Carrier capable
Yeah, no. Certainly not with the carriers we have available to us now. A high-speeds-at-low-altitude plane has, by definition, low lift at low speeds (such as take off), meaning it needs a pretty long runway to get going. Also, it's probably a size bigger than what can fit on the Z.
Miscellaneous improvements for the Dustbiter
-It's probably implied, but might want to state that it's not a single-pilot deal. Crew should be about 3-5.
-Not sure about how powerful aT-J41 engines are, but I don't think we'll be lifting a multi-ton payload on just two of them. It should be a four-engined aircraft.
-I'm pretty sure that if it has a multi-ton payload, it can lift more than a single Saltseeker. The Saltseeker should be around 2 tonnes, maximum.
-If you're looking for greater lift at low speeds but low drag at high speeds, this thing could use a variable-geometry wing. Or not, since that would be extra complexity.
-Include a ground proximity warning system (could be a beeper that goes off if the terrain ahead is closer than a certain distance) just so that our ace pilots can ignore it for coolness points.
-Name it "Low Blow".
-Right, yes. I envisioned it as a 2-crew thing, though it could be 3. I'll specify 2 crew for now, might change it to 3 later.
-Hmm. All the planes I modeled it on have two engines, but then they are firmly post-war era planes, so probably have more powerful engines available. I'll do some more research.
-Saltseeker weighs 4-7 tons, per Sensei on Discord. Could maybe lift two. I'll mention it as a possibility, but I won't insist on it.
-Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd love to stick variable-geometry wings on this thing. But that'd be 20 years ahead of time, and even then it's a pretty complex technology.
-That's what the second radar is for. I can mention that it beeps, I suppose.
-Is that a reference to a Queen song?