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Author Topic: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library  (Read 8634 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« on: March 28, 2020, 05:07:59 pm »

Year 250, 15th Granite

"Definitely the right place Urvad", Ezum the Marksdwarf drops lightly from the cart and glances at the map in her hand. "There's the bend in the road and those -", she looks up from the map and points to a pair of buildings just visible in the distance, "must be the monasteries of Toaststood and Thinderedfaint"

"Agreed, we got good directions", he walks over to stare at the map briefly then nods, looking happy as he takes in the area.

"Not a bad location, next to the main road, nice climate, not to hilly. It'll do."

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Urist the papermaker stands up from examining a vine, "I'm curious Urvad. I was surprised that the mountainhome is willing to establish a library out here, but why are the humans so agreeable? This is practically there back yard and they've got to know this place will grow! They allways do for some reason."

"Well officially, we're here to improve diplomatic and trade relations with the The Labyrinthine Nation and the southern Elf nations and I explained to their law givers that we will be grateful for there goodwill and the Queen has given me clear instructions to express said gratitude in very generous trade terms.", Urvad frowns, "We've allways been on goo terms and I think that might have been enough by itself. But I spent quite a while talking to some of the sages and I suspect there is another reason", he gestures at the map.

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Ezum doesn't even look down. "The goblins"

"Right. 2 major groups barely a days march away. They're not at war with the Labyrinthine Nation yet, but you know how little that means to them. You saw the fortifications round every village we passed, they are facing constant raids and the goblins just keep expanding. I think the law giver is hoping that we will at least distract the goblins for a few years and might even become a useful ally within a few years".

Sarvesh the miner is looking distinctly nervous.

"Relax - It'll be a few years before they realize we're here, by then we will be dug in and ready for them. Speaking of which.... Everyone grab a drink, grab your tools and lets get started."


Welcome to "The Adequate Library", I've not played a good long game since version 0.34 (pre multi-tile trees). I've been experimenting with the new release but haven't really got a fort off the ground (or perhaps below the ground) properly yet, mostly I've re-familiarized myself with the interface and cursed at the increased complexity. I've played around for a bit with Taverns and Temples, got a Guildhouse or 2, but I've never built a library.

So my goal here is to build a Great Library. OK, realistically, a Totally Adequate Library. Urvad is going to be out to buy,copy or otherwise acquire every book he can get his hands on. I've also not tried the new raid mechanics yet, so this may be a good chance (if we survive long enough to set up a good military).

As is typical of my forts, most construction will be underground (and multi-level), in and around the caverns. I'm hoping to keep this fort alive long enough for some of the books in the library to have been written by denizens of the fort.

The story will be told mostly from Urvads POV, though I will switch this around where appropriate. I'm no great writer but I'll try to keep it entertaining.

I'm hoping this will be an entertaining chronicle of the successes and failures as well as a hopefully informative exploration of the libraries/other meeting areas, feel free to comment, criticize, request a dwarf or make a suggestion - I'll do my best to fit ideas into the ongoing plans.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2020, 05:09:46 pm »

I'm hyped! I got a really good feeling about this one and your writing style is really enjoyable!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2020, 06:22:11 pm »

15th Granite, 250

Well, we've arrived safely. I've explained why I suspect the humans were so happy with us being here.. No surprise to most of my companions I think.

Talking of companions I'll just finish off my observations on them, I chose fairly carefully from those who wanted to come on this expedition - I hope I've chosen wisely:

Shorast - Mason/engraver

Has enormous energy and seems nearly inexhaustible - However, I have yet to see her use this energy on anything outside her own leisure time. An interesting character, She would be the life and soul of the party, if she liked parties. Nonetheless, we have become close friends on the journey

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Sarvesh Imikuzol - Miner

Also has some mechanical and architectural skill.

I think she will be very glad to get back underground, doesn't seem to like being exposed up here - I get the impression she's seen some pretty awful things in her career in the mountainhomes. Hopefully she will be able to overcome her fears.

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Mestthos Libashoslan - Smith

Several dwarfs commented how lucky we were to have Mestthos join our expedition - I hope they were right. He is undoubtledly skilled and an incredibly hard worker. However he often seems a little... down and I get the impression he does not truly value his own skills or worth. I worry he may easily get depressed.

Seems overly fond of crossbows, this may be useful.

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Ezum Gimkulet - Marksdwarf

Will be responsible for the safety of the fort in our initial diggings. Was happy to accept the roll of Militia Commander "until someone more suitable comes along". I think she may be more comfortable as sherif or head of the fortress guard. We shall have to see.

A good shot with a crossbow, she also admits to having some basic training at stonecrafting and a dream to create a masterwork. For some reason she will not explain, she detests hamsters. She just glares when I ask.

