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Author Topic: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game  (Read 68179 times)


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #330 on: June 05, 2020, 09:27:37 am »

The Bleg look for metal in the west:
Code: [Select]
1d20=17On their second try prospecting for metal, this time only a little ways west of the monolith, the Bleg struck gold, literally in many cases. Rich ore deposits and native metal veins were often found not too far beneath the steppe.

Refugio Guerra tries trade with Lizardmen:
Code: [Select]
1d20=14When a lizardman scout reached Refugio Guerra and it was discovered that the lizard was representing a potential trading parter, Refugio Guerra's leadership almost immediatly tried to establish a trade route with the lizards.
And despite a few misunderstandings, such as attempts to buy various members of the trading parties, the lizardmen and Refugio Guerra managed to establish a functional trading relationship with the lizardmens' prime export being silk, a thing that apparently thus far has only been found in the lizardmens' homeland and they import various advanced tools from Refugio Guerra.

Gojira attacks, again:
Code: [Select]
Gojira can't really eat sharkmen for whatever reason, probably too slippery for it to catch, so it is forced onto land, to snack on land-dwellers instead, and it does so with prejudice. More Coastal regions see entire towns demolished as the lizard destroys everything in its path, leaving only misery and slaughter in its wake in its search for food.

The Second Crusade
Spoiler: rolls and summary (click to show/hide)

For over two years, the first crusader state had been preparing to assault the occupied Qhaganate and retake it from the Aetherials. Armies had been gathered and the day had finally come for them to march on the Black Qhaganate, The Second Crusade, they called it. But they walked into it with no plan, its leaders foolishly thought that they'd face the Aetherials in a grand battle on an open field, they thought that the Aetherials would fight fair. No, they didn't. The Aetherials and their forces were entrenched deep, and Hagtai and the rest of their leaders accurately predicted the movements of their enemies and had laid traps, ambushes and set up flanks well in advance and the Crusaders? They walked right into it.

The Ash Raiders, well acquainted with shady practices ambushed and harassed the Crusaders' armies flanks, and retreated back into shadows when their enemy attacked back. The Slugmen of the 1st Crusader State took the brunt of these attacks.

Arythia and her Chaos Magi assaulted the High elves army with their magic, despite the Chaos magi being far fewer in number, they caused much damage to the High elves armies, while their magic only scratched the number of Chaos Magi

While Hagtai and his dreaded Black Sky-Legion were well known for the terror inducing and deadly aerial ambush attacks, it seemed that they did not fare so well when they were forced to fight head on.
Hagtai resolved to remove the mercenaries fighting for the enemy but the slugmen from dalai would not go down so easily and they were deadly with bows. The battle between them would claim many lives, Slugman, Aetherial and Chaos Dragon alike, but the battle was one without a victor.

The small auxillary force approached the Qhaganate from a direction that would lead them straight to the Aetherials' Chaos Rift and the Aetherials couldn't allow that so they attacked the small army, only to be faced with a force unlike they've ever seen before. Crossbows of the dwarves could easily rip apart an Aetherial and while they and the Manaketes were no more resilient to crystal swords, Miragians could attack from seemingly out of nowhere and vanish again without a trace. While the Aetherials managed to interdict the Auxiliaries' path, it came at a steep price.

While the Aetherials did have advantageous positions, they were still fighting against a numerically superior foe and they could not control everything.

The united armies of the Hrilithian Celestial Empire and the Slugman Duchies managed to break every trap, every ambush and every flanking maneuver that the Aetherials attempted, in no small part thanks to their proficient leader. They themselves managed to catch out the Mercenaries that were fighting for the Black Qhaganate and delivered the hurt, utterly devastating their numbers, perhaps as punishment for their greed and hubris of fighting for the Aetherials.

