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Author Topic: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game  (Read 68290 times)


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #975 on: July 29, 2020, 08:16:30 am »

Year 345.1
The dwarves of formerly Vanishmountain continue work on increasing the size of the sky island, as such, they’ve decided to call themselves the Sky Island dwarves.

The Phoenix grows larger each day. How much larger has the Phoenix grown since its hatching?

The light sprite that created the Golden Kingdom has begun to be called Lux.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #976 on: July 29, 2020, 08:24:38 am »

((Bit of a slow day for me today, nothing is getting done for some reason :( ))
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #977 on: July 29, 2020, 08:40:21 am »

It is only 08:37 B12 time, so morning. Maybe others will add things this afternoon? I have more ideas, but I think changing too many things in a turn is against the rules, so I’ll wait for others to post things.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #978 on: July 29, 2020, 12:25:12 pm »

((Sorry for posting little to nothing lately. I've been busy and also for some reason just haven't felt like posting. It's not that it's boring, I'm just not motivated for whatever reason.))


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #979 on: July 29, 2020, 05:45:09 pm »

Notices and Summary:
This is what i meant when i said that today was a slow day.

(King Zultan : Year 343.8 )
Bleg attack Vasilikos' twin isles at night by attempting to burn them down. But their efforts are hampered by the wet conditions of the swamp.
Still several Vasilikos die, most to burn injury related infections, some Bleg are lost and some prisoners escape.

Without anything to stop it the herd of purple leaf disease infested animals continues on its path to the south spreading the disease as it goes.

(Tankkit, TamerVirus : Year 344)
((You forgot the year number, Tankkit))
Eightstone attempts to walk into Dalai, again. But is driven back by Dalai's army. Eightstone suffers immense damage as a result.

(Naturegirl1999 : Year 344.1)
Svikeðla ends up at Sjávarorm's Enclave. When he returns to his own, he finds it empty, gone.

(Kakaluncha : Year 345)
Sha'Ndara dies of old age. Sha'Fimira takes her place as the Griffons' matriarch.

Sha'Fimira prays to Nara, the great huntress and recieves some useful words of wisdom.

The Griffons attempt to establish a political alliance with their trade partners, but all of them reject their attempts.

Sha'Fimira sends some Griffons to Elysium to learn from the Elysians.
Said Griffons got a little too into it and ended up staying on Elyisum.

Also sends a demanding letter to the University.

(Naturegirl1999 : Year 345.1)
The Dwarves of formerly Vanishmountain have continued on their sky-island building.

The Golden Light has finally been given a name, known now as "Lux"
The Dwarves of formerly Vanishmountain have continued on their sky-island building.

Jahtari Sultanate, Hamsterfolk Shamans and Dorathian Kingdom have grown into their weak territories.

Elysian Nomads have continued their travel southward, they have reached the lands of the Bleg.


Bleg attempt to set fire to the Vasilikos Twin Isles
Code: [Select]
1d20=14The Bleg arsonists do succeed in lighting fires on Twin Isles, but the damp swamp land greatly hinders the fires' spread and fires have a bad habit of giving one's position away, even if vaguely.

Very few Vasilikos actually died to the fire, although some did receive bad burns and without any kind medicine, died to infection later. Perhaps this is the Vasilikos way, all who die are weak, those that survive are strong? However, some members of the Jathgaro Cult did perish in the flames and the Blegs' sudden attack caused enough of a commotion that some who were held prisoner on the island could break free, mostly dragons.

However, many of the Bleg that attacked the Twin Isles, died too, killed by the Vasilikos or the cult that worshipped them.

Eightstone vs. Free Cities of Dalai
Code: [Select]
Eightstone 1d20=4
Free Cities of Dalai 1d20=17

Up until now Eightstone hasn't really faced much in the way of resistance on its quest to spread the desert, but those on the western continent are starting to see it as a threat and have started raising armies against it, with Free Cities of Dalai being the first to take a serious stand against Eightstone.

Perhaps expecting to simply walk all over Dalai and turn it into a desert, Eightstone was instead faced with the entire army of Dalai, equipped with blades, arrows, magic and cannons, lots and lots of cannons, with which they fired upon the great spider relentlessly, chipping chunks off of its body with each cannonball that found its mark.

