The main worries I have with shields is bypassing the need for penetration, either by crushing people behind the shield, knocking it to the side, or using effects that travel around it, such as fire, gas, or curses... Although it certainly is very useful to have some mobile cover against small arms and equivalents.
Mostly though, at this point, I do not believe that we can afford to outfit our whole squad with armour. II suspect that the free equipment is free as an exception to ensure that we have equipment, and is not actually representative of how expensive something with the same materials and construction would be. I feel that "like the free stuff, but better" ought to be about 15, free with a bit of extra, but would actually turn out closer to 75 due to not being free at all, and could even go up to twice that if armour cops a cost malus from volume rather than a cost reduction from the need to have everyone looking suave in matching uniforms...
In short, I don't think that we are getting both armour and artillery. And we are probably getting the artillery, which rolled disaster on bugs. I would like to reroll those bugs. Sure, it might seem inherent that artillery be heavy, destroy stuff near the target, and have vulnerable munitions, but it could be lighter and easier to handle, it can be made more specialised in its destruction, there are multiple ammunition types afterall, no need for incendiary to destroy heat-resistant materials with concussive force, fragmentation should be all about making holes over a large area, no need to have a big blast-wave crushing things after it has sent the fragments around. H.E.A.T. is shaped-charge, it is meant to be directional, the more directional the better as far as making a hole in something very tough and it also means less destruction to the surroundings. High Explosives are meant to make a mess of the region, but even then, there is little value in starting fires... Se even the collateral damage can be improved. And modern explosive tend to be very stable when not specifically triggered. Safe storage is kind of one of the great design-goals of logistics, and military loves its logistics, especially for the sort of high-volume shooting that you tend to get with situations that call for big explosions.
So yes, the flaws are things that you tend to expect from artillery, but there is a lot of room for improvement there.