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Author Topic: Gods of Creation 2 IC  (Read 12361 times)


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2017, 01:58:05 pm »

"Why not allow me into the club? I can offer more than just madness, I can offer something to benefit your mortals such as love, it will make them breed faster and grow quicker, and some of the madness I bring can be used to make over zealous warriors" Erin says this
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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #106 on: May 19, 2017, 04:28:37 pm »

"I'll accept you in, then, Erin, if you agree to owe me a favour at a later date.  Who knows when passion might be needed?"
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #107 on: May 19, 2017, 04:37:33 pm »

"Thank you now I need a few more votes"
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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #108 on: May 19, 2017, 04:56:53 pm »

I Say get in here.

"My family cannot thank you enough brother! Now I need but one more vote..."


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #109 on: May 19, 2017, 04:57:51 pm »

@Bluexdog/Erin: "Alright, I'll let you in on the condition of not receiving the gift. Got enough moving parts in my mortals."
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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #110 on: May 19, 2017, 04:59:33 pm »

"Alright I wont give them the gift of madness
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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #111 on: May 19, 2017, 06:10:41 pm »

Turn 4

Mortals finally walk upon the earth. After an incredible amount of time lingering in the heavens, they are set down upon the world.

The Daktils were among the first, though the shades may have been sooner, the god of narration is unsure and they are quite ready for their new lives. The violent boar people find the moss of this world, while capable of sustaining them, bland and boring to hunt. They seek the thrill of carnage, of hunting, of war. Then arrived the Daslugs (I keep saying this like Daaaa Slugs, like they just walked into a party or something lol). These large wormlike creatures are mild and squishy, but provide meat for the Daktils. During the mating season they grow a think spiked armor, and provide for the Daktil's other need, a challenge. Daslug hunting and fighting almost instantly becomes an annual sport, much to the daktil's delight. Furthermore, they discover a new food sent from their god, the Zep. This anemone-esque plant lives a pleasant and peaceful light on the coastal seabed of the light ocean around [Daktils Be Here], but die after giving birth to young. Sharp eyed daktils can find a fair number of these salty treats if they know where to look. A fair number of daktils die to the predators of this land. While the glass spiders and the Mrikee are deadly, they don't receive the same level of reverence as the lurking decorator spider. Truly this beast is a formidable opponent.

Next are the Tortons. The hard shelled republicans hermits who hate minorities prefer to keep to themselves. These tortoise-esque have a natural desire to build walls and keep the rest of the world out. The tortons take up residence in Iphos, and immediately begin to understand the trials of living upon this world. They set out to tame the landslimes which have appeared in this area, and find it to be a difficult task. The aggressive and territorial slimes fire large rocks at the tortons. If it had been any other race, this task would have been impossible, but the tortons hard shell gave them some level of protection against the smaller rocks. Still, this made no difference against the largest of landslimes who would catapult boulders the size of tortons themselves. This led to the first deaths on your new world. This does not mean the attempts were fruitless, some land slimes were eventually domesticated into rather testy war machines. Its unlikely they'll ever be any more than that however, due to their size and temperament. The tortons also had issues with several other large predators. The first of which was the Mrikee, a creation of their own god. While these creatures weren't particularly deadly to the hard shelled tortons, they do manage to bite off a limb or appendage with moderate amount of success. However its another ambush predator that really gives them issues, the lurking decorator spider. This spider has a sinister intelligence, and is capable of understanding speech, however, its is incredible camouflage and power that makes it so dangerous. Capable of blending into almost any environment, the mountainous terrain of Iphos is child's play for these beasts.  That aside, the tortons which remain indoors and eat their xenophobe berries hedge-brambles, have surprisingly nice lives.

The Drachmites also descend upon the world. These symbiotes are actually composed of several creatures. The Drachmites appear as bearlike humanoids with a mane of long leech-like creatures, and calcifying colonial organism that grows over the body of the drachmite as it ages. These multiorganisms are matriarchal in nature and nomadic as well. However, they find city life to be fairly acceptable as well. They take up residence in the Celestial Meridian along with the Xaryia, who openly harass and bother their new neighbors, keeping them out of several sections of the city. Many drachmites find live near the city gates preferable to the inner city, as it allows them easier access to the fields of moss surrounding the city. This allows them to find food, mostly moss and hub slimes, fairly easily. The drachimites report that the hydraslimes... well... they can't put it into words really. They seem a bit distressed by them, despite the species being entirely peaceful and even interesting to watch. The drachimites avoid the hydraslimes, and keep a fair distance from them.

To the south, on the island of Cariddia, a new species of "plant" takes root. They are tall fleshy trees with bright red leaves and hard white bark. They grow eyes like most trees grow fruit. These trees have a tenancy to stare at nearby creatures. It doesn't seem as if the trees are capable of complex thought, but the staring eyes are rather spooky if one isn't used to them. Some of these trees also spring up on the southern edge of the hub.

