2, 3
You haven't been out in a while and your memory of where the local homesteads are is a touch hazy. It takes you two days of scouting before you come upon one - a surprisingly fortified homestead at that. A stout wooden palisade surrounds the cluster of huts and pens, with trees cleared some distance away from the edge to prevent stalkers approaching unseen. There is a single entrance from ground level, a wooden gate, above which a raised hut with small windows serves as an archer tower. Now that you think about it, you aren't too many days from Korobatbat - didn't that village periodically demand tribute from its neighbours? This level of fortification might well make sense.
The good news is that the homestead seems fairly prosperous. You make forty kobolds living here, two thirds of which are in fighting shape, with most of the rest children and a couple of the elderly. They have a fat herd of pigs and their rice paddies, while outside the walls, seem fruitful.
Unfortunately, you aren't as small as you once were. While the sentries on the wall (half a dozen, bows and spears) don't spot you outright, they do see the movement of trees caused by your passing and shout an alarm to the workers in the rice fields - the kobolds begin fleeing back into the homestead walls while inside those kobolds within begin hurriedly picking up spears and javelins. The sentries start scanning the treeline, trying to find you.
How do you want to approach this?
A) As a raid. Snatch as many kobolds from the fields as we can before they get into the safety of the walls, then retreat into the treeline.
B) Violently. Destroy the gate and charge in, slaughtering kobolds before they can finish arming themselves.
C) Stealthily. Circle around and wing over the walls on the far side of the homestead, then attack them from behind.
D) As a livestock raid. Circle around and wing over the walls, then grab as many pigs as we can and retreat.
E) As a burglary. Circle around, wing over the walls, and loot the homestead of valuables while they're distracted. Grab a pig or two on the way out.
F) Threateningly. Present yourself and demand a tribute in livestock and valuables.
G) Diplomatically. Present yourself and offer them a small amount of your hoard for their food and livestock.
H) As a conqueror. Present yourself and demand they submit as your subjects.
I) Not at all. You can tolerate your hunger a little longer and seek out another homestead.