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Author Topic: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)  (Read 12759 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 7: Everything is falling apart (12/10)
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2018, 12:59:10 am »

Is there still room for more players?
Go ahead and make a sheet if you want, and if when one of these guys screw up you can join in. If you choose to make a sheet, your aspect is Bringer.

Yeah if someone screws up...  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 7: Everything is falling apart (12/10)
« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2018, 06:05:44 am »

Name: Jycion
Appearance: A somewhat good looking man, Black, straight hair clumsily hangs over a furrowed, lived-in face. Clear green eyes, set concealed within their sockets, Abnormally bright in the night.
Aspect: Bringer
Race: Humans
Technology level: 0

Not very good at description but oh well :/


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 7: Everything is falling apart (13/10)
« Reply #152 on: February 18, 2018, 03:50:10 pm »

PTW. Waiting for new content !


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 7: Everything is falling apart (13/10)
« Reply #153 on: February 19, 2018, 07:35:27 pm »

Yeah life has been busy again, was camping all weekend and stuff like that. Hopefully I can have the update done by Thursday.
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #154 on: March 03, 2018, 01:06:09 pm »

Pixum: (3-1, 2-1=2)
Nazush: (4, 6)
Pixum and Nazush work a joint spell designed to reverse the flow of the corruption's link to Pixum. (2, 6)
Even after they double check each other's work, Pixum's side of the spell is still somewhat weak and Nazush is unable to fix it due to being unfamiliar with the aspect. After some time they decide the spell is as good as it will be able to get.
Together they cast the spell. It seems to work at first, even better than expected, and the flow of energy reverses. A sudden surge of corrupted power flows into Pixum, Nazush's portion of the spell draining all of the corrupted essence from the plants. They return to normal, but this is not without consequences. As the link reverses, Nazush's headache clears. As it does, he realizes that he made a mistake and that his portion of the spell will be insufficient to completely contain the corrupted energy. The power, now concentrated in his body, forms a central nexus of pure corrupted power. This power, as it turns out, is sentient. The corrupted power gradually swirls together and forms a second soul inside Pixum's godly aura. The corruption has been completely cleared from the forest, but it is now fighting for control of Pixum's godly essense itself. He manages to resist total corruption, but is now sharing a body with all of the corrupted power from Oberon's spell. He warns Nazush through the godly plane, and Nazush backs away, unsure how to help but not wanting to get caught in the blast. As he watches, he can see Pixum twitching and writhing, and gradually half of Pixum's body, split vertically, becomes a twisted purple imitation of the original. It stops spreading, however, once it reaches the halfway point. It is purple, and writhes evilly. It menaces with spikes. Pixum is now sharing his body with the corruption. Every turn, Pixum must roll a 1d2 of whether he stays in control or not. If it is a 1, he may perform an action as usual. If it is a 2, the corruption can perform an action. Pixum can now utilize the "corruption" aspect, but with a -1 penalty to any spells cast using it, for the duration of the corruption being inside him.
Pixum then orders his people to learn to use stone for construction. (6)
They do so with a hearty enthusiasm. All of their buildings are now stone, and there is a substantial wall around the village. The houses are somewhat uncomfortable, but they are now essentially impervious to casual attempts of corrupted spread. Corruption rolls by Pixum's lesser half are decreased by 1 while attempting to affect his followers or their village.
His elves also now use a mixture of wooden and copper tools, creating a fusion of the two that results in surprisingly effective tools. 1 elf dies in an accident while building the wall, and 22 were born.

Nazush assists his fellow god's attempt to absorb the corruption. (see above)
It does work, although whether the situation is better or worse remains to be seen.
Nazush then orders his dwarves to begin using written language, carved into the walls of their mountain home. (5)
The use of written language allows them to record everything from the history of the mountain home, to newly discovered knowledge. This both makes accounting more efficient, and aids the passing down of knowledge. +2 to tech advancment rolls, +10% to growth rate due to better accounting and storage tracking.
The increased size of your herds results in even more food available for reproduction. However, there is easily more herd animals than dwarves, and Nazush's people are hard pressed to herd them all, finding they have little time for other things. +10% more to growth rate, -1 to tech advancement rolls.
His people advance a level in technology. They now use crude bronze tools, which marginally improves their chiseling, mining, and farming. The herd doubles in size, and now totals 668 herd animals. The horse herd now equals 35. He then essentially restructures his society and how blood is distrubuted, and the new system takes effect. The blood energy is stored for now, and none is burned as the dwarves are not old enough to die of old age yet. Some do still die of other natural causes, however. 1/100 death rate due to lack of immunity from diseases and organ failure from artery blockages and the like.
61 dwarves are born, 3 die from diseases and accidents.
43 humans show up on your doorstep, claiming to previously be followers of Grendabar. They claim that Typhus has attack and captured many of their people, and that they are the only ones who escaped. They seek shelter and aid in reclaiming their people.

