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Author Topic: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library  (Read 8633 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Winter, 254
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2020, 03:45:47 am »

13th Obsidian,253

I spent some time in the tavern today - it's getting a bit crowded with visitors. There are a few groups of human warriors visiting, I overheard some of them and it seems that they are all subtly probing for information about the location of vaultspin. I would never have though a wooden mousetrap could generate so much interests, be it ever so well made.

I'm quietly drawing up plans for a vault where our more valuable and vulnerable items can be kept. It does bring up a concern though, if these humans decide to cause trouble the military is some distance away and would have trouble responding quickly. I must consider this carefully.

In the meantime I've asked Catten to discretely question our newcomers and see if she can persuade any of them to shed some light on their interest.

20th Obsidian, 253

The library dome is now completed, it was sealed a few months ago, but today the final glass ramp was installed! Next year, our new library will be in use. Catten reports that the humans are curious about the rumors of Vaultspin but they do not seem to be planning anything. Nonetheless I think it would be wise to put it somewhere safe.

1st Granite, 254 - Tavern new year party

"Alright everyone. I'm afraid it's speech time again! Then you can get back to celebrating a great year!"

"I'm delighted to announce that the upper library construction is finished! The dome is completed and the top library floors are ready for use! This year our craftsmen will be working on fine shelves, chairs, tables and statuary to furnish the library and we will move in our collection of books!"

"Our fine tavern is now in use and open to all. I'll ask everyone to raise a mug in memory of Id Sodelaran, who died in the construction of this fine establishment. The first wing of bedrooms is now complete, so should any of you visitors wish to establish yourselves here, now is your chance!"

"I'm asking for more volunteers for militia duties this year. The goblins attacked in force and where annihilated last year, but they are sure to be back! A major job this year will be to continue work on the trade district and barracks, which will be located just outside these doors", Urvad gestures at the masterwork doors of the tavern. "Once we have a truly secure entrance, we can consider plans to strike back at the goblin menace."

"Many of you will have heard the that the mountainhome intends to raise us to the status of a barony. I am please to say this is no rumor, the next caravan should bring us oficial notice of our new status."

"I've aproved the requests of the Farmers and Masons for suitable guild quarters and I expect this work to be completed late next year. This marks the beginning of the retirement of the temporary fortress structures as their functions move to the caverns!"

"That's all I've got to say! So: music, dancing and enjoy your new tavern!"

OOC - The end of the year was very quiet. The top part of the library is finished well ahead of schedule (clear glass production wasn't the bottleneck I'd expected) and work on a farmers guildhall is well under way - I'll move farming and food production down to it's new home in the top cavern once it's done. The masons guild (and associated stoneworking industries) will follow.

I'd like to get the next section of the library, the great hall, completed as soon as other jobs permit. This will contain a generic temple section, lever rooms and dining/meeting hall. Moving those functions out to the cavern will mean most of the key parts of the fort have moved..

The other major piece of work is the trade district and barracks. This will require a huge amount of mining as I intend to drop a large block of soil into
it so I can grow some surface trees (and to make sure the military training areas count as light to avoid cave adaptation).

Finally, Vucar is still wandering around burning down the 2nd cavern layer. I think it's time to capture it. After all we are a community which includes many scholarly dwarfs of inquiring mind. Studying such a unique beast is far more appropriate than simply killing it!

So - Jobs:

* Upper library
  - furnish and move function from old library.
  - maybe get the writing room into operation to.
* Lower library
  - No further work for now.
* Library great hall
  - Dig out and smooth 10 levels of rock (some construction needed where this cuts through cavern 1.
* Trade district
  - begin opening up the ceiling of the 1st cavern.
  - dig out blocks of stone for the barracks and depot and drop them into place.
  - Prepare a soil layer to be dropped into the 1st cavern
* Farmers guild
  - move farms/food production to cavern 1
* Masons guild
  - move stone production to cavern 1
* Noble quarters
  - dig out barons suite.
  - improve mayors quarters.
  - leave room for monarchs quarters.
* Military
  - get a few more dwarfs into training, possibly as militia (3/4 months per year training) as a reserve.
* Cavern 2
  - Deal with Vucar, perhaps begin securing the areas that will be needed in cavern 2.



  • Bay Watcher
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A quiet start to the ye.. Wait Goblins already?
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2020, 09:12:53 am »

3th Granite, 254

A sad start to the year, Sarvesh Thikutkokeb, Glassmaker has been found dead in her room. It appears she died from old age.

15th Granite, 254

The elves have arrived to trade, joy.

No books. No surprise. We buy some berries and a giant wolf.

1st Hematite

A vile force of darkness has arrived! Looks like the goblins are early this year.

I was just reflecting on how quiet the spring had been and how much we had got done without any interruption.

I count 120 attackers, including beak dogs and trolls. It looks like the goblins are really serious. We may be in trouble.

