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Author Topic: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)  (Read 7189 times)


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (9/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2019, 10:43:44 am »

Sol, having helped, decided that the sky and space needed something to liven up the place. So said,

Heh, let's make some lights for everyone to see!

Cost, 10, reduction makes it 5.

Field of Stars

A brilliant field of stars with which can make many shapes in mortals minds. A few of them shine especially brightly, and mortals can use the stars to guide them in their travels. Oh, and space dust, cause having a dusting of it is good.

They're also super pretty, and completely mundane, covering the whole around us!

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (6/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2019, 12:16:04 pm »

"Hua~, Come on down everyone! Time to make some Planes! Planets and Suns, Mortals too!"

"Ah, give me a moment, Market."

Drawing on the natural power of the new plane, she commands the clouds to come together, forming as much space as needed for Market to set down on the thickest layer.
Market happily sets down upon the fluffy clouds, and as it touches down it seems to become more material, the endless trading of the angels gaining some vibrancy, their haggling having some extra bite.

[Action 1] The Market has become its own realm!

"Most kind of you, yes indeed.

A planet would indeed be most wondrous! A giant tiered facility filled with production lines, where the mortals can produce, produce, produce! Assembling mechanical monsters for sale, or elaborate voidships for the merchants to expand their fleets with! Culture and higher thought must also not be neglected, as they are valuable commodities! Great libraries and theatres! Cauldrons the size of cities that can feed cities! All this and more can be yours!

"That should be it for now. Truth be told, I would like to forge my Arsenal here and now, as I feel quite bare without my Armaments... I'm asking out of concern to you, fellow deities. Would you mind if I did?"
"Indeed not, indeed not! In fact, I might be interested in purchasing some of your fine craftwork!"

"And now, if no one minds, I shall begin sending out some employees. So much to do, so little time!"

With that, some of the angels begin exiting the great Market. Hundredwinged, thousand eyed and tenmouthed, they take residence upon the lands crafted by the other deities, and eagerly begin building things. Five of their ten mouths constantly and incessantly spew litanies and praises to Market, singing in his glory.

"Glory, glory indeed! You are the first, and shall be as my invisible hand and my endless wings!"

Within one of Market's endless cubbyholes and bookshops, appears a deed of ownership over the new race and all who they sire.

[Action 2] Market creates two units of Hundredwinged. -12 essence, +2 essence loan from Sol, end total of 1 essence

Spoiler: Hundred Winged (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 12:02:11 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (9/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2019, 01:16:10 pm »

"Very Well, Shall the crucible give birth to the Light of Life."

So said, Sol begins to shape this Star.

The Primary necessity for stars is water, most specifically, frozen gases. However, the current stars shape shall be a star, not a sphere.

Therefore, it shall also act to draw upon Essence to full itself, more specifically, the essence of those who live beneath it. Those mortals give thanks, and that thanks shall act to keep the star young and warm to those who live in it''s light. The cost is negligible, simply upkeep to keep it balanced.

Having Done the main part, she sends it over to Ednaera to finish. The cost taken shall be shared, and praise to the star shall also be shared between us, as co-creators.

4 Essence(cost-reduction to 2) on my part. 2 on hers.

"Excellent! This sword star shall be beautiful!"

With the prime light created by Sol, Ednaera shaped a cruciform sword star, which was placed at the perfect distance from the yet unfinished World.
Ednaera infused the Star with Beauty, and made it so the Star would always face the World, allowing mortals to behold the full shape of its beautiful form.

Create the Sword Star, supplying the remaining 2 Essences.


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2019, 02:17:32 pm »

"All that remains now, is to fill my loneliness. My blood, come forth: Armaments!"

Ednaera slit her wrists, and from each poured a thin stream of golden, burning blood. Each steam of heated ichor forged itself into a sword. Then with a blow of divine breath, infused with all her strength and life, the Goddess of Might and Beauty chased away all excessive heat from the newly minted works.