Eightstone did not take the threat seriously, or perhaps it was so singleminded that it COULD not. Whatever damage was done to Dalai was by pure chance, or done by Dalai to itself, chiefly by the Liani Great Bombard on Fort Ziani. The Dalaians greatly overestimated the bombard's range, the shots fired at Eightstone's reported location in the best case splashed in the ocean, it the worst case, landed in the northernmost port city and destroyed a building or sunk a ship in the bay. Its a testament to bombard's engineering that it could even fire that far at all.

However under the combined assault, Eightstone was forced back, and out of the Dalai's lands, suffering immense damage in the process and dealing very little in return.
(Eightstone has taken 5 damage.)
Fimira prays to Nara
Code: [Select]
1d20=19The Matriarch prayed to her goddess, the great huntress, Nara and indeed did she answer, but her words were not what the newly crowned Matriarch Sha'Fimira was expecting.

The goddess told her of how the Griffons had grown weak and had forgotten what made them the greatest warriors and hunters of their homelands but postulating that it may be for the best: "In this world, the lions and wolves who rule only by fear, The world makes them into frightened kittens and obedient dogs."

Nara advised her to be "Like an eagle" in all aspects, to be a hunter not just while hunting, but at all times, to look for and to seize opportunities wherever she goes.

The goddess did also did deliver an ominous warning:"When there is nothing left on your ancestral hunting grounds to satiate her desire for suffering, Three that are One will grow hungry and fly west  following the Griffons' scent and the One that is Many will fly east to meet her. In coming to this land, you have invited that beast to follow you. But it will not be a battle that will be fought by Griffons nor any races of this land, but a battle between two great evils, one fighting for the right to rule it, the other for the right to destroy it..."

Fimira proposes an alliance to the Griffons' trading partners.
In order: ECD, GBM, Jahtari Sultanate
Code: [Select]

Despite Sha'Fimira's best attempts, all of the nations bluntly reject her proposals for an alliance.

Elder Council of Dragolia stated that the only Alliance they would be willing to accept, is the one where Sha Matrifocality are vassals to the Elder Council. They called her young and unfit to rule any nation, implying that the Griffons would be much better off under the rule of the Dragons and the only reason that hasn't happened yet, is because dragons can not leave Dragolia.

The Batpeoples' druids took her offers of an alliance as an insult, it looks like they're still salty over the previous diplomatic incident. They said that they do not want to be dragged into Sha Matrifocality's problems, and as a precaution, have withdrawn their past agreements, stopping any trade they have with the Sha Matrifocality.

The Jahtari Sultanate was perhaps the least opposed of the three to an alliance but not by much. Their reasoning largely is that they simply don't take sides, but are willing to trade anything with anyone.
Historically, Jahtari Sultanate's only allies have been the Bleg, but even that alliance is starting to slowly fade due to the Bleg becoming ever more isolationist. The Jahtari suspect that the black dragon is somehow involved.

Griffons go to Elyisum to learn from Elysians
Code: [Select]
1d20=18It is quite difficult to learn much from a bunch of creatures who one cannot even begin to communicate with in any meaningful way. The Griffons learned that there is very little to Elysium's "Culture", Elysians live as ascetic foragers and their only object of "worship" is the White Tree of Elysium. At first the Griffons thought that this was a exercise in futility, but one of the Griffons convinced the others to give the Elysian way of life a try, perhaps they would learn more if they learned to live as they do. While Elysians ate fruits and bugs, the Griffons hunted wildlife, at first they refused to share their food with other Griffons or with Elysians, but over time they saw how Elysians were always willing to share theirs with other Elysians, but not Griffons.

It was then they realized that there is much more to the Elysians than meets the eye, even just their sharing of food: Its a system built on mutual kindness, they share food with those with less luck in finding food, knowing that when they'll need a helping hand, their kindness would be returned. Of course they do at times offer food as a gift. Once Griffons began sharing, did the Elysians too with them.
In time the Griffons began to meld with the Elysians culture, there was a sort of tranquility and rhythm to the ascetic lifestyle of the Elysians, living day to day, doing the same every day, yet every day being different, as they travel around the isle of Elyisum, at times settling down in a place for a while, but always moving on once their surroundings become too familiar, the only constant being the Mother Tree, by looking at her, they always knew where they were. There was a sort of purity in being between... no being both a wild animal and civilized person at once, some might call those Griffons "feral". They have long ago discarded all that they brought with them to Elyisum and decided to stay theer indefinitely, even though they still could not properly communicate with Elysians.

