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Author Topic: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library  (Read 8635 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2020, 11:13:25 pm »

Wow Merseth can't keep it in his pants lol. Oh man, hope he don't get killed on his first mission that's a lot of kids he will be leaving behind. But I believe in him!

Anyway, that  were-tapir mayor is so hilarious! I like to think that the reason he is around is for the scholars and doctors to study him. So that one day they can find a cure. You should definitely make a pit for him and throw captured intruder unarmed into the pit to feed the beast. So make sure to make some cages to capture any intruders who were foolish enough to invade the fort unwelcomed.

 I Really like how  dwarf fortress shenanigans is starting creep in the fort. You can never run away from !fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2020, 06:18:12 am »

1st, Hematite, 251

A troll interrupted the work crew building one of the southern cavern walls. Fortunately trolls are not very smart and this one chose to attack one of our well equipped marksdwarfs rather than the many unarmed dwarfs nearby. That did not end well for the troll as Muthkat slowly beat it to exhaustion using his shield. He was unable to finish it off despite repeated bashes to the unconsios trolls head, but Kikrost turned up to add another kill with his spear. Muthkat has a badly bruised shoulder but is otherwise unharmed. His iron mailshirt appears to have protected him well from the trolls horn.

12th, Hematite - 251, Urvads journal

I finally tracked down Id and Tulon, the 2 young dwarfs from the last migrant wave that I had assigned to mining why they were not in fact doing so. Id looked rather nervously at Tulon before explaining

"Well, we don't have any tools".

"There are 2 fine, newly forged iron picks in the weapon stockpile, why not use those"

"We've had our eyes on those, but you strictly instructed us only to do work in these areas". He pulls out a roughly sketched map, sure enough the weapon stockpiles are not marked out. "Picking up a tool or weapon is a job. We just assumed you hadn't got round to making additional tools for us and would put them somewhere we are meant to pick them up from".

"...., let me just have that map", scribble.

One problem solved. Minute attention to detail is important.

13th, Hematite - 251, Urvads Journal

The humans have sent a trade delegation. We've requested more leather, alcohol (they seem to have a particularly wide and interesting variety), fruit and

My hopes are not high after the Elven caravan, but it appears that these humans also value the written word, we bought all 3 books they had with them:

They are not the greatest of works, but they should keep the more litareture inclined of us happy until the dwarfen caravan arrives. Urist got the books, some cloth and all the leather the humans had with them along with food and a fine selection of alcohol. We now have enough materials for a full military uniform.

We were extremely generous with the trading and the humans seemed delighted.

They have asked us for Windows, crowns and cut gems next year. With the magma forges and hopefully magma glass works being ready soon I believe we will be able to oblige them.

26th Hematite

Another troll managed to sneak into our cavern worksite through the last unfinished section of wall.

One of the nearby workers was Muthkat. She immediatly put a bolt through the trolls hand, causing it to panic, before charging it. The kill however belongs to Zulban the Swordsdwarf who arrive a few moments later.

Muthkat suffered a severely wrenched neck from the troll attempting to gore her head. Fortunately her iron helm deflected the tusk. The injury cannot be to serious as she has headed straight back to training. She's gaining quite a bit of experience fighting trolls.

OOC - A quiet month, not much is happening (apart from Muthkat appearing to be a troll magnet). I'd designated 2 mining burrows - a deep one including the magma forges for our 2 experienced miners and a surface area to dig a big pit for the library worksite for the unskilled immigrants. I then spent a month trying to work out why they were doing everything except mining.

@Luckyowl - I try to keep my dwarfs happy but the game finds ways to throw interesting challenges into this. I've got some plans for the were-mayor but he does like an exciting life so the intruder disposal pit may get incorporated to help him not go insane from boredom. I'll put together a training area in an out of the way part of the cavern for lucky once it's a bit safer down there!


  • Bay Watcher
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Magma and mayors.
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2020, 08:57:31 am »

1st Malachite - 251 - Magma pipe breach site

Sarvesh and Olin both worked in silence, this job required precision. Carefully weakening the obsidian walls of the magma pipe so they would give way slowly. allowing the molten rock to fall into the collection and distribution tunnels below, but giving them both time to make it up the stairs before the magma could reach them.

There was a shout of warning from Olin as the wall he was working started to soften and flow, Sarvesh chuckled to herself as he ran up the stairs, he was a good miner and a hard worker, but he had still not attained her level of skill in the craft. She glanced at the magma smoothly flowing through the far wall. Good, it was falling into the collection chamber as expected, she still had plenty of time. There, she felt the sudden softness of the wall under her pick and stepped back. The wall smoothly collapsed in upon itself as the remaining rock gave way and magma started to flow through the second breach.

An excellent days work she thought as she walked calmly up the stairs, there may be those in the fort who thought of her as a coward and indeed she was always cautious, but there was no risk in this when done right.

15th Malachite, 251 - Urvads journal

I'm delighted with the the work of our miners! The magma smelters are now reaching working temperature and our smith Mestthos is preparing to move operations to the new magma forge.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's a busy time now. Furniture is starting to be built as fast as we can install it and the bedroom wing is nearly complete. The rooms are basic, but not having to share a dormitory will certainly please everyone.