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Urist Ledigath - papermaker

A skilled papermaker and farmer - also can make a wooden table that does not fall over. Will be a great asset to our library. Strangely has an interest in war-hammers and dreams of creating a masterwork - Given he is also a physically impressive dwarf I'm not sure how he ended up as a papermaker.

Is used to trading his goods, so will be our broker.

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Mebzuth Oltarkogan - Doctor

A skilled doctor. I'm a little concerned though as she sometimes doesn't seem to pay as much attention to what she is doing as I might wish in someone who may be sowing me back together.

We've become good friends. To my surprise as she seems to detest those who wield power and I am expedition leader.

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Finally, I suppose I should write a little about myself for completeness:

I'm  reasonably sturdy, but not as tireless as some of my companions. I've got a decent brain but am otherwise average.

I spent most of my time studying in the library but I fear some of my comments about the lack of books from outside our own lands (and for that matter any books written less than 50 years ago) may have made there way to the chief sage, as I found myself "invited" to lead this expedition to set up a new library far from home.

I may be doing the old rogue an injustice though as in spite of his glee at explaining my new task to me he does seem to have been genuinely helpful in getting us equipped and ready. He also asked me to send any copies of any interesting new books back to him. In fact, I think he may be a bit more to my way of thinking than I would have believed. With his help and the Queens instructions to improve relations with the local Human and Elf civilizations we found ourselves outfitted and  on the way within 2 months.

I'd not really been that curious about the world outside our walls - but I've become increasingly excited as we got closer to our destination.

Urvad Tongsrooms

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- Well, that's the starting 7! They all seem to get on together, everyone considers the others Friends/close Friends/Kindred Spirit except for Mestthos the  smith - he considers Ezum and Urvad as "Long-term Acquantances" - he seems a bit grumpy.

I'll try to remember to use italics for Out of Character comments

@Maloy - Thanks! I'm sure the writing style will change as this goes on and I get used to writing a DF story again.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 06:25:19 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 05:11:32 am »

23rd Granite

Remarkable - we've only just started digging and Sarvesh shouts up from the stairway that he's hit hematite! I think this is the first time I've seen Mestthos our Smith smile.

To my surprise our Doctor grabbed the spare pick and is digging in alongside Sarvesh.

The rest of us have started moving food to the new food/farming area.

New creatures seen in the area today - a weasel and a small flightless green parrot.

4th Felsite

2 Months in and we've got temprorary accomodations. I've seen a few raised eyebrows from my companions at the size, but we'll be here for a few years as we get started on surveying the caverns, making areas of them safe and building our new home. We may as well be comfortable.

I've quickly sketched the current layout:

There's plenty of work to do on dining room and stores and the temporary stone and metalworking areas are pretty crowded, but it's a start.

Our poor miner, mason and paper-maker (well, farmer at the moment) have been working flat out - the rest of us have been hauling furniture barrels, boxes and rocks all over and putting together our workshops.

OOC: Next jobs:

* Finish the dining room
* Small fortified surface depot
* Give everyone a break!
* Set up barracks and a range
* Make something to trade (traders might bring books).
* Look for caverns.

I have some ideas for the main library. I need to know where caverns are though.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 04:49:59 am by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 08:28:25 am »

3rd Hematite

3 Kobold thieves had the misfortune to try to sneak into the fort as Ezum, our sole military dwarf was taking a break in the meeting area with the war dogs.

They ran immediately, but one was not quite fast enough.

To my surprise Ezum chased the thief down and punched him to death - disabling him with a series of punches to the head, followed by a head lock and a crushing blow to the throat.

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Most of my surprise was due to her punching the thief rather than using her crossbow - until I realized she had not picked up any equipment. Checking my records it appears that all-though she had accepted the position of military commander, we never sat down to formalize basic equipment or training. I'll deal with that immediately.

I suppose it's good to find these things out before she is facing anything more dangerous.

I've asked our smith to look into some basic armour, more amunition and a better crossbow for her.

Come to think of it, he and Ezum have been spending a lot of time together:

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Well I didn't expect that. I guess they bonded over their shared interest in crossbows.

25th Hematite

The equipment problem is sorted out. Ezum is now training happily with her crossbow. I'll ask her to switch out her old leather armor and helm for iron boots, gauntlets, mailshirt and helm once they are ready.

I'm trying my hand at charcoal making - everyone else is busy.

Our first traps are in place and the inner entrance drawbridge hooked up.

We're all looking forward to our first migrants arriving - we were told to expect them in late summer and we could really use the extra hands.

22nd Malachite

Urist bursts into my room holding a barrel. "Look at this!!"