At one point the Griffons came across a group of dog-people that had apparently gotten stranded on Elysium after coming through a portal. And had been living on Elysium just as The Griffons do. The Griffons could be the Løkhunds' ticket off of Elysium, if they so desire.

The Griffons did learn SOME Elysian magic, even if by pure luck. Elysian magic is hardly well developed, they mostly use it to launch themselves from tree branch to tree branch or to grab things from far away, using some kind of primitive Telekinesis, but other magic has been seen such as some Earth, Light and Spirit magic, however Elysians have a much greater natural inclination to magic than Griffons.
((Sorry, went a bit overboard.))

The Phoenix's growth
Code: [Select]
1d20=16The Phoenix, still unnamed thus far, has been growing quite quickly over the last few years, which is probably an indication that the Sunbird will be quite large once it reaches maturity, if it ever stops growing.
While he will probably never grow to be as big as a lesser dragon but where Dragons tend to be slow and lumbering creatures usually, the Phoenix will be an implacable, utterly fearless, and a little hotheaded being, should his current personality hold, as Irahan does nothing to curb these aspects of Phoenix's personality.

The Phoenix has also steadily been learning the Draconic language, but still attempts to communicate with his "parents" by song... After a bit of research by one of Irahan's enclave members, it turns out that the little guy is able to sing the national anthems of the Avarrian Empire, Free Cities of Dalai, Refugio Guerra and Elder Council of Dragolia, perfectly. He also occasionally mumbles things in all these languages, as well as Arghilan, like a parrot, rather than actually understanding what the words mean. This has made teaching language to him quite a bit easier, however. Irahan also swears that the little Sunbird has some form of telepathic abilities, being, according to him instill certain feelings in him and react to things before Irahan does or says them.

Like all young children, he is highly curious and recently has been looking toward the floating island to the west, Elysium, but dares not dare to fly away from his "father", Irahan.

YEAR 345.2
A sixth petal has appeared on Plantira, in addition to the five it had before: Green, Purple, Red, Blue and Orange.

This one is a sort of a bluish green, best described as "Jade" colored.

When The Host, the one who remained conscious somehow despite being infected with the Purple Leaf Disease and then subsequently the Red Leaf Disease, asked the Deity of Plants about it. it provided a small summary on all of the different plants.

For the Green ones it said: "They have seen every bloody war, every triumph, all of the world's sadness and happiness. Beings of flesh tread on them, eat them and cut them down every day, and that is just the way of nature."
Of the Purple ones it said "They are truly alone with only eachother for company. They live only through beings of flesh and without dreams or memory."
In regards to the Red plants it said: "The red leaves that feed off of the purple ones were created, but are only a small part of them all, most red ones lie far to the north, in the land of the Uprooters. Red ones are ever changing, never the same that they were before."
For Blue ones it said: "They are born from the dreams of their mother, the one who slumbers high above the world. She dreams of paradise, a place known to all as "Elysium". Not all her children return to her, some dream of a paradise their own."
and for Orange ones: "Far to the north, they are trapped in an endless cycle, and yearn for meaning."

but for the Jade ones, it could provide very little: "They are young, so young that i do not yet know who they are."

With the chat with Plantira finished, the Red Leaves on The Host's body chimed in:
"Hey chief, you know if you don't want all of the fleshies in the world to be slaves to purple, maybe you should get a move on. If we start running now, we might still catch up. Lets go, we'll be your sword, bring the purples into our fold. South now, quickly."
The Host commented:"I would surely be much faster if i had the wings of a bird..." and began heading south.

Some time after sending her letter, Sha'Fimira received a response from the University, a scroll delivered by a Spirit Light.

The message read as follows:

Dear "Matriarch" "Sha'Fimira" the despicable tyrant, daughter of an unfathomable fool, leader of a miserable and discontent people.

Know first of all, that no Elysians have been on the University grounds for six years to the day and we have sought to find them again only to ensure their safety. Indeed, in contrary to your ill-informed misconceptions regarding our honorable guests' treatment here, everything was done to ensure their utmost comfort and dignity, we treated Elysians with nothing but the greatest respect. The Elysians were, and indeed continue to be a great inspiration to all within the University. This is why fear that they may have become victims to some vile and sickening plot. A plot we suspect to be perpetrated by you! It was your people that came to the University immediately preceding the Elysians disappearance and left after they were gone.