We've cave crocodile tallow to spare so I've ordered making of soap.

The were-mayors quarters are complete, He's understandably upset about being locked up, but after considering the alternatives  he accepted that this was probably the least unpleasant. He suggested that, to pass the time, he could take over the management and book-keeping duties. We'll have to be careful about meetings, but this may just work out.

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21st Malachite

8 more migrants, including 2 speardwarfs and a swordsdwarf, a marksdwarf and 3 bowdwarfs. There civilian skills are mostly unimpressive. One is a competent farmer though, which is at least useful. The others will need re-assigning.

9th Galena

The human Ret Pamnotithev is visiting our library, her occupation - "boss".

11th Limestone

The dwarven caravan and liaison have arrived. The only thing they requested last year that we have made is short swords. We do have plenty of other iron weapons and armor to sell though now the magma forges are active. The outpost liaison was very keen to meet with our mayor, he had to wait for a few days though as the mayor was.. indisposed.

Once he was the right shape again the mayor met with the liaison and then headed to his new, more luxurious quarters. Trading went well, Urist acquired 4 fine new texts, enough leather to re-clothe everyone in the fort and a good supply of coal in return for a variety of iron weapons and trap components.

22nd Sandstone

It's been a suspiciously quiet. Production from the magma forges has been stepped up, with apprentice armor-smith, weapon-smith and blacksmith now training hard.

The kobolds payed us another visit but then ran before anyone could catch them.

The area for the top of the library tower and the library dome has been excavated. We'll be needing a lot of clear glass soon, so work on magma glass forges and magma kilns has begun.

18th Timber, 251 - Urvads journal

I can't help thinking it's a little early for anyone to be looking to us for anything.

Today we began the draining of the central cavern lake. Work on the top of the library tower has begun in earnest and production of rock blocks for the upper walls has begun.

14th Moonstone

Rimtar Zimeshmeng has grown to adulthood amongst us. Today he began work as an engraver.

Another hillock has been founded to our west.

3rd Opal

Bim Athelnanir showed me a quite spectacular bin today:

It is a masterful piece of carpentry. I'm pleased that we now have 2 skilled carpenters.

OOC - A more interesting second year, I've started to improve the entrance fortifications and our military is slowly starting to get skilled. I guess there must be some sort of threshold for sparring to start as it's only the last few months of this year I've seen any. The magma forges are busy pumping out weapons and armour, with non-masterwork items being melted down to train up the weapon/armour smith. Once we've legendary smiths and military I'll switch to steel production.

Current legendary dwarfs:
Urist Ledigath (Urist Rackscrapes, original 7) - Legendary +5 Carpenter, Great Farmer, Proficient papermaker.
Sarvesh Imikuzol (Sarvesh Chuckedoil, original 7) - Legendary +5 Miner, Adept Mechanic.
Olin Agtekkud (Olin Picks, migrated Summer 250) - Legendary +5 Miner.
Bim Athelnar (Bim Ringrhymes, migrated Spring 251) Legendary +1 Carpenter.
Id Sodelaran (Id Shieldsculptures, migrated Spring 251) Legendary Miner.

Migration has been weird. I've had a huge number of Animal Caretakers, Animal trainers, gelders and herbalists, only one dwarf with a useful industrial skill (a miner) in 49 adult migrants. Whilst there have been plenty of dwarfs with military skills, they are almost exclusively bow, sword or spear dwarfs. Not a single axe or hammer dwarf and only 2 macedwarfs. It all seems a bit elvish. The bowdwarfs are particularly annoying as we can't make bows or arrows.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2020, 04:58:51 am »

I love the story of your fortress! Keep it up!

Good luck managing your were-mayor. I tried to weaponize a were-beast once, and after a year of uneventful containment, it suddenly toppled a wall (yes, a WALL) and escaped into a crowded hallway. Fun times.

A mad scientist necromancer, a peasant with a dream, a secret message inscribed on a gem, a giant bridge.
Come witness the Saga of the Puzzling Sea!
A documented Dwarf Fortress v0.47.xx game combining Fort Mode and Adventure Mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2020, 01:26:15 pm »

1st granite, 251 - dining room

"This years speech will be a bit shorter"

"We've done more than I thought would be possible in a year. Firstly our magma forges
are now in action and by the middle of this year I expect all our armour and
weapons will be of masterwork quality."

A crash from the direction of the glass-works interrupts him. "If Urist pulled the right lever, then that crash was the glass furnaces receiving it's sand supply. there will be no need to climb 15 sets of stairs every time you need a bag of sand!"

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"The critical work to secure a portion of the topmost cavern is complete and the lake is now draining. Once empty, the drain tunnel will be used to supply a new fresh water cistern in a more convenient spot. Please do not antagonize the cave crocodile that has taken up residence in the tunnel."

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"I was saddened to learn of Erals transformation, however he seems to be doing well. I hope you will all spare him a thought and stop by to talk to him from time to time if you are passing by."