The Armies of Humans were united too, into one. This massive army of Humans caught the defensive armies of the Black Qhaganate unaware and faced them on the field of battle. The archers of the human armies shot thousands of arrows at the Chaos Dragons armored with red crystal. One of would always surely strike a weakpoint and bring the monstrosity to the ground along with its rider, and while the dragons burnt many men in return, the general balance was in favor of the humans due to their sheer numbers. At the same time, the human warriors clashed with the corrupted slugmen often come out on top.

At the end of the first assault, the Crusaders had taken a severe beating and given plenty in return but certainly were much worse off, if only because of their initial disorganized march into the Qhaganate that saw the Aetherials outsmart them at nearly every turn.

With their initial success, the Aetherials had stopped taking their enemy seriously and let their guard down while the Crusaders were rallying and recovering and soon resumed their campaign. While the Aetherials were not caught completely with their guard down, they were less prepared for the second wave than they could've been.

The Ash Raiders had grown too bold, making ever more risky attacks against the crusaders, all in the name of greed. And then the bandits made the mistake that would see them cut down to the last man:
They went for the vast, main force of the human army and before they knew it, they were surrounded. The army showed them no mercy.

The army of the 1st crusader state was already battered, but firm in their conviction, they marched toward the capital of Qhaganate, and the Qhaganate's army marched to meet them.
It was an utter bloodbath. The razor sharp fangs of crystal spiders tore them to shreds, the Chaos dragons clad in crystal burnt them by the hundreds and their own corrupted brethren cut them in two with blades. In all probability, the army of the Black Qhaganate simply grew bored of slaughtering the Crusaders of the First State because they stopped just shy short of killing every one.

The Dalaian Mercenaries had grown into a problem for the Aetherials, at least the ones fighting for the crusaders, so they sought to take care of the problem themselves, but they had severely underestimated their enemy and were already weakened from their previous battles with the auxillary forces. While the Aetherials were possible to replenish, it took time, time that they didn't have.
So, they were forced to fight at less than full manpower and paid the price for it. Many Aetherials were shot down with bows and while the Chaos Knights had no problem dealing with either bow or blade, they were far too few in number, and more fell as they were outnumbered.

Hagtai was also known for reckless, poorly planned attacks, but it seemed to have worked in his favor when he and his legion fought against the high elves. The elves' warriors could not reach them and their magic could not hit them due to their erratic movement while they burned every elf in their sights. Some lucky magical attacks did hit them and brought down some of their dragons, but their revenge was always swift and merciless. The high elves' army barely survived and managed to escape, but that too, came at the cost of many lives.

Despite the united slugman armies' incredible success before, it came at the cost of ending up in a poor position deep in the Qhaganate territory and cut off from support. The Dalaian mercenaries fighting for the Qhaganate were quick to capitalize on this mistake and attacked the armies from the rear. However, even with their superior position and the element of suprise, the Mercenaries were still vastly outnumbered compared to the united slugman armies and so suffered many deaths at their hands, yet the mercenaries took many more.

Arythia's Chaos Magi fared the worst out of the Aetherial armies in the middle of the crusade despite still winning their battles. This was mostly due to the Crusader's Exotic Auxiliary army, Chaos Magi were not proficient at hand to hand combat which is what the Auxiliaries excelled at. While chaos fire burnt them like any other when the Chaos Magi were at distance, but once things got up close and personal, most Chaos Mages had to resort to small swords or daggers made of Chaos crystal and thats nothing to say of the Miragians, the Chaos Magi couldn't burn what they couldn't see. It is likely they only won this battle due to the Auxiliaries still bearing scars from having to face the Aetherial gate guardians before.

As the crusade raged on, despite the strategic mistakes made by the Aetherials, they were still in a superior position, likely due to their performance early on in the crusade.

The crusade had worn on for years, the crusaders' armies were in shambles, their leadership disorganized and the morale low. The armies of the Qhaganate were only marginally better off.