Kuzzk-Harrin expands upon the removal enchantment. (2)
The attempt fails, due to godly backlash spreading through the entire astral plane from Pixum's location disrupting the shape of the spell. The energy Kuzzk-Harrin puts into the spell just harmlessly disperses.
Kuzzk-Harrin then orders his dwarves to build a wall, with bare earth on the outside as a protection from more miscast spells. (4)
THe wall gets built, and is singularly unremarkable. It works, however.
It also tells his people that they are right to question everything, including itself. (3)
The conclusions are accurate, but slightly skewed. His people conclude that since they are technically the source of Kuzzk-Harrin's power, he is likely not actually a god, but some kind of psychic being. As a result, Kuzzk-Harrin is weakened ever so slightly, due to the decrease in faith that powers the gods.
It's people continue to use copper tools, although some believe they are just years away from a new metal. 55 dwarves are born, while 28 die from old age, accidents, or disease.

Antangonten does not cast a spell against the corruption, as Pixum and Nazush act quicker than he does. (3)
(2) His attempt to inert the toxicity of almod trees is an abject failure.
His people continue to use bronze tools. 148 people are born, while 90 die of old age, accidents, or sickness.

To aid his people, Monkeylord requests the aid of the True Meaning, who bestows a powerful disbelief upon Monkeylord's people. (6)
The boon is a success. Monkeylord's people are now incapable of death from smoke inhalation and absurdly high temperatures. Like bathing in molten metal kinds of high temperatures. The only problem with the boon is that the power spread was a bit off, and the disbelief will only activate so many times, about 300 individual activations.
The True Meaning then orders its people to begin making things like armor and weapons, along with basic tools. (6)
They do so, and while the new items are very well made, several people get it into their head that they can take these weapons and armor and threaten people in order to take stuff. 15 people are killed before the murderers are brought to heel. High quality weapons and armor: Military kits unlocked! Spearman: Light armor and a long spear. Double attack rolls and 1.5x defense rolls against horses, 10% multiplier to attack and defense rolls. Swordsman: Light armor, medium length sword and a wooden copper rimmed shield. 20% multiplier to attack and defense. Axeman: Light armor and a copper waraxe. 30% multiplier to attack rolls, ignores 20% of enemy defense rolls, 10% multiplier to defense rolls.
Its people advance in technology! They can now use copper, and have immediately created copper weapons and armor, as per the True Meaning's order. 87 people are born, while 58 die.

MonkeyLord orders 37 of his people to head Northwest.
The hole seems fairly stable, and his people get over 100 miles away before anything happens. (2)
When the explosion does happen, it's a doozy. The walls begin crumbling down into the abyss, and at the same time, lava rushes up from below. The lava shoots up through the hole, and is hailed by a spray of glowing hot rocks that had ridden it to the surface. (1d333=21) 21 of Monkeylord's people are killed via flying chunks of rock, resulting in 21 activations of the heat immunity as well. (3d111=144) After rocks stop flying the lava continues to push itself out of the hole, going up about 50 feet under the pressure before sliding off of the pillar of rising lava in the form of magma. A further 144 people are smothered in the wall of heat and smoke from the spreading magma, activating the spell again, but it holds. (1d111=77) Despite this, 77 people are still trapped in the spreading lava, eventually drowning in molten rock, stubbornly refusing to believe that the rock can burn them.
Ultimately, the event kills 98 people before the hole collapses and fills itself in, leaving a small mountain made from volcanic rock. The 37 return to the base of the new small mountain to assist in rebuilding.
In return for The True Meaning's assistance, MonkeyLord makes a wide pit of bare stone for the purposes of protecting against enchroachment of things from the forest. (5)
The trench spans from the northern mountain and travels along the entire length of the forest. It is nearly one hundred feet deep and quite wide, making for an effective boundary.
His people do not advance in technology this turn, although many of the researchers and their notes survived, so it will be easier in future. 90 people are born, and 54 die of old age or injuries unrelated to the explosive event.