I suppress my desire to point out that it's a barrel and take a look. Hmm, precisely cut wood, tastefully smoothed, each stave butting up to the adjacent ones to leave a barely perceptible join. All in all a perfect barrel.

"Well, I'm no expert but that looks like a masterwork to

Urist looks happy as he heads out to show the others. I make a note to get a screw press and quern set up so he can start paper making once the rope read season comes around. Maybe he can repeat his success with some masterwork paper.

Our first masterwork - hopefully a sign of things to come.

OOC - I've identified 2 mistakes that I've made when embarking:

1 - (not a problem) - I must have accidentally re-randomised the name of the fort - it was meant to be called guardedword, instead it's bellshowers. No big deal, just slightly irritating.
2 - (A potential problem) - I forgot to include a cat. So far I'm not seeing any vermin problems, but it would be really nice if a caravan or migrant brings in a cat.. Preferably soon.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 04:50:38 am by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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More Dwarfs!
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 03:43:31 pm »

25th malachite

Our first migrants! That's a relief - all of us original 7 could do with some free time.

Shorast in particulear seems jumpy after not having much time to herself.

6 newcomers and 5 of them have basic military skills! 2 speardwarves, 2 swordsdwarfs and 1 bow dwarf.

Once we've had a few weeks rest I'll set our resident smith to work on weapons and armor. Getting at least 2 more dwarfs into training would be prudent.

Our arrivals:

* Dodok Murelvel - No skills - assigned to wood crafting/wood cutting duties.
* Kikrost Shetbethendok - Speardwarf, no other skills - may have some aptitude for masonry.
* Olin Agtekkud - Swordsdwarf and adequate minor/plant gatherer. For now the minig/gathering skills are more important than his swordsmanship.
* Rakust Athamdodok - Speardwarf, adequate fish cleaner - volunteered to try her hand at cooking.
* Urist Morulrerith - Bowdwarf, presser plant gatherer and milker. She's also an adept poet and speaker. For now will be mostly gathering plants.
* Zulban Kolfoker - Swordsdwarf and plant processor, volunteered for engraving work.

Not a bad start - the plant gathering might improve the variety of food and drinks and I'll get to work setting up a squad for Rakust and Kikrost at least and getting them equipped.

8th Limestone

With more hands we're making faster progress. We still have many more jobs than people though! A second squad has been set up - "The punches of craft":

* Kikrost Shetbethendok - Speardwarf
* Zulban Kolfoker - Swordsdwarf

Some basic armor (Mail-shirt and Helm), a weapon and shield apiece and they've set up in the barracks to practice.

14th Limestone

The liaison and caravan have arrived. I've taken a quick look through the books and sent a variety of currently unused iron weapons and some giant axe blades to the depot - I'd plans for those axe blades but they are valuable and we can always make more.

I wonder if they have any books?

In any case - we could do with leather and cloth. A better variety of food and drink would also be welcome.

I met with the liaison and ordered vegetables, leather and cloth for next year, along with any coal or lignite the merchants can get their hands on. Everything else I think we should be able to produce ourselves. Oh, I've asked them to bring some cats to - I can't believe we forgot that  when we set out.

The mountain home has requested a number of trade goods - Short swords, sceptres, shields and musical instruments all look like potential high profit goods for us next year.

The liaison told me that Respectseal - an old abandoned hillock, has been reclaimed. Perhaps our departure has a few others looking outside the mountain-home again.

I took a quick look at the trade goods on offer:

YES! Ours for a giant axe blade, an iron dagger and a short sword.

Urist handled the rest of the traiding: some clothing (I've heard several dwarfs complain about "not being able to aquire anything" - maybe some new socks will help?), a box of leather and 2 boxes of silk, enough food to keep us in fine meals for some time and some interesting berries and roots that might brew up nicely. A few leather items as well (quivers, backpacks and waterskins) and some parchment and a couple of Blank Codices. In return we parted with most of our non-essential weapons and a couple of giant axe blades.

Work on the dining room continues - I've set aside spaces for a small temple and library (we've got to start somewhere after all).

Basic fortification of the Depot and entrance has started - Digging out the moat is giving Olin, our new miner, some more experience, whilst Sarvesh concentrates on work around the dining room.

4th sandstone

More migrants have arrived, another six from the mountain-home!

* Likot Ididrath - Fisher dwarf - re-assigned to furnace operations and   metalcrafting.
* Litast Berkib - Bowdwarf tanner and Beekeeper - Might set up some hives.
* Litast Mebzuthnoram - Adequate brewer - Finally, Urist can go back to farming and paper making. He's done his best but brewing is not his greatest
* Muthkat Nanirfikod - Chease maker/bow dwarf - assigned to engraving
* Rith Likotiklist - Spinner - assigned to masonry - rock blocks are always in fashion!
* Ustuth Kegethral - Peasant - assigned to wood burning and wood crafting..