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The traps and marksdwarfs do well. The first wave of attackers fails to make it to the final set of traps. In particular, Catten, up in the Marksdwarf barracks fortifications does a good job:

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A wounded troll sheltering below the wall realizes that climbing over the wall would be much quicker and safer. Strangely the squads in the courtyard ignore the troll for a while, simply watching with interest as it clumsily misses a dozen attacks until someone yells "Just kill it already!".

From their stations high in the depot fortifications, the Heavens of Shielding can see the goblins are starting to retreat, many of the less brave are already heading for the road. They shout the news down to Kikrost, the new militia commander and he gives the order to advance.

The advance is initially steady enough, but upon reaching the main entrance and seeing the remaining forces withdrawing across the road, the elite dwarfs charge. The Inky Belts and Singed Gears move into the courtyard in case any goblins slip around the counter attack.

The melee is bloody but short, though the 6 dwarfs are facing twice their number of foes, long training and superior equipment show their value and the goblins on the road are quickly overcome.

Even some of the returning elite dwarfs look a little disturbed as they pick there way back through the corpse and body part strewn entrance-way. The grim task of cleaning up begins.

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OOC - I don't have a huge number of traps and those I do have only have 2 trap components each (mainly spiked iron balls and menacing iron spikes) but they broke the attack with only a little help from my 8 crossbow dwarfs. Iron bolts seem to be quite often deflected by iron and bronze mail. Steel bolts might help, at least with armour penetration, but I don't have the steel to spare yet. Maybe steel bolts for combat and other metal bolts for training? If it goes buggy and they use the iron bolts, that's not much of a problem.

I sent my elite melee out again as the attack was breaking to see how effective they are (most of them are between legendary and legendary+5 now). They parried, dodged or blocked a fair number of attacks and no-one got hit this time. I think a half dozen or so of the attackers escaped. The troll that climbed the wall got in about 30 attacks at the melee dwarfs (all missed). I'm not sure why but they just ignored it until I told one squad to kill it, at which time they all piled in together. The hammer and axe training squads are becoming fairly competent, I think I'll fold them into 2 of the elite squads later on in the year, where they'll hopefully pick up useful defensive skill training.

There are an awful lot of loose limbs lying around. Thanks, sword masters.

Once again the Marksdwarfs appear traumatized by what they have witnessed. I presume it must be because they can see what is happening in the trapped areas, whilst my melee dwarfs only tend to see the aftermath. I've given them some time off, lets see if they recover. I've turned the number of visitors down a bit as the tavern was seriously overcrowded.


  • Bay Watcher
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The Adequate Library Is Finally Becoming Adequate
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2020, 06:14:46 am »

10th Galena, 254

I decided to take a walk through the library tower to review the ongoing work.

4 floors below the tip of the dome is the writing room. Whilst construction is complete, it's yet to be put into use. 4 small staircases provide access from the writing room to the main library floor below. I must get someone to deal with those spent crossbow bolts. At least the dome will stop the buzzards from interupting our studies.

6 floors below the writing room and 10 below the very top of the dome is the upper library - this is the main public area of the library tower and is now open for use with minimal furnishings. All books have been transferred from the old library, which has been converted into a temple to Ral, the god of Earth and Volcanos (and one of the most worshiped deities of the fort).

Green glass book cases line the walls. Stone tables and green glass chairs provide scholars a place to sit, study and write. This is where myself and Tirist, our other scholar, can often be found studying. All the glass block production has given us a core of skilled glassworkers.

Many piles of stone are left over from digging out this floor, hopefully one day we will have time to remove them, they do make the place look untidy. The top of the double helix staircase can be seen in the center of the room.

4 floors below the main library is the lower library, a quieter location for the citizens of the fort alone, set out similarly to the main library floor. Currently ready for furnishing when our book collection gets large enough.

Continuing down 4 flights the tower grows outwards - the columns and arches that support the upper part of the library tower can be clearly seen. A glass roof will extend out from the base of the upper tower to close off the light well which will surround the tower, eventually allowing sunlight to filter down to the temple/dining room level.

Work continues below this at the point the tower meets the first cavern.

15th Galena, 254

Screams from beyond the walls gave away the presence of another were-creature. The punches of craft headed out in the direction of the screams, found a were-tapir standing over the torn bodies of 2 human bards and rapidly dispatched it. Their tactics are effective, but sometimes unconventional:

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Still, the skills of our military have come a long way since that first were-tapir attack 3 years ago.

OOC - A bit of an image dump but after 5 years I thought I should show that the main purpose of the fort - a library - is in fact making some progress! Clean up from the siege has left a few dwarfs a bit depressed, but at least I now know who shouldn't be moving corpses.

@luckyowl - Merseth (and all the axe and hammer dwarfs in training) is looking pretty competent now. I'm planning to add them all into the 2 experienced spear/sword squads where they can get some armor instruction (the area where the axe squad remain a bit weak).