Reverion attempts something new. (3)
Allowing her priests to summon giant spiders from nowhere is... a tall order. Especially considering her aspect is barely related to the task, if at all. Ultimately, after many experiments involving quasi magic genetic experiments and multiple alterations of barely understood spells, Reverion is unable to create a summoning spell. She settles for a close second, altering the genetic nature of her priests so that they can cut off a limb and have it rapidly grow into a horse sized spider in the span of a few weeks. The limb grows back, but this method has a few downsides. It is relatively slow, at least compared to instant transport, and the spider requires prodigious amounts of food during its growth period. Without special accomodations or preparations, each individual spider consumes enough food to feed 20 dwarves for a month. Attempting to create spider mounts in any large number will almost certainly decrease the amount of available food substantially enough to affect growth. Some certainly crazy dwarves mention the possibility of using a modified version of these packspiders for war. Spider mount: Takes a week to grow, consumes a substantial amount of food, lives for 90 years, can breed with other spiders for a slower replenishment that consumes less food. Doubles movement speed of a mounted force.
She then orders the spwarves (spidwarves? dwiders?) to expand, reinforce, and improve the spidervlar wall to travel along the entire Southern expanse of the forest. (3)
They expand it a considerable distance, but are slowed by lack of raw material, mostly lack of stone. No innovations in wall construction are forthcoming, and they do not improve the current design. The wall reaches the Eastern edge of the forest, and links up with the base of Nazush's mountain, but no other progress is made.
Immediately after the discovery of iron, Reverion's dwarves continued to innovate and improve.  Several better forms of refining were designed for iron, and things like carts and waterwheels are beginning to be used in the country. A method for more efficient grain grinding using the nearby mountain river has increased the growth rate by 10% due to better quality and more available bread. 9 dwarves die fighting monsters in the underground caverns. 82 other dwarves die of old age or accidents, and 362 are born.
A forgotten beast has appeared in the caverns! It is Ozlygush, a floating cloud of swirling steam. Beware its boiling breath.

Oberon guides the Perfect Beauty along the river.
He then attempts to improve the woodsinging. (3)
The attempt works somewhat, and the elves now have more control over their woodsinging. They can now control the shape of an object to a frankly absurd level of detail, but cannot yet change the type of wood or change how hard it is yet. This results in the ability to make absurdly sharp one use weapons that fracture after the first use, as well as more beautiful houses. This also makes growing plants easier, but requires a seed of the desired plant. Moderate woodsinging: Very detailed constructions possible, cannot change hardness or type of wood.
Oberon orders his elves to use the newly granted woodsinging to build homes for themselves. (4)
They make beautiful homes with his gift, homes that literally meld with the trees and blur the line between natural and artificial landscapes even further. It makes them quite happy. Beautiful village: 20% increase to growth rate
His people do not advance in technology, mainly because the few experiments with copper have shown that woodsinging carved weapons and tools are superior in almost every way. 16 elves are born, and 1 dies in an accident while building a treehouse higher than was deemed safe than the others.

Gogamog creates a new Hand. (3)
It works somewhat. One of the female elves is designated and accepts Gogamog's power, becoming a physical channel for that power. Gogamog is capable of channelling magic easier through her, as generally godly energy does not like to interact with the physical world and a large portion of the energy used in bestowing a boon is just getting the magic to stick. An ever so tiny sliver of his soul is embedded in hers, making her an anchor for his essence as well, rendering his godly form more stable. She isn't very powerful yet and if anyone performed soul magic against her they could use her as a channel to directly assault Gogamog's consciusness, but as time goes on and as she performs actions that align with Gogamog's goals and aspect, she will gain power, both physical and mental. Hand of Gogamog gained: Koresh'kag, a female elven warrior. 57 years old.
Gogamog orders its followers to dig underground homes, safe from dangers like the corruption. (5)
They do better than individual homes, creating a main cavern large enough to house the whole population, as well as individual homes. The walls are decorated and there is plenty of light in the form of blood fueled magic torches. There is only a single well guarded entrance with many switchbacks and ambush points. Underground civilization: When at home, ambushes are not possible, night attacks are, but they cannot ambush from all sides. All combat rolls that take place underground are doubled for defenders.
The elves continue to use a mixture of bronze and wooden tools. 15 elves are born, 1 dies in a cave in.

Gerbil attempts to rein in the anger of his now mountainous dwarves. (4)
In the act of giving them the ability to rein in and control their anger, much of the raw power is lost. They shrink back to their original size, but the rage makes them significantly better at combat, and almost immune to mind affecting magic. Focused rage: 30% multiplier to combat rolls, increase in mental resilience against mind affecting powers.
Gerbil then orders his dwarves to dig many channels in and around the mountain. (1)
The whole area inside the lake/river is now covered in channels, seemingly haphazardly. Many connect to each other and Gerbil's dwarves went a bit overboard. Until they build bridges, they are now stranded inside the mountain.
His people advance in technology, and now use bronze tools instead of copper. 56 dwarves are born. 25 die.