But the greatest success of the war would come from the crusaders and from the high elf army. In a desperate attack, they marched straight into the chaos afflicted region surrounding the rift and faced the Aetherials and Chaos Knights in battle. Why they did this no one knows, but their success was immeasurable. Their magics destroyed countless Aetherials and the Chaos Knights were far too few in number to match blades with the elven warriors. The elves killed every Aetherial protecting the rift. The Aetherials could be replenished via the rift over time, yes, but it was not enough and the high elves seized control of the rift and dug themselves in, holding their ground. While the elves could not close the rift, it spawned no more Aetherials since them taking control.

Yet, the Aetherials would hit back in equal measure. The army of the 1st crusader state had the unfortunate position of being the main army of the 1st Crusader State right next door to the Qhaganate, and being set upon by Hagtai and his legendary Black Sky-Legion, from the skies. Already on its last legs due to their constant failures throughout the war, the army of the 1st Crusader State, stood no chance. All that was left of them by the end were charred corpses and smears of gore and ichor. And the few the few survivors that there were, that slaughter would haunt their nightmares every night to the last of their days. The few that survived ran as fast as they could, back to the lands of the 1st Crusader State. Upon news of their army's defeat, widespread panic sparked in the 1st Crusader State and people were fleeing the lands in droves.

The last days of the Crusade were filled with desperate attacks by the crusaders and like wild animals, they were at their most ferocious when cornered. No where was this more apparent than the Dalaian mercenaries' attack on the Qhaganate's defence army. In a sudden display of incredible prowess, the Mercenaries utterly outmatched the Black Qhaganate's army. Were it not for the mercenaries' small numbers, the battle would have likely been even more devastating for their enemies.

Another attack of similar caliber would be by the armies of the human kingdoms against the traitorous Chaos Magi. Already weakened by the previous battles with the Auxiliary Army and with little skill with blades, the Chaos Magi suffered many losses in the battle, and while many of the crusaders would fall to the chaos fire at range, the blades of the crusaders would make short work of the lightly armed and armored Chaos Magi.

The Dalaian mercenaries continued assaulting the united armies of the Slugman Duchies and Hrilithian Celestial Empire and were it not for their leader, the esteemed Elect-Emperor of the Celestial Empire, the armies would have been cut down to the last man. It is only by his wisdom in battle that saw the armies escape destruction.

The Exotic Auxiliary army of the crusader helped patch up many of the holes in the crusaders' ranks and even aided the united slugman armies' escape. But in the end it wasn't enough for the Crusaders to keep fighting. With the defeat of their war leader, the army of the 1st Crusader State, morale was at an all time low and the what remained of the armies retreated to the territory of the 1st Crusader State. The Black Qhaganate had scored a decisive victory against the crusaders!

In the aftermath of the Second Crusade:

Hagtai wasn't satisified with the retreat of the crusaders and wanted to see them crushed. In addition, it was the 1st Crusader State where they were now holed up and it was the same State that rallied the attack on the Black Qhaganate in the first place, so he called upon and rallied everyone in the Qhaganate that would heed his command and marched toward the 1st Crusader State for a final confrontation!
Code: [Select]
Advantage: Crusaders
+2 Last Stand

Hagtai and the Black Qhaganate: 1d20=18
Crusader remnants 1d20+2=6

As the army of the Black Qhaganate marched toward the Crusader State, whatever remained of the armies of The Second Crusade saw Hagtai's army on the horizion and steeled themselves what was to come. The armies did whatever they could to muster a defence against the horde and it was a valiant one, but as the armies waded into eachother it quickly became clear that it would have never been enough. Soon the remnants of the crusaders' armies were routed and scattered into the desert and Hagtai and the army he commanded occupied the territory of the 1st Crusader State.

There was disagreement over what should be done with the lands, but in the end, it was decided what was the 1st Crusader State, would go to Arythia and her Chaos Magi, for her part in defending the Qhaganate. Arythia would come to be known as the Red Queen of the blood dunes and the land she ruled, named after her court of Chaos Magi: The Red Court. She had gone from the leader of a cult dedicated to Azerth, to ruler of her own kingdom. She decided, remembering the persecution she and her cult faced in the human nations, that this would be a place of learning, where there would be no "forbidden" arts. "Chaos is freedom, Order is a prison, neither is inherently good or evil, but how you use them is."