Merseths military skills - Adept axeman, Accomplished discipline, dabbling armor user, skilled shield user, competent wrestler.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 02:54:51 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2020, 04:49:01 am »

13th Limestone, 254
Autumn has arrived and with it comes the dwarf liaison and caravan. Ezum TwistAbbey, our former militia commander will become Baron of Bellshowers. Her new quarters are not quite ready, but it's mostly polishing and installing furniture still to go.

11th Sandstone, 254

The Barons quarters are complete and being furnished, but no Baron yet. I tracked the liaison down in the tavern, where he is enjoying the poetry, dancing and ale. Hopefully he will get around to liaising at some point this year.

The animal caretakers guild has requested a guild house. As we currently don't have any other guild petitions I've agreed. We'll get started sometime next year (if I refused it would annoy 70% of my dwarfs).

The farmers and mason guild houses are complete and the miners are now starting to dig out the new kitchens, butchery and farms beneath and around the guild. Food production should move to this new location by the end of the year.

18th Sandstone,254

The liaison finally had enough socializing in the Tavern and met with Kadol, our mayor. We've ordered various metal ores, coal for further steel production, leather and silk for our clothing industry.
For next year the liaison requested battle axes and handwear.

At least we had time to get the noble quarters finished.

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7th Timber

Sarvesh Chuckedoil, our most experienced miner and one of our starting 7 has withdrawn from society and claimed a masons workshop. I'm not sure what she is intending to make but it should be interesting.

14th Timber.

Behold Kokebigath "DwelledScrapes" a trully stunning hatch cover.

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17th Obsidian, 254

We're not sure what he was up to. At least VaultSpin is now located somewhere safe in the vault of our new museum.

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« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 11:04:16 am by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2020, 09:59:43 am »

1st Granite, 255 - "The Craft of Stone" tavern

"Great work everyone! Our new library, The Treasury of Doctrines, is now truly open for business and I would encourage all of you to take advantage of the 93 fine books, including many written by visitors to this fortress."

"The second floor of the tavern accommodation is now complete, bringing the total number of available guest rooms to 18"

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"The stoneworkers and farmers guild halls are complete, the farmers moved operations to there new guildhall last summer. The masons will be moving this year."

"Work on the library tower continues, as none of us could fail to notice the tower has now penetrated the first cavern level!", Urvad gestures out of the tavern windows. "Soon work on the great hall will begin."

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"In our first year, we started on a 5 year archive to memorialize in stone the construction of our home! Five years have now gone by and samples of our greatest works have been placed on display in the museum on the bottom floor of the archive - I encourage you to take a look at the museum and study the many fine engravings in the archive.

"Our miners have located a thick layer of marble above the second cavern, a new archive and museum will be built in the tower at that level, recording the ongoing history of the fort."

"Next year we continue work on the great hall, library archive and the trade district - but first, Enjoy the party!"

4th Granite, 255

We had a visit from an elf diplomat - apparently we've disrespected the trees in the area. I have no idea what he is talking about, I have enormous respect for trees. Without them our glass dome would have had to be have made out of green glass. Absolutely unacceptable.

OOC - Elf diplomats are back! I'll try to limit our tree cutting for the next few years until the new entrance is ready. At that point I'll need to clear-cut a large chunk of the surface. If the elves don't like it, they are welcome to object. It's not like they bring us any books anyway!

I've uploaded the fort into DFMA:



  • Bay Watcher
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A peaceful spring
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2020, 07:50:41 am »

5th Granite, 255
An unusual request today:

A human bowman has approached me and requested one of our artifacts, that he may return home with it and end his epic quest. I'm rather impressed by the
boldness of this approach! No sneaking, no subverting locals to steel it. A straghtforward request.

It is a wrench to part with such fine craftsdwarfship, but the humans have always been good to us in trade and in generously allowing us to set up our library so close to their lands. Very well, I will gladly do as she asks. May it strengthen the friendship between our peoples.

Besides it's a hazel wood crown - we've got better.

19th Granite, 255

The elves have arrived to trade, apparently they are not too upset with our tree cutting to come seeking spiky iron implements in return for fruits, berries and giant creatures.

4th felsite, 255

Muthkat Nanurfikod threw a tantrum in the Temple today and attacked our mayor, who is in hospital with a major neck injury.

Strangely, our mayor has not reported this incident to the Captain of the Guard.

15th Felsite

I had the oddest dream - well, nightmare, that Olin, our legendary (and legendarily depressed) miner, threw a tantrum and punched a visiting bard, which somehow set of a chain of insanity which led to everyone in the fort murdering each other in a frenzy of blood and chaos. Gave me quite a turn.

I thought I'd better check on Olin and tracked him down to a masons workshop where I found him working feverishly on something with a familiar feverish glean in his eye.

OOC - hit a bug which caused a loyalty cascade which ended up with my military murdering most of the fort, caused by Olin throwing a goblet at a visiting Bard whilst in a tantrum, wherupon madness spread quickly through the fort. I guess, it's a known bug.

Reverted to the seasonal autosave. This time Olin went into a fey mood. Murder spiral or useless trinket - apparently those are his only options.

