (Fluffe9911 & ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES)
Webster & RAF Pilot - 11
Tycoon - 9
Monteneros Assassins - 3
Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo & Haures the Unyielding - 2]

"HONK! HONK! HENK!" The RAF pilot knew that this was serious business and a real deal battle. Not only were RPG wielding terrorists and vengeful demons in play, but his boss had (arguably) introduced a whole second word into that vocabulary. "Reading you clearly!" The plane dips downwards and turns in the direction of the Monteneros Assassins. [1 vs. 5] Before the pilot can let loose with his machine guns, a concentrated burst of assault rifle fire manages to hit the plane! Nothing vital is damaged, but it's too close for comfort. "Aaagh, it's too hot! I'm turning around boss! We can still get the flying man!"
The plane makes a 180 and gets away from the Monteneros and locks in on Joey Jo-Jo. [3 vs. 5] Joey takes too sharp of a downwards flying descent and the fighter plane can't hit him before it's forced to turn back towards the sky and reorient. "Damnit! I'm off my game today."

Tycoon and his goons are busy running into the store, slamming the door shut behind them. The gang leader suddenly regrets having huge display windows positioned everywhere around the facility.

"I'm tired of seeing that robber baron goose and his bootlicker flying in the sky! Take him out, comrade!" The rocket-launcher equipped Monteneros needs no other words of encouragement as looks through the advanced weapon's scope, tracking the plane until the electronic systems lock-on...[10 vs. 1] The rocket flies out and appears to miss the plane completely, until it quickly loops around and tackles the vehicle directly in the nose. There's a brilliant fireball that leaves nothing but a few spare pieces of metal falling to the ground. The Monteneros cheer as the assassin looks at his handiwork with a glint in his eye, "One more billionaire off the list..."

Webster was Anti-Air'd by the Monteneros Assassins!

Haures rumbles through the car lot, effortlessly smacking away any vehicle in its path. The locked doors are no obstacle to it, practice fodder for his war picks that cleave through the barrier like notebook paper. [7 vs. 5] With one giant bound, Haures leaps through the air and lands on a biker, crushing him like a grape. The last remaining biker in Squad I, tears streaming down his face, runs as fast as he can. But he isn't fast enough for the long range of a war pick swipe, that collides with the force a wrecking ball and sends him, and the last remaining hope for the squad, careening through a display window at over 100 MPH.
Tycoon, the valiant leader that he is, locks himself inside of his office and starts barricading it with filing cabinets and his desk. Death Rider Squad II cower behind a display truck and hold their collective breath, hoping that Haures has the awareness of a T-Rex.

Joey transforms back into his Nephew form and lands right outside of a nearby clinic, blood continuing to stream from his chest and onto the ground, a trail left behind him like crimson rain. He stumbles inside, and passes out...
[Surgery: 4]
Joey wakes up sometime later. He is visited by his surgeon, who said they were able to patch him up, but unfortunately, due to complications his Left Arm had to be removed. "The good news is, you'll definitely live. Now then, are you paying with Cash or Card?"
Tycoon (Business Clothes, Pump Shotgun, Rage!, Savage)
*Death Rider Squad II [12/12] (Biker Leathers, Pistols, Knives, Clubs)

Monteneros Assassins [8/8] (Hostile, Concealed, Body Armor, Assault Rifles, Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher)

Haures the Unyielding (Demonic, Huge, Terrifying, Besieger, Spider Leap, War Picks)

Paperclips Sporting Arena (naturegirl1999 & Failbird105)
Tanya & LPPD III - 10
LPPD I - 8
Cpt. Excessive Force - 7
Tina & LPPD II - 6
The Lorax - 4
Hostigi Knights - 3]

Humbling herself to the level of a rookie cop, Tanya accepts the money and heads to a hot dog stand to purchase enough food for the third LPPD Squad. While the vendor cooks the sizzling dogs, Tanya listens in for the conversation of nearby fans to figure out what tensions belie this subculture; there's always in-fighting. [Learning Cultures: 2] There's  a lot of chatter, but Tanya isn't able to comprehend anything through all of the jargon. When a typical sentence is, "Freidrich von Beauchamp can't Muddle before Debut 1647," how can she discern a single idea from these gamers? Before she knows it, her order of hot dogs is ready.
Her Hostigi Knights stand a good distance away, attempting to not make it obvious that they are linked up with Tanya, while simultaneously keeping her within eyesight.