Meanwhile, in the lands of the Qhaganate:

When the armies of the Crusaders fled, the high elves were left behind, forced to hunker down and sit close to the Chaos Rift. While they knew that they could flee northward, they also knew that if they left the Rift, it would start spewing out Aetherials again and they'd likely be even more angry. As it is known, exposure to Chaos energy tends to corrupt individuals down to their very soul, but in the High Elves, the Chaos Energy mixed in their bodies with their natural magical energy and turned into something else entirely. The Elves exposed to the Chaos energy became something decidedly less corrupted than most beings. These ash-skinned elves with red eyes, while they looked unsettling, were not beholden to Azerth's will at all. Thus, these "Dark Elves" became a vanguard against Aetherial incursions, at least from that particular rift.

(OOC: This was hard to write, not only because there was so much of it... but also, i actually wanted the Crusaders to win.
it was fun to write, But still, lets not do this again in the near future, ok?
Also, because of the texts volume, i apologize if the text is a bit rough around the edges or too repetitive. I told you shouldn't trust me with writing stuff like this...)

YEAR 196
After sailing about for many years in the south, Captain Skullbeard discovers a massive tropical island chain. The Captain is not sure how he arrived there because he swore up and down that he had sailed that part of the ocean before and never saw the islands there, or maybe he has simply lost all sense of direction.

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Spoiler: Map Update (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 09:41:01 am by Strik3r »
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #331 on: June 05, 2020, 10:42:43 am »

Year 197: Mercenaries and sellswords returning from the battlefields of the Second Crusade bring back plunder and wealth to the streets of Dalai. However, following these returning mercenaries is the subtle corruption of chaos. The occasional cursed artifact or damned sword is known to turn up at the marketplace. Additionally, a new scourge begins to affect the local populace: A disturbing drug referred to as 'vision dust' has begun circulating in the more run down areas of Dalai. Consisting of a powdered chaos crystal mixed with local herbs, this new drug was introduced by returning mercenaries whom supported the Black Qhanganate. Typically inducing hysteric hallucinations and uncontrolled fits of wild rage, vision dust quickly becomes a valuable black market commodity continuously fueled by a trade pipeline maintained by entrepreneurial mercenary slugmen who established contacts within the Black Qhanganate during the course of war. The quality of life in various parts of Dalai begin to deteriorate. Nisvanis, out of caution,  initially bans his growing criminal enterprise from dealing the drug.

Meanwhile, the Dalain government moves to colonize and fortify the small unoccupied island off its northern coast. The goal is to convert the island into a singular massive fortress and a bulwark against any future incursions by sea, be it giant sea monster or naval invasion.
What can mysteriously disappear can mysteriously reappear
*Shakes fist at TamerVirus*


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #332 on: June 05, 2020, 12:19:07 pm »

Year 198-198.15
The Waterstone Clan, being called the Waterstone Clan, sends a ship off to the east. The ship in question, the Graniteboard, is something of a rickety vessel; after all, dwarves generally don't meddle with the sea as much as they do with the earth. The Graniteboard's name is rather ironic, considering its rickety quality. The Graniteboard encounters a somewhat swift south current in 198.05, diverting its route to the southeast. In 198.15, the Graniteboard and its crew unintentionally get shipwrecked on the island the Dalain government is making into a military fortress by a cyclone that steamrollered the ship. Roll for how the Graniteboard's crew react to the Dalains (no, I don't know what someone from Dalai is called) and how the Dalains react to the Graniteboard's crew. (are ship names written in italics?)


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #333 on: June 05, 2020, 02:31:39 pm »

(Wow, that was an amazing right up! I also loved how you introduced Dark Elves into the world now! Also the mechanic you've come up with is awesome!)

