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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 517069 times)


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3555 on: August 17, 2023, 03:55:20 pm »

Frankly' gnomes' inability to open doors shouldn't be much of an issue' since:
a) we don't have bogeymen in this world;
b) one can always throw an opener character into the party.
Although' playing handicapped like that would pose an additional challenge for the willing. It's an open question anyways.

Good luck out there' Bralbaard! Hopefully your gremlin ends up dying of old age' not being eaten by some thrall.

Old age? That is a tall order, gremlins can get a thousand years old..😁


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3556 on: August 17, 2023, 07:52:11 pm »

Indeed. To die at even 800 years of age would be considered tragically young for a gremlin.

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3557 on: August 18, 2023, 01:03:18 am »

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You made gremlin language files? I could really use those for my write-up🙂. I was going to use elvish, but this would be so much better. I guess even a partial file would be useful. Are they part of the premium mod?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 01:06:48 am by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3558 on: August 19, 2023, 12:43:01 am »

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You made gremlin language files? I could really use those for my write-up🙂. I was going to use elvish, but this would be so much better. I guess even a partial file would be useful. Are they part of the premium mod?

Hell yeah my dude, and it sounds exactly correct.

You'll see stuff like, "Alocrim'oochauh'nob-bob'el" - The Harmonious Crimson Empire.

Their word for ale is their word for hammer "bahk" stapled together with their word for drink "sop", literally translating as hammer-drink "bahk-sop." And I think mead is a slight variation on that. Anyway, I tried to sprinkle little things like that where I could. But it's a lot of labor to hand craft the entire language file.

The way it comes out, is to always hold the first syllable, almost like a high pitch growl. And then gradually accelerate the rate of enunciated barks, until your tongue starts breaking the sound barrier. Start slow, frantic race to finish. Unless the word ends in an -ah sound. In which case, the last 3 syllables are more likely to be pronounced slowly.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 11:38:12 am by dikbutdagrate »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3559 on: August 19, 2023, 05:46:49 am »

Entry 2

Mab wasn't an original member of his race. In the old days he was human. Kidnapped by a howling freak and imprisoned in the sewers beneath a thriving town he was there changed into one of her own kind that he might become a mate. He was later freed by his wife through the invasion and conquest of the town by the Realm of Silver.

This perhaps should have brought some gratitude, but the transformation had taken all good from his heart. He was a twisted and evil thing and recognizing this the Realm of Silver did not let him go. They enslaved the monster. The motive of these long dead humans is up for debate, but for Mab it only allowed him to nurture hideous hatred for his former species.

Even now centuries later as a free monster wandering the lands with his two mates he nurtured his hate.
For his new mates: Cish and Warosp
This traveling across the land was a biological imperative. A commanding impulse in the brain clicking after centuries of idleness commanding them to propagate their wicked race. For Mab it was an opportunity for revenge.
He was mockingly styled a prophet by the Realm of Silver as he declared their inevitable doom and now he had his chance!

Despite being mates the freaks had no love for one another and were selfish to a fault as they growled and lashed out at one another traveling.

The function of making the children and designing their nests would be a joyless process; a mere function to accomplish desired ends.

Three nests were planted: One bordering the foolish wolf king's land in a monastery to a goddess of torment and death
The next in a labyrinth near the hated museum
And the final nest in the heart of the Realm of Silver: In a castle of massacre.
The town and castle were littered with bodies of the great battle that took place; an ideal feeding ground for their off spring

Soon, as years passed and they aged the survivors, and many of the children would perish surely, would grow large and spread across the lands they infested and hunt it's sapient prey.
For Cish and Warosp this was satisfactory as impulse was satiated and they could return to cave-like homes.
For Mab it wasn't. He didn't desire to merely release more of his number, but to create a new land for his race and to put the humans in their place beneath him.

For him this was only the beginning.

Infestation Complete


Arthur had finally made it back after all these years: Lakemenaces

He stood upon the outer trenches; his spear already dripping blood of several goblins he encountered on the way in.
The trench work continued for as far as the eye could see, but in it's middle a great dark tower.
One would think that would be the goal of a conquering force, as Arthur and his men thought years ago, and one would be wrong.
The true enemy was in sight: From all around the fortress one could see multiple surging tides of bodies heading traveling to and fro in one giant wave, as if the arms of a whirlpool lashing out and sucking in and that drew too near.

Arthur and the others killed all the leaders of Lakemenace themselves, but despite this the city held thanks to the horde that continued whirling as if driven by some preternatural force.
Today, Arthur would begin his campaign of destroying them. As the goblins near him noticed him they didn't cry out alarm or attack. Most of them just sought to join the whirlwind of hordes and would look for routes around him to do so. Any foolish enough to take the same downhill route through trenches that Arthur took lost their throats. Arthur slammed his shield so hard into one's chest that it exploded into gore even.
Yet, still, even dying desperately and pathetically clawing for air the victims still crawled their way towards the horde. What is making them do this?

Finally, he reached the tail end of a goblin horde. He threw himself into this particular arm of the whirlpool of hordes becoming a whirlwind of death, and he thought to himself "If I had a master what would he be telling me, right now?"
"You are a fool."

OOC stuff:
the howling freaks Cish, Warosp, and Mab are technically on the adventurer list, but feel free to kill them and all their spawn if you so wish!

