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Author Topic: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Revision Phase)  (Read 12850 times)


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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Operations Phase)
« Reply #150 on: November 21, 2017, 01:55:47 am »

Clarifications on rule changes: (The Core thread has been properly updated with all the rule changes as well.)
1.) 5 agents per theatre, and if captured/killed you lose that agent next Operations Phase. Captured agents can provide intelligence to their capturers via interrogation. Operations are now longer-term and take place over a longer period of time, more representing the overall operation and not just some coincidental engagement where both agencies arrive at the exact same time.
2.) (New) Expense is now done in simple numbers (and National Effort). Expense will now be shown in numbers - "1x, 2x, 3x," etc. with the number representing the number of agents per theatre able to use this design. "National Effort" still exists but should be very rare, and represents something that can only be used by one agent in one theatre. These are the conversions from the old expense values: Cheap -> 6x, Expensive -> 2x, Very Expensive -> 1x.
3.) (New-ish) Design rolls are now based on Sensei's ICAR and NUKE9.13's BFA. Designs + Revisions are assigned a difficulty that determines the modifier, there's only one roll, and that roll uses a 2d4 dice. See the Core thread for more details.
4.) There are completely new Theatre Control Bonuses. See the Theatres spoiler for the details.
Operations Report, 1957

Human Power Inc. [5/5 Agents]
Objective: Locate and receive blackmail documents from crowded bar.

Once we realize the courier is actually missing, our agents are set to the bar where the documents were to be held for safekeeping. The agent on Overwatch is placed in a nearby skyscraper with a Portable Radio and HOMER, instructed to open fire on any confirmed MOLE agents. The agent on Deep Infiltration gets in a couple of months in advance as a rookie bartender, and the rest are assigned to utilize Sneaking to appear as if they were bar patrons. One sneaker is given the portable radio. We can only hope he isn't killed as soon as he walks in.

The beginning goes fine. Our cover continues intact despite how bad our agent is at being a bartender. As the bar closes and the time to retrieve the document from its safe in the bar without suspicion comes, the Sneaking agent wearing the radio comes in. The entire bar seems confused at this. But suddenly, two bartenders begin hustling towards the back room - where the documents are. Suspicious of MOLE involvement but not certain, we begin the retrieval early and the bartender KOSMIC operative moves in. Yet one of the bartender splits off and blocks our agent from advancing, making strange small talk. The other continues.
Our agent's patience is wearing thin at this point, but we aren't willing to risk a diplomatic incident.

The bartender is unable to get through, but our man on Overwatch spots him walking out through the back entrance and informs the portable radio wearer on the ground. He organizes the rest of our agents to rally out the bar in pursuit of the MOLE carrier. MOLE picks up on this and their entire team - almost simultaneously - gets up in pursuit of our agent. 
Luckily before the carrier can get far, the Overwatch agent gets clear shot and takes it. The carrier falls down, likely dead. The sound of the shot incites the civilians at the bar into a panic as they try flooding out of the exit. Fairly quickly afterwards, our agents can all hear police sirens in the background.

Both MOLE and KOSMIC exchange fire, but our agents in the open don't have any cover, and eventually they manage to hit one - likely killing them. The dash to the corpse is interrupted by police cars screaming around the corner and coming to a sudden halt between the bar (and MOLE) and our agents. Seeing that they'll likely be shot at if they all make a run for the documents, two agents are left behind while one grabs the documents.
According to the two surviving operatives - the one that grabbed the documents and the one on Overwatch - the two agents distracting the police were arrested. But their distraction gave our carrier time to disappear into the city with the documents safe in hand.

It was expensive for us, but we managed to prevent MOLE from using the documents as blackmail against HPI.
1 MOLE agent KIA. 0 MOLE agents MIA? | 1 KOSMIC agent KIA. 2 KOSMIC agents MIA.
Human Power Inc. is now on High Security, and police will be much more present next year.
Astria holds control of Human Power Inc. [A: 4/4; M: 0/4]. Astria can now begin infiltrating Merkan and gains the bonus: Can assign +1 agent to one theatre.

Singleton Arms [5/5 Agents]
Objective: Prevent MOLE sabotage of Astrian tank testing at Singleton Arms facility.

The facility in question is easily infiltrated with our agents before the date of testing - a bit after the Human Power operation. A schedule is assigned for Overwatch duty watching the tank - and also use of Deep Infiltration. The rest of our agents largely wait outside the facility as their disguises don't gain them permanent access. Sneaking allows them to get in, but not to stay in.