Year 199-200

With the disaster that was the Second Crusade and the ever encroaching spectre of Chaos engulfing the Sandstone (Black Sandstone to the forces of Chaos) desert to near maximization, the various monarchs of all the civilized races in the same continent as the incursion are in an uproar of how to deal with it. Of the most afflicted is Dorath and the eastern Human Kingdoms because they rely on trade traffic through the desert. In a spark of curious pull through however, one Slugman duke suggests a new holy order be sponsored dedicated to establishing various fort-outposts in at and around the Sandstone desert. Even though this duke was of low influence his suggestion gets him high praise and agreement.

During the coming months in 199 with enough support, the order is officiated by the new HCE Emperor at the Zalalastan capital (the occurant meeting place as it seems). This order is called the Knights of the Broken Desert in lieu of the current state of the said region. Many veterans of the Second Crusade, both Human, Slugman, Dwarves, and even some Dark Elves- who with freewill of any possible control from Azerth despite being changed by the chaos- join as well. However most Dark Elves despite being sympathetic to the Knights of the Broken Desert feel that their duty is guarding the heart of the Rift itself.

By the year 200 the Knights of the Desert establish 12 forts in various places in the desert region to ensure trade is secure and further incursions of Chaos can be attempted to be slowed. Of all the benefactors for this order, Dorath funnels the most wealth into it due to the how close the threat is.

During this same timeframe, Funny Halloween, King of Arghila, and the Stand-Master of the Stand [YRR]- was close to retrieving most of the corpse parts of Valkyra. Jockeying around the continent looking for every part was helped due to the fact that all of his retinue were also Stand-Users who all possessed unique abilities that could help in almost any scenario. Once Funny Halloween would collect all parts of the fallen god, he'd be able to wield enough power to see to it that his nation would triumph to the top! The corpse part that was left of Valkyra that they had needed was her head and left foot.

One of Funny Halloween's men, Ritgos Malak, had a Stand that who's only special power was to sense divine essence. Of course however it was a Punch-type of Stand so it is lethal and very useful in many circumstances, but Malak's Stand's ability was always strange. Ritgos' Stand (its name being [Hierophants Divinity], a cheek one at that) had detected an Divinity wave. One of the corpse parts was in the city of Dalai, a city of sin, vice, and the edges of chaos. Funny Halloween set travel to it to find the next corpse part of Valkyra.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #334 on: June 05, 2020, 05:10:08 pm »

YEAR 201

The prospering trade between the Lizardmen and Refugio Guerra has caused the Lizards' borders to grow significantly due to a significant influx of food, better building materials and beasts of burden.

Refugio Guerra seems to almost be the hub of the world, it has relations with every nation and goods from all over the world, even some things that they really shouldn't. And Lizardmen seem to have to turned out to be rather shrewd merchants.

On a related note, The Lizardmen, due to better tools and forging processes introduced to them by Refugio Guerra, have discovered how to produce gold leaf, hair-thin sheets of gold that they use to inlay things with gold.

And ever since their discovery of Flyrite, they've discovered the metal to be incredibly light and surprisingly strong. What they didn't know before, is that Flyrite can apparently make things lighter, and its based on surface-area, not volume of Flyrite. As soon as this discovery was made by a tribal smith, they immediately tried applying the leafing process to Flyrite, and surprisingly, it took.

A tiny bit of Flyrite could be used to produce a sheet that would cover a small table, and still resist superficial assault: scratching, poking, and even stretching. A sheet like this would essentially float, or at least sink so slowly that if the sheet was nailed to the table and thrown into the air, it would likely stay in the air for several minutes, and it would float down slowly enough for the table to land gracefully. In theory, these sheets could be cut and stretched between the limbs of someone, like the patagium of bats or dragons. While Lizardmen are still very far off from using the material to create any way to "fly", it is still progress.
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #335 on: June 05, 2020, 05:44:36 pm »

Year 202
Refugio Guerra invited some lizardmen to live in their Main City and they Set Up an embassy for the two people to strengthen their relationship. The new lizardman District seems to flourish and the lizardman tongue has become one of the Many ibterests of the Refugio Guerrans.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #336 on: June 05, 2020, 07:54:22 pm »