"Many of you have complained about the corpses in our refuse dump, that dump is now closed, please use the new garbage magma disposal chute in the first cavern instead. You will find it a far less traumatic experience"

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"Please take the time to refill the drinks of the members of our military and thank them for there work keeping us safe this year, along with our resident monster hunters who have done a fine job keeping the cavern wildlife entertained. On that note, whilst I know that many have you have been delighted to acquire new trousers, vests and cloaks from our leather-works. Please let our warriors equip themselves first. There will be plenty more for the rest of us and they tell me that mail chafes."

"Next year will see the continuation of work on the top floors and dome of the library. We will also start on the trade district. I assure you that a fine tavern is high on my list of priorities!"

"Now eat, drink and be merry!"

OOC - So thats the end of year 2 and the fort is looking to be in a good position for year 3. I'm expecting the first goblin siege this year. It should be small (I'm avoiding steel for now precisely for this reason). We have 6 melea and 6 marksdwarfs, 50% of whom are fairly skilled. Combined with the traps on the approaches to the depot we should have a good chance against one or 2 squads.

Next year:
* Begin the trade district.
    - Tavern
    - Barracks? Probably year 4-5
* Dig deeper, would be good to find the other caverns and magma see.
* More work on the library.
    - Keep buying books
    - Lots of glass blocks (I think ~800 for the dome). Clear glass if the pearlash production doesn't drive me insane.
    - Start the library dome and start digging/constructing downwards.
    - Assign some scholars and scribes to our current library (starting with Urvad I think).

I'd like to get the library in action by year 4.

We currently have 6 scholars visiting, 4 are discussing the windlass.

So far no dwarfs are stressed, though after the rotting trolls in stockpile incident that might change.

Dwarfs seem to have a lot of unmet needs - particularly social and religious. I'm hoping the tavern will deal with the former, I guess the latter needs dedicated temples. I may have to increase the priority of a temple district.

@DrCyano - so far he's not even toppled the furniture, he is however an excellent book-keeper, so I'm hoping nothing to bad happens to him. I just need to manage the dwarven liaison meeting carefully..



  • Bay Watcher
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theft, betrayel and a beating
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2020, 03:44:45 pm »

9th Granite

The elven caravan has arrived. My hopes are not high.

I'm giving everyone not involved in glass production a month off. Time to relax for a while.

Not a single book. They just don't seem to get the message. We did get a giant jaguar though, so that's something.

27th Granite

Two of our codices are missing. It would appear that visitors are borrowing our books! This is deeply disturbing and not at all the purpose of a library.

2nd slate

On the other hand it appears we also have 1 copies of a book we did not buy, so they are also leaving new books hear. I guess that works out?

3rd Slate

Aban Shaligdoran just threw Zulban out of the craftsdwarfs workshop where he was putting the finishing touches to a new scroll. Looks like another artifact is on the way

9th Slate

It's.. Very nice. I don't wish to be ungrateful, but an artifact made of something other than wood would be great. Sadly, she remembers nothing of making it other than the desperate urge to make something.

26th slate

Another 26 migrants, 19 of them adults. Looks like we need some more bedrooms. 2 Miners, a brewer and a cook (all adequate), the rest mostly herbalists and animal caretakers.

4 more marksdwarfs, 7 swordsdwarfs. We have yet to see a single hammer or axe dwarf. I'm tempted to just hand some axes and hammers to volunteers and tell them to work it out between them.

"The Primitive guild" - an animal caretaker guild would like a guild hall. There are ~25 members here but I think the answer is still, "not just yet".

1st Hematite

The inky belts, Hammerdwarf squad have been formed by Zuglar Sazirthalal (a swordsdwarf who doesn't obect to retraining) and Lor Moruluvel, who has no military experience. They'll have to work out how to use their weapons by experimenting.

3rd Hematite - Urvads diary

This is terrible!

We've searched the room, but no sign of it! Looking at our records though, I see a new visitor arrived a few days ago: Asno Saxostozu, holy stranger. They are now nowhere to be found, deeply suspicious.

In the hope they were not acting alone, I've had our gaurd captain, Catten, interview the last few visitors to arrive. In case she finds anything, I'm having a prison prepared.

7th Hematite 252, journal of Catten, Guard captain.

Interogation report: Hit the jackpot on the second interrogation, subject Dang Smumuurar quickly cracked under pressure and confessed to subborning Urvad Cloisterreveared to take rontizessesh, among some other interesting things.

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Urvad is a skilled swordsdwarf and captain of our third squad. His conviction could have a severe impact on the fort. I will have to approach this cautiously.

Astonishing, a little bit of flattery and he readily confessed:

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What base and despicable treachery! I will question our remaining guests in case there are more plots going on.

12th Hematite, Urvash' Journal

Quick results from our captain of the guard! Clearly a good choice for the position. Nothing new came from questioning our other guests, some must have felt they were under some suspicion though as they answered somewhat evasively. Unfortunately we have yet to recover rontizessesh.