LPPD Unit I gets in battle formation as their colleague wipes the dirt from his eyes, while The Lorax stands on top of a garbage can and jeers at them. "Come on you dunces, fight me or your mothers will!" [10 vs. 7] They take him up on his offer, and the nearest one gives him a faceful of pepper spray. The Lorax clutches at his face, "AHHHHH NOT THE EYES YOU STUPID BITCH!" This is when the other cops swarm in and just start beating the shit out of the little orange guy.

Tina, apparently now cosplaying for Paige Mack, listens in on the discussion to see if she could replicate this character's moveset. [Learning Fighting Styles: 4] Paige Mack does not use overt magic, but she is a medium ranged character who specializes in the use of Dueling Pistols. If Tina was going to emulate any of these techniques, she'd need the right weapons first.

The Lorax attempts to weather the storm of baton strikes [Constitution: 1] but apparently The Force of Mother Nature is nothing compared to The Force of Vindictive Police Brutality. The cops step back as The Lorax slides down the side of the garbage can and onto the ground, his body a landscape of bruises and his face a swollen, splattered with blood and teeth. A cop prods The Lorax with his baton, and seeing no reaction, shrugs and picks up the little Speaker of Trees and dumps him inside the garbage can.
Cpt. Excessive Force (Bulletproof Suit, SMG, Pepper Ball Gun, Taser, Baton, Remorseless)
* LPPD Unit I [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit II [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)
* LPPD Unit III [12/12] (Police Uniforms, Pistols, Pepper Spray, Batons)

El Fuego Taqueria (King Zultan)
King Zultan greets his new teammates and fills them in on the current situation: "Welcome aboard men, with your help I feel we can take down the local gang members that are disguised as a mariachi band in
El Fuego Taqueria." The football players are eager to help liberate the local community from the clutches of gangsters, all while getting to hone their skills.

Zultan's whole group nonchalantly walk out of the sporting goods store and back to El Fuego Taqueria, where he identifies the jovial Mariachi Band as the thugs in question. The Musk-Oxes all get in a football stance, and begin to count down in unison, "!" [2+2 vs. 3] The football players are hyped up, too hyped up. They tackle one Mariachi player successfully but the rest is a free-for-all as they begin to tackle and take down civilians left and right, who begin panicking. The Mariachi Band, realizing they are under attack from a football blitz, throw down their instruments and draw their hidden guns and blades. [6 vs. 9+1(Athletic)] They counteract, but the athletes are too quick and nimble, diving and sliding around at will while bullets hit tables, walls and lighting fixtures. Every time a narco tries to slice a football player he completely whiffs as they juke and hurdle him with ease. For all the violence, the sports team is completely undeterred, "WOO YEAH FOOTBALL GAME TIME YEEEEEAH!"

When the shooting breaks out, the Indonesian Soldier takes aim at all the Mariachis trying to blast the jocks. [2 vs. 1] The professional soldier shoots a Mariachi's gun out of his hand, temporarily disarming him, but the rest of Las Panteras shoot back at him and he is forced to take cover behind the vending machine.

El Apundalador is besides himself, staring in shock as athletes attack his customers and employees while a foreign soldier starts to get into a shootout. "I will not have this ruining my business! This is a family restaurant, mierda!" He opens his guitar to reveal that it doubles as a container for a massive steak knife, practically a shortsword in size. [3 vs. 9+1(Athletic)] Furiously, he attempts to chase down the Musk-Ox team and carve as many as he can into chunks of raw meat, but they prove too fast as for him, each player at least twice as speedy as he is. As he tries chasing one player, a teammate leaps over The Butcher and steals his sombrero, placing it upon his own head, leaving the business owner screaming in a flurry of Spanish curses.

King Zultan stands outside, watching the action while closely clutching his new G2 Pistol. There's a lot of fighting but surprisingly no casualties, besides the unconscious civilians that the Musk-Oxes blindly tackled. So far, no enemy reinforcements have shown up...
El Apunalador - (Mariachi Clothes, Massive Steak Knife, Butcher)
*La Pantera Squad [10/10] - (Mariachi Clothes, Pistols, Machetes)

The Skate Park (Euchre Jack)
"Anti-Corruption Advocates, canvas the neighborhood to determine their thoughts on the Skate Park.  Frank, take to the skies, you know what to do. Rudolf, prepare for crowd control." Galia distributes her commands like a seasoned general, and each part of her army goes about to their specific duties, dispersing where needed.