Even though there are no more Elysians in the University, we shall refute your misinformed and infantile demands point by point:

One, We have never so much as restrained even a single Elyisan ever for any reason, even including as a disciplinary measure. Doing so would have been counterproductive to all our efforts to form bonds with them and study them through mutual understanding.

Two, all our attempts to teach them a mutually comprehensible language were for their benefit, so that they could express themselves, their desires and troubles to us. Such teaching was never done under duress or involuntary conditions, instead being done through games enjoyed by both Elysians and those teaching them. It is regrettable that the effort eventually ceased and the Elysians regressed in their linguistic capabilities.

Three, We've never undertaken any effort to use Elysians or their magical abilities as weapons, on the contrary, everyone in the University took every measure to shield Elyisans from even witnessing violence. The University had never been a more peaceful place than when the Elysians were here. The only time anyone attempted to teach Elysians combat, it was the Dwarves from our allies, in the Waterstone Clan and that effort resulted in the greatest leap in understanding of magical casting at the time and few discoveries have come close since, to what the Elyisans taught us regarding how emotion affects magic. According to records from that time, Elysians only became happier thanks to those efforts.

Allow us to conclude our letter with an appeal:
If you truly care for Elysians, our friends, as much as you proclaim to and wish to clear your name of any wrongdoing. Please take to the skies and find out what has become of the lost Elysians, of those gone from the University. We promise leave the Elysians be where they are and adopt a strict "No Interference" policy in regards to Elysian study if you find them unharmed and we can confirm it.

Sincerely, █████ ████████, Head of Elysian Studies at the Great Scar University.

Map and Legend

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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #980 on: July 30, 2020, 12:27:53 am »

Year 345.3
The Host travels south, hopefully infecting creatures who have the purple leaves with red leaves. Roll for how far the red leaves spread

The Lokhunds on Elysium are followed by a small group of dreamites.

The phoenix’s “mother”’s name is Yamaha. She has blue scales. Irahan and Yamaha decide to name the phoenix Irayam, combining the first three letters of each of their names.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 12:43:53 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #981 on: July 30, 2020, 02:40:35 am »

Year 345.6(Sorry for forgetting this.)

Eightstone suddenly stops moving. For the first time since its creation, it had suffered severe damage at the hands of a mortal race. Rather than attempt to assault the Free Cities head on again, it seems to begin producing massive amounts of sand from within itself! Eightstone then sends a huge sandstorm north to weaken the Free Cities.

Meanwhile, the High Elves have now occupied the majority of their island and Zoithor attempts to aggressively colonise more land to the east.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #982 on: July 30, 2020, 09:36:13 am »

((No update today.))
Year 345.8
Ever since The Golden Kingdom was formed in the aftermath of the Third Crusade, they have stayed relatively passive and reclusive, having little to no contact with the world outside and have been generally a big unknown factor. But that has changed, the Golden Kingdom and Emperor Rheis at its helm, have made their first move and a bold one at that.

With the Black Qhanganate gone, the need for the forts surrounding the territory has greatly diminished, but Rheis must have seen some value in using them to defend his own territory, or simply doesn't want the forts of a potentially hostile nation anywhere near his border.

The Golden Kingdom has sent a messenger to the Hrilithan Celestial Empire, one of the so-called "Winged Ones", beings that are mostly human, but have the talons, wings and tail of a bird, with the color of the feathers matching the color of their hair, frequently of light tones: gold, white, blond. These beings were supposedly created by Lux, the Golden Light, as her a race her own, like many gods have. They seem to be the upper echelon of the Golden Kingdom's society and serve as the elite warriors, law enforcers and judges of the Golden Kingdom.

The Golden Kingdom has demanded that the Hrilithan Celestial Empire cede the ownership of the three northern forts to the Golden Kingdom. It was explicitly stated that if the Celestial Empire refuses the Golden Kingdom's demands, they will take the forts by force.
Roll for how the Hrilithan Celestial Empire responds
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #983 on: July 30, 2020, 09:54:27 am »

Year 345.9- Out in the wilderness, the wayward Moko chieftain M'Ova communes with the various nature and ancestral spirits, seeking guidance, direction, and advice. M'Ova expects to receive signs about Dalai, about ways to reach the Keystone, but the spirits are fickle. Instead M'Ova is made aware of the local conditions.  "They come from the North....They will consume...They will spread" The traditional Moko sacrificial pyre goes out, leaving the chieftain to ponder the message. When the spirits send messages, they are not mere suggestions. They are calls to action!