20th Hematite - Urvads diary

I'd thought that Catten would have thrown our guilty sword dwarf into prison for a spell, instead she decided a beating would be more appropriate. I guess she took the betrayal rather personally.

Ripping his ear off may be taking it a bit to far. He's in hospital now. Our first patient for the doctor. I've removed him as captain of the granite matches. Fath Asendur takes over and Urvad Udilsodel joins the squad. Maybe he can earn our trust back once he has recovered.

Dang Smumuurar is sentenced to 244 days in prison. Worryingly, the interrogation suggests that this theft is part of a deeper plot.



  • Bay Watcher
  • For !!SCIENCE!!
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2020, 04:16:25 pm »

Dwarfs seem to have a lot of unmet needs - particularly social and religious. I'm hoping the tavern will deal with the former, I guess the latter needs dedicated temples. I may have to increase the priority of a temple district.

That's the temple worship bug. I ran into the same thing and thought I needed more temples dedicated to more gods, but that made it worse. Dwarves don't know which temple is for which god and get stuck praying to the wrong one. The solution appears to be to have only one generic temple (not dedicated to any god), or lock the temple doors to physically force the unhappy dwarf into the correct temple.

A mad scientist necromancer, a peasant with a dream, a secret message inscribed on a gem, a giant bridge.
Come witness the Saga of the Puzzling Sea!
A documented Dwarf Fortress v0.47.xx game combining Fort Mode and Adventure Mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2020, 12:20:32 pm »

8th Malachite, 252 - Urvads Journal
Zaneg Litastegen, Dwarven Child has was seen feverishly carrying materials to the craftsdwarfs workshop, when asked about this she bellowed, "BEGONE BRIEF MORTAL", with rather more force and authority than I would expect from an 11 year old. Perhaps it would be best to leave her to it for now.

The mayor has asked for some larger quarters and at least a small area to pray in. I think that's a reasonable request, I've asked our miners to sort it out when there current projects are done.

20 new bedrooms have been commissioned for our new arrivals. We are now up to 87 adult dwarfs and I noticed the dormitory is in heavy use again.

Work on the Library Dome has begun. Our first test run of 50 clear glass blocks is in progress and has revealed bottlenecks in the following areas:

* Tree cutting - we need to clearcut most of the map.
* Wood burning
* Potash making
* Pearlash making
* Sand gathering

In fact everything except for actually producing the blocks. Some expansion of these industries is required.

A glance at our management orders show how busy we are:

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19th Malachite, 252

Zeneg has created Adolbbengeng Erkibbardum, "Complexscarlet, the Random Fight" - A horse bone earing. Sadly she remembers nothing of it's construction.

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I wonder what could have driven whatever spirit possessed her.

We really should find somewhere secure to display these artifacts.

17th Galena

Whilst waiting for our first batch of clear glass to complete, the miners have started on the tavern, we could all do with a place to socialise.

An exploratory shaft has hit the second cavern layer. Yet another lake lies in the way of our tower. There is a nice thick layer of marble above this second cavern. In celebration we are smelting our first steel bars.

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4th Limestone 252, Urvads journal
A vile force of darkness has arrived! A single unit of 8 attackers showed up and headed towards the depot. The drawbridges were closed as soon as everyone on the surface was safely inside.

Once the Marksdwarfs were in position the drawbridges were opened, 2 goblins charged straight through the traps into the depot, where they quickly slaughtered our guard animals. Unfortunately for them the gates slammed shut behind them, leaving them trapped in the depot as The Punches of Craft, The Granite Matches and the Machines of Crewing charged up the stairs. Vengeance was painfully slow, but both goblins finally going down.

Outside the depot, several attackers were caught in trapped areas, the traps proving brutally effective, if inefficient.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Those that were wounded were left unable to escape in full view of the marksdwarfs:

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The rest of the goblins diverted to attack a human bowman who was visiting the fort and had been trapped outside when the bridges closed. He fought well but was slowly hacked to death in full view of the marksdwarfs who this time failed to score a single hit on his attackers. He will be interred in a position of honor in the archives for his assistance.

The remaining goblins broke and ran as the bridge crashed back down and the Dwarfs charged. One pike-goblin was slow to react and was cut down, the 2 axe and one hammer goblins ran.

The siege is broken! Thank the gods for our military and that brave visitor. No dwarfs were seriously injured. Fath took a couple of hits but was protected by her armor, just bruising to head and hand. Zulban was first into the depot and demonstrated great skill facing 2 goblins.

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Whilst we were all relieved by the outcome, the attack revealed a number of flaws in our defenses. Some improvements are needed.

The grim task of cleanup begins - the depot is a bit of a mess.

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OOC - First siege was not the disaster it could have been. Closing the drawbridges to split up the attackers worked well, trapping the 2 fastest goblins, who were then outnumbered 3:1. They still took a long time to go down and killed our war dogs before the Melee squads arrived. Even when leaving the depot, the dwarfs always had the advantage of numbers at the point they were fighting.

The marksdwarf fortifications have problems. Access is via the depot which will get invaded. A secure entrance from the barracks will replace this.