Given shape, and life, these twin blades, alike yet fundamentally different, awoke. And thus were born the first weapons of Ednaera: the Armaments. They would serve as a basis for more Servants, and maybe even Mortals.

"You shall be named Eslinde and Arpier, my flesh and blood, my children and servants. My first Armaments."

Action 3: For 4 Essences each, Ednaera creates the first two Armaments: Eslinde and Arpier. (Major Servants)

Eslinde is a female humanoid with silver skin and sky blue hair and eyes. She can take the form of a silver cruciform sword with sky blue patterns. She symbolizes temperance and serenity.
Arpier is a male humanoid with golden skin and scarlet hair and eyes. He can take the form of a golden cruciform sword with scarlet patterns. He symbolizes passion and vigor.
Both are extremely beautiful according to Ednaera, having been made in Her image. Both have the power to switch at will between weapon form and humanoid form, as well as partially manifesting their weapon form while in humanoid form.

Ednaera's Armaments (For future use)
A people of Servants with two forms: a weapon form and a humanoid form, both of which they are able to switch toward at will. They are also able to partially manifest their weapon form when in humanoid form.
They have a metallic skin complexion, with colours ranging from silver, iron, gold, cobalt, and many more. They are, in Ednaera's standards, truly most beautiful.
-Interchangeable Weapon form and Humanoid form
-Partial Weapon form manifestation
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 02:59:19 pm by Nakéen »

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2019, 02:44:02 pm »

Camelia creates the mythical realm of Camelot, a rolling land of sand, shrub, and mist, with her free plane.
Spoiler: Camel-lots (click to show/hide)

*spit* "At last, the world is ready for true beauty."

Camelia creates a unit of Camels, the most beautiful creatures to ever walk the worlds. Until the world is sorted out, they can live in Camelot
Spoiler: Camel sheet (click to show/hide)

*spit* "Go, my children! Wander the worlds! Trade with the strange peoples of the world! Conquer the infidel!"
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 03:02:23 pm by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Ardent Debater

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2019, 03:26:52 pm »

Tick 1.0, "A Newcomer Arrives"

The pantheon begins to fill the regions they've made with the first mortal races, and a small transaction takes place between the Angelic Market and Sol, Light of Magic.

Quote from: Transaction
Sol, Light of Magic loans 2 Essence to the Market, on promise of later repayment.

Pururu plays in the snow for quite some time, but eventually, she gets lonely and decides to make friends. A race of tiny, fluffy people, the size of kittens and skilled in the use of traps but skittish, are made in her image, and scattered throughout the Taiga Islands. They're happy there aren't any serious predators, and soon enough, they've dug cozy booby-trapped igloos in the snow.

Pururu creates 1 Population unit of Purusians in the Taiga Islands!

Ednaera smiles upon the Fields of Everlasting Glory and the Purusians purring the snow for some time, but frowns at the lack of light and warmth in the mortal realm. The fog is beautiful in its own way, but if the mortal realm is to prosper, it must be filled, and a most-excellent idea comes to the Goddess's mind. She suggests the forging of a Sword-shaped Sun to Sol, Light of Magic, who ponders the design and takes it into consideration for some time.

Whilst the Star Goddess wonders, the Storm God prepares to forge. Luda Ncebekan rages against the fog, and in a crackling of lightning and explosion of sound, the Skybreaker's storm comes into being, and the molten stone beneath is shattered, and only remade and undone, again and again and again.

Luda Ncebekan's first plane, The First Storm is forged for a price of 0 Essence!

Momentarily distracted by the Storm God's spectacle, Sol, Light of Magic comes to a decision, and determines that the Ednaera's Sun-Sword suggestion is good. To that end, she aspires to create and contributes a small part of herself to the Sun-Sword's forging. The Goddess of Beauty is pleased to see her work, and for a time, considers how she'll contribute.

Sol, Light of Magic contributes 2 Essence to the forging of the Sun-Sword!