One day the Overwatch agent sights a suspicious group of workers at the area hosting the tank. They wear strange hats with some kind of wire in them only apparent after a while of continued observation- remarkably similar to MOLE's hats at HPI, Command remarks.
Eventually our agent spots one of them doing extraordinarily suspicious tinkering with the tank. He opens fire on the tinkering agent before they can do any damage, but is quickly overwhelmed with gunfire as the rest notice and open fire with their own concealed weapons. Due to his preparation and position, the cover prevents any wounds while he calls for backup from our waiting agents outside the facility. Though there's no doubt that the police were called as well. That gunshot would have been heard across the entire facility.

As the MOLE agents realize reinforcements are coming, they throw one of their signature suffocating-smoke grenades, immediately filling the entire room with a very thick opaque smog, disappearing before our armed agents arrive. A siren approaches in the distance as a few police cars park outside. The sneaking agents scramble, hiding their MP54 Cs. The agent on Overwatch has more trouble, though. He manages to disassemble his HOMER to the point where he can begin disassembling it on the move, but by the time he gets to the exit of the facility he's confronted by police and taken into custody.

We believed we drove MOLE off, but later it was reported that with the tank's catastrophe of a test, Astria cancelled the tank's program and contract with Singleton Arms. Merkan came in afterwards, securing their relationship with Singleton Arms.
1 MOLE agent KIA. 0 MOLE agents MIA? | 1 KOSMIC agent MIA.
Merkan gains further control of Singleton Arms [A: 1/4; M; 3/4]

Global League [5/5 Agents]
Objective: Eliminate VIP at Merkane airport before their airplane takes off.

Eliminating the VIP was easy.
Just a matter of the man on Overwatch using their HOMER to the fullest potential.
Something not as easy, however, was the Global League security response. They zeroed in on our team's position nearly immediately. Not wanting to cause any more of a diplomatic incident, three of our agents - the ones caught - surrender. While two make it out alive and unharmed.

While Global League's interrogation techniques should be ineffective, there has already been a decision to greatly increase the security this year and the next, with routine searches to prevent another sniper sneaking into position.
The reasoning for the assassination of the VIP has also been called into question, and in response to the VIP testifying against Astria as well as Astrian weaponry present on the scene, our governmnt has claimed that the "terrorists" responsible for the 1954 Human Power incident were also responsible for this.
3 KOSMIC agents MIA.
Global League is now on High Security, and security will be much more present and conducting routine searches next year.
Astria gains further control of Global League [A: 4/4; M; 1/4] If Astria holds the theatre for one more year, they gain the bonus: Can bypass type-restriction on Revisions.

Merkan [5/5 Agents]
Objective: Find and eliminate Merkane MOLE before captured by MOLE.

Our Overwatching agent sets up at the tallest building in town, and all our other agents are given basic disguises and radios to aid with the search. It takes a while to locate the mole, but eventually the distinctive sound of a A-R1940 and the new silence of one of the searching agents over the radio gives their position away. The Overwatcher quickly finds their location, but while they stick out, [1d2=1] the night's latent darkness and buildings they hide behind prevent any effective sniping. Our sniper shoots whenever they get a chance, but their tactics just prevent a hit from being made.

The MOLE agents accompanying the MOLE are eventually stopped by two police cars and get in. Knowing that the Merkane police in the area would be cooperative in a case like this, our Overwatching agent attempted to shoot out the car's tires.
One of the only lit lampposts of the town is destroyed as, careening out of control due to a shot-out tire, one of the cars crash into it after colliding with the other police car. The other car is knocked directly off the road straight into a building.
Unfortunately, no one appears to have been harmed.

They don't exit the cover of their crashed cars, and the reason why becomes apparent when the room of our Overwatching agent is raided by the police, arresting him. The rest of our agents - previously pursuing MOLE based on directions over radio - scatter.

The Merkane parliament considers preparing the police for more situations such as this, but ultimately decide that would be far too militaristic. For now, the government remains un-infiltrated.
1 KOSMIC agent MIA.
Merkan maintains control of their government. [A: 0/5; M: 5/5]

Expense Credit!

Special Agent Sayuri Tressler Dolvich enters the party dressed just as if she were an unassuming worker. Without pause, she walks through the festivities until she reaches the interior. She surveys her surroundings as she puts up an act of working. The Tycoon, a fairly obvious and poorly-dressed man, walks in accompanying a man dressed in a very expensive tuxedo. Both make their ways to the stairs.
But there was a flaw in the tuxedo-wearing man's disguise. Agent Dolvich knew it well - the imprint of a Merkan Subduer hidden beneath the fabric.