She turns back to the swaggering skater and speaks plainly: "Copain, I think we need to talk a language you understand..." He smirks, and his gang laugh, refusing to show intimidation in the face of this uncouth business lady. "Yeah, what language is that?" [5 vs. 7] Galia throws the fastest sucker-punch she can manage, and it's fairly impressive for a non-fighter. Kirk's eyes widen and he has to jerk his head back to avoid getting hit, but his skater reflexes are just a bit faster than hers. The lead skater grins, itching for a hometown slugfest with a poser.

Skate N' Die Punks - 10
Galia Prosdocimus Arnold - 9
Frank Luke - 8
Kurt Copain - 7
Anti-Corruption Advocates - 5
Rudolf the German Flying Reindeer - 4]

As soon as Galia swings her fists the Skate N' Die Punks hop on their skateboards and rush forward. "Get the frickin moose!" [10 vs. 2] Just as Rudolf starts to fly a skater does a kickflip off of a bench and lands on the reindeer's head with the force of a baseball bat. Rudolf hits the ground as the skaters converge on him, ramming into his body with their boards and shooting spray paint into his eyes. "Schmerzen!!! Viel Schmerz!" The reindeer cries out in German as hacks up a glob of blood from his throat.

While the Punks practically ensure that Rudolf has his last German Christmas, Frank Luke has taken to the air and put his eyes down upon them. [1 vs. 8] The skaters take a break from executing Rudolf to note the Biplane targeting them. "You think we're scared of your old ass buzzplane? We have real technology on our side!" The skaters disperse and skate around the park, using their boards to hit previously unseen buttons. These buttons activate bright lights around the area, some of which shine directly into Frank's eyes. [Flying: 2+3(Ace)] The pilot's vision goes blank white and he has to find blind, miraculously he manages not to crash into any part of the park, but is forced to land in some nearby crash, grounded until his vision clears.

"You've got a lame crew lady!" Kurt Copain declares this as Rudolf and Frank are both incapacitated, before striking back. [10 vs. 1] She's ready for him to punch, kick or even headbutt, but instead he swings his scooter around so that the side of the board smacks her in the ankle. Galia's ready to respond to such a bizarre, mood, when a great weight comes over her, reaching into the depths of her soul. Kurt smiles, "That's a forbidden technique only taught by the most radical of scooter master's, The Scooter Ankle of Death. Think very carefully, because once you take another 7 steps, your heart will explode immediately." Cruelly, he takes a solid 8 steps away from the business guru. "Come on lady, I'm right here. Tick. Tick. Tick..."

[Canvasing: 8] The Anti-Corruption Activists arrive back from their door-to-door effort just after Copain's fatal blow. Standing at the edge of the skate park, they yell at their leader, "The people around here are fed up with the skaters! They litter, do graffiti and play loud music! They think the city officials should do something about them!"

Rudolf lies on his side, looking like one of his mundane brethren after a run in with a malicious rifle-toting hunter. He coughs up more blood, "Mein Gott..." He feels warm and fuzzy, and when he looks up he's not at the skatepark anymore. No, he's flying through the air with German Santa Claus, "Ho ho ho, Frohe Weihnachten!" They fly all over, giving presents to all the German boys and girls, as well as eating any French children they happen to see. A smile graces Rudolf's face as his red nose starts to dim...
Kirk Copain (Scooter, Radical)
Skate N' Die Punks [11/11] (Skateboards, Spray Cans, Radical)

Pepito's Pizzeria (0rca_tr0per)
Lord Screech XIII accepts the little man's offer and follows him around the building and into its brighter, much more accepting front side. Within minutes, the South African is given his own private booth and a large pineapple pizza. Giant Vitali, with a huge shit-eating-grin on his face, leans over, "If you need anything, and I need anything, ask the staff and they'll be happy to help you. Buon pranzo!" He waddles away into the back of the store, slamming the door behind him. Not even a minute later, Lord Screech hears muffled discussion, power tools and screaming from behind that very door.

