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Author Topic: Kill the Godmodder! Hailday Edition  (Read 78188 times)

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #195 on: October 15, 2017, 10:58:38 am »

Then cue the logs of universe as it is written:   " He has control of his damn self. Being God of Monsters."

Sheds hair. Hair becomes male form of self. Snaps the goat and drains energy from false pact.

" You just did to me, more than the God Moder?!"

Leviathan now pro moder. Proceeds then to cleave into the false Heaven and starts wrecking angels with a soul burning spelll sword that can be of any length or size, in a instant. Swatting them like flies.:

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #196 on: October 15, 2017, 11:04:14 am »

Hair becomes male form of self.
So a male goat? Well, okay.
(trust me, you want to stick with the goat thing, Subvert Godmodder is going to be fantastic)

" You just did to me, more than the God Moder?!"
"I am the Godmoder. Or did you mean the Godmodder? It's a subtle distinction, but lives and worlds hang in its balance.

And yeah, the Godmodder is kind of a scrub, he needs to Git Gud."

(Remotely damage the Godmodder with my cruel burns.)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 11:36:41 am by Maximum Spin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #197 on: October 15, 2017, 12:07:03 pm »

"Passion-writing" is a recent 'quality'-writing style, invented by a member of the Cosplayer's Convention. To 'passion-write', one must think vapidly, before writing without any care to style, regard for actual accuracy, or the actual quality of the work. This is greatly distinct from actually writing with passion. - Anonymous, currently living existence as an actor in a member of the Cosplayer's Conventions fantasies.

Update in approximately an hour.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 12:12:03 pm by consumptiveAbsolutist »

Maximum Spin

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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #198 on: October 15, 2017, 12:22:36 pm »

Swoop out of the physical realm at the last second to descend to the uttermost marches of Heaven and write the true story of the Godmodder's demise along a single vein upon the edge of one of the 40,000 leaves of the lotus blossom encircling the mortal Earth!

Then return, telling no one of what I have seen, and prepare for battle, serenely confident that what will be must be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #199 on: October 15, 2017, 01:12:41 pm »

Spawn as a sniper, hidden out of sight. Snipe the godmodder. Snipe him again if he respawns. Never stop.
You snipe the Godmodder continually! A series of coincidences and fortunes allow him to keep getting out of the way, until you run out of bullets. You swear under your breath, before throwing

Smash a crate of teacups. Metaphorically. Also literally.
You smash a crate of teacups. You need to take six more actions to acquire a COOL FLAMING DEATHBIKE.

Remove the forks from the ZOMBIETRON, profusely apologize, and release them into the wild.

Fly ZOMBIETRON 3000 to Washington, D.C., eating popcorn on the way there. Raise a whole lot of zombies at the Arlington National Cemetery to add to ZOMBIETRON 3000 (hoping to increase its max HP.)
You remove the forks from the ZOMBIETRON 3000, and profusely apologize. The fork king bows down, and pardons you for your transgressions against forks. Puppyguard, on the other hand, will be served at the Dinner Table, when it's installed at the Fork Grand Court. You add 30 max HP to the ZOMBIETRON 3000, and 20 current HP!

Roll call! Who (else) is willing to follow me, the one true Godmoder, into GLORIOUS BATTLE against the forces of not-me?
I have a godhood and I'm precommitted to using it!
Hold up, hold up. You don't have the Godmodder's consent to form a cult, says Consent-chan.

Roll call! Who (else) is willing to follow me, the one true Godmoder, into GLORIOUS BATTLE against the forces of not-me?
I have a godhood and I'm precommitted to using it!
I will valiantly kill whatever seems like fun at the time, because I have no idea what's going on most of the time. I'll gladly swear fealty to you, but don't expect me to not stab you in the back like next turn.

I will valiantly kill whatever seems like fun at the time, because I have no idea what's going on most of the time. I'll gladly swear fealty to you, but don't expect me to not stab you in the back like next turn.
Sure, why not. You are now the Warrior of the Godmoder.
Buff Egan_BW's angelic armor with a holy aura of Communism and send him to fight the false consciousness of consent!
The Godmodder watches you warily.

Defeat Consent-chan by summoning a lack-of-consent fairy to fight her.

Also figure out what I have to do in order to assist the rising king or whatever it is that thorn knights do.

You summon a lack-of-consent fairy! Consent-chan kindly asks it to go away. It refuses.

"But, Mr. GM, not consenting to my every will is equivalent to consenting to stabbed with my Chakram of Consent!"

Consent-chan swings the Chakram of Consent at the lack-of-consent fairy! It falls onto the ground, and lies inert, before staring. 1 Metatron tells you to wait.

Greet my new comrade with open arms. Not really though, since that would be a gaping hole in my defense should he decide to kill me.
You greet Egan with closed arms.