Grogar grants the knowledge of Greek Grogan fire to his people. (4)
Although the formula he drew inspiration from requires several ingredients not currently available, his people make a workable version that sticks to things and burns fiercly. The recipe is a secret known only to a select few priests. GreekGrogan fire: Sticks and burns fiercly.
He instructs his people to learn and create new weapons. (3)
Several new weapons are discovered, mainly copper armor, spears, and shields. The concept of a spearman is now a staple of your military. Weapons and armor: Military kit unlocked! Spearman: Light armor and a long spear. Double attack rolls and 1.5x defense rolls against horses, 10% multiplier to attack and defense rolls.
His people continue to use copper tools. 5 die in accidents with the new weapons while training, 286 are born.
The fisherman makes a wish. (1)
The wish he makes is poorly worded, poorly though out, and incredibly selfish. He wishes to have all of Grogar's power. The fish spins for a moment, and then godly power rapidly begins filling the man's mortal form. For but a moment there is a flash of golden light as the man burns to ashes from the power he wanted but could not control. When the light fades, the power returns to Grogar.
His wife and son are taken in by Tirag, who mourns that such selfishness could exist in the community.

Typhus tries to grant his priests enhanced control and understanding of the eldritch sphere, but (1) accidentally gives too much information. The few priests he tries it on have their mortal bodies burned away. They are still around as disconnected humans, but can no longer use their magic and have a bit too much tormented knowledge sifting around in their skulls. 7 people die.
Typhus also teaches his people eldritch hieroglyphics for knowledge keeping on clay tablets. (1)
The attempt fails. The particular heiroglyphic language he picked happen to summon a minor demon when written on clay tablets. Four more people died.
He then sends his near rioting illithids and a supporting force of 50 priestwarriors to attack Grendabar's now godless people. 10 astral beasts are summoned as well. (6)
The assault is very effective, the unfortunates don't even stand a chance. The assault happens at night. The illithids go in first, mentally dominating anyone still awake. Each illithid can only control five or so humans, but that adds up quickly to 135 dominated humans. The rest have to be captured through more mundane means, which is the point at which they wake up. It is 291 vs 222, but many of the smaller portion can't feel pain. The fight goes decidedly against the Grendabarian humans, but despite their god being gone, they still have his magic. The majority fend of Typhus's troops while 30 prepare a magic ritual. (4 vs 4)
It isn't enough. Typhus has more priests, who aren't in the middle of a melee. Strange tendrils reach out to the dominated humans to release the illithids' hold on them, but Typhusian priests respond with an astral spell that deflects the tendrils into the astral plane. The fight continues pretty evenly for awhile, but eventually the Grendabarian humans are defeated and the ones not captured or killed are driven off. 52 Grendabarian humans are killed, 135 dominated, and all but 43 are captured for slavery. The astral beasts were all killed, as well as 4 Typhusian priests. Typhus heads home with 135 dominated slaves, as well as a breeding stock of 196 slaves for the illithids to feed on and use to breed. Next turn the illithids will set up a spawning pool.
His people continue to use copper tools. 3 Grendabarians are eaten by the illithids. 15 humans die of old age. 8 become illithids. 54 become disconnected humans. 116 people are born.

Asmodius fades into the background, watching his people progress without him.

Technology advancement requirements are changing slightly. The advancement roll is the same, but all bonuses to the next advancement roll will be a flat addition to the roll. Each new level requirements a cumulative number of points gained from advancement rolls. Each level costs the previous raised to the power of 1.05. Tech level 1 requirements 100 points to reach, T2 is 126, T3 is 160, etc.

Discord link.
Map, as well as kingdom/empire list and some demographics. (More to come (Maybe))
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 01:08:17 pm by johiah »
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #155 on: March 03, 2018, 02:57:56 pm »

Order the Hand of Gogmagog to gather a band of warriors to defend the underground
Bless the Elves with the ability to sense through earth and stone. This stonesense grants the ability to find ore and also greatly increases room awareness as long as it happens on stone or earth


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #156 on: March 03, 2018, 03:20:25 pm »

Sparing his visitors a moment, he addresses them:

"What has happened to your people is a tragedy, and shelter will be granted. A counteroffensive will not yet be possible, however. Typheus's people are of greater number, and an offensive will almost certainly fail. However, things can be arranged to tilt the tides against them... I request exploring your ritual magic, in preparation for a future battle. Together, we can achieve greatness!"