As the Star Goddess sculpts the Sun-Sword, a clattering and rattling of bags can be heard, and in a sudden silence, Fanw Howell, clutching a bow and two quivers comes into being with a cordial greeting. Admiring the works of those who came before, she finds the mortal realm is nonetheless unfitting of a huntress such as herself, and endeavors to change that. Expanding on the edge of the Blue Corridor, a vast, chilly realm of forests and hilly fields comes into being. It is dubbed Coedwigoeddgwyllt, and is to be frozen in time until the first light is lit.

Fanw Howell has created Coedwigoeddgwyllt, a medium region, for a price of 8 Essence!

Still waiting for Ednaera to finish her part of the Sun-Sword, Sol, Light of Magic looks upon the endless grey of the fog and finds it lacking. Taking some part of herself, she scatters it across the whole of Creation where it scatters into numberless motes of light and clouds of dust. It isn't much more than an aesthetic presence, but in time, its will comfort the mortals nonetheless. The fog ripples at their inclusion, but not yet disperse, for the time has yet to come.

Even concealed as they are, in the Taiga Islands, the Purusians endlessly amuse themselves by star gazing, and some rumors arise of building an igloo tall enough to reach them arise, but ultimately, nothing comes of it.

Sol, Light of Magic creates the Field of Stars for a price of 5 Essence!

The Market is pleased to accept the Star Goddess's generous offer of a place to stay, and establishes itself in the clouds of The Observatory. A slight change seems to take place as the clouds are integrated, and the Market's presence in reality seems to be a bit heavier. It becomes apparent that the Market has become its own realm, as paradoxical as that might be.

The Market has become its own realm, for a price of 0 Essence!

Once the Market's presence is established, its denizens gaze upon the mortal realm and find it most worthy of a venture. Using Essence taken in a loan to cover moving expenses, two extensive Hundredwinged Populations enter the Taiga Islands, and proceed to harvest its forests for lumber. They are enormous, powerful, sprouting a hundred wings from their backs, and skilled in the tasks of crafts, forging, and manual labor, Functionally, they do not age and are immortal, however, in time they grow weary of the material realm and steadily unravel, returning to the Market in a century's time at most.

The Purusians find the Hundredwinged to be terrifying and in turn, the Hundredwinged barely notice the kitten-folk are there. Fortunately, the Taiga Islands are mostly empty and there is no conflict, they simply stay on other ends of the region. If their presence proves to be objectionable to either deity involved, they can be moved quite easily.

The Marketplace creates 2 Population units of the Hundredwinged in the Taiga Islands for a price of 12 Essence!

Meanwhile, Ednaera determines how pretty the Sword-Sun should look, and without further ado, molds it into shape. A small expenditure of Essence sets it alight and the mortal realm is warmed. Coedwigoeddgwyllt immediately enters the flow of time, and the quality of life for camels in the Blue Corridor increases considerably. Though they have little to do with the forested realm, llamas and alpacas of the Blue Corridor are more than happy to occupy the much more chilly woods and hills.

Ednaera does her part to finish forging the Sun-Sword for a price of 2 Essence!

Most pleased by the sight of the Sun-Sword which seems to hold the fog at bay, Ednaera is nonetheless dissatisfied. The Fields of Everlasting Glory and the Sun-Sword are beautiful in their own right, but the sight of the realm isn't enough to satisfy her vanity, and the warmth of the star isn't enough to fill her soul. No, Ednaera requires companions of equal albeit lesser status, and she sets about their creation with great relish. From her blood they come, two sub-divines sculpted in the image of the Goddess of Beauty. Their visage is beyond compare and their comely forms are from stagnant, shifting from sword to Servant at a moment's notice.

They are Eslinde and Arpier, Brother and Sister both in the service of Ednaera, woe betide those to incur their wrath! Her Essence reserves are almost depleted, but regardless, she is pleased, for she has made a work of art that shan't be soon forgotten. That said, time will tell what the Servants of the Goddess of Might amount to.