While many of the Human military leaders are disheartened at their failure to rescue the Crusader state and are worried about the possibility of cultist incursions into Streamland (one even being narrowly stopped from suicide), other people have a plan. With the Sharkmen busy doing other things for the time being, the army has been entirely freed up for use. The Streamlander Himilgib the Clerk (actually a major military leader who was a bureaucrat who managed to prove his skill in Strategy, he is now well known as a strategist who is also a skill administrator) is leading a coalition of armies from Streamland, Zalalastan, and Karhan to invade and destroy completely the Coast of Cults and set up a new kingdom in its place. This will serve the double purpose of preventing any chance of incursion into the human kingdoms and also ensuring a safe water route between the kingdoms. At 204, he launches the attack with the blessing of the three involved kings and the backing of a large section of their armies.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #337 on: June 05, 2020, 08:01:00 pm »

Year 205:
Shalzar and the Hasasin through infiltration and secretive means, have built up quite a information network. And from this, many secrets are gained, including the powerful Corpse parts. Thinking such things would be a good thing to collect, the Grand Tyjat sends forth a Hasasin Plunder Team, lead by the deadly assasin Tao Sab Sab, a warrior thought to be equal to Namek himself. And so they head into the city of Dalai to search, secretly rallying the local Ghoul syndicate to make Halloween's own efforts in peril.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 08:03:46 pm by Avetruetotheimperator »

King Zultan

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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #338 on: June 06, 2020, 05:05:06 am »

Year 206: After several years of experimentation withe the various metals they had mined they created metal weapons for all of their soldiers, and with the realization that the lizardmen had stopped attacking and stealing their stuff the Bleg decided to try diplomacy with them again, but this time they sent armoured guards with them to hopefully guarantee that they return. Diplomacy with the lizardmen take two!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #339 on: June 06, 2020, 05:06:19 am »

YEAR 206.1

It is apt to say that Dragolia is unstable.

A number of massive earthquakes occour on Dragolia, causing  cave-ins in both Blegs' And Lizardmen's mines. However, these aren't just earthquakes, in the north, a  series of large fractures have happened deep underground in a spiderweb-like pattern of fractures.

Although the damages to civilized lands from the resulting earthquakes is minimal, most of the damage has occurred on the underside of the continent, with massive chunks of earth dropping off the floating landmass into the ocean, further weakening the structure of Dragolia. The loosened chunks dropping into the ocean cause a tsunami that hits Refugio Guerra
In the aftermath, a giant, deep ravine has formed at the origin of the fracture, with the entire region becoming known as "The Scar".

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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #340 on: June 06, 2020, 06:25:38 am »

Year 206-209
After big parts of Refugio Guerra were Destroyed by the tsunami the Refugio Guerrans have begun to not only rebuilt the city to beat its former glory but also they have started to construct anti Tsunami Walls in the Waters surrounding the City.

Many lizardmen helped during this time and were verY valued for their ability to hold their breathe longer when underwater. This has led to a stronger interest in lizardmen culture.

Many lizardmen were brought to the city during this time. The trade between the two nations strengthened and led to the introduction of the domesticated Air dolphin to the lizardmen Lands.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #341 on: June 06, 2020, 06:31:07 am »

Year 206-209
After big parts of Refugio Guerra were Destroyed by the tsunami the Refugio Guerrans have begun to not only rebuilt the city to beat its former glory but also they have started to construct anti Tsunami Walls in the Waters surrounding the City.

Many lizardmen helped during this time and were verY valued for their ability to hold their breathe longer when underwater. This has led to a stronger interest in lizardmen culture.