It seems that the last race to join are the Cups. These (humanoid?) lizards are part plant and part animal. They have flowers and beautiful greenery growing on their bodies. They are deposited in the Hub, outside of the Celestial Meridian. There they find endless fields of soft green moss, occasional bushes which mark the entrances to caves, and far far far to the south, actual trees. Well, they may not actually be trees but a sort of plant like eyestalk, but they look and act like trees. Here they begin their journey, among the soft moss and the with lots of sunlight. They are particularly fond of the Cthols, these strange somewhat deformed looking creatures move slowly and seem to think in a way and pace very different than most mortals. The move slowly, or rarely at all, they lounge in a sort of peace that most animals and mortals can't even comprehend. Your Cups seem to admire this, often basking near the odd monsters.

Another race joins the mortals during this era. The hydraslime. In a world of headless cyclopses, plant-lizards, smoky cave monsters, pig AND turtle people, and eye trees; these things are considered weird. And no one can tell you why. Not a single mortal can explain why they don't want to be near the creatures. In fact they likely tell you that they are rather interesting to watch from a distance and that they think the hydra slimes are probably very nice, but they just don't want to go anywhere near them. They are also usual in the fact that granting them a mortal soul, and all the benefits that accompany it, doesn't seem to have changed them at all. They aren't capable of speech, and don't even communicate really, they just sort of wave their long heads around in a manner that makes no sense. After studying it for a while, you come to the conclusion that its not even a sign language, its just general body language that all creatures use. They don't talk, and they don't pray to Mo. Or any other god it seems. Mo does get some influence income from them, despite them not really doing anything worship like. Weird.  This species has zero interaction with anything but itself, despite living in the Hub and in the Celestial Meridian, and not a single creature is willing to change that.

The cursed prince takes Stolen's offer, and has his soul transferred into one of the stronger shades. This, unfortunately, releases that shade's soul, which is the equivalent of death (albeit is one of the rarer ways to go). This breaks the curse on the prince, as he did technically die (his soul was without a body for a moment). He then retakes his body, after stolen magically enchants it to never decompose. The prince, now a shade living in his own corpse, gives stolen the flaming sword and returns to his own world.

The lizard wizard joins the world, beginning his stay with the tortons. He does so mostly because of their reptilian kinship. Most tortons see him as a shell-less torton, and he's a bit of a peculiarity to them. He sees the tortons as lizard people with shells, and finds them rather unusual as well. He decides to live among them until a source of magic is introduced into this world. Once it is, he will teach the tortons and then travel to the Orathals to teach them. After-which he will retire to the Celestial Meridian.

The demi-goddess Ire-Aka finally exits her mossy castle. She walks (carefully) through the Celestial Meridian and only squishes one or two unwary by-standards under her towering form. She almost steps on a hydraslime, but in the final moments before her foot sets down, she sidesteps, kicking over a building in the process. After that she moves out of the city and walks across the moss fields. She comes across the Cups there, and seems to take an interest in them. Its at this point you realize she has no mouth, as she doesn't say anything to the cups, but just creates a small species of flowering plant around them. It seems as though she plans on lingering in their company for a bit.

The two new Gods continue their campaigns to be accepted into the pantheon. The muck god only needs one more vote and the passion god needs two more votes (I think).

Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness... In the distance a new world comes into being. It is close enough that it is view-able in the night sky of those who live in The Celestial Wheel. This is the work of the god Kyazir. He begins crafting an island chain and pilfers a bit of water for his ocean. This is no big deal, as there is incredible amounts of excess water for additional wheel hubs. The world is completed rather quickly, but it is barren and devoid of all life. The Tasatha wait in stasis for the world to be finished.


The first petition comes from the Inter-dimensional Association of the Afterlife and Spirit Worlds. During this era, the first mortal souls have shed their mortal coils, and this seems to be creating issues. With no afterlife to escape to, these souls are just floating around your world. Now, a certain amount of free floating souls is fine and an indicator of a healthy world, despite their tenancy to metamorphose into less savory forms, but a complete lack of soul disposal can lead to some major issues. So the IDAASW has come to bring this issue to your attention.

The IDAASW also has the second request. It seems an abandoned spirit world has drifted nearby and will likely collide with your world. This is seperate from the afterlife related to the first request, as this is a world of spirit beings, not the souls of the deceased. This won't necessarily be bad if it collides, but there could be some ramifications. The spirit world could latch onto your world, and become an additional plane. Or it could pass through and continue on drifting in the aether. Either way, unless action is taken, various spirit species could transfer to your world. You have a few options. For 8 IP, one could prevent the collision all together. For 5 IP one could ensure the the spirit world attaches itself to your physical world, thus adding an additional plane of existence, but also potentially adding some spirits to your world.