The 2 bow dwarfs look like good prospects for our marksdwarfs squads, however, they are going to have to settle for crossbows - none of us know how to make bows or arrows.

They brought a kitten! Excellent - they are extra welcome.

OOC - I think we bought a couple of Codices, which it seems are in fact complete, bound, books. They just were not listed by there titles. I'll have to keep an eye out for that next time a caravan turns up.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 12:34:54 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Finally, caverns and a cat.
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2020, 12:34:08 pm »

27th Sandstone

Olin the miner was full of pride as his pick tore through into the rock - he had been astonished when Sarvesh had chosen to let him have this assignment, perhaps it was a reward for how much his skill had improved since he had arrived a few short months ago.

Already he had found deposits of Tetrahedrite and Bismuthinite, no doubt that would please Urvad and Mesthos, but it was not what he was searching for...

His pick crashed rhythmically into the ground as he dug deeper. Soon he could hear the subtly different sound and feel of the impacts. As if there was a gap beyond the rock. He slowed, trying to work as quietly as possible now.

The discovery, when it came, still surprised him. He'd been digging down, expecting to pierce the cave from above, instead, the wall to his side suddenly crumbled away. He leaned out and looked around. A great underground cavern, faintly lit by phosphorescent fungi. Luckily it seemed that the crash of falling rock had not disturbed anything. He rolled his shoulders as he headed back up stairs - that had been very satisfying.

Urvad looked down at the carefully drawn map of the cave, he'd ordered the breach walled up for now. No sense tempting fate.

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He picked up a diagram from a small rock bin by his desk and superimposed it over the map. Yes, this would require some work, the lake in particular could be inconvenient. In fact it would have to go.

Settling back down at his desk he picked up his stylus and started annotating the diagram.

2nd Timber

I've had to revise my plans for the library a bit, I'd hoped for a bit more depth before the first cavern and the lake is inconvenient - but both of these are solvable. The top and bottom of the exploratory shaft are now sealed, we'll need a new, properly defended entrance to the cave for claiming the cavern

I went to take a look at the new library today and was surprised to see one of our books all-ready being read - by our smith. The book looks interesting:

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23rd Moonstone

Our first visitor - an astronomer. I can't wait to meet him!

Oh, and we finally have a fortress cat. This is a good day.

OOC - I hadn't realised that the codexes (codices?) we had picked up from the traders were actually written books. As they didn't have the name in the title I'd taken them to be blank books ready to be written. I turns out quires are blank books (well, pages I guess) which are bound into codices after being written (the wiki suggests this is bugged). Maybe we'll stick to scrolls for our own production.

I was also surprised to see my general population heading to the library and reading the new books - I'd thought some might but it seems almost every dwarf likes books (it's fulfilling needs though, so this is good). Don't know why this would surprise me - they go to temples to pray and "Meditate on Murder", taverns to drink and fight - of course they go to libraries to read! Unfortunately, so far it looks like they don't gain skills from relevant books. That would have been neat.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 02:37:20 pm by mounf »


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The fort after one year.
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2020, 01:43:46 pm »

1st Opal

A flock of buzzards are startling our livestock. Ezum has taken the Righteous Fortresses to the roof of the depot for some target practice.

12th Opal

The 2 remaining buzzards seem to have decided to keep away from our livestock.

13th Obsidian

It's a just few weeks to the new year. I'm holding off on the next round of orders, to give people a chance to relax and socialize before the new years party.

I've spent a few days taking stock of what we've achieved in this year. Our depot fortifications are mostly complete, all that remains is to increase the depth of the traps at the drawbridge entrance. The level above this holds the Marksdwarf ranges and fortifications. Once the bridges raise we are sealed in.

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The entrance and farming area has not changed much since the first few months except to add the upper access to the first cavern layer in the barrack.

The main part of our temporary home is built around our dining hall:

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The upper level of the dining hall houses our hospital, temple and library - fairly basic but the temple and library are well used:

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Below the hall is our smithy and weapon/armor storage. It's a bit cramped, but suits Mesthos, our smith.

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Just before the first cavern are the tombs - graven into stone columns are the early archives of the fort.

Finally - in the first caverns themselves, preparations are underway to establish ourselves:

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Adding a few more traps and exploring and then securing the cavern will be one of our first tasks next year.

We have 19 dwarfs in residence, 2 visiting scholars and a goblin hammer-man who all hang around our library. The outpost liaison is still hanging around the library as well, "Pondering Cultural History" apparently. It's odd to think that, if all goes to plan, most of what we have built this year will in time be abandoned.