And so the chieftain begins heading north. It's not before long that he starts seeing wildlife afflicted with the disease of purple leaves. The foxfolk who visited had mentioned the disease to him, describing the affliction in grim terms. Now the lone traveling Moko was seeing the effects himself. But what was he to do? This another aspect of nature, he thinks. M'Ova takes out his trusty club and begins attacking the infected wildlife.
He gathers the infected bodies and burns them as an offering to the nature spirits, but do they give him any new insight about the purple leaf disease?
What can mysteriously disappear can mysteriously reappear
*Shakes fist at TamerVirus*

King Zultan

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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #984 on: July 30, 2020, 11:46:00 am »

Year 346: After being told what was seen on the islands of the snakes by the surviving arsonists any trust the Bleg might have had for the snakes has pretty much vanished along with a growing suspicion that the snake that came into their lands was only there as a spy of some kind, maybe not a willing one but a spy all the same, and with all of that they start talking with Tahar about how they saw other dragons that had been captured by the snakes to see what if anything he wanted to do about it. Roll to see what Tahar thinks about the snakes catching and probably eating dragons.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #985 on: July 30, 2020, 12:40:27 pm »

Year 346.2

Fimira has done nothing but dwell on the words of Nara, and reach the conclusion that the goddess words are true. The Golden Age of Heroes ended due to the Griffons growing overly prideful. To rule through fear means nothing but to create a legacy of despair, while ruling through love creates a future in which which future generations may enjoy the efforts of those who came before.

The words of the Goddess are also worrying. A beast, equal in terror to the Three that are One? And it seems that the nightmare will follow the Griffons to these lands, as well.

Fimira raises her head. She has to act now.

First of all, it's clear that the dragons are far too arrogant and Fimira can't blame the Batpeople for feeling threatened by the Griffons. So the Jahtari Sultanate may probably be their best bet. Fimira will secretly inform the Jahtari that the Griffons will conduct an investigation on the change in Bldg policies. Send a party to secretly investigate the situation in the Monolith. Their objective is to discover any involvement of the black dragon in Bleg policies.

Secondly, Fimira will offer the Løkhunds of Elysium a chance to return to their home. If the Løkhunds were to adopt the lifestyle of their companions in Elysium, they would certainly be much happier. Roll to see the success of the Elysian Løkhund preachers.

Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #986 on: July 30, 2020, 12:42:34 pm »

Year 346.3
It’s been nearly 40 years since the rain of petrifying mead. Luckily, only 2 bearwalkers ended up drinking the stuff, their bodies like statues. Those that had petrified wood on them, not in them, have learned to use the stone-like substance to better break things like trees or rocks. For nearly 40 years they never drank mead, and will not again, fearing it will do what it did to the 2 that drank it. Those who are partially converted take the ones who can’t move on their own and begin traveling north, as some traders who pass their territory have mentioned creatures called Firbolg who are rumored to have powerful magic. Those who were petrified or partially petrified head to the Firbolgs in the hopes they can reverse the petrification process. Roll for how far they get


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #987 on: July 31, 2020, 08:48:09 am »

Notices and Summary:
((Hey, the "Jade" plants that i created last update are currently a bit of a blank slate... if anyone wants to do anything with them, go right ahead. They were just an undeveloped idea i had floating around in my head for a while.))


The Sky Island Dwarves have continued on their sky-island building.

Construction of the Observatory, The White Tower and Zalalastan's Sky Ship and Skydock have progressed.

Purple Leaf Disease has spread within unmitigated regions.

Red Leaf Disease has spread.


The Host attempts to spread Red Leaves
Code: [Select]
The Host was indeed correct in his prior assertions, his progress southward is hampered greatly by terrain and the need for food and water. He has only barely reached beyond the border between the Purple Leaf Disease and the Red one, infecting whichever animals he encounters. At least he barely has to worry about food, many animals are incapacitated by the Purple Leaf Disease, thus easy pickings for food. The Red Leaves, some on his body that have undergone mutation and have begun to photosynthesize, help out wherever they can.

