Iris felt the power of necromancy as a dry, sterile smell. It annoyed her. Memories were coming back now...and not good ones.
Instead, she thought to herself that there was little art to be found here, little...inspiration. She felt less she had been in a battle and more that she had been doing some tedious and dull task. Instead of the rush of victory, Iris just felt tired. She reflected that she had not covered herself well in battle, she thought, and surely the others would judge her harshly...if they regarded her at all. Drained and despondent, she became colder and less friendly.
She kicked one of the skulls aside irreverently with a dainty boot and it collapsed into powder as it struck the cavern wall.
"...What waste of effort. All this to cheat death, only to end up as some shambling construction of animated bones dancing about like a gruesome puppet. Pathetic...worthless...meaningless...wasn't there a better way? A straighter path? There is no color here...
...I don't suppose any of these books are the grimoire we came to find?" Iris recalled Ciera held a tracking crystal.
"This place stinks. I'd rather not stay around." "I'll search the far area."
And with that Vahn walked past everyone and dropped into the bone-pit.
Iris found herself wandering in Vahns direction, looking for any trouble that might still linger.
"...That doesn't seem very safe. Are you at home among the bones, old man?" She called out sourly, from the safety of the lip of the pit.
"Perhaps you wish to clear yourself a resting spot?"