  • Bay Watcher
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The end of a quiet year.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2020, 06:35:10 pm »

1st Granite - 251, Dining Room, new year party
Urvad looked out over the faces. Most of the forts citizens and visitors are there.

"I won't take up to much time as I know there is some serious feasting to be done!"

"First, thank you for your hard work in setting up our new home! We all know that most of what we have built here is temporary, but it is still a safe, secure home from which to build our future home!"

"Much of what we have built here is temporary - a refuge whilst we build our Library and a suitable fort in which to live and study! However I hope you will all take the time to travel to the bottom of the main stairs where you will find the first of our ongoing projects. The Founding Archive, engraved into imperishable stone as a memorial to this temporary home! Long after we move into the new cavern fort, the archive will remain open and accessible to us and our descendants so that they may read the story of the first years of there great home!"

"There is room for 5 years of engraving in this archive. After that we will move onto recording the story in the archive and museum that will be located beneath our great library!"

"Yes - a great library!"

Urvad gestures to a sheet of parchment on the table. "I invite you all to examine the plans for the library later and I will answer any questions and take any suggestions you have".

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"Our library will be house in a tower. Not as the humans build, above ground. But build properly, below ground and part of the very rock! It will reach from the the surface down to the magma sea.
Unsupported above or below it will be anchored into the surrounding rock by great rock beems"

"Below the glass dome at the very top will be a reading platform suspended above the upper library: where all citizens and visitors are welcome to read, write and dispute!"

"Below this will be the lower library. Restricted to citizens this will be a place for quiet study, less busy than the upper library. Continuing down we reach the Great Hall. Here, in this central location will be areas for all members of the fort to eat, drink, meditate or socialize as they wish!"

"This great hall will be accessed through the upper caverns, which is as far as we have so far explored. What lies below we do not yet know. Though we may surmise that there are 2 additional caverns before we reach the magma sea. I intend to add an archive and museum to record the ongoing story of our fort and house our most precious artifacts! There will also be rooms for those studying in the library, a gymnasium for our scholars and scribes who wish to study the martial arts. One day our scholars will leave here to search for more books, it would be best if they were well prepared for whatever they may encounter!"

"At the base of the tower, will be the Vault - where we will store those valuable or dangerous items that may be brought here for study."

"A double helix stairwell will run from the base to the top of the tower, providing fast movement between all levels of the fort and access, in time, to every secured cavern area."

"I assure you that we will not neglect the other vital functions of the fortress. Areas for all crafts and industries will be established across the caverns as we explore and secure them! I propose that the first such area be a trade district, built in the first cavern to the West of the great hall. This will be our interface to the outside world both above and below ground, so will house the barracks for our professional military as well as suitable defensive structures to protect the entrances to the fort! It will also hold our tavern, trade depot and any other suitable building you can think of."

"Thank you all, we've got a lot of work ahead of us, for first, we must secure the first cavern. But, for now: eat, drink and be merry!"

so that's the plan. Start after the party with securing the first cavern layer, then moving onto the library tower, trade district and more exploratory mining for the other 2 caverns and critically, for magma. We're going to need a lot of glass (and obsidian casting) for the future.

I'll also start growing the military as more dwarfs arrive. There are 2 nearby, large, goblin civilizations which are likely to take an interest in us. There's also a necromancer tower to the east - I think it's to far away to bother us though. At least unless provoked (they do seem to have a LOT of books). There will also undoubtedly be forgotten beasts, titans, were-creatures and other challenges.

There's still some work to be done on the temporary accommodations and I will likely add other industries there as needed until cavern spaces are secured, depending on migrant numbers and unforeseen disasters.

I'd welcome any suggestions for additions to the library or ideas for the fortress - I currently plan to add the following districts (not necessarily in this order):

1 ) Trade district
2 ) Metalworking district - smiths/smelters
3 ) Magma industries -  ceramics/glass, possibly sharing an open magma lake with metalworking district.
4 ) Tombs
5 ) Farmers quarter - food, livestock, drinks, animal/plant products.
6 ) Bookbinders quarter - very important!
7 ) Craft district - gem, wood, stonecraft and metal craft, possibly a vertical district crossing 2 / 3 caverns.
8 ) Clothing district - leather, plant fibre and silk works.

I'm planning to build guildhalls in the appropriate districts, not sure if temples should be scattered or all in one district yet though.

Please feel free to claim/name a dwarf and contribute, all Dwarfs (bar Urvad) are available and I'll do my best to accommodate requests/ideas/occupation changes. There are currently 18 dwarfs available.