Marksdwarfs and traps did a good job of breaking up and disabling the attackers, however, I need a fortification redesign which forces the Marksdwarfs to stand next to the fortification, 5 out of 8 of them never saw an attacker.

I noticed wooden bolts in use by my marksdwarfs. I'm not sure if this is due to them using all the metal bolts in the quiver, then whatever was left, or if the problem with different training and combat bolts is still there. I've corrected a mistake in the bolt assignments, I'll have to see if that helps (they should all be carrying 25 metal bolts at all times now, in addition to wooden training bolts). Once the forges are quieter I might re-arrange the Marksdwarfs squads slightly.

@DrCyano - That might explain it. It's getting quite serious for my military dwarfs. I've only got one generic temple so far though, I'll keep an eye on my dwarfs as they pray and seem if they are getting stuck. If the tavern helps with the socialization issue the prayer problems might be manageable.

@LuckyOwl - I'm setting up axe and hammer squads. Do you want Merseth to enlist? He's got the highest (ie only) axe skill in the fort from individual combat drills!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 12:22:13 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Our milita commander is efficient.
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2020, 06:30:08 am »

Oops, it appears not all the goblins had run away

8th Limestone, 252

Looks like the siege isn't quite as finished as I'd thought. A goblin axeman and a Goblin hammerman running from the siege ran into a human who was visiting and killed her, Ezum, our commander of the guard had headed out to collect some wood after the all-clear, witnessed the event. She was just to late to save the woman, but:

Exacted efficient vengeance with a single shot. The Hammer goblin flees - this time he's not coming back.

Another human visitor for the tombs

16th Limestone, 252

The liaison and caravan have arrived. At least the bodies are out of the way (we need a bigger corpse stockpile or a better disposal method - the magma drop is to far away).

20th limestone

I don't know what to say. Our ware-mayor, Ezum, is dead. He'd transformed back to dwarf and we'd opened the drawbridge to his room so he could meet with the liaison. He'd walked up to the dining room for the meeting, saw Iteb and simply attacked him. Iteb defended himself by blocking and avoiding the mayors blows, before firing a wooden practice bolt into his leg. Ezum, our marksdwarf captain of the guard saw her friend under attack and fired a single bolt, straight through the mayors head.

I'd just ordered some coffins set up in the archive. I didn't expect them to be required for this.

The outpost liaison has left. In horror at seeing the mayor killed right in front of him I can only assume.

I discussed the mayors death with Catten, but the only crime committed was his attack on Iteb, she does not see the need or use of further punishment.

27h Limestone

8 new migrants have arrived, 7 of them are herbalists. I hadn't realised their were this many herbalists in our entire civilisation. Many of them are also animal caretakers.

One is a competant speardwarf.

28th Limestone, 252

A giant olm crawled out of the lake in the cavern and attacked our pastured animals. A mule kicked it into unconsiousness before our swordsdwarfs could arrive to disect it. It appears to have swum in through the tunnel that is meant to drain the lake. A new drainage system is needed.

5th Timber, 252

Vutok Rithluteral has claimed a craftsdwarfs workshop! Quite impressive for a 1 year old.

9th Timber, 252

Vutok has created Lemloridash Bab Borik "Fancymoisten the Pet of Trenches, a microcline earring", a beautiful work, commemorating the founding of our fortress 2 years before she was born. I'm keeping an eye on this dwarf when she grows up.

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OOC - OK, can't entomb my dead human visitors, maybe a nice headstone instead?.

I have no idea what happened with the mayor, I'd activated his squad and given him a station order in the mayors quarters whilst I opened the drawbridge to allow the outpost liason meet him. He headed to the dining room to refill his waterskin, ran into Iteb and Ezum, whom he appears to have attacked. He was not stressed, only slightly unfocussed. Shame as I quite liked having him locked up in the cavern, he was doing a great job of managing all the book-keeping. I'm baffled.

I checked, Ezum, has fired 2 bolts against creatures larger than a buzzard this year. Both were killing shots through the brain.

The Olm getting in via our drain does pose an interesting question. Why is the 2nd layer of the lake not draining? It's connected to a tunnel (down one level from the lake surface, which connects to a second lake at the cavern edge, the second lake is one level down from the lake I'm trying to drain. My understanding of both real and dwarven physics is that water should flow out of the top lake, through the tunnel and into the lower lake, where it may cause a bit of flooding, before flowing of the map. This did happen to the upper layer of water in the lake (2 z-levels above the lower lake). Very strange. I'm adding a second drainage tunnel - this time using a pump to empty the lake.

Well done Vutok, legendary +1 stonecrafter at 1 year old. Skill rust is going to be a problem though.

28th Timber - Urvads journal

16th Moonstone, 252

In the depths, something is stirs:

It's down in the second cavern, so not a threat to us for now, however we will need to deal with this before we can expand to the second cavern.

Our sword and spear military are currently re-equipping with steel weaponry. It should help them pierce the iron and bronze armor of the goblins.