Without a pause, Agent Dolvich casually brushes by the MOLE agent. Just as the two are adjacent, she pulls the Subduer out of the tuxedo, exposing it. Feigning a fearful collapse to the ground, Agent Dolvich points a terrified finger to the man - screaming about his gun. A security guard pulls out his pistol and points it at the MOLE. With his hands raised and security storming in, Agent Dolvich takes the opportunity to make her entry upstairs undetected. As she locates the third floor, she can hear gunfire.
A quick backing into a closet gives the Special Agent space as more security come rushing down the hallway. She exits again and locates the room holding the book - still protected by one guard. As the sound of gunfire continues, though it draws further away, Dolvich uses the chance to eliminate the guard protecting the room with a single shot from the MP 54C.

With no one the wiser about her entry of the room, she grabs the small book from a shelf in an ornate desk. She looks through the windows. A search party is being formed. The Agent haphazardly jumps from the window and slides down the shingled roof, landing on the ground with a roll. Before the search party has the idea to return to check the mansion, she disappears with book in hand.
KOSMIC earns an Expense Credit. It can be used to increase the expense of any design by +1 for a turn.

OVERWATCH and HOMER are nice and all but, according to Command, they have obvious flaws. They're extremely obvious and result in the frequent arrest of our agents. The effectiveness paired with this aforementioned obvious nature points to a significant chance of MOLE aggressively reacting in ways to reduce their effectiveness. Command doesn't have any specific requests, but advises you to be careful with this field moving forward.
It is now the Design Phase of 1957. Vote for a single Tech or Skill proposal to be worked on as this year's design.

Theatre objectives for next Operations Phase:
Human Power Inc. - A party involving a high-up Astrian official and representative of Human Power Inc. is set to occur in a luxurious penthouse at the top of one of Astria's tallest skyscrapers. We are already planned to be present as official security, so MOLE - which is no doubt coming to crash the party - will have the element of surprise. KOSMIC must protect both VIPs (as long as one lives, we should be fine). However, according to an admission from the Astrian official, there will be more illicit activities (we believe bribery) going on, and we have to prevent MOLE from obtaining evidence of this activity.
Singleton Arms - Unfortunately, Merkan has learned of, through their newfound relations with Singleton Arms, a train full of freshly manufactured weaponry - one of the few contracts Astria still has with Singleton Arms - being prepared at a remote train station. Singleton security is minimal right before and during the train's transit from its original station to a temporary stop in Astria. If MOLE waylays the train to a Merkane train station or simply stop it altogether, then they'll be able to disrupt one the last remaining vestiges of our government's historical cooperation with Singleton Arms. The security times means both MOLE and KOSMIC agents will likely have to conduct the majority of the operation during the train's movement.
Merkan - A separate branch of KOSMIC has reported success in raising a small amount of terrorists rebels in Merkan. A shipment of weapons is being brought to them via truck, and we believe MOLE knows of and is planning on stopping this shipment. The planned route is largely just busy roads, but at some point a lengthy bridge is crossed then an hour is spent in a fairly remote path in the mountains; we believe MOLE may strike during these parts of the route. We have to insure the shipment makes it through these parts unharmed. If no vehicles are designed, we will be provided our choice of basic civilian vehicles to use for the operation if we so desire.
Global League - The Astrian "terrorist" agent captured by the Global League in 1956 is still under imprisonment, and there's rumors that he's starting to crack and may talk soon. The prisoner is scheduled for transfer to a less-regulated prison belonging to one of the Global League's nations. The transfer will be happening on a very large prison boat which is planned to leave port the soonest our agents can get there. MOLE is tasked with capturing or protecting the prisoner from harm or extraction by KOSMIC.

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 10:52:29 pm by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Design Phase)
« Reply #151 on: November 21, 2017, 05:16:29 am »

Okay. I personally think we should give up the Merkan mission as a wash for now. We have too many other things to focus on.

Anyway, here's a few suggestions:

Quote from: Hired Goons (skill)
To make up for our limited number of agents, additional funding has been provided to acquire additional manpower on site. Whilst almost certain to be less allied than our own agents, the ability to hire support drivers, couriers, security guards, criminals or any other individuals as required will allow our agents to focus on the important aspects of the mission.

Quote from: Mixed Martial Arts (skill)
Due to the increase in security in multiple theatres, access to lethal equipment will be limited. Instead, we have trained our agents in a plethora of unarmed martial arts, to allow for both lethal and nonlethal incapacitation of hostile forces.

