Ayyyy reeeds! :O Having horribad internet at the moment; it's hindering my performance.
Sectioning my post to address many things.
I don't think so.
Well, I'm currently suspecting Tiruin for not having ANY suspects more than I suspect you for the mafia avoiding your suspects, right now, actually, so I'm going to unvote you and vote her.
flabort: Alright. It seemed like there were a few links missing: why them not killing one of the people I voted for makes me look suspicious, what makes it look like they actively avoided my suspects, and why this doesn't point at anyone else whose vote targets weren't nightkilled. Can you clarify?
Well, it's less suspicious today than it would be tomorrow, hence me unvoting you for now, BUT, you had the most suspects and changed votes the most out of anyone day 1; as such, if you were scum, then you were spreading out "suspects" to look town, but then the scum killed one of your non-suspects so that you wouldn't have to come up with new fake-cases on the remaining suspects of yours - in fact, your fake suspects would look even more suspicious for having survived.
But then, it's still early in the game and probably too early for me to pull out that card. I was pretty much just jumping on the first thing I noticed about you and blowing it out of proportion while I looked for anything else suspicious.
Flabort, I'd love for you to make a
comprehensive case on me rather than one that tries to invoke a meaning by itself.
Because you're not representing me there--you're representing your viewpoint, and I have mentioned before that your viewpoint is both LACKING and...it's not definitive, as if there's an agenda beforehand (and it's really being sandpaper-y with my D1 notes on you AND doll)
Do you think my 'lack of suspects' has any validity when I've
concisely detailed my views on who ISN'T MY SUSPECTS (and thus, can be suspected in itself of 'maybe she's scum! Because she's playing it safe and withholding her views!'), because ANY OF THESE are not mentioned by you other than a generalization up there.
Can y'all provide some feedback on this whole hector-Lenglon back and forth? I'm worried I'm letting my not insignificant frustration cloud my judgment.
It might even get you assholes to actually post for a change. 
I stand by what I said before, in that I'm STILL BLOODY SEEING LENGLAG THE SAME [but for Hector, adding notes] (and that 6pt message is mean :I I'm still culture shocked by how casual y'all use expletives! It's like Captain America in the modern time)
Problem is, what I've got in my list of notes is that I'm feeling more confident that there is a 3 person (y'know, approximately) scumteam, because there's a sense of a lack of standing out--as those I've noted AS standing out are partly playing...somewhat shallowly. Like Flabort. :v
That said, I'm unsure why you're chasing after Lenglag ifinasmuch as that LENGLON's power fused with SHAKERAG--Shakey may have been SCUM [Mafia] and she joined him and is backing him up; HOWEVER it seems unlikely given how they've been posting lately, and within the details of what had happened last night.
Unless I'm forgetting,
TolyK, were you the dude who stated you'd do a mass-block N1?
I recall reading something on some kind of that back in Day1.
Now lets' have some Day 2 reeds.
Many are gray because i haven't had time (because no net :V) to update my notes and otherwise.
Everyone: Why is FoU or Flabort being the spotlight of the day? (as far as I've gathered as it seems anyway)4maskwolf - Same as FoU
FallacyOfUrist - Haven't followed on this guy thanks to a ton of otherguys that were more interesting [no offense]; hasn't stood out to me earlier.
flabort - I'm now unsure, rather than my earlier (and better) read back on D1 given his behavior lately [and the content within]; while it is understandably believable that one forgets or otherwise misplaces information about their OWN ROLE, especially in IMPORTANT situations like 'I revive when dead -- I'm on the lynching block? [I guess I didn't ask that one thing on what happens :x]'...there's a strange lack of quality that's consistent now that he's making a case...to me?
Bias aside, re-reading his chats with doll do give the same feeling that they may both be town [I was more certain about doll, and to reiterate which is why I chose not to target him thanks to that, by believing his earlier notes of 'I'm ded d2']
hector13 - >_> I'm totally lacking time. Gray. What I've read thus far ias pretty okay-ish though. More details to follow if I can.
Jack A T - Tied with TolyK;
Lenglon-Shakerag - Town. Or SK. Whatever. Both are against mafia. And I'm doing all I can do protect their pink cloaks. :3 ...Because Shakerag is a pink shyguy.
Persus13 - I've not read much on him (Ok I have), and he's in the gray too. There's little standing out about him as I'm recalling only vagueness when I try to recall out of the many people present.
Tea - Town; with Pozzai. But Pozzai somehow never flipped :V But I still believe he's town.
TheBiggerFish - Ugh. Where's the activity. Unsure if scum because it's unhelpful, but the night never speaks as much as the day.
TheDarkStar - Gray; following up.
Tiruin - Hi. Boop me tonight or poison me. :v
TolyK - Curious; hasn't followed up on me lately despite his stance on the latter part of Day 1; tied with Jack in a way. Somehow has something with Shakerag/Lenglon that I may have lost in my page re-reads. If grouped as scum; TolyK/Jack/Shakerag may be a team :V as impossible as it seems.
Also I'll test if I've a vote;
TheBiggerFish.Why I'm doing that is the same as before--he's a middleman in my reads list of gray, and middleman meaning 'he's not participating but posting literally everywhere else on the forum; what posts he does here is pretty much in brevity and not leaning one way or another--in a proactive way'.
TDSunvote because I can see townflabort killing off doll. I mean, I can see scumflabort doing the same thing, but it's not enough to make me think he's scummy. I need to reread his interactions before I decide to vote him. Fallacy is still on my suspicion list (from yesterday) but I need to read through today again.
PPE: Bleh, this was supposed to be posted yesterday.
Why would Flabort kill off doll, to bring up the presumption given EVERYTHING OF DOLL'S CONTENT YESTERDAY?!
Also why have you never mentioned that DCSS is taking up your time back in my somewhat-casual request yesterday?

Also I'll vote to Extend because I haven't found a good alternative target yet.
Wasn't it stated by
Webbywubs that we can't extend?