Satisfied, he turns his attention back to his dwarves; refining the Blood Rage greatly, dialing the intensity of it back greatly, while making its trigger conditions much more fine... It will trigger at the scent of blood, triggering an adrenaline rush proportional to the extent of the scent and snapping their mind into a state of hyperfocus, clear of any distractions or mental contamination.

After this, he orders his people to advance their understanding of military equipment, focusing on armor for both themselves and the horses the elite shall be mounting.

And finally, he selects one Dwarf among his most Elite Warriors, one who has shown martial excellence but more importantly the best grasp of command... And he bestows upon them the title of General. They shall lead Nazush's armies... And they shall hoover up all of the excess blood that would otherwise go to waste.

-1 Elite Blood Warrior
+1 General, they suck all of the excess blood. (At least 240 BP is to be guaranteed, though.)

(Maths later... Unless your sheet does that for you, Johiah?...)

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #157 on: March 03, 2018, 06:33:41 pm »

Grogar will teach his people a form of meditation, that they can enter into a lasting state of mind. They can resolve themselves to a purpose, and remain impervious to other distractions until the task is done. This could be useful for things like entering an absurdly beautiful woods, or talking to an illithid.

He then orders his people to construct defenses around the town. Watchtowers, walls, gates and the like.

Watching the tragedy of Grendabar's people, he makes his first wish. He asks the fish to free the slaves and dominated people from the illithids and the people of typhus, and give them someplace to live far to the south.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #158 on: March 04, 2018, 04:00:47 pm »

History of those who follow The True Meaning
The True Meaning would gather a portion of its followers(about 10%, focusing on the most skilled craftsmen and warriors) and it would imbue a disbelief into their very being. A disbelief in their human nature, and that they are not actually Lynels(going for the Breath of the Wild version here). Great beast-folk, like centaurs with upper body of a lion-man(or woman, equal opportunity animal people here), and a pair of mighty horns. In this revelation of their true self, their brains lose their lack of limits, and they lose interest in the sciences, focusing their minds towards skill in metalworking, stoneworking, and combat. Being of such size, they require quite a bit more food.
This transition is not without its flaws however, the main risk being that some may not accept their true selves and go wild, or break down.

It would make sure to warn its people of these risks with revealing the true natural state of these individuals, before having the people begin to create a couple of simple villages in which to live.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 05:39:16 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #159 on: March 06, 2018, 01:50:34 pm »


Throw ambassador out of kingdom.
Make dwarves learn all nearby stones by heart so they can navigate the tunnels by recognizing stone patterns.

Grant boon that will send all creatures near his
dwarves that are not part of their civilization into an uncontrollable rage aimed at themselves, encouraging them to do self-harm.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 02:35:20 pm by Secheral »

sprinkled chariot

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #160 on: March 06, 2018, 02:10:21 pm »

Welp, here goes my ambassador sent to you.killed by own rage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #161 on: March 06, 2018, 02:34:13 pm »

Oh, right. Totally forgot about that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #162 on: March 06, 2018, 03:44:47 pm »

I am keeping a History of my people in Google Docs here is the link:
History of MonkeyLord's people:

Instruct my people to fruitful and multiply to replace the loses of the recent cataclysm.

Give my people the ability to strip an enemy of their skin, the H'verand are immune to striping abilities.

If this is too broad or I need to choose one the immunity to striping abilities is the one that I will elaborate on.
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #163 on: March 06, 2018, 04:35:52 pm »

Reverion the glorious spider-ant queen God, shall make it even easier to maintain large legions of the eight-legged, they shall now be easier to maintain and have larger groupings of them, since now the spiders grew by the Spidwarf priests, shall have a genetic system of storing food for the long winters and have their metabolism be generally better, so it gets more delicious proteins out of less. Making having spider farms much easier to maintain, also the spiders can spawn delicious spider eggs that are delicious to eat, and are designed to only be nutritious with the genetics of the spidwarves

Instruct the Dwarves with their new found knowledge to learn the knowledge of artillery!, mainly the ballista a giant siege anti-personnel crossbow that can be utilized as turrets for spidwarves on mounts, make sure the ballistas can also work with it the other two spider appendages of the dwarves. Have them mount these ballistas on the Great Wall of SpiKevlar. (The ballista, don’t even need to be made out of wood, but instead silk!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 05:34:00 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods Battle: Turn 8: Grendabarian humans have a bad day (12/10)
« Reply #164 on: March 06, 2018, 04:36:47 pm »

Summon a massive beautiful tree in the ruins Of the cathedral. Then have my elves carve out a temple for worship of Me, the forests, and the arts.

My Beauty will also keep spreading.
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.
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