I am back and starting developing a high-fantasy mod that essentially boils down to "Vanilla DF but with just more stuff". See, I like the High Fantasy mods out there, but they don't feel too too right for me. You know? Even if you generate a new world, it feels like the mods have their own inherent lore on their own, which is an issue that I want to avoid. (Or at least, in my eyes it's an issue)
So expect races and subraces that aren't crazy looking thing-people with StarWarsey names and shallow "deep lore". Just very simple stuff that could fit in your average Fantasy universe from the 70s/80s. I really, really wish we could mod new buildings and types of sites in the game, but until the map rewrite or until someone figures out how the game generates and implements structures and proposes a fan-fix of the many generation issues, then I'll just stick to races, animals and items. Oh well.
To make it feel like "Vanilla DF but High Fantasy", I'm trying to think of ways to make each race/sub-race somewhat unique in terms of gameplay. You know? With their interactions with the world and the dwarves. So if like, if I add a High Elf race, then they should have something unique going on. Same goes for Orcs, they can't just be strong raiders who ruin everything, because the Goblins do that job already pretty well.
Beside that, I'm probably just going to add whatever I like. So stuff like Elfquest Elves and Gelflings, who knows?
Well, that what I have in mind, but I'm feeling like people have seen that kinda stuff over and over again. So it might be just better to come off with something a little less... predictable? I think I just wanna do a generic High-Fantasy mod just so that there can be one and call it a day. But at the same time, may be doing something more... Alien might interest people.