23rd Felsite

Behold, Timnaritnet - "The Tapered Uncertainty", a granite door. That's very nice. It's certainly the finest and most valuable artifact anyone has yet created. Maybe this will help Olin recovers from his depression.

OOC - I have a few dwarfs now throwing tantrums/sunk into depression regularly. It really doesn't seem to matter what I do, these few just get more and more stressed (others who have been stressed are recovering though). If they attack visitors it appears that things can get... interesting.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 11:57:33 am by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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More scholars please.
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2020, 08:06:29 am »

2nd, Hematite

I've just been informed that the agreement to establish an animal caretakers guild has expired, our 34 very impatient animal caretakers will doubtless be upset.

12th Hematite

The human trade caravan arrived.

For next year they have asked for cut gems and short swords and are willing to pay double for both. Masterwork steel short swords we can provide, maybe it's time to start training up gem-cutters, we've a few young dwarfs who grew up here that may have the aptitude.

15 Books, this time, at least the humans know what is important!

We also picked up a few hundred tanned hides, that should allow us to finish re-clothing everyone. Now to get a cloth industry going, there are a lot of people complaining about the state of their socks.

1st Malachite

Another petitioner, Thikut Curlflag, joins us as a scholar. Our fame as a library and center of learning is clearly spreading!

Kikrost, our militia commander, has done some re-arranging. The axe and hammer dwarfs, in spite of starting with no skill, have been training diligently and are now skilled enough to join the front line squads. The Axelords now join the Punches of Craft, the Hammerlords join the Machine of Crewing. Bringing our 3 front line squads up to a strength 4 dwarfs each.

2 Marksdwarfs were clearly suffering after watching last years goblin siege torn to pieces by our traps, they've been take of duty and replaced. One Marksdwarf squad (The Contested Slings, led by the young captain of the gaurd, Catten) of experienced (and sane) Marksdwarfs, one training squad. Our Baroness, Ezum has agreed to return to military duty as leader of the training squad, now that she has recovered from previous years goblin massacre.

8th Malachite

Hmm, a beast made entirely of water. It's down in the 3rd Cavern though, no threat just yet. We really must find a way to contain and study these fascinating perversions of nature.

13th Malachite/b]

I'm delighted to write that yet another scholar, Bembul Oilbeans has joined the fort!

25th Galena

Luthi Innahrotec, a visiting human bard was killed in the upper cavern layer by a giant cave spider today. She had only been in the fort for 8 days and no one seems to know why she was in the outer caverns.

Poor Urist, our papermaker/legendary carpenter and one of our starting 7 was found in emotional shock, apparently someone has defaced one of his masterpieces. I've no idea how that happened but have made a note to keep an eye on all items that are discarded for destruction in case something is miss-labled.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2020, 12:45:05 pm »

9th Limestone

Reg Saviouchannels, a scholar, wishes to study in our library, that's 4 visiting scholars now. Word is spreading!

6th Limestone

Catten tells me the artifact Vostthudu was stolen, apparently from where it was lying among a pile of dead invaders and visitors. I have no idea what this artifact is, I can only presume it was owned by a visitor that died in last years siege. Now someone has reclaimed it. I'm really not sure a crime has been committed (apart from the murder of the visitor, but I feel the goblins slowly rotting in the corpse pit have been adequately punished for that).

10th Limestone

The giant cave spider that killed our Bard visitor is no longer a problem - it tried to sneak in to the fort and was neatly bisected by a spinning iron disk.

16th Limestone

The outpost liaison has arrived. As I recall, last year he requested battle axes and gauntlets. We have a number of spare masterworks of both.

17th Limestone

Today has been a grim day. Monom Tradechants, former Marksdwarf, threw a tantrum and attacked Thob Vaultcrafted, breaking her neck with a punch. In spite of appearing horrified by her own actions, she then went on the attack Rimtar Zimeshmeng, thankfully not injuring him severely. She then attacked someones pet pig which was also not seriously injured.

20th Limestone

Tirist Baldedclasps, our first visiting scholar, has requested citizenship. This is better news. She is also a skilled wrestler.

Monom is sentenced to a beating and 30 days imprisonment. I'm beginning to thing Catten is a bit capricious with her sentences, a similar prison sentence was handed out a few weeks ago for a dwarf attacking and totally failing to injure a cat.

Once the sentences are complete, Monom will be exiled.

OOC - For some reason, Monom was only reported for "disorderly conduct", not for killing Thob.

11th Sandstone, 255

Another WereTapir! This one was spotted attacking an Echidna by the road. Forewarned, the military headed out to the fort entrance and quickly engaged it. Unfortunately, Monom Keytown, woodcutter, seeing two spearmasters utterly
destroying the beast ran over to help out and got bitten in the stomach for his pains. A moment later a spear tore through the creatures brain. Monom appears to be an unlucky name.

We may have another werebeast infection on our hands. I've ordered Isolation quarters dug out just in case. In the meantime poor Monom will be quarantined in the hospital for observation at the next full moon.