Eightstone sends a sandstorm toward Dalai
Code: [Select]
1d20=17The sandstorm summoned by eightstone  is large and powerful, covering several villages and towns near the border in sand, some slugmen died by being buried in the sand and many of the supplies and provisions of the army stationed close to the border were fouled by the sand. Howver, the sandstorm alone was not enough to render the territory uninhabitable nor uninhabited, but it will probably take a while until all of the slugmen return to the towns and until said towns are cleared of sand.

Zoithor attempts to expand to the east
Code: [Select]
1d20=20!There is nothing to the east to prevent Zoithor from expanding his realm and with his fearsome and absolute control over the elves that he treats like cattle, breeding them, forcing them to work, to fight, slaughtering them, and eating them, he has no lack of bodies to inhabit and work his newly expanded domain, with his lesser dragons acting as overseers, he has claimed a huge swathe of land, doubling the size of his territory.

The Golden Kingdom demands the northern forts from HCE
Code: [Select]
1d20=17After some negotiations, the Golden Kingdom's messenger managed to convince the leadership of the Hrilithan Celestial Empire that the forts in question are no longer of much value to the empire, and being so far from their lands, are a drain on resources more than anything and that the Golden Kingdom would have a much easier time upkeeping them and would have more use for them than the empire does.

In an unexpected turn of events, the leaders of the Celestial Empire conceded that the forts are now probably more trouble than they are worth and have sent sealed orders to all of the forts for them to be abandoned in their entirety. In the case of the forts requested by the Golden Kingdom, the handover went smoothly and the Golden Kingdom has already moved into them. The others however, remain uninhabited for now, waiting to be reclaimed.

M'Ova sacrifices infected animals to nature spirits
Code: [Select]
1d20=16It comes as little surprise that Moko are immune to the Purple Leaf Disease, allowing M'Ove to clobber the infected animals with impunity and feed their infested bodies to a bonfire, dance ancient Moko ritual dances around it in an effort to commune with the Spirits of Nature.

The Spirits welcome M'Ova's offering and tell him more about the Purple Leaf Curse: " Called upon us all... A witches' curse... Cast upon their murderers... Changed and ran amok... The witches' legacy... Leaves those that mourn them... Memories wither them... Dreams burn them away..."

Tahar's opinions on the Vasilikos eating dragons
Code: [Select]
1d20=18Tahar wasn't unaware of the Vasilikos' consumption of dragons, as there is no way someone as paranoid as Tahar will leave the greatest dangers to him unwatched. The fate of Vektar only justified his paranoia. Indeed, it would have been unlike Tahar to send out Vektar without overwatch watching his back and an overwatch watching the overwatch. His only regret was that Vektar did not make it out, he underestimated HOW vicious the snakes were. Vektar was among Tahar's best and most trusted.

Tahar thanked the Surviving Bleg arsonists for confirming his prior intel, but also reprimanded them for taking such a rash action that both needlessly wasted the lives of Bleg and may have made the Vasilikos even more hostile to them both. He speculated that now they might have to take care of the Vasilikos earlier rather than later and then kept going on, surmising that direct military action would be ill-advised, that they'll have to come up with a better plan, such as covertly destroying the Vasilikos' Islands and scattering them over the world, which would weaken them greatly. He made special note of the White Cobra, that any such operation should attempt to spare her.

He also began making plans for evacuating as much of the Blegs' lands as possible, perhaps toward the Jahtari Sultanate. The evacuation plans include everyone: the Dragons, Bleg and even the Elysian wanderers that have been spotted within the Blegs' lands.

Griffons investigate the Bleg
Code: [Select]
1d20=16The Griffons' investigation into the Bleg and Tahar, have yielded a significant amount of information.

It turns out that the Jahtari diplomat was correct, it is largely due to Tahar that the alliance between the Jahtari and the Bleg has hit a bit of a rough spot. Tahar has been imposing stricter and stricter control  and surveillance of... just about everything, from diplomats, trade and public events, over the years. Even if he didn't, a certain amount of Tahar's paranoia is bound to bleed over to the Bleg.

Goods coming in from other nations are subjected to a rigorous customs process to ensure that nothing dangerous or morally objectionable finds its way into the Bleg hands, but the investigators suspect that there may be other less benevolent motives at play.