If you guys leave them all alive I will slowly make them a worse and worse threat.
I'm thinking maybe of giving weapons and armor to one nest. Perhaps making them hollow zombies as well?
Individual howling freaks are a mid-game threat. Once you become talented at combat(or tireless) you can handle them so I thought it'd be cool to make them higher level as threats go.
More dangerous than a goblin army, but less dangerous than literal demons is the goal.

Eric Blank

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3560 on: August 20, 2023, 05:07:19 pm »

Well that's downright insidious.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3561 on: August 20, 2023, 06:53:24 pm »

Sounds like Dibutdagrate found the nest in the old abandoned labyrinth - still more to be found and cleansed!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3562 on: August 20, 2023, 07:01:55 pm »

It's been a long time, how goes the Museum, and the world surrounding it?
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3563 on: August 20, 2023, 07:09:11 pm »

The same 10 people pass the save around in an endless circle... but it could be worse. At least it's being passed.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3564 on: August 20, 2023, 07:14:31 pm »

All things must wind down and come to an end, eventually. Perhaps a definitive ending will be reached, and the Museum shall move into the Steam version once the UI is updated to accommodate older players. Perhaps the save file shall become irreversibly corrupted beyond all use. Perhaps Toady shall lock it away in confinement so that it may be studied. Or, perhaps new blood is just around the corner. Feck it, sign me up for a turn.
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Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3565 on: August 20, 2023, 09:31:23 pm »

Hey Imic, I'm glad to see you back.

I suppose that even now, we have 7 people in queue means the world is fairly active. I'm not sure how to summarize the world myself, I'm not sure exactly where you left off to tell you what's going on. Are you aware of the Omon blight? This is probably the most important event bar the Museum in the entire world which happened after year 700 (the founding of the Museum). We're close to year 1050, so a lot of time has passed. Our most prolific killers (and more besides) are Moldath Leshaltölún (kesperan) and Avolition with a total of over 20000 kills. Omon Obin and its capital, Seńamatem are being rebuilt in fortress mode between me and Unraveller. Bralbaard and some other adventurers have found a method to turn from undead to immortal, yet living (it's a sort of duplication glitch). Since Bralbaard's ascension to King of Adilatír, we've had over 5 adventurers rise for certain periods of times as rulers of a civilization. Meanwhile, more close to Thoramunosh, Maloy rules and maintains the Mabkor Empire assisted by his elf friends and possibly under the influence of a certain kingslaying demon. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things besides.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3566 on: August 21, 2023, 01:49:00 am »

Welcome back Imic! I just happened to have explored one of your old fortresses in my current turn, so expect some posts about that soon-ish.

Some other things to get you back up to speed:
Several new races of intelligent creatures have begun to stir in Orid Xem.

The Scorpion king, Avolition Holyblood, has started a breeding programme for bark scorpion men, and Maloy has discovered that Warriors of Udir, the two tailed, all female, cyclops angels that guarded one of the two vaults in the world, respond strangely to necromancy. They do not become undead, but are just raised from death, fully alive. Of course Maloy started a breeding programme for them (in Razorbridge)
Both the warriors of Udir and the bark scorpion men are born practically as adults, so their breeding is very fast, and dare I say, incestious. Of course we already had the gremlin re-introduction programme by myself, abusing the fact that 'outsider' adventurers can buy gremlins for 1 urist-a-piece at embark. Current world populations, not counting those roaming the wilds:

gremlins: 504
Warriors of Udir: 82
bark scorpion men: 86

Then there are rumours of other races that are up to something. The world is in the age of the dark gnomes, for one thing, and there also is a plot involving howling freaks, see Maloy's latest post.

To Dikbutdagrate, about the language files:

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You made gremlin language files? I could really use those for my write-up🙂. I was going to use elvish, but this would be so much better. I guess even a partial file would be useful. Are they part of the premium mod?

Hell yeah my dude, and it sounds exactly correct.

You'll see stuff like, "Alocrim'oochauh'nob-bob'el" - The Harmonious Crimson Empire.

Their word for ale is their word for hammer "bahk" stapled together with their word for drink "sop", literally translating as hammer-drink "bahk-sop." And I think mead is a slight variation on that. Anyway, I tried to sprinkle little things like that where I could. But it's a lot of labor to hand craft the entire language file.

The way it comes out, is to always hold the first syllable, almost like a high pitch growl. And then gradually accelerate the rate of enunciated barks, until your tongue starts breaking the sound barrier. Start slow, frantic race to finish. Unless the word ends in an -ah sound. In which case, the last 3 syllables are more likely to be pronounced slowly.

Thanks for the language files and background information Dikbutdagrate! You alluded to a "next turn" in one of your previous posts. Should I put you on the list or does someone need to put down a pot of honey first?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 02:32:21 am by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3567 on: August 21, 2023, 03:06:45 am »

Well, it seems I have quite the archive binge ahead of me.
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3568 on: August 21, 2023, 09:39:05 am »

While I very much like the idea of having a summoning day, during an in-game month, where someone sets out a pot of honey and some crab man claws, and has to post a really weird blurb in the thread which summons me, I think it's fine if you sign me up for another turn.

I had some interior decorating designs in mind for camp Honeyhammer. And I'm eager to install those.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #3569 on: August 22, 2023, 03:15:16 am »

Welcome back Imic
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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