OOC - Let's see if I can't get back into this fort - first order - try to work out what is killing my frame-rate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Not sure what Yams have to do with anything.
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2020, 12:24:02 pm »

18th Sandstone, 255

The last few days are a complete blank - I vaguely remember thinking I should start on some new mechanisms and then I found myself standing in the mechanics workshops, exhausted, covered in dust and desperately in need of a good soapy bath, holding Vobular Shinginbudam "Soundidols the Autonomous Yearling" - a very fine granite mechanism.

My dream of creating a great work of art is fulfilled. I'm not sure what to do with this yet - perhaps some critical lever in the new dining area?

25th Sandstone, 255

Kadol Subtlelashed - spear-master and captain of the Machines of Crewing has named his wooden shield "Borlonthikut" - "The severe books". Very appropriate.

8th Timber, 255

Crashing, squealing and roaring sounds from the locked hospital confirm that Monom, our foolishly brave woodcutter is now a were-tapir.

Isolated quarters with a farm and some basic workshops are under construction,  so at least he can make himself some booze and basic meals while not being a threat to anyone else in the fort..

I've sketched out plans for a new hospital (including a number of isolation rooms) on the next levels of the tower, between the archive and meeting hall.

Another scholar joins the fort - Shorast Archholes, an accomplished geographer.

8th Moonstone, 255

It appears that Dwarven lore prevents me from exiling Monom Nishonshen, our murderous ex-marksdwarf. Apparently a dwarfs children must be informed of the exile, so they can choose to go into exile with the disgraced parent.
Her children cannot all be located - most likely because they are all adults and none of them came to the fortress with her, therefore we cannot exile her.

I am not sure of the logic of this, but it appears that the lore is quiet clear. Perhaps this is for the best. Her husband Zutthan Udibbunem is a skilled engraver and would be a great loss to us if he chose to follow her into exile.

OOC - apparently it's another known bug

9th Moonstone, 255

I fear my failure to exile Monom has encouraged trouble. Muthkat Nanurfikod, engraver, is been accused of 3 counts of disorderly conduct. Attacking a butcher, a philosopher and a visiting human maceman. None of them were injured, but I hope this is not a sign of worse to come.

10th Moonstonem 255

Muthkat is sentenced to a beating and 30 days imprisonment (I'm seeing a pattern here).

On a lighter note, after noting some of our military dwarf wandering around bare-legged I've ordered more leather trousers be made. These are part of our military uniform but it appears that due to the superb skill of our leather workers most of their products are being immediately snapped up by our civilians to replace there poorer quality goods, leaving our military a little embarassed.

Deduk Sibrekstigaz, a mason has taken up rock climbing as a hobby - I'm not sure why he prefers this to the perfectly serviceable stairs, perhaps he feels that his life lacks danger?

I'm giving our miners a month off - they've been working non-stop on the entrance-way barracks and really deserve a rest.

12th Opal, 255

The miners are back to work today - much remains to be done for the entrance and barracks excavation. I've spent some time discussing my plans for the entrance hall with our resident military commander Kikrost. In particular the
design will take care to hide the carnage left behind by a siege from non-military dwarfs and visitors. I was considering the wholesale application of magma to the problem of cleaning up goblin remains, but I wonder if we could leave a path full of rotting goblin remains for the use of the next siege instead? It seems only fair to give them a warning.

OOC - I'd originally thought to have a magma cleaning system in the new entrance halls to clear up siege remains without traumatizing my dwarfs, but maybe terrifying incoming invaders with the brutally dismembered corpses of the previous few sieges might encourage them to leave? I may have to experiment - a nice clean path for visitors and a diversion through a tunnel of utter horror for uninvited guests. I'll put the magma cleaning in anyway, it's just not a proper entrance without the prospect of accidentally flooding the fort with molten rock.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 12:00:56 pm by mounf »


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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2020, 04:54:49 am »

14th Opal, 255

Dolek Stoodjudged the awe-inspiring - an impressive name. The giant wields Kenomase "The Future Seed" - a large hemp loincloth. I'm not convinced of it's usefulness as a weapon.

Battle is joined just outside the southwest entrance, The Machines of crewing charge and Dodok is quickly on the defensive, on the ground and deprived of his weapon.

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Finally, Tekkud Omcatten, spearmaster, gets bored of the screaming and sprays of blood and sinks her steel spear deep into the creatures brain.

The squad head straight back to sparring.

17th Opal, 255

The "honour" of moving Dodok to the corpse stockpile falls to the next dwarf on the corpse moving detail - me. It is almost a relief to be distracted from my task by a huge crash from the other side of the surface.

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Ineth Locunlikot, a woodcutter is stunned by a huge explosion of dust and debris. Luckily he is uninjured, however, he can provide no explanation of what caused the collapsem, one moment he was cutting down a tree, the next he was
on his back stunned several yards away. One can only hope the trees are not fighting back.

OOC - Usually collapses are caused by my own incompetent mining designations. This one though, I have no idea.