24th Opal, 252 - Urvads journal
A giant cave toad made it's way into the pump tunnel emptying the central lake. It provided some live practice for the Inky Belts who seem to be getting the hang of their warhammers.

The second cavern layer is on fire - Vucar is incinerating anything that moves. I don't think our sword and spear dwarfs will be going after this. A more creative solution is required. I wonder if we could collect forgotten beasts somehow?


  • Bay Watcher
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The start of year 4, a quiet start.
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2020, 04:38:34 pm »

"Once again, thanks to all of you for your courage and hard work this year."

"The first clear glass for the library dome is now in place, I estimate the dome will be complete by the middle of the year 254! Work on the tower down to the level of the Upper library floor is also  completed."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Our miners are working hard on the tavern. The graat stone block which will form the tavern will soon be dropped into place in the first cavern! Next years new year will be held in a new venue!"

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"We have located the next layer of the cavern. It is currently occupied by a giant fire breathing tick which we will have to deal with."

"I hope you will all raise a glass to the memory of our Mayor, Eral, who died last Autumn and to remember the 2 brave humans who died distracting the goblin siege."

"Talking of the siege - our defensive perimeter has been extended, please be sure you get back inside the fort promptly when the alarm is sounded!"

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"You've all worked hard this last year, next year will see the pace slow down a little to give everyone at least some time to relax! Now enjoy your last new year party in this hall, next year we're in the tavern!"

6th Granite - 253
Behold, "Riddlehooves the Ashen Sufferings", a maple Nam:

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Well done to Rakust Athamdodok, one of our farmers, for creating this unique instrument. I can't wait to hear what it sounds like in the hands of one of our legendary musicians!

17th Granite, 253

The elf caravan has turned up, no chance of any books I suppose but maybe they'll bring some more interesting creatures. Nope - nothing. We bought some clothes.

Everyone seems a little unfocused. Now that the digging is complete around the tavern I'm letting people have a rest - at least until the collapse lever is rigged up! No more work orders for a few weeks.

3rd Felsite

Everyone is ordered away from the tavern work site and the lever is pulled! There is an enormous crash from the west side of the cavern as a massive slab of rock falls from the ceiling and a huge cloud of dust and debris is thrown out.  The tavern is now in place and just needs to be dug out.

18th Felsite

A giant cave spider attacked Bembul CraftedWound as he reloaded a cage trap in the unsecured cavern area - remarkably he punched it, knocked it over and then ran away. A lucky escape.

I've locked down the cavern entrance for now. We could do with carving out some fortifications overlooking the entrance in case of future visits. I've ordered everyone inside.

I'm was a little surprised when Vucar (our second armoursmith) came in from the cavern. Apparently she had nothing to do and so had taken a quiet walk with her baby in the outer cavern. She was followed by 3 other dwarfs who appeared to have had the same idea. Maybe giving them so much time off was a bad idea? The giant cave spider could just be seen in the distance, watching with some
interest but apparently not inclined to attack.

25th Felsite

Deduk Salverasps, one of our stonemasons seems to have been possessed, at least this spirit has taken over an adult.

1st Hematite, 253

Spring is here. We've another visitor with the title "Boss", along with 2 who gave there title as "luitenant". Catten is having a friendly chat with them. Another trio of kobold theives attempted to sneak into the fort, but were detected and ran before they reached the depot. The cave spider is gone and the cavern is re-opened, much to the delight of our 4 resident monster slayers. With only a brief pause to eat, drink, pray, read a few books and drink some more, they rush down to the cavern and resume their important job of beating up the cave crocodiles.

"Hideorgans the Ravager of Murders" - Well that's an impressive name for a coffin. It's a stunning piece of work which commemorates the creation of our previous artifact.

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I'm having this placed in the archive room where passers-by can see it. At least it should be reasonably safe, even I would notice someone staggering out of the fort with a coffin!

OOC - A lot of dwarfs are getting unfocused. Hopefully some crafts and socialization opportunities will help.

I've also seen some cave adaption - I need to get the "skylights" in the first cavern under way. Unfortunately, one of my best miners is getting stressed (makes sense, he's prone to stress and all he'd done since arriving is mine!) At the very least I should move the military to training areas in the light.

We have only 1 new legendary dwarf this year, Votok Waxvessels, Legendary +1 Stonecrafter. She's 2 years old. There may be a bit of skill rust before she gets to use that skill. Some of the military are hovering just under legendary fighter/weapon skills though.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 04:40:21 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2020, 05:18:10 pm »

Damn  :( and here I was  hoping that Mayor Eral would stick around for a while.

 Merseth might put his adventuring on hold after going through two sieges and Mayor Eral's spontaneous attack his mind is now more focus on protecting his family and he will stay at the fort once he know his family is safe. He walked up to Urvad with his axe causally resting on his shoulder. "Aye, I'm here to join the defense." 


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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2020, 08:08:07 am »

i]19th Hematite, 253[/i]

The humans have arrived to trade, we placed our usual orders for leather, I've also requested cloth, gold and silver. It's time we started to produce some luxury items.

In turn, they requested prepared meels, axes and short swords for next year. I think we can provide all of those.