Ednaera creates two Major Servants, Eslinde and Arpier for a price of 8 Essence!

Camelia sits in the Blue Corridor, sharpening her Djinn-Forged Blades and snickering at the ugliness of their works, spits. She brings a new realm into being, separate from the mortal world, so that she might sometimes be spared the sight of the lesser beings. It is to be known as Camelot, a dromedary paradise lit by the Camel of Fire and Alpaca of Ice, respectively, partitioned into wet and dry sub-realms by four hump-like mountains, and overseen by Camelia's fog-shrouded tower and favorite lake, which teleport to and fro as she wishes. Jealous at the sight of mortals praising other deities, the Goddess takes a series of Camels and shapes their forms, so that they might walk on two legs, grasp with two hands, and be smart enough to worship her, and her alone.

The irritable, easily-angered, and rarely dehydrated Camel race, in the eyes of their Creator, unparalleled in beauty even by the works of Ednaera, is set to wander the realm of Camelot, which they soon explore to the fullest.

Camelia creates 1 Population unit of Camels in the realm of Camelot for a price of 4 Essence!

Interest aroused by rumors of a realm of She-Divines in need of Trickery, the enigmatic Kit Rougard arrives and soon decides to stay, as one of only two males in the pantheon.

As the reality's pantheon is filled to capacity, the fog is beginning to roll away, and slowly but surely, the mortal world beginning to take shape. That will be some time hence, but it is subject to the will of the Goddesses, and in time, it will take on the form they've deemed most pleasing. It is a matter of great import, and it would perhaps behoove them to discuss among themselves.

Spoiler:  Lo, Divines! (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Lo, Divine's Income (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Mortal Realm (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Godly Planes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 11:32:40 am by Ardent Debater »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2019, 03:44:31 pm »

The Market repays her 2 essence loan to Sol.


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2019, 04:10:16 pm »

Fanw was quite pleased once light and warmth fell upon the mortal realm and Coedwigoeddgwyllt. She would for a short while watch the hilly forest land and the few plains it had, specifically watching the animals as they went about their simple lives and the struggles to survive between hunter and hunted. However, after some time, her attention was driven elsewhere, as she noticed the more intelligent creatures. She would watch the mortals for a short amount of time before deciding that having mortals created by her own hands would be nice. Of course, she knew she didn't have the essence to properly do such a thing yet, but...maybe she could work together with one of the other goddesses.

She would consider her options, and soon enough think that the best choice for such an offer would be Pururu. After all, she could help make something that could actually defend itself. So, she would go down to the Taiga Islands and, while certainty much taller than the Purusians, would make her movements slow and as non threatening as possible, trying to be careful and not scare them off and talk to Pururu. "Hello again! I hope you are enjoying yourself with your friends, but I have a important question for you. Would you like to work together for a little bit on making something? Of course we could do something else for a bit before hand if you'd like, and I don't want to bother you and keep you from having fun playing in the snow for long, so there is no rush! Just take your time and let me know if you want to work together or not sometime soon." She would say in a calm and friendly tone before waiting for Pururu's response.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2019, 04:15:09 pm »

[Action 1] Several small pieces of unassuming paper are distributed to the Hundred Wings.

Quote from: Memorandum

While the divine Market is of course the most wondrous and divine of all divines, there exist other beings of significance who might be of interest to know the existence of to some angels, if only to sell them things to. Direct further inquiries to the information desk or your local prayer hotline.

Camelia, Camel Goddess of War
Spheres: Camels, War

Pururu, the Smol One
Spheres: Small, Soft

Sol, Star of Magic, Fertility Bearer, & the Light of Life.
Spheres: Star Magic, Light of Life

Ednaera, Flower of the Battlefield
Spheres: Might, Beauty

Luda Ncebekan
Spheres: Forge, Storms

Spheres: Spirits, Prosperity

Fanw Howell
Spheres: Hunting, Ranged Combat(Though most presume Archery)

Spheres: (Life and Caverns)

Kit Rougard of the Thousand Masks
Spheres: Illusion, Trickery


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2019, 04:15:43 pm »

It would prove a while before the Celestial could once more work. However, even in such costly times, she could do something.