Many lizardmen were brought to the city during this time. The trade between the two nations strengthened and led to the introduction of the domesticated Air dolphin to the lizardmen Lands.
(heyeheyehey, don't get ahead of yourself, i still have to roll for how much damage Refugio Guerra actually takes, it may well amount to nothing lol)
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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #342 on: June 06, 2020, 06:41:33 am »

(somehow i missed the boldening)


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #343 on: June 06, 2020, 07:05:34 am »

Year 210-213

An assembly of Human and High-Elf wizards find that in the state of the world as is now, magic is under utilized in societies around the world. Sure with Velodryn Kaas' discovery of Stands and its distribution around the world thereafter- Stands could be considered a form of magic, but studied mage scholars knew after years of extensive research that Stands were a psycho-soul phenomena, not magic despite Stands granting the particular user special abilities. Even then unlike magic, only a select few had the potential of unlocking a Stand while mana was a source within all in all races naturally just as Ki was.

Even when Ki existed along with magic, Ki was more used for its sheer destructive power and how it was tied to how physically well one trained- thus it being more popular among warrior types. Taking all this in account, the High-Elves and Human wizard-sages decide to take an initiative. Pooling in their resources they begin construction of a university that would be a center of learning for the arcane and knowledge dispensation in general. One eccentric professor by the name of Cromwell suggests they build the university at the newly formed natural geographic ravine dubbed "The Scar". There was a little confusion among the other professors of this, but they agree after Cromwell's extensive charisma and persuasion.

With gold they hired Lizardman natives to help in the construction of the university. They also had their own personal servants spread word of the university throughout the cities of the world to attract an initial student base. Not only that the Grand-Master of the university who was one of the individuals who thought of the idea of starting a university, Perse Ukal, is the 4th younger brother of the current King of the High-Elves- King Ulathior Ukal. Through this connection the university is officiated by a sitting monarch, which puts on a chain of other monarchs similarly paying official homage to the university.

In 213 the University is completely finished. It is called Scar Gate University, where all who are magically gifted or who wishes to establish their mana to a more adept route can come in learn.


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Re: Bay12 Communal Worldbuilding Game
« Reply #344 on: June 06, 2020, 07:45:10 pm »

Graniteboard's crew encounters Dalaian Slugmen:
Code: [Select]
The crew Graniteboard are appaled by the Dalaians' ongoing construction of the island fortress and mistakenly see it as a secret territory grab and a sign of sure future military agression by Dalai.
And while the Dalaians could not convince the stubborn dwarves otherwise, they still offered them a ride to Dalai on an a vessel leaving the island, which was still unnamed.
Beyond that however, the construction is ongoing without further incident thus far, and the Free Cities of Dalai now own the rather large island in question.

Year 199-200
The 12 forts are built, although calling them forts is a bit of a stretch. They're quite small, sparsely placed and don't hold a decent garrison, even a pathetically small army could rip any one of them to shreds. They're more of an early-warning system of any armies coming from chaos affiliated lands than an actual defence.
(I introduced an icon on the map for forts, a fort icon's BACKGROUND color indicates what nation they are owned by. NORMALLY it is the same color as the land it is on, but in case of a fort being on "neutral" land, the background color can be used to determine who owns it. These ones in question belong to the HCE.

Human Empires vs. the Coast of Cults
Code: [Select]
Advantage: Human Empires
+2 Overwhelming Force

Human Empires 3d20=(20+2)+(15+2)+(20+2)=61

Coast of Cults 3d20=6+7+15=28
The persecution that the cultists of the various cults of the Coast of Cults fled in the human nations had followed the to their new home.
All of the various cults and covens of the coast had always minded their own business, generally not interacting with anyone else and in turn being largely ignored by other nations, until that fateful day, that is.
They were utterly unprepared when the armies of their former home nations converged upon their covens. By the time they realized why the armies were there, it was far too late. Any defence they attempted was in vain that only saw their deaths hastened. Over the years that the Coast of Cults had existed, many people had made families there, to them, it was home first and a cult second. And the attacking armies slaughtered men, women and children alike, any who was in their path. They were all heretics, the invaders said.

Most people ran from the slaughter, and those who didn't, only stayed to slow down the invaders and to help others escape.