10th Galena

Asno Saxostozu, holy stanger is visiting again! I've ordered Catten to intercept and question him. Let's find out if he was involved in the theft of Vaultspin.

Work on the Tavern continues - A large quantity of the finest alcohol has been transfered to the stockpile. Once work on smoothing all the surfaces is complete we can get the furnishings in and have a celebratory drink or 10!

17th Galena, 253

Well, well, it appears we were right to be suspicious, Cattens report is interesting, she appears to be a skilled flatterer.

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The next link in the chain appears to be Tun Clinchedshot. odd, I expected it to be Dang Smumuurar, who we still have in the cells.

The mastermind behind this is still to be revealed. I think some further questioning is in order to get to the bottom of this.

Oddly Vaultspin is now back in our stockpile. This mystery just keeps getting more confusing!

We may need a bigger prison. Thinking of which, I realise that Axno was only convicted for espionage - oh, and he attacked 2 dwarfs who were refilling his prisons food stockpile. Looks like he's in for a longer sentance.

19th Galena, 253

To my surprise, Catten has decided on a beating for Asno, I'm confused as to why, we do have a second cell in our prison.

Catten is quite an interesting character, she's an expert marksdwarf now and in spite of her youth (she started the job at 16) and disinterest in the law or truth, she seems to have taken to the roll very well. She's certainly very keen on the more, physical, part of the job.

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No, my mistake, he got a beating and 242 days in prison. Good.

20th Galena - Tavern

Dodok and Sarvesh are engulfed in a cloud of flying dust and debris as they enter the site of the tavern.

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shaken but unharmed they rush in to be grerted by a terrible sight. The mangled, headless body of Id, one of their fellow miners.

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20th Galena - Urvads diary

I feel terrible, there is no doubt in my mind that Id's death was a result of a measurement error on my part in the design of the tavern. I've said it before, but inatention to detail kills. I've asked Ids fellow miners to come up with an appropriate name for the tavern and a memorial slab for Id will be placed somewhere prominent.

21st Galena

Catten pressed Tun, our expert leatherworker closely and does not believe he was holding anything back, however it seems that he knows nothing of the dissapearence and subsequent re-appearence of Vaultspin. Perhaps Asno was trying to lay a false trail.

OOC - Damn, I got the ordering of my digging/channeling designations in the tavern wrong. Any ideas for a suitable tavern name to immortalize the unfortunate miner Id ShieldSculptures?



  • Bay Watcher
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More were monsters and a nice surprise
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2020, 02:26:48 pm »

13th Limestone

One of our guests transformed into a were-monitor - right in the middle of the temple! Luckily she was standing next to Unib Carriedtrade, resident monster hunter. Unib engaged the creature in a brief melee, along side her friend and fellow monster slayer, the human macewoman Jol. The battle was brief and was ended by Monom, of the Contested Slings who put her second bolt of the fight cleanly through the creatures head.

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Unibs steel mail shirt saved her from a bite to the lower body, every other attack from the beast was dodged or deflected.

The dwarf caravan was is seen approaching. We picked up over 10 books and scrolls from the humans, lets see if my own kind can do as well.

14th Limestone

Whilst studying in the library I was approached by one of our guests, Tirist Roderdodok. To my surprise she asked permission to join our library as a scholar. Naturally I agreed. Now there are 2 of us working in the library!

I've also agreed to requests from both our farmers and stonemasons for a guildhall. The miners and masons will get to work on it early next year.

One of our woodcutters, Merseth, approached me this morning and asked to join the defense of the fort. It appears he's been practicing with his axe for much of the last 2 years in a quiet corner of the cavern. I've checked my records and no one else has any skill with the axe. A number of dwarfs are interested in learning however. For now I've assigned one of the old barracks to Merseth and his new sparring partner Geshud. They've chosen the name "The Singed Gears" for their squad. Once they have some basic defensive skills I'll see how they can fit in to the military. There is plenty of good quality iron armour for initial equipment, we also have a few masterwork and exceptional steel battleaxes in the armory thanks to the diligence of our smiths.

15th Limestone

Our mayor Kadol rushed into the library to let me know that we have been given notice that we are to become a barony! I'm not surprised given the number of hillocks that are now looking to us. We have until next year to discuss who among us should be promoted to the nobility!

We picked up another 13 texts from the caravan, soon the new library will be ready to receive them.

Olin, one of our legendary miners, has slipped into depression. I'd moved him from mining to plant gathering and stone-crafting earlier in the year as he was clearly very stressed and feeling the need to both wander and craft something.

I can only help he pulls through.

This means we only have 4 skilled miners remaining. I've asked for volunteers and Kivish Glazegate (An animal disector) and Momuz Boatseye, a pump operator are now apprentice miners.

18th Sandstone, 253

A troll managed to get into the cavern 1 work area. Once again through the old lake drain tunnel that someone left open. We don't need the tunnel anymore so I'm having our masons seal it up.

21st Sandstone, 253

Our miners have located the third and final cavern.

