Mapgen is pretty cursed and I don't think there's any easy way to fix it, yeah. Neat gimmick but it falls under "time spent dawdling on more unfinished projects instead of any of the maintenance and support that will be needed before said new content will ever be worthwhile" fairly solidly.
Meanwhile we've had a solid month of one contributor just going hardcore into every performance improvement they can get out of the code, which seems the most likely explanation for why BN's draw benchmark is just shy of 5 times better than DDA's.
Meanwhile in my own shit, here's the
first batch of follow-up updates to the ballistic damage PR I mentioned earlier. I've also updated the BN versions of all the third-party mods I'm involved in, so they should all be ready to deal with bullet stuff.
ALSO! I forgot to link to the self-PR I've been working on for Arcana:'ve set aside patchmod stuff for Cata++ and Dinomod currently, both DDA and BN versions in both cases.
The Cata++ patchmod adds:
1. Martial arts interactions. The bionic sword, converted bionic blade, and converted bionic bionic sword can be used with Via Gladium et Malleo. The converted bionic claws, biological knife, biological sword, and salvaged mi-go claw weapon can be used with Shrike's Talons. And third, the cursed blade and restored ritual blade are juuuust beefy enough to justify being usable with Post-Human Combatives.
2. Deconstruction recipes for the biological weapons. Aside from being meaty and metal (thus leaving behind some tainted bone meal and super alloy), they also return an eclectic mix of regular, dull, and blood essence. This is based off an idea Noctifer thought up a while ago, in which the biological weapons incorporate aspects of both living mutated flesh and otherworldly influence in a magic item, and are effectively the only cases of LIVING magic items in either mod, meaning that trying to consecrate them would be much more complex than simply getting dull essence out of them.
3. The DDA version of the patchmod now has the mod-compat itemgroup injections, because they no longer automatically play nice regardless of load order like they still do in the BN version.
4. I also belatedly added some NPC equipment interactions between the two mods, with certain arcanist NPCs having a chance of being equipped with some Cata++-specific weapons. This is now a part of the BN version of Cata++ automatically, and present in the DDA version of the patchmod.
Meanwhile, the Dinomod patchmod is afair bit simpler, but still fairly long list of JSON entries I had to meddle with:
1. Monster overrides for various dinosaurs for thesake of injecting essence and/or monsterpart drops into them. There are SO GOD DAMN MANY different dinos with very little meaningful variation between them, it made my fingers hurt with all the copy-paste I had to do. In practice there are only three categories of dino that matter here though: fungal zombie dinos, shady zombie dios, skeletal zombie dinos. Bionic dinos are a maybe for the to-be-fucked-with todo list, unlike most bionic zombies in vanilla none of them have the electrical attack that I generally use as a sign of whether to give a bionic zed a wind fragment drop.
2. Death drop itemgroups for the above. For now it's just three itemgroups that all the relevant dinos share among themselves, because fuck having to copy-paste 78 separate entries a second time, especially since I didn't see much reason to make their drops vary all that much. Fungal zombie dinos have the same basic inflorescent root drop that's associated with fungal monsters, plus randomly either essence or blood essence (in line with how fungaloids return essence, standard zombies blood essence, ergo fungal zombies pick one at random). Shady zombie dinos go for just blood essence and sometimes a shadow gem, and finally skeletal zombie dinos can yield blood essence plus a random any one of the four monsterparts usable for making a bone charm.
Still planning to add patchmods for Magiclysm and Aftershock, the former is gonna be...interesting. Lots of weapons that are just vanilla weapons but with damage/accurate bonuses, so they'll likely go in relevant martial arts, and lots of nasty monsters that deserve some death drops.
Slight possibility that I might even find space to inject Arcana monsters into Magiclysm monstergroups, MAYBE vice versa, depending on if they're thematically relevant. Given Magiclysm leans a lot more towards generic D&D monsters it will be harder to find good places for each other to fit however, they'd stick out like a sore thumb among living shadows and/or wind, Lovecraft critters, mutated cultist zombies, and the occasional feral arcanist.
Aftershock meanwhile should be very basic, just look for any itemgroup stuff I can easily mess with, it's mostly just sci-fi stuff so chances are not much aside from magitech showing up in odd places will be needed. Maybe some monsterdrop overrides if any of the creatures in it are freaky enough, but if I recall mutant/zombie uplifted animals is the weirdest it gets. Being able to consecrate any freaky enough high-tech extradimensional superscience might be one addition I could explore.