21st Opal, 255

Our Doctor and master glass worker Mebzuth, has taken over one of the magma glass furnaces, with a familiar glazed look in her eyes.

6th Obsidian

The good doctor has created a quite wonderful floodgate - a fine piece of craftsmanship! Behold Listtomus Obok Ishol - Gazeshoved the Pillar of Frigidity.

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12th Obsidian

Something nasty stirs in the 2nd cavern layer.

This is a problem - we need to start work on the second layer soon, to clear the area for the next section of the library tower. This will need to be dealt with. It's poison gasses suggest we should either kill it with crossbows, or try to find a way to capture it for study, perhaps. As I recall we already have one uninvited guest wandering around this area, maybe this problem will solve itself?

I've ordered our miners and engravers to begin a set of archery galleries overlooking the 2nd cavern - with 2 of these fell creatures roaming we need a way to deal with them. For now I'm thinking of containment and study rather than a military solution - just think what we may learn from these ancient horrors!


  • Bay Watcher
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The year 256 begins with a todo list.
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2020, 11:52:59 am »

1st Granite, 256 - "The Craft Of Stone" Tavern

The laughter and shouting in the busy tavern gradually dies away as Urvad the librarian stands up to give his yearly speech.

"Thank you all for another years hard work! Work on the library tower and greater fort is now well ahead of schedule. I'd encourage all of you to take the time to have a meal and drink in the new library dining hall and to pray and meditate in the non-dedicated temple! The furnishing is still a bit sparse - but our metal and glass smiths will be working to rectify that over this coming year!"

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"The first level of the new archive is also complete - providing space for our next 7 years of our history. Please, take the time to admire the carvings."

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"I'm sure all of you have noticed the ongoing work on the trade district just outside this cavern. If you have not, please look up the next time you leave the tavern to admire the enormous blocks of quarried out rock precariously suspended from the cavern roof above your heads! just a few more months and these blocks will be released to be carved into our barracks and trade depot. We will then open the top of the cavern up to the sky and install a great glass roof - bringing the light of the sun into this very cavern."

"Within the next 2 years I expect to be able to walk out of the tavern doors into the first cavern, past surface trees and in the warmth of the sun, past our military and militia barracks and a fine trade depot and into the library
tower to study and train."

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"There is much work to do - the goblins did not choose to test our defenses this year, no doubt they will return and we must be ready for them. To reinforce our fine military, we will soon be ready to provide martial training to all dwarfs. Work on a new hospital and a fine mausoleum to honor the dead of the fort will begin in spring. The 2 forgotten beasts in the 2nd cavern layer must be dealt with so we can secure a space to extend the library tower downward."

"Many years of hard work remain, but all-ready our fort is a fine, safe, well-defended place to live! So, raise your mugs - to Rithmesir!"


The library now holds 149 books.

There are many, many things to do!

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  • Bay Watcher
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Two beasts enter, one beast leaves.
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2020, 01:10:44 pm »

3rd Granite, 256

A pair of Kobold thieves are spotted by one of our farmers, who is gathering wood.

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By the time the Punches of Craft arrive the Kobalds have sensibly vanished into the distance.

8th Granite, 256

Olin Agtekkud, our skilled but utterly depressed Miner threw a tantrum and attacked a number of our human visitors in the temple, injuring a bard. He should recover, but Olin will have to be punished for this.

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10th Granite, 256

The elves have arrived to trade. No doubt they will have failed to bring a single book or scroll. Maybe the simple fools have no use for reading or writing?

15th Granite, 256

Olin is sentenced to a beating and 30 days in prison. No suprises then.

The elven diplomat insisted we only cut down 111 trees this year. I guess that won't be a problem. We buy a female grizzly bear of them.

21st Granite, 256

Disaster has struck during work on the entrance cavern - a large block of stone was channeled loose from the worksite and fell into the cavern below, leaving 2 miners with severe injuries to their arms and hands and several other dwarfs with lesser injuries. I'm not quite sure what our good Doctor meant by "Exploded into gore" when describing Sarvesh and Momuz's injuries, but it sounds pretty bad. Ironically, the Miners had just finished there work on the new hospital in the mining tower, though sadly it is not quite ready for use.

At least we have plenty of soap and thread. I think it may be needed.

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28th Granite

In the 2nd Cavern layer, huge bursts of fire, steam and poisonous clouds of vapor burst from the lake, where it appears that our two uninvited guests have decided there is room for only one of them.

Vucar - a towering mite which throws fire
Gorbe Atacengo - A towering feathered hadrosaurid with poisonous vapours.

It is difficult even to make out the titanic forms of the forgotten beasts through the rolling clouds of water, fire and vapor.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ultimately Gorbe's poisonous vapors overcome Vucar. His mangled corpse now lies in the cavern lake.

1st Slate, 256

Another tantrum! This time Fikod Edemrimtar attacked Kosoth Vathsithstinthad, Kosoths knee looks pretty bad.