"Let's make some mortals in my realm for now, I can transport them next turn.

Sol, the Star of Magic, spent 4 Essence to bring forth mortals to the Observatory. Might as well make those gardens and fruit trees mean something for now. She could always let them off later.

In comparison to the previous, these are quite modest, and shouldn't cost much.

Spoiler: Starnymps (click to show/hide)

She then started to personally interact with them, teaching them one of the basic tricks of Celestial Magic, using ones own mana to create a flash of light for escape and blinding..

Happy Demon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2019, 04:18:29 pm »

[Pururu, the Smol One]

Pururu is certainly startled by Fanw's arrival on the Taiga Island. She turns around, and gives a wave with both hands.
"Hello! I am Pururu. I am small, but not. I am smol."
She ends her introduction with a smile. Even though she was startled, she always likes making a new friend.
"I like making, what do you want to make?"
Pururu tilts her head to the side. Eager to hear of new things to make.
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2019, 04:27:07 pm »

Spent, and without much of a stable income, Ednaera realized her predicament. This universe was not like her old, where Divinity was a symbol of infinite power. No, here, she was bound to Mortals by their worship, something she didn't take into account.

"This is a most worrying matter... And the world is still too young for Mortals to awaken to the beauty of might..."

Ednaera looked at the frail world that was still forming. A small flame of existence, that could so easily be extinguished. And she had heard of what newborn universes tended to attract. Divine beings of all sort, some merely curious, some looking for a trade, some looking for trouble... Something had to be done to ensure the world would be able to grow, and give back to their creators. As a Goddess of Might, she could do something.

At the same time, an idea came to her. These visitors... she would interview their motives and intentions, and choose whether or not they would be allowed passage.

"This is it, I will organize passages between the Universe and the Outside. Mmh! So it is! Eslinde, Arpier, to me! We have much to do."

Action: Ednaera took Eslinde and Arpier with her, to the border of the cosmos, which separated the universe from the beyond. She patrolled, on the lookout for any visitor that would want to enter the universe.

To any visitor, she would try to ascertain their motives, and ask a 1 Essence fee to be allowed entry if their motives were acceptable. Visitors with ambiguous motives could be allowed entry for 2 Essences, on the condition they remained far from the World and under constant watch.
To any visitor refusing to comply, she would kindly direct them to the metaphorical door leading outside of this Universe.
To any hostile visitor, she would wield the two Armaments to chase them out of this Universe.

On another note, it would surely please visitors to be greeted by a Goddess of Beauty!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 04:30:10 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2019, 04:28:54 pm »

Fanw would be happy to see how Pururu seemed to react positively and not be too surprised by her sudden appearance, let alone her request. She would smile and say "Well, I was thinking about working together on making something kinda like your current friends. I have a few idea's like for one they would be a bit stronger and they would be quite clever when it came to hunting for food. Do you have any suggestions yourself? We are working together after all, so you should have a good deal of control over what we create." She was curios as to what Pururu had in mind, and was curios as to what the end result of their combined work would be if everything went well.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2019, 04:34:07 pm »

[Pururu, the Smol One]

Pururu's head is filled with ideas, but one sticks out. Guided by a certain presence.
"You look like a wolf. I can make wolf people. Bigger than Purusians, but very very fluffy. But... I need help with the other part."
And so they shall plan...
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2019, 04:49:12 pm »

Kit Rougard of the Thousand Masks

"...Hm. Good deal of forests in the Mortal Realm already. Nice to hear! Hey, Fanw, mind if I took a bit for my Snakekin in your place, Coedwigoeddgwyllt? And, uh, can we call it Coed?"
Scream all you want
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