Similarly, diplomats coming in are searched extremely thoroughly and subjected to excessive scrutiny and surveillance. And any festivals are seeing increased separation between persons of importance and common folk.
While they passed themselves off as simple visitors, The Griffons aren't even sure whether they succeeded in keeping their true purpose hidden.

The Griffons also discovered a large number of Elysians in Bleg territories, all wearing collars... yep there definitely will be a report regarding that.
Although these Elysians did not seem distressed at all, but rather quite happy, and some of them, especially the small, completely white ones have been spotted playing with Bleg kittens, even though the two races could not communicate.

Bearwalkers travel north toward the Firbolg
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1d20=6The Bearwalkers have never really ventured outside their ancestral territory and the few traders that do dare to pass through territory only pointed them vaguely towards the north, and several times they ended up going in a wrong direction, until eventually reaching shore the western ocean. Their progress forward was also slowed by having to carry the two completely petrified ones and several others having difficulty walking, due to their knees being petrified or similar afflictions.

Year 346.2
Secondly, Fimira will offer the Løkhunds of Elysium a chance to return to their home. If the Løkhunds were to adopt the lifestyle of their companions in Elysium, they would certainly be much happier.
The Løkhunds on Elysium had no interest in returning back to Nordica in light of their quest to find out what became of the Brüdines and the Red Elves. Said løkhunds were nowhere near as "feral" as the Griffons on Elysium had become, mostly because their personalities tend to naturally mesh with those of Elysians. The Løkhunds insisted that the Griffons drop them off on the shore of the lake above which Elysium floats.

Just before the Løkhunds were about to depart Elysium on the backs of the Griffons, some Elysians approached them, in particular, one female Elysian drew close to Jarl Wülfhærd and looked up him, and much to the Jarl's surprise, asked... no stated in rudimentary Nordic, the language of the Løkhunds: "We will come too, join your twig". Not that the Elysian had to pitch her head much, Løkhunds are not as tall as humans, infact being significantly shorter, while still being taller than an Elysian.
The Griffons were confused by the word "twig" in there, but the Løkhunds weren't. Wülfhærd began laughing and pointed to his ear with a smile. It turns out that the Løkhunds were able to pick up a part of the Elysians' own language, and explained to the Griffons that "twig" in this context means "pack" or "group", "branch" can mean tribe and "tree" refers to an entire clan. Supposedly, the Løkhunds have heard the word "root" used in a similar way, but aren't yet sure what it means when referring to Elysians.

Regardless, the Løkhunds had no objections to the group of Elysians joining them, after all, Elysians were naturally incredibly talented foragers, were agile and had good eyes and ears, not to mention were a joy to be around. So, in short order, the entire pack composed of both Løkhunds and Elysians was transported down to Dragolia proper.

Map and Legend

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #988 on: July 31, 2020, 10:37:49 am »

Year 346.8- Eightstone's harassment of Dalai does not show any signs of abating, leading to a doubling down on efforts to either drive the creature away or vanquish it, if need be. Messengers from Dalai are dispatched south towards the Golden Kingdom and towards the Eightstone Altar Expedition group.

To the Golden Kingdom a request for assistance is sent. The Free Cities of Dalai offers the Golden Kingdom a more favorable trading status as well as Dalain armaments and artillery for their newly acquired border forts in exchange for assistance and aid against Eightstone's continued attacks. Diplomacy!
Down in the harsh deserts of the Sandstone Qhanganate, a messenger arrives at the small archaeological excavation that has developed around the old Grand Altar to Eightstone. A handful of years ago, the initial attempts at sacrificial offerings had yielded a null result. Incomplete information was the most likely culprit. Now approval for another go at it has arrived and the scholars and archaeologists, now wielding knowledge gleaned from artifacts and old remnants dug up from the sand, begin gathering what they believe are the proper materials. Ritualism!


M'Ova decides to head north, deeper into infected territory. It is mostly an attempt to find the coastline of this unfamiliar land, but it's also driven by M'Ova's growing curiosity about the Purple Leaf Disease. Nevertheless, the distant ash clouds from the volcano Loa Loa serves as a reminder of M'Ova's primary goals   
What can mysteriously disappear can mysteriously reappear
*Shakes fist at TamerVirus*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #989 on: July 31, 2020, 11:09:35 am »

((Where are the jade leaves at?))
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