Chief: As there's no special mission this year, will we be able to assign Dolvich to a theatre this year?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 05:18:20 am by Kashyyk »


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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Design Phase)
« Reply #152 on: November 21, 2017, 06:41:51 am »

Alright. So. Four missions:
Party Security: Easy- we're on the same side as the heightened security. Existing tactics should work out here.
Boat Infiltration: Doomed- with the vastly increased security and our diminished agent numbers, we might as well not bother.
Train Protection & Convoy Escort: In both cases, agents on foot aren't gonna cut it. We need a vehicle.

Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker" (Tech): The people at Astrian Automobiles are true patriots. Either that, or they really liked the vast quantities of money we offered them to help design this car. The 57 Sneaker is loosely based on last year's model, but it has been souped up like nobody's business. The engine has double the power of commercial models. The frame has been made of a special alloy that is both lighter and stronger than the standard steel. The paneling is reinforced, to the point where small-arms fire will bounce off harmlessly. The tinted windows are bulletproof safety glass. The wheels are rugged, all-terrain affairs, set on some astonishing suspension. And that's before you get to the car's special features.
A small machine gun is hidden in the bonnet; with the press of a button it pops up, and can then be aimed and fired from within the car, using a joystick.
Flicking a switch causes blades to pop out of the wheels, which can cut other cars' tires to shreds.
A panel in the roof can slide open, letting the driver and any passengers eject by pulling a lever beneath their seats. The driver ejecting will cause the car to self-destruct in 30 seconds.
The license plates can be swiveled to show one of three different sets. Several cans of spraypaint and rolls of masking tape in the boot let the occupants disguise the car (albeit crudely) given ten minutes of privacy.
And of course, the Sneaker appears to be a totally ordinary car, indistinguishable visually from AA's other model this year, the 57 Standard- which is being exported in vast quantities at very low prices, meaning we can expect them to be a common sight on the road in the years to come.

I'm not sure how ambitious this is- please tell me if you reckon it'd be too hard.

Edit: Well, with CW's confirmation that the car is possible, I'm gonna vote for it.
Quote from: V.B.
Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker": (1) NUKE9.13
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 02:12:49 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Design Phase)
« Reply #153 on: November 21, 2017, 07:30:41 am »

Yup, it would give us the best shot at succeeding those two. We do have to admit that we're probably not going to succeed at holding the Global League for now, it might be best to let the heat die down a bit there. That, and we're at 2/5 Agents there.
Quote from: V.B.
Hired Goons:
Mixed Martial Arts:
Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker": (2) NUKE9.13, Jilladilla

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Design Phase)
« Reply #154 on: November 21, 2017, 09:55:00 am »

I advise the revision this turn makes the radio smaller and more like a backpack. But for now, may as well go for it.

Quote from: V.B.
Hired Goons:
Mixed Martial Arts:
Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker": (3) NUKE9.13, Jilladilla, Piratejoe
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Design Phase)
« Reply #155 on: November 21, 2017, 08:14:35 pm »

Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker" (Tech): The people at Astrian Automobiles are true patriots. Either that, or they really liked the vast quantities of money we offered them to help design this car. The 57 Sneaker is loosely based on last year's model, but it has been souped up like nobody's business. The engine has double the power of commercial models. The frame has been made of a special alloy that is both lighter and stronger than the standard steel. The paneling is reinforced, to the point where small-arms fire will bounce off harmlessly. The tinted windows are bulletproof safety glass. The wheels are rugged, all-terrain affairs, set on some astonishing suspension. And that's before you get to the car's special features.
A small machine gun is hidden in the bonnet; with the press of a button it pops up, and can then be aimed and fired from within the car, using a joystick.
Flicking a switch causes blades to pop out of the wheels, which can cut other cars' tires to shreds.
A panel in the roof can slide open, letting the driver and any passengers eject by pulling a lever beneath their seats. The driver ejecting will cause the car to self-destruct in 30 seconds.
The license plates can be swiveled to show one of three different sets. Several cans of spraypaint and rolls of masking tape in the boot let the occupants disguise the car (albeit crudely) given ten minutes of privacy.
And of course, the Sneaker appears to be a totally ordinary car, indistinguishable visually from AA's other model this year, the 57 Standard- which is being exported in vast quantities at very low prices, meaning we can expect them to be a common sight on the road in the years to come.
Tech Design: Astrian Automobiles "57 Sneaker"
(Normal) (2+3) = 5: Average

The 57 Sneaker sure is something.
The first thing in the report coming from Astrian Automobiles is a profuse apology for the non-inclusion of the machine gun and switchblades in the car. In fact, most of the special features just didn't make the cut. Annoying, but just a "minor setback" according to the company. They mention that attempting to put all these features into the car was certainly an engineering challenge to them. Luckily the fact that cars aren't some novel thing offsets that difficulty.