"Rude," the Godmodder says, observing the situation.

"Now, now, he is a very intelligent boy, couscous! He knows that he will likely be betrayed, and you must always have the preparation so you are not stabbed," his cousins says, before flashing the Godmodder a massive grin. The Godmodder shakes his head, and looks back.

"Still rude."

Bless my prophet with the authority to command angels and the power to prophesy great truths in time with the singing of angels.
You bless your prophet. The Godmodder sees his godhood being violated, and scowls.

"Good good, it's all good."

Conjure some more giant forks.
You conjure 4 more giant forks!

Facepalm at Talion and Celebrimbor attempting to kill us. Attempt the summon of the Griggorous: A giant bark scorpion that has a lethal venom that causes severe hallucinations in it's victims before death. Then, use Thoth to see into the future.
I'd kill everyone if my name was Celerybimbo as well. You summon the Griggorus, and use Thoth.

Spoiler: Recruitment (10/16/17) (click to show/hide)

Grant the Seer a divine allotment of Seer Points. Also point out that it looks to me like Celerybimbo and the non-canon one were just going to kill Egan_BW. And Sauron.

Also, retroactively poison the popcorn.

The only person who can give other people Seer Points is me. And, yes. The Godmodder makes you poison somebody named 'the popcorn'.

Summon various demonic angels from the underworld and let them help me collect zombies.

Sorry, Puppyguard, I just realized I basically took your forks from you, gave them sentience and released them.  :P

Help Puppyguard in summoning the forks as compensation.
+4 forks! The demonic angels come, impaled on forks!

Grant the Seer a divine allotment of Seer Points. Also point out that it looks to me like Celerybimbo and the non-canon one were just going to kill Egan_BW. And Sauron.

Also, retroactively poison the popcorn.

Oh...I'll still facepalm since his name is Celerybimbo, though. Not very respectful to the forger of the One Ring, after all.
What is respect, how do I kill it?

Summon various demonic angels from the underworld and let them help me collect zombies.
Furnish these evil angels with a supply of apples to use as they see fit.
You put apples on the forks. The Godmodder then eats the four forks that just spawned. He simply loves the immaterial melt-in-your-mouth-and-sear-it-off taste of demonic angels.

Good. Hug him. But also steal his wallet. I don't trust his financial skills.
You steal the Godmodder's wallet, but not before it bites your hand off.


Goatsby poses menacingly, knowing what he must do now that his Stand has reached its strongest form.

Seek out Maximum Spin. Pledge to support him in his war, not as an underling but as an ally. Use 「2 Insects Over Heaven」to stop time and then unleash a Stand Rush on Consent-chan during stopped time before posing dramatically and resuming time.
Your angels swarm, then rush Consent-chan! 50 damage!

Be mildly offended at the implication that I am anything less than entirely supportive of my worshippers, but not so much that I don't bless 「2 Insects Over Heaven」 with the divine power of Bug Spray. That is, the ability to spray bugs. Holy bugs. Also, Goatsby himself is offered a Golden Fleece.
You are now my Goat Throne.
You give 「2 Insects Over Heaven」 the power of Bug Spray. The Godmodder narrows his eyes.

Be mildly offended at the implication that I am anything less than entirely supportive of my worshippers, but not so much that I don't bless 「2 Insects Over Heaven」 with the divine power of Bug Spray. That is, the ability to spray bugs. Holy bugs. Also, Goatsby himself is offered a Golden Fleece.
You are now my Goat Throne.


Gratefully take the Golden Fleece and wear it.
You wear the Golden Fleece.

I play the spell card, Meteor of Destruction, to target the Godmodder.
The Godmodder has 78 life points!

Become invulnerable,  and kill the Godmodder.
The Godmodder becomes invulnerable until you stop being invulnerable. You stop being invulnerable, and then attempt to kill him in a generic way. He kills you in a generic way. No respawn, yet.

Using my experience with time travel, figure out how to freeze time and stop the countdown.
You figure it out. You can't, or you go to my house, and stop me from updating.

Pry the Longinus from Rebecca's hands. Cut all her hair while she sleeps and frame the godmodder
You cut Rebecca's hair off using a microphone, because microphones are quite clearly extremely sharp and dangerous. Do you know how many novice singers get stabbed to death when they pick up a mike? It's a veritable many! Rebecca continues to sleep, and takes 10 dignity damage!

Doesn't anyone else want to worship me? :(

Using the natural dominion of gods over royalty, grant True Royalty to 1 Metatron.
1 Metatron stares at you blankly, and points out that he knows all seven syllables of Royalty.

Try to possess Godzilla.
You are now Godzilla!