I'm hoping to be able to update at least a couple of times a week (I've got rather a lot of free time on my hands for the foreseeable future). Hopefully stone-sense will soon be updated
for 0.47.4 so I can provide visualization of some of the more interesting 3d structures!

Apologies for the poor quality diagram!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2020, 08:32:36 pm »

Dwarf me! Name him "Lucky" I want him to be part of treasure hunter squad. For the meantime make him a woodcutter.


  • Bay Watcher
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The start of a new year
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2020, 02:28:38 pm »

4th Granite 251 - Urvads Journal

We started the year with a test of all our drawbridges. Unfortunately, it appears that the south depot bridge to our pastures was installed to retract rather than raise, leaving a dangerous gap in our walls. My fault, for ticking the wrong box in the work order. I personally supervised rebuilding it to the correct specifications.

I was a little startled by a visitor to our fortress knocking on my office door. A young human macewoman, who asked permission to stay in the fortress for the purpose of, as she put it, "eradicating monsters". Well we haven't got any monsters yet, but as we will be entering the caverns soon that's likely to change. An extra warrior wouldn't go amiss. I've accepted her petition, we'll have to see how she fits in.

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14th Granite, 251 - Urvads journal

The additional traps are in position and we have breached the cavern. I've ordered some tree cutting to open up the fire lines for the marsdwarfs gallery immediately above the entrance, ordered the construction of a drawbridge at the cavern entrance and some initial walls to restrict access to predictable directions.

Our military positioned themselves at the entrance in case of any nasty surprises. A giant cave toad caming to invesitigate the noise wast instantly cut down by a single bolt apiece from Muthkat and Ezum.
Muthkats shot punching straight into the creatures brain, killing it instantly.

I was working on the design of the outer drawbridge when I heard an excited cry from Litost, our brewer, the first to reach the wall work-site, "Look! Look over there! Look at the glow!"

A magma pipe. Lovely, glorious, easily accessible magma! This is news to rival our discovery of Hematite in the first month!

17th Granite

Whilst I was busy in the caverns an Elven trade caravan arrived in our deserted depot. Urist, our broker, rushed up to meet them, with strict instructions that his number one priority is to get every single book they may be carrying. We've still got a goodly collection of lower quality trap components - I'm sure the elves will like menacing iron spikes, serated disks and giant axe blades just as much as any other right thinking civilisation, whatever anyone may say I've never had a problem with....

WHAT! NO BOOKS, NO SCROLLS! Damn the elves, the smug, illiterate, tree loving fools!!!!

It's probably a good job I was down in the caverns otherwise I might have burnt the traders to a cinder with my glare, or sent them away without hesitation. Urist explained when I had calmed down that he had traded fairly generously with them: berries, fruit and some good quality wooden goods and clothing for our metal work. They had also brought some interesting creatures and though they had been very keen to sell him a caged skunk, he had instead picked up a giant swan and a giant red panda. I'll admit that cheered me a bit, at least they had bought something of interest. He also picked up a bow and some arrows - maybe we can study them and find out how to construct them ourselves for the bowdwarfs who keep arriving.

Urist requested that next year they bring something book related and promised them many more sharp, pointy and/or spiky implements of death in return.

Actually. I hope they didn't take that as a threat. I'd really like them to return. With Books!

OOC - I knew from embark assist there was at least one magma pipe in my embark. Finding it on the top cavern layer is a stroke of luck though! It should certainly help with the large number of glass blocks that are going to be needed for the library roof and various other plans.

@luckowl - I've only got one woodcutter so far, Dodok pagelined - He's currently a woodcutter(1)/woodcrafter(2). He also really likes battleaxes - which sounds like a promising start for a switch to military (or scholar/military) in the future (though the poor analytical abilities may be a problem), no military skills yet though. There is a large migrant wave about to hit us though, so if you'd prefer I can look for someone more suitable then.

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« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 02:30:34 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2020, 07:43:56 pm »

Hmm. I will take Dodak. He has a fairly interesting bio.

 A father who joined Rithmesir so that his wife and children can live in peace. Even though he loves his family. A part of him feel like they are keeping him down. He didn't choose to live a slow pace life, it was force upon him after the birth of his first child.

But all that changed during the 1st Granite, 251. When Dadok propose to his wife about them leaving to somewhere more lively like a town  his wife furiously responded "What do you mean! How can you be so selfish! Think about your kids!"Their kids quake in fear as Dadok and his wife scream at eachother trading insults to one another.  Eventually ending with Dadok storming out the room with his wife getting one last insult, " A donkey would make a better father than you!"

Dadok walks into a warmly lit meeting hall.The tinkering sound of mugs and dishware being moved around. The laughs and chatters of his fellow dwarves discussing about the future of Rithmesir. It was a vivid scenery, but Dadok still  upset about the argument ignore his fellow dwarves and made his way to a barrel filled with booze.