The biggest breakthrough in the care is the alloy - which remains unnamed by AA. It's quite expensive, but does its job reliably. Small arms fire should do little to no damage against the special alloy. Though we aren't very confident about its performance against explosive damage. Really small arms fire, like pistols, should actually ricochet in entertaining ways!
Though it does get smudged easily. Command is worried about that part.

The engine is higher grade than most civilian vehicles and can push the vehicle to higher speeds and acceleration, but our agents have to be careful as pushing the engine too hard often results in it cutting out. The windows are bulletproof but can't actually be rolled down lower than an inch. According to Astrian Automobiles, the weight and thickness of available bulletproof glass is just far too great to work properly with their mechanisms for rolling down windows. The wheels and suspension are more fit for off-road activity than the Standard, but not by much. AA states that the vehicle "is best fit to use on roads of all type and many types of terrain with low height variation."
There is a(n alloy) panel on the roof that can be opened, but no ejection seats. AA reportedly tried that, but their attempt had a nasty habit of ejecting people into the ceiling of the car.

Spray cans and masking tape are included and the license plate is easy to switch with different variations but the switching has to be done manually. The car is generally similar to the Standard, but the bulletproof glass windows are somewhat of a giveaway if someone specifically examines them, and if someone really examines the body they mind find something ever-so-slightly odd with the appearance of the unnamed alloy, even under the paint. But these two differences are minor compared to the overall appearance and similarity to the AA Standard.

Expense is an odd one for this. We can afford 2x car per theatre with two seats each. So we can effectively "equip" 4 agents - by fitting 2 in passenger seats - with this even though we have 2 cars per theatre. AA reports that the majority of the expense comes from the manufacturing of the alloy.
It is now the Revision Phase of 1957.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:17:21 pm by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadow Race - Astria, 1957 (Revision Phase)
« Reply #156 on: November 21, 2017, 09:26:57 pm »

Well, since its relevant and can be helpful...
N.E.F.E.R.U: The Nocturnal Encounter Firearm Equipable Ranger Utility is quite simply a scope designed to be attached to our rifles. As the name suggests, it has a infrared mode as to be able to aim and hit targets that are either in a location that is too dark to see normally, or more likely, blocked by MOLE smoke grenades. The scope is also designed to have an adjustable zoom in its normal mode, allowing anywhere between 1 to 8 times zoom. It also should be able to be used like a spyglass, should one using it not have it attached to a rifle.

This is a counter to those smoke grenades MOLE has and its also not too far out of our grasp seeing that infrared tech has been around since WW2, so we could probably get that from the military.
And now for a few more revisions

D.E.M.O.N: Demolitions Equiped Mechinisms On Now Is the project name of adding a few of the extra things that wheren't added to the sneaker. Of high importance is the addition of the switchblades and a fix to the engine so it wont cut out, of secondary fixes are to make the windows less of a give away and a machine gun or cannon in the bonnet, but these are secondary and only something that is to be worked on after the switchblades and the engine fix. As a tertiary objective, a hidden trunk in the back large enough to fit a person, however, we doubt that we will be able to work on it as its literally the last thing on the list to bother including.

M.O.R.E: Minimized Observational Radio Equipment Is the objective of quite simply, disguising our radios so they are less of a giant neon sign saying KOSMIC HERE pointing at our agent, and just generally, more useful for the whole job of sneaking around and not getting detected. Ideas on how to do this range from making the radio itself look like a backpack to making it look like a purse or satchel. Quite simply, there isn't much more to the objective here then just quite simply making it more hidden in some way or another.

A.W.A.Y Advisory workers Affiliate Youth Is a project of getting a few of our young teenage interns working on a bit more then some unclassified paperwork. Quite simply, it gives them the job of acting like mail men and giving a few selected customers some junk mail that they are sure to read and not burn in the trash. Of course, there is more to it then that, the letter itself looks like nothing more then a basic mail spouting on how the recipient qualifies for a legal claim or how they are most assuredly would be interested in some annoying product, however when the note is burned, there is a flame proof list of orders and instructions for the agent to read along with the order to remember these orders, and of course, destroy the note in its entirety. This is so we don't have to keep having our agents come back to base to get orders and so that they can stay more reasonably under cover then they would otherwise.

Alright, I might come up with a few more, but for now, enjoy what I have made, or not.
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.
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