The "army" of the Coast of Cults rallied on the coast, with their backs to the water's edge. Only there was no army, just a few hundred poorly armed cultists, witches and druids. They knew they stood no chance of winning, so instead, they would take as many of the bastards with them to the afterlife as possible at any cost, and no cost was too great. The worst of the worst hexes and the most powerful of rituals were brought out, often at the cost of the cultists' own lives. Demons, the Undead, and horrors from beyond the Veil too terrible to describe all ravaged the invaders' armies. But the cultists were all dead and the Coast of Cults was no more.

In the aftermath:

Those cultists that survived, made their way toward the lands of The Red Court, a place that would not discriminate against their practices. They set up camps far from the existing cities, boosting the size of the Red Court's lands a little bit.

As envisioned by the invaders, a new kingdom was formed in the place where the old Coast of Cults had been, the Kingdom of Thairmar.

The Bleg attempt diplomacy with the lizardmen, take two:
Code: [Select]
1d20=16The Lizardmen have clearly mellowed out since their first contact with the Bleg, infact they're downright hospitable. While the Lizardmen weren't quite sure who should represent them in diplomatic negotations and in the end was decided it would be the elder of the largest tribe, and it would take weeks for him to arrive, so the Bleg diplomats were given the best accomodations that particular village could offer.  And the negotiations themselves were rather pleseant, including a feast. It didn't take much for the Bleg to figure out that this was a ploy to patch up the formerly terribe relations.
Still, the negotiations did result in a general peace agreement and other discussions, including talks of a possible trade route.

And true to the lizards' nature, the diplomats ended their stay lacking a few of the possessions they came with, in exchange for quite a lot of new baubles to take back to their own lands.
Related to that, Bleg sandals are too small for Lizardmen.

However, not all is well on Dragolia.

The second fracture hits Dragolia:
Code: [Select]
3d20=20+3+18Unfortunately, the Blegs' celebrations of successful diplomacy came to an abrupt end... disaster struck and without warning. something about the positioning of the Bleg's mines caused them to take the brunt of the damage caused by the earthquakes, maybe because they were closer to the edge of the floating continent. Almost every mine owned by the bleg took some damage, most caved in, the falling rocks killing many of the miners outright, and those that were not, suffered the far worse fate of being trapped in the mines and either died to dehydration or suffocated as the air in the tunnels ran out.

Conversly, Lizardman mines took very little damage, there was no secret to it, they were just plain lucky. Their dragon priests thanked the deities, the dragons, to high heaven and back. The Lizardmen offered their aid to their new friends in the west.

(I guess you were right in your post)
But those ON Dragolia were not the only ones that suffered due to this disaster. As massive chunks of earth dropped off of the underside of Dragolia, they dropped into the ocean, causing massive waves and since Refugio Guerra was a nation that practically sat underneath Dragolia, the waves devastated large sections of the nation. Entire towns were washed away by massive tidal waves. It will be a long time until Refugio Guerra fully recovers from this.

Year 210-213

In just three short years, a bunch of humans and high elves managed to build a university on the northern side of The Scar, although they tried to get the Lizardmen to help them, even gold offered them little incentive in the wake of the devastation where their numbers were already stretched thin and they prioritized aiding their established trading partners and allies over some "University" built in what they far off and cursed land. Some still helped, but the university ended up being somewhat smaller than the grand one expected, though it still sports a decent sized town around it. Scar Gate University as it was known.
(I added a map marker for the university.)

YEAR 214
Years and years after the magical pulse produced by The Monolith that caused so many bizarre things to happen in the world, it still keeps on giving.

Although there is no one around to see it, a single, small white tree with slightly blue-ish leaves has been steadily growing in a forest on Elysium. The animals avoid it, for some reason.
In the early springs, the tree blooms with striking deep blue flowers.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map Update (click to show/hide)

(OOC: I don't really have a plan for the bunch of islands to the south east that i created. Anyone's free to do with them what they want.)
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