He got drunk that night, but instead of merrymaking and drinking. He was on the floor with his body slouched against the wall outside the entrance of the meeting hall. Dadok cherry face and drunken eyes stood motionless as he solemnly thought to himself , -I know it's good for my kids to be here, but I want more in life... I...- Dadok angrily throws the mug. As he threw it the meeting hall got quiet. embarrassed that his tantrum might've attracted the attention of his fellow dwarves. Decided to not look inside the meeting hall. Then he heard, Urvads, "First, thank you for your hard work in setting up our new home!..." Dadok's  ears stood up. He turn his head at the entrance to see Urvads giving her speech.He didn't really join the fort for scholar pursuit or preserving knowledge. His only reason for joining the fort was for his kids to be safe. But hearing Urvad deliver such a powerful speech about the future of Rithesimer made Dadok  hopeful about the fate of Rithmesir. But when he heard, "...a gymnasium for our scholars and scribes who wish to study the martial arts.One day our scholars will leave here to search for more books, it would be best if they were well prepared for whatever they may encounter!" His eyes widen. He finally had an excuse to leave the fort. Sure it's only to require books, but it's better than being here for eternity reading and discussing things he can care less about. He knew what he was going to do and he was determine. He spring up from the floor and quickly scoot to his room. His wife and kids are asleep in their beds. Dadok tip toed so he doesn't alert them.  He Grabbed his axe went somewhere quiet and began to train by himself. He felt like this was his destiny. And so he took in a new name, to bless him in his travels. "Merseth(Luck in
 dwarven tongue.) " 

Dadok got himself a routine, he will spent his days cutting trees and his nights training in solitude. Waiting for the day he can  join in Rithmesir's first mission.

Edit: Name me Merseth by the way. It means Luck in Dwarven. Really enjoying your work, keep it up. :D
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 09:27:45 pm by Luckyowl »


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Monster Hunters, Monsters and.. a Doctor?
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2020, 02:24:58 pm »

News must have got around that we have entered the caverns. Unib Ozkaknish has petitioned to join the fortress, wishing to seek out monsters in the caverns. Hopefully she and our Human Macewoman Jol will get along and make the caverns safer.

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Our wood cutter knocked on my office door and told me he has chosen to rename himself "Merseth" and would appreciate me updating the fortress records. Merseth, hmm, "Lucky" in the human tonque. Well, I hope the name choice is a good omen for him and the rest of us.

8th slate - At the cavern work site

A cave crocodile! Everyone is ordered inside and The Punches of Craft head down the cavern entrance stairs. Hopefully the traps will deal with it.

Unfortunately Mebzuth, our Doctor, fails to heed the warning of those streaming up the stairs and also fails to spot the crocodile at the entrance of the cavern, until it takes a bite at her. Rather than lead it back through the traps she charges.

Evading most of it's clumsy bites she proceeds to pummel the startled reptile!

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Until she makes a terrible mistake and dodges the wrong way..

Fortunately, the crocodile has turned away, suddenly aware of a more dangerous

Kikrost and Zulban proceed to slowly cut the fatally wounded crocodile to pieces with spear
and sword as Mebzuth extracts herself from the web.

The only injury to Mebzuth is a bruised leg, very fortunate as she is our only Doctor.

OOC - Looks like our doctor is pretty tough. She charged the crocodile on sight and is totally unconcerned by fighting it - in fact it's satisfied her needs for both excitement and conflict. She did really well up to the point she dodged into the giant cave spider web.

@Luckyowl Done! Once the first cavern is set up I can set up a small, out of the way training area for  Merseth where he can practice secretly. I think there is still a civilian uniform bug but I think it can be worked around. Once the magma forges are ready there will be spare iron axes as well.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 06:36:10 am by mounf »


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Migrants, werebeats and babies.
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2020, 06:35:00 am »

11th slate - cavern 1 work site

Barely is the body of the cave crocodile hauled away before something far worse scuttles into view, catching Urist Morulrerith (our herbalist) and Dodok Morulvel out in the open as they carry blocks down to the cavern.

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Luckily, they lack the doctors insane courage and run straight back into the fort. The giant cave spider, in turn, scuttles back into the maze of passages to the west.

12th Slate,251 - Journal of Urvad

I've restricted everyone to the east side of the cavern to complete the walls there. Our Marksdwarfs are keeping a close eye out though the fortifications above the door in case the spider returns. The giant cave spider web all over the caverns should have been a give-away.

20th Slate, 251 - the trade depot

Urvad is standing at the trade depot drawbridge in shock as over 30 migrants straggle towards the fort, half appear to be children...