Use magic to give Celerybimbo a meat body, telefragging Tallion.
You manage to fuse Tallion and Celerybimbo together! Callionbimbo summoned!

Fuses selves together after Andromeda got punched out of exist. Now channels his power. Now using knowledge and wisdom. Fighting more as a God than monster. Now in brilliant armor, wielding twelve wings he slices into dimensions and vanishes the battle field to the Akakshic Records. The Memory code of universe and reality.

He punches out the Eldar Clown guard who guards it and rewrites things.

Erase No clip mode from God moder

All angels and giant forks donate power to Tyrant Leviathan

As the stone slabs are rewritten cue smoke as he is back. Looking stronger and more in health as he plots his vengeance.
You literally move downstairs. Holding twelve wings (you had twelve wings? not anymore), you cut no-clip mode from Spin, and cast a great edict into the world. A great many angels and forks are subsumed by your grand maw, as the records of reality bend to assist you. You return to the Cosplayer's Convention wielding a gigantic fork as your trident. Your very being sears, a great flame shining as an aura around your being.

Stare blankly at Tyrant Leviathan, then transform it into a female goat. "You stole my 'write things into the fundamental structure of the universe' idea i was going to use next turn, and wasted it on that? :("

Then grant Goatsby dominion over goats and a host of minor blessings and powers including Goat Vision, Soundproofing, Thousand Islands, and Antigreen Charm.

Now turn back to the newly-minted Scapegoat Leviathan. "Upon reflection, I've decided to allow you to become a conduit for my divine power as well. This will only hurt for a moment, from my perspective as a timeless immortal deity. You are now the Griefer."

Grant my Griefer a lesser form of the ability Subvert Narrative, nerfed to only be able to affect the Godmodder. This power is contingent on its remaining a goat.
Hey, I wouldn't call it a waste. You give Goatsby a host of minor blessing, causing the Godmodder to squint and shake his head. You then attempt to warp Leviathan into a goat, but the divine will flows into the first of Leviathan's twelve wings, able to be applied as he choses! You call cheats, as does the Godmodder.

Then cue the logs of universe as it is written:   " He has control of his damn self. Being God of Monsters."

Sheds hair. Hair becomes male form of self. Snaps the goat and drains energy from false pact.

" You just did to me, more than the God Moder?!"

Leviathan now pro moder. Proceeds then to cleave into the false Heaven and starts wrecking angels with a soul burning spelll sword that can be of any length or size, in a instant. Swatting them like flies.:
You snap the goatwing, and go to False Heaven, also known as Rebecca's Abyss. You notice the crippling lack of angels, mainly because you consumed a decent portion of them.

Hair becomes male form of self.
So a male goat? Well, okay.
(trust me, you want to stick with the goat thing, Subvert Godmodder is going to be fantastic)

" You just did to me, more than the God Moder?!"
"I am the Godmoder. Or did you mean the Godmodder? It's a subtle distinction, but lives and worlds hang in its balance.

And yeah, the Godmodder is kind of a scrub, he needs to Git Gud."

(Remotely damage the Godmodder with my cruel burns.)

Swoop out of the physical realm at the last second to descend to the uttermost marches of Heaven and write the true story of the Godmodder's demise along a single vein upon the edge of one of the 40,000 leaves of the lotus blossom encircling the mortal Earth!

Then return, telling no one of what I have seen, and prepare for battle, serenely confident that what will be must be.

I'm legally obligated to crucify people whose two posts are together in the turn evaluation. The Godmodder's face becomes closed, whilst you write the true story of the Godmodder's demise! We live in a post-truth era, unfortunately.

"Stop hurting my poor demise, man. She doesn't deserve that."

The Tale of the God and the Usurper
The Godmodder is suddenly reminded that he needs to destroy people's favourite things, and walks up to Maximum Spin, and using his own personal no-clip cheat! He reaches into the realm of immateriality, before grabbing Spin's Godmoder status, and handing it to Rebecca. He then takes Longinus from Rebecca, snaps it in half, and hands it to Spin. The Godmodder believes in two fundamental rules -- the Godmodder is the rightful successor to every good and great thing, and that rightful successors should never be usurped!

The cosplayers watch the fight with the Godmodder. Callionbimbo rushes towards Egan, hitting his armour for 10 damage! The ZOMBIETRON 3000 bites Consent-chan's arm off, dealing 30 damage! Azulongmon flies around the fight scene! Griggorus awaits for a directive -- give it to it by tomorrow, or it'll kill everyone! Mictlantecuhtli cackles at the transfer of godhoods! Rebecca blushes as she realises that she lacks hair, before shrieking at the Godmodder! Using her new godmoding, she slaps the Godmodder in the face, dealing 3 damage! The Godmodder apologises profusely, and gives her a hair-growth solution.

Back on Earth, Mike Pence makes a phone call.