There are 4 dwarfs who are giving me serious concerns:

Fikod Edemritar - 19 years old, came of age in the fort and is allready a skilled potash maker, but seems to spend all her time in a towering internal rage.

Ingish Erusholter - 27, a skilled ex-marksdwarf who now values tranquiliuty and does not value martial prowess. A bad combination

Olin Agetekkud - 149, an early migrant and the  legendary miner who tapped the magma tube in the first years of our fort, creator of the artifact Timnaritnet. Has been gradually slipping further and further into misery due to loneliness, but seems to have no wish to socialize

Muthkat NanirFikod - 51, a skilled Marksdwarf who has never fully recovered from the trauma of his first few years in our military. Currently utterly dejected and refusing food.

Fikod at least may be a severe risk to every dwarf in the fortress due to the frequency of her tantrums. I must keep a closer eye on all of them though. I've reduced there workload to let them spend time with familly and freinds
and given them tasks that they should enjoy in the hope this will help. I fear it may be to late for Muthkat.

OOC - It's a lot harder keeping dwarfs happy than in the 0.34 days!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2020, 06:03:26 am »

loving this fortress, a good story!

Mind dorfing me as Rumrald? (RubyEmerald...or Rum Emerald if he's sloshed) Hammer or Marksdwarf whose also a scholar in secret when off duty. Studies more outlandish subjects like physics, life and death. Occasionally forgets to return books.

It is through this secretive research that he can suggest some things to improve the fort. When pressed he found a book by a necromancer lodged in with another titled "The effects of life and death on Time Dilation"

1. Atom smash the masses of corpses and discarded items. Some silly dwarves seem to think each tooth is a corpse in its entirety! They also smell. (Its a known bug, its why its reccomended to have undertakers)
2. Set up the writing room for visitors so the tables are on citizens only, but the chairs are free for all to use. This stops book theft by visitors which he is concerned about.
3. The tantrumming dwarves could train together in a squad and then be made to craft in peace, prefereably cloth because dwarves love socks. Masterworks make for a fine destressor.
4. Too many animals can cause frustration and noise. Best to atomsmash them (Fps lag caused by animals is something we found in Smallhands, a quick smash and fps shot up)
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2020, 01:01:29 pm »

6th Slate, 256

Poor Muthkat died today. We were all expecting it but it's still a sad day. He will most likely be the last dwarf intered in the old archives as the first chambers of the mausoleum will soon be ready.

Meeting in Urvads office

Urvad stairs in shock at the 2 dwarfs in front of him.

"So, let me get this straight - we don't currently have any coffins empty?"

Both dwarfs nod vigorously.

"So, you hauled Muthkat to the corpse pile outside the gate. Then, you, urist - dumped him into the disposal pit where we threw the bodies from the goblin sieges?"

Both of them nod, happy to clear this up.

"I can see why you would have moved the body, what with it lying in the stairwell upsetting everyone who walked past, but why throw him into the pit?"

Urist shrugs, "Well librarian, the production order says, all corpses in the pit area go down the pit, nothing about only enemy corpses."

Urvad can only stare. "That brings up another question, I checked at new year and we had 2 tombs free, I've looked again and those 'free' coffins contain a puppy and a cavy. Care to explain?"

"They were beloved pets! We couldn't throw them down the pit! Besides, standing order for tombs is first come first s..."

Urvad interupts with a raised hand. "I get the message. OK, you can go, I'll deal with this."

Urvads diary

It's a good job I went to pay my final respects to Muthkat or no one would have mentioned anything until his decay without a proper burial started to upset people. I've ordered the wall to the base of the burial pit torn down, someone is going to have to go move his body into a proper coffin. I guess it should be me as I failed to set the orders up for our tombs correctly. I suppose it's a good job the catacombs are nearly complete.

16th Slate 256

Alarmingly this one is on the first cavern layer - I've ordered the drawbridge closed. However, this creature seems to lack the deadly firebreath or noxious secretions of previous beasts.

17th Slate, 256

The Punches of craft are moved into position, with the drawbridge lowered, they move out into the cavern.

They arrive at the beasts last known location to find nothing but the broken tails of Shedim and a sad pile of ash. The tracks of a giant cave crocodile and spider can be seen in the moss and fungus, but their is no sign of them now.

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26th slate, 256

Mebzuth, our CMD grabbed me today to discuss his treatment of our 2 injured miners, Momuz is in traction, while an overlapping fracture of his left shoulder heals. He also suffered compound fractures of the right upper arm, left hand,
right hand and right wrist. These have all now been cleaned and sutured, however his right wrist is infected.

Sarvesh' wounds were less serious - a compound fracture of the upper right arm, now sutured and splinted. Unfortunately it is infected. Nonetheless, Mebzuth believes that if they survive the infection, both will recover. Sarvesh has already returned to work.

8th Falsite

I've ordered the floodgates re-opened to refill the cavern 1 cistern, we are nearly out of water and everyone appreciates a soapy bath.