Where will he put so many new arrivals! So much for a controlled build up of the fort. Still it should be manageable and hopefully the migrants will bring useful skills to the fort.

There is a commotion in the approaching column:

All Urvad can do is watch in horror as the creature attacks one of the migrants. Luckily it is briefly distracted by a gosling, which, in spite of quickly loosing it's foot gamely pecks away at the monster.

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Sadly, the gallant gosling quickly succumbs to blood loss and the were-tapir turns back to toying with the wounded dwarf. A bolt flashes down from the fortifications but misses, a second bolt from the depot is more accurate and punches through the were-tapir childs leg, knocking it over.

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Before it can recover, Kikrost Shetbenthendok, speardwarf and captain of the punches of craft is upon it, sinking his spear  into the creatures left arm, right eye and upper leg in quick succession.

Another bolt from the depot tears through the weretapirs right hand. The remaining few imigrants scatter, apart from 2 children who also pile into the fray, punching and biting the creature.

The creature is knocked down the slope and hit by several more bolts, but in spite of bolt and spear wounds all over it's body it continues to fight until Kikrost can finally put his spear through it's brain.

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Journal of Urvad

Poor Eral, newly arrived at our fort with his wife Fath and he is nearly torn apart by a werebeast, he was bitten and mauled by the beast for some time and was carried to the hospital, pale and unconcious.

I am waiting for the Doctors report, but even if his wounds are not fatal I fear for him. Come the next full moon he will be locked in the hospital and we will see what becomes of him.

Fortunately, thanks to the quick reactions of our military, no one else was bitten. Though one imigrant child did bite the werebeast I am sure that the curse does not transfer that way.

I must keep an eye on the 2 children that attacked the were-beast. Admirable, if insane behavior from Kib Advuzel (3) and Rimtar Zimeshming (12).

With so many new arrivals I realize our dormitory is no longer sufficient. Many dwarfs, myself among them, are desperate for a place of our own. I've ordered a number of bedrooms to be built out from the west gallery of the dining hall, the rooms will be small, but should help relieve the overcrowding. The miners will start on them as soon as they have completed the magma forge excavation.

At least I can end this entry on a happier note:

Congratulations to Merseth and Rakust on the birth of their sixth child.

OOC - Werebeasts do not go down easily. That Were-Tapir child was hit by around a dozen bolts and received 23 spear wounds (including one to the heart and one to the brain) before dying. Had it not arrived in the middle of a migrant wave I would have just closed the drawbridges and waited it out. Strangely one of our Marksdwarfs had the following in his combat log:

I have no idea why that cat was flying (it seems unharmed though)


  • Bay Watcher
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the migrants.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2020, 02:29:03 pm »

18 adults and 13 children. Thats doubled the size of the fortress.

Few of them have useful civilian skills, many herbalists and animal caretakers. Only 2 have skills of note:

Eral Boltsbasements: The unfortunate trader who was severely mauled by
the werebeast. An expert appraiser, Adept Persuader, Judge of Intent,
NEgotiator and Comedian. Talented Record Keaper and organiser, Competant Mace
man. Will be a true asset to our fort (and probable mayor) if he survives and
remains dwarf shaped.

Sarvesh Bookdwells - A legendary musician and teacher. She should at least bring some quality music to our temple.

The others have a good collection of military skills, otherwise they are something of a blank slate. We will need at least 2 more miners, more masons and engravers and at least one of weaponsmith, armor smith and blacksmith.

112th Felsite

Mayoral elections were held for the first time. Naturally our probable weretapir is now mayor. This could be awkward. He is now walled into the hospital and all we can do is wait for the full moon.

Tulon menglogem managed to wall himself into the unsecured part of the cavern - well done. Luckily other members of the work crew heard his shouts when he realized his mistake.

I've interviewed our migrants and all are now assigned suitable jobs.

2 new squads have been formed:
Sword: Urvad Cloisterreveared and Zuglar Sazirthadalal
Spear: Fath Gravelfist and Kadol Subtlelashed.

They just have a weapon and shield apiece for now, enough for them to start training with.

21st Felsite, 251 - Urvads journal

It's a good job we walled up the hospital:

Our mayor is  a were-tapir. Fantastic.

Urist Ledigath, our paper maker has taken to his wood working workshop and refuses to tell anyone what he is making or come out of it, he's busy with something though..

28th Felsite

Urist just brought in his creation, it's quite beautiful:

But I can't help wishing he had created something more practical. Perhaps it was a reaction to all the vermin we saw in the first year due to the lack of a cat. Still, our first artifact and there is no doubt his skill with wood is now legendary.

OOC - Damn. Our mayor is a were-tapir (were-mayor?), this could be interesting.
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