The third request comes from a familiar plant salesman. I have in my possession several species of plants, all of which only cost two IP. The first is a species of magical rose bush. It grows to the size of houses, and often has overhanging branches. This means that the bushes often have large open spaces beneath their long branches, very suitable homes for more natural races. The second is a type of tuber. It grows beneath the ground, like a potato, but it also has a tall stalk with a single large umbrella-like leaf. The stalk grows to be several feet long, with a very large leaf. The tuber itself grows to a decent size, about the size of a pumpkin. Its a slow grower, but a very low maintenance crop. Doesn't do very well in poor or rocky soil however. The third species is a fruit bearing nut? It looks like a big walnut, and if left outside for a day, it produces a small bitter fruit. Then of course I have a special offer, a race of cactus dragons. Poor thing's home was destroyed when an fire dragon lost a bet to an ice goddess. They cost 8 IP, and won't provide an influence income as they have a patron deity. That said, they will adopt any desert dwelling race that gives them a home.

The fourth request is from a Major Elemental Spirit of Fire. It looks like an incredibly intense fire contained within a suit of black iron. Fire pours out of the holes in the armor.  I [Veridicus] have come to make an offer. I will provide this world with the basis for fire specific magic. In exchange, I require a dedicated temple. It can be natural/god constructed or it can be mortal constructed. I will also require a fair number of servants, who will depart with me. A minor elemental will remain on this world and dwell within my temple to care for the magic source. The race that provides the greatest temple to Veridicus will serve as a host for a minor fire elemental spirit and some of its members will be blessed with knowledge of fire magic. (Note: All can learn fire magic after this, assuming they can make it to the temple to learn, it will just be much much harder for the losers).

Player Inventories
Spoiler: Mo (Demonic Spoon) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Guldenix(NRDL) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kyazir (Taricus) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Waukahan (Snowdwarf) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Stolen (Iituem) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Netreth (crazyabe) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Janos (micelus) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Maumanai (Leonardo8 ) (click to show/hide)

(Ugh, I had these fixed in my notes, but then didn't save them. So if you see any that look wrong, let me know).

Spoiler: Free Actors (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Player Races (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Other Races (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Landmarks/Objects (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Hub (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Light Ocean (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dark Ocean (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Iphos (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Daktil Island (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Cariddia (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kyazir's Planet (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Magic Sources (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Magic Spells (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mortal Knowlege (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 09:46:02 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #112 on: May 19, 2017, 06:43:33 pm »

I Simply stand around and wonder what I shall do.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #113 on: May 19, 2017, 07:00:29 pm »

Pass turn.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #114 on: May 19, 2017, 07:01:33 pm »

"Please my godly friends allow me to join you, I can make the mortals happy"
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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #115 on: May 19, 2017, 07:15:18 pm »

Stolen assumes the form of a female Orathal once again.

"Wahuakan, I have an offer to make you.  Death comes to this world, by mortal hand and our own, and I know you would claim dominion over such a thing.  To craft an afterlife and draw all mortal souls into it is an undertaking even the mightiest of us cannot accomplish alone; let me help you.  I will lend the rest of the power needed to do this task if you allow me the right to determine what becomes of the souls of those races I claim, and those individuals who claim fealty to or worship of me."

Proposal: Create a Mega-Landmark (as such), the Afterlife.  This would cost 50 IP; if Wahuakan will offer 34IP, Stolen will contribute her full 16IP to the task.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #116 on: May 19, 2017, 10:36:30 pm »

"I like the cut of your jib, Veridicus. My Daktils are gonna be the baddest bastards around, with your firepower, bwahaha. much is this deal gonna cost me?"
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #117 on: May 19, 2017, 11:10:06 pm »

"I like the cut of your jib, Veridicus. My Daktils are gonna be the baddest bastards around, with your firepower, bwahaha. much is this deal gonna cost me?"
Just slightly more than everyone else is willing to spend.


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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #118 on: May 19, 2017, 11:18:41 pm »

"I like the cut of your jib, Veridicus. My Daktils are gonna be the baddest bastards around, with your firepower, bwahaha. much is this deal gonna cost me?"
Just slightly more than everyone else is willing to spend.

"How delightfully vague. If you're not gonna be straight with me, then we ain't got no more business to discuss. Harrumph."
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

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Re: Gods of Creation 2 IC
« Reply #119 on: May 19, 2017, 11:23:27 pm »

Enthusiastic slurping noises echo in the minds of all deities present.

"I'd like to remind you all, I'll be giving 2 IP to the next of you to support the entry of myself and my children. We don't want, nor do we need charity, and we don't want to be a burden on this world or its pantheon. We'd be extremely grateful for the chance to make ourselves a home in this world's waters."

"I like the cut of your jib, Veridicus. My Daktils are gonna be the baddest bastards around, with your firepower, bwahaha. much is this deal gonna cost me?"
Just slightly more than everyone else is willing to spend.

"How delightfully vague. If you're not gonna be straight with me, then we ain't got no more business to discuss. Harrumph."

"Why not pile up a whole bunch of sticks and light 'em on everlasting fire with a thunderbolt? That ought to be cheap and get his attention all the same."
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