A Craftsdwarfs guildhall has been completed, it's fairly basic, just a small converted storeroom in the old fort with some nice statuary added and the walls and floor smoothed, but the craftsdwarfs seem happy with it.

We have an excess of pig tails, so it's time to produce some cloth, as well as much more paper, as we have run out of blank scrolls.

15th Feliste

Deng Smokemaligns, the visiting goblin schemer who was convicted of trying to steal Vaultspin, our highly sought after tower cap animal trap, as found at the bottom of the library stairs with a mangled shoulder and leg following an apparent suicide attempt. I guess being imprisoned and then trapped in a cage for many months until we noticed and freed her has not done much for her sanity.

Come to think of it, she's been slowly wandering the fort, refusing to eat for years. She claims to be trying to leave but never has, in spite of there being no barrier to her doing so.

OOC - @recon1o6:  Some options for Dwarfs:
Lor Pagebears - near legendary hammerdwarf - currently not stressed, amateur stone-crafter
Zuglar Bridgeempire - Near legendary hammerdwarf - I'd expect him to be a complete emotional wreck (due to hating war and really wanting a peaceful life), but his stress is currently -46000

Both of the above are suffering still from cave adaptation and are members of the militia squad "The Machines of Crewing".

We've also got a few Marksdwarfs, some of them are probably headed to a nervous breakdown though, for reasons discussed in earlier posts.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 01:03:52 pm by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rithmesir - The Adequate Library
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2020, 05:21:38 pm »

1st Hematite, 256

Summer has arrived, bringing good news from the forges - 14 masterwork steel helmets - ready to equip our elite melee squads. Everything of lesser quality has been melted back down. By the end of the year I expect to see our military in masterwork full plate.

Summer also brings a vile force of darkness, our goblin neighbors are back. Everyone made it safely inside and the melee squads assemble in the courtyard, crossbow dwarfs taking up their positions in the tower.

36 goblins, ~30 beak dogs, no trolls. They seem a little less serious this year.

Screams from outside the courtyard indicate that the goblins have again discovered our traps.

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The traps do there grizzly work, and once again the siege stalls in the outer entrance corridor - the elite dwarfs charge.

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The survivors flee. However the vengeful dwarfs seem unwilling to let them go and charge after the goblins, who, unable to escape and still outnumbering the dwarfs, turn to fight. At least this makes their end quicker.

Lor Moruluvel demonstrated his mastery of the hammer - crushing goblin heads one after the other.

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The siege is well and truly broken. No injuries to any of our militia, in fact no one even got hit - though it appears there were a few collisions between our dwarfs..

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An excess of enthusiasm perhaps?

Sadly, our 2 least experienced fighters, the axe dwarfs, Lucky and Geshud fail to reach the fight in time due to dizziness and vomiting from cave adaptation. Hopefully continued training in the above ground barracks will deal with this.

Kikrost, sums it up. "All right lasses and laddies - good work! Lets head back, get your equipment and yourselves cleaned up and back to training." He nods to himself as everyone heads back in.

OOC - Kikrost is the most chilled dwarf in the fort, with a stress of -99,500

As they are walking back to the fort, Zulban Kolfoker suddenly stops to stare at the masterwork steel short sword in his hand, with 10 goblins dead to the blade, it deserves a name - "Lisig Bekar!" he shouts out - "The Berry of
Dips".  An interesting choice.

12th Hematite, 256

Lor dropped by my office today, he had a number of intriguing suggestions, most importantly that we make use of our fine bridge construction to assist in cleanup after sieges. We already make use of a similar system to dispose of poor quality items but this would be on a truly grand scale. I like it. I already had plans for a magma cleaning system for our new entrance, this could be built much quicker and without the need for power to pressurize magma. It will be added to the plans, sadly it may not be complete in time for the next goblin visitors. I did not quite follow his explanation of how this can work and leaves no trace - it went deeper into both physics and metaphysics than my own research has ever delved, but sounded very convincing.

He has also asked to be allowed to spend some time in scholarly pursuits, a request I am delighted to grant. He's asked me to keep this quiet though. Is there such a thing as a secret librarian?

Oh yes - he's also informed me his name is Rumrald, not Lor. A minor clerical error on my part, things have been a bit hectic over the last few years. Easily resolved.

14th Hematite, 256

A giant cave toad got in through the open cistern. It was briefly distracted by one of our war dogs. The military were called, but one of our miners decided to take things into her own hands. She now seems a little horrified, but clearly has the right idea.

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I've ordered the floodgates closed, the cistern is full and I don't want anything really nasty getting in.

- @recon1o6

Spoiler: "Rumrald" Pagebears (click to show/hide)

Rumrald is a:
Grand Master Hammerdwarf, proficient armor user, profesional shield user, talented dodger and competant stone crafter. He's also been assigned as a scholar in our library.

He started with no military skills (all our axe and hammer dwarfs have essentially made it up as they went along).

He has four goblin kills, all I believe in this siege.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 05:26:35 pm by mounf »
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