15th Timber, 253

The tavern is finally open! Finally, we can socialize properly!

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21st Timber

The last gap at the centre of the library dome is filled, 8 months ahead of schedule. There's still cosmetic work to be done to the dome but it is now sealed! There's a nice view from up here.

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OOC - I'd have thought all the outside work on the library tower would have dealt with cave adaptation - apparently not.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 03:50:38 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2020, 09:48:24 pm »

One of the things I love about this is that you take a pretty normal experience such as a cave troll attack and make it interesting and describe it in such a good amount of detail!

I'm really interested in all the stuff you're writing even if it is something I might have run into multiple times before.
also great personalities on the dwarves! Diverse and interesting!


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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2020, 07:01:56 am »

2nd Moonstone

Winter has arrived and brought with it a vile force of darkness. Everyone was ordered inside whilst the military move into position in the courtyard. I count 40 invaders. It looks like the goblins are starting to take us seriously.

Fath Gravelfist stood in the new courtyard in front of the trade depot. This would be her second siege since she took over leadership of the Granite Matches from the disgraced Urvad. Urvad seemed to have taken his beating and demotion remarkably cheerfully, he was actually smiling as he stood his ground besides her. All 7 of the other experienced Melee militia stood around her, listening out for sounds beyond the wall.

Behind the battlements above her, Catten slotted the first of her iron bolts into place and hauled the string of her crossbow back. She looked up to watch the goblins charging across the plains and checked the position of her squad. This time they are all standing right next to the battlements, with an excellent view of the trapped zone between the walls through which the goblins would have to advance

Fath heard the first screams from behind the walls, it sounded like the goblins had found the first group of traps. Moment later she heard thumps from the Depot fortifications as the Marksdwarfs under Ezum loosed their first bolts of the fight. From the increase in screaming at least some of them were having effect.

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She heard a shout from Ezum above the depot, "The first waves breaking, but there's more behind them". Then the sound of crossbows from behind her. The gobins must be past the first trap groups and into the passage for the Contested Slings to be able to see them.

A single goblin charges through the last traps and is quickly cut down by the waiting dwarfs. She hears another shout form Ezum on the battlements "Charge!!!".

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In spite of her surprise at the sudden change of plan, Fath charged, along with the rest of the Melee squads. Turning the corner into the entrance zone, she sees the goblins are in utter confusion, many wounded by traps, caught in a crossfire from the barracks and depot. Beyond them she can see a group of human warriors and the goblins seem unsure if they should continue their attack or deal with this new and unexpected threat.

In a moment she is upon a goblin spear-man, there is a brief exchange of blows, but a cut with her new steel sword sends the goblins spear and the hand clutching it spinning away. An iron bolt
misses her as she turns away from her wounded opponent as he staggers back. Her blade cuts into a pike goblin, tearing through the tattered mail shirt and deep into his chest. She hauls her sword free and turns to the crossbowman that just missed her. Another cut with her sword takes his hand, a kick to the leg staggers him and her sword flashes back from taking his hand into his chest. With only a moment to reflect on the horror of mortality, she moves on to new opponents, in both case removing their right hand.

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In the distance she can see a single goblin swordsman running. This one won't be getting away to kill any visitors to the fort!

To her surprise the goblin turns and comes back at her, clearly no coward. They meet on the road. Her opponent is skilled and his second blow is only turned by faths iron mail shirt, wrenching her
shoulder. He is less fortunate, Faths sword cut through both breastplate and mail shirt into his lower body. Badly wounded, he stands no chance and fails to land a single further blow, before collapsing from the blood loss.

OOC - That was a lot more goblins than I expected! Still, the front line military is fairly skilled now (4 of them are weapon masters). I kept the hammer and axedwarfs who are currently far less skilled well out of the way. The traps and Marksdwarfs killed or wounded about half the attackers, the melee dwarfs (with the added distraction of a group of human visitors) dealt with the rest. Once again Fath was the only dwarf hit, again, saved by her armour. I like the weapon traps breaking - it makes clean up after a siege and maintaining your tap-field a lot more interesting.

Worryingly my militia commander and one of the marksdwarves are both suddenly very stressed. I'm sure they were fine before the siege. I see, they both now see war as utterly abhorrent and would have peace at any cost (strengthened after seeing the werebeast in year 1 killed). That would explain the pages of "horror at seeing a goblin die" in their thoughts screen, being up in the fortifications gave them an excellent view of the horror unfolding beneath our walls... I'm going to remove them from the military for now, they're both young, have useful additional skills and great attributes/traits otherwise so I'm sure I can find a use for them. They are both excellent marksdwarfs so I might have them training up an additional militia squad.

Strangely the 2 melee dwarfs who were also involved in killing the were tapir in year 2 are the happiest, least stressed dwarfs in my fortress.

Steel swords and spears work well against goblin armour. They also leave a lot of dismembered bodies around - I hope the cleanup crew can manage (I've disabled corpse hauling on everyone who is susceptible to stress, but there are quite a few bodies around the place.

The refuse/corpse stock piles is not big enough. That's unfortunate.

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