A bulky thug moving boxes to and fro the back of the restaurant stops to admire the grenade launcher on Lord's person. "Ay, that there's a nice piece. Wheredya get it?"
"Giant" Vitali - (Fury of the Small, Brass Knuckles)
*Tortino Squad [12/12] (Revolvers, Bats, Switchblades)

Costa Vista Beachside Resort Tower (knightwing64)
Las Peleas's coastline stretches for dozens of miles across white beaches and azure waters. While everyone enjoys the beach, which beaches you can go to depend on your class. At the top are public beaches, where even the dredges of society can enjoy the fresh water and sunny skies. Lower down you begin to find exclusive clubs that only those who can afford monthly or annual passes can enjoy. And finally at the southernmost point of the coastline are the resorts, colossal structures fenced off and guarded, exclusive to affluent locals and top-spending tourists.

One of the most famous of these resorts is the Costa Vista Beachside Resort Tower, a glass colored monolith that spirals towards the heavens like an ultramodern Tower of Babel. Somewhere near the top, La Pantera underboss Morty Dakota snorts a baseball worth of cocaine in a single line while his goons patrol the premises in their cheap suits, making sure no infiltrators or loiterers have made it inside.

The Tower is literally down the road from Mar Bayo so Logan finds it without issue. Looking up the 40 story structure, he knows that Lisa Hoffman has to be somewhere inside, and through her he could find the elusive but brilliant Dr. Hoffman. He can't see where she would be exactly, but we can see clearly is the gaggle of armed La Pantera soldiers hanging out at the front of the establishment...
The Beach Boys and surfers have momentarily paused in their brawl, both sides now physically exhausted.
Morty Dakota (White Suit, Mountains of Cocaine, "My Little Friend", Implacable, Paranoid)
*La Pantera Enforcers I [9/9] (Cheap Suits, Uzis, Revolvers)
*La Pantera Enforcers II [9/9] (Cheap Suits, Uzis, Revolvers)
*La Pantera Enforcers III [9/9] (Cheap Suits, Uzis, Revolvers)

Ryan Bilson (Leader, Cool Cat, Revolver)
*Beach Boys [8/8] (Love Partying, Women, Music and Cars)

Muntford Avenue Dojo (Fluffe9911)
Webster wakes up in the sewers. With a massive headache, the goose stumbles around the dark corridors surrounded by rats and putrid water. Eventually, he finds a source of light, and has just enough strength to fly up and out of what is revealed to be a sewer grate. Weakly lying on the surface of the great and adjusting to the light, Webster can see that he's on some sort of urban street, a number of apartment buildings and small stores are around him.

The building that stands out the most is clearly modeled after a Japanese dojo. Standing in front of the dojo he sees some scary looking people, although their body language is more pleading than intimidating as they plea to a group of people in white Gi's, colorful belts wrapped around their uniforms. One of the scary guys in face paint says, "Come on, pleaaaase. We just want to learn kung-fu and help you grow your business!" One of the martial artist's simply laughs at him, "You look ridiculous! Someone of your foolish design would not be respectable in this place of ancient art and culture. Do not waste our time with your mockery!"

[Reminder: You can not act during your first turn Respawned, though you can choose what to pay attention to in your surroundings.]

Spoiler: Gangs and Locations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tina (Naturegirl1999) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logan (Knightwing64) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Webster (Fluffe9911) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tanya (Failbird105) (click to show/hide)

Medical mishaps are a mysterious thing, though I remain steadfast in optimism for my condition. I greatly apologize for the large delay in this turn.

In happier news, I have upgraded from using a laptop mousepad to a legitimate point-and-click wireless mouse. This alone has increased my turn-writing efficacy by no less than 33%.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2021, 08:47:05 am »

"Not going exactly to plan but at least no one has died."
Everyone inside the restaurant keeps doing what they're doing, while I try to shoot the gang leader in the face while he's distracted, and no matter if the shooting in the face succeeds or not keep an eye out for reinforcements.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WikiGangWars - Episode 5: The Lorax Gets Beaten Up
« Reply #119 on: August 20, 2021, 10:37:21 am »

Use Tree Revelations of Peaceful Enlightenment, then try to find any items that could be used as weapons of some kind in the shops. Look up ways to harden foam, as lots of the “weapons” here are made of foam
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