Everyone's a cosplayer, now!


Maximum Spin: 10/10 HP. Carrying Longinus, a microphone.
Greatness942: 20/25 HP. 「Thoth」.
bloop_bleep: Leader of the New World Order, Prophet of the Godmoder.
Mallos, the Great Goatsby: 15/25 HP. 「2 Insects Over Heaven」.
Puppyguard: In the fifth dimension, with the Godmodder's brother.
Tyrant Leviathan / 1 Therion: 45/50 HP. Blackened Suit: 100/100 HP.
Godzilla: 100/100 HP. Possessed by Zultan. Carrying a really big gun. 「My Only Gun God」.

Callionbimbo: 50/50 HP.
Griggorus: 125/125 HP.
ZOMBIETRON 3000: 85/100 HP. Angry.
Azulongmon: 100/100 HP.
Mictlantecuhtli: DEAD.

Rebecca Renee, of the Worldly Black: 50/125 HP. Godmoder.
Consent-chan: 120/200 HP. Holding a pamphlet on consent, handing them out. An Appointment With People Who Don't Consent: [10/16/17]

Secheral: Godmodder's consort?
Egan_BW's Angelic Armour: 40/50 HP. Holy Thorn Knight. Royalty.
The Godmodder: 75/100 HP.
Days Left: 23. [11/07/17]
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 03:49:51 pm by consumptiveAbsolutist »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #200 on: October 15, 2017, 07:55:59 pm »


In this order, use Soundproofing on Rebecca Black to mute her, then use 2 Insects Over Heaven to stop the Macroverse's flow of time and swarm her whilst simultaneously activating Thousand Islands. Then, resume time to let the weight of one thousand islands drop on her while posing menacingly.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #201 on: October 15, 2017, 08:16:32 pm »

Revive Mictlantecuhtli.
Insert witty signature here


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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #202 on: October 15, 2017, 08:17:18 pm »

Revive Mictlantecuhtli.
Kill Mictlantecuhtli.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #203 on: October 15, 2017, 09:59:37 pm »

Mictlantecuhtli isn't dead. He's DEAD. He's the fundamental essence of DEAD.

I guess I'll just have to repair Longinus with the remnants of divinity, consume the energies of the void to boost my HP to a more reasonable level, and SING FOR THE GODMODDER.

Meanwhile, draw power from my worshippers and the Void in an attempt to regain at least minor godhood.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 10:11:24 pm by Maximum Spin »


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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #204 on: October 15, 2017, 10:25:49 pm »

Rescind my title as Prophet of the Godmoder, seeing that Rebecca Black is now the Godmoder.

Go kill Mike Pence now. I wasn't able to feel the joy of Donald Trump falling to my might, thus I will seek compensation.
Quote from: KittyTac
The closest thing Bay12 has to a flamewar is an argument over philosophy that slowly transitioned to an argument about quantum mechanics.
Quote from: thefriendlyhacker
The trick is to only make predictions semi-seriously.  That way, I don't have a 98% failure rate. I have a 98% sarcasm rate.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #205 on: October 15, 2017, 10:30:43 pm »

Rescind my title as Prophet of the Godmoder, seeing that Rebecca Black is now the Godmoder.
Aww, but you could prophesy terrible things about her.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #206 on: October 15, 2017, 10:37:32 pm »

Griggorus awaits for a directive -- give it to it by tomorrow, or it'll kill everyone!

"I can't control the Griggorus. No one can! So,"

Make every player and friendly NPC (Callionbimbo, ZOMBIETRON, all of them except for the Griggorus) evacuate the proceedings. I actually will give it a directive, but that directive will be to kill everything it can. Let the Scorpion That Lies Between Worlds have it's meal.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #207 on: October 15, 2017, 10:49:22 pm »

Find his house, and edit the "Kill the Godmodder!" update so I am a mercenary under the Godmodders employ.
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
The first time you see this, copy it i

Maximum Spin

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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #208 on: October 15, 2017, 10:50:57 pm »

"Yessss. I willllll evaaacuate."
Escape, still singing, trailing inky nothingness all the way. if I still have any command over Azulongmon, convince him to follow me.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 10:58:56 pm by Maximum Spin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kill the Godmodder!
« Reply #209 on: October 15, 2017, 10:54:18 pm »

Take ZOMBIETRON 3000 and lead it out of the cosplayer convention. Watch with glee as Griggorus rips Mike Pence to shreds.
Quote from: KittyTac
The closest thing Bay12 has to a flamewar is an argument over philosophy that slowly transitioned to an argument about quantum mechanics.
Quote from: thefriendlyhacker
The trick is to only make predictions semi-seriously.  That way, I don't have a 98% failure rate. I have a 98% sarcasm rate.
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