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Author Topic: Wands Race - [Moskurg] {COMPLETED}  (Read 199662 times)


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2670 on: July 02, 2017, 02:53:13 am »

Send Hayat to the
(2) Desert: NUKE9.13, Kashyyk

Send Al-Mutriq to the
(1) Same place as Hayat: Kashyyk


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2671 on: July 02, 2017, 08:19:04 am »

Send Hayat to the
(3) Desert: NUKE9.13, Kashyyk, Madman198237

Send Al-Mutriq to the
(2) Same place as Hayat: Kashyyk, Madman198237

NUKE, I won't say I told you so about the range bracket.
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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2672 on: July 02, 2017, 08:23:54 am »

Uh, it does work Madman, we did drop their artillery two range bands which means we aren't getting shot to bits by them.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2673 on: July 02, 2017, 08:29:53 am »

Tar, there was an argument. One of NUKE's points was that we would likely not be able to manage adding another -1 to their arty range. The entire basis of my spell was doing so, his was trying to funnel them into channels.

Luckily for me, my sanity, and our soldiers, his plan did not work, evidently.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2674 on: July 02, 2017, 03:25:01 pm »

That or what eS was saying was that their range is reduced by 1 range bracket while focus is held, and focus is held more with the leader in charge.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2675 on: July 02, 2017, 03:27:58 pm »

That or what eS was saying was that their range is reduced by 1 range bracket while focus is held, and focus is held more with the leader in charge.

"Enemy artillery loses on additional range, as long as he maintains focus"
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2676 on: July 04, 2017, 06:38:11 am »

And I can see that going either way.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2677 on: July 05, 2017, 12:52:14 am »

Combat for 942

This year sees Moskurg spend their entire turn to refine their control over the storm even further with a new spell titled "Winds of Ruin".  The spell essentially works by lending the intent of the casters to the storm itself, allowing the rain, snow, wind, tornados, and lightning to be focused and cast Beyond their Line of Sight.  Most importantly, the spell allows the mages to focus on enemy shells flying through the air and attempt to blow them off course.  This manages to blunt Arstotzka's artillery range by two levels...when the wizards casting can maintain focus long enough to use the spell to their advantage.  Thankfully, unlike many of their first attempts at ambitious spells, Winds of Ruin doesn't kill their mages or drive them insane.

Arstotzka, on the other hand, doubles down on their crystal this year.  Their first design is the "Protector", which is essentially a giant, lopsided crystal box on wagon wheels.  Equipped with primitive transmission, guns with limited ammo, and a rather piss-poor mobility system, it's...kind of rubbish.  The most important aspect of the design is the fact that it uses a new type of engine known as an "Internal Detonation Engine".  With a smaller size and greater output than their earlier steam engine, it relies on a rather complicated circuit system and the magical input of a dedicated Apprentice.  Just as important, the Protector opens the door to more advanced land-based vehicles, threatening to change the face of war once again.  For their revision they upgrade their crystalworks to Crystalworks Mk2, which makes a bunch of their crystal stuff and circuitry cheaper.

The jungle sees Moskurg start to push further north.

The Winds of Ruin does its job...most of the time.  Arstotzkan HA1 has its range reduced by two distance units; normally this would put Moskurgs more primitive ballistas in the lead, but Arstotzka's Crystalworks Mk2 managed to put their +ER shells to merely Cheap.  Both Moskurg and Arstotzkan artillery is now at Extreme range, but the age of Moskurgs ballista systems is starting to show.  Though their crews are more thoroughly trained, their shots rely heavily on wizards casting Lucky Shot to hit their targets.  The wizards casting Winds of Ruin are lead by a single Leader who lends most of his will to the storm, but even he occasionally loses focus and Moskurgs own shots are blown off course.  And when they DO hit, the shells have...disappointing effect, compared to the stupendous explosions of Arstotzkan shells.  Though Arstotzka now has more HA1's, they can't field them to their full potential as they need three mages to a cannon and they have just as many cannons as mages.  Nearly every available wizard is pulled to HA1 firing duty; ultimately, though they're firing at the same range, Arstotzka has more artillery cannons and they fire with a greater effect.  On the bright side, the reduced range means Apprentices don't have to go on suicidal artillery-spotting sorties with flares any more.

The jungle doesn't really see the Protector being in use here, as the uneven ground and twisted/fallen trees are not conducive to the touchy wheels.

Arstotzkan HAC-1's are now Cheap, though they're strapped for wizards to man them full-time.  Most of the time an HAC-1 is placed in each artillery nest, and when Moskurg carpet bombers fly over everyone stops what they're doing to shoot at them.  Moskurg War Pegasi riders are now completely useless at carpet bombing, and with the short range on their Wands of Thunderbolts they must stand at afar and call down lightning from the storm.  More powerful is their Airships, which with Arstotzka's blunted range can now once again safely stand at max range and chip and pick away at enemy lines with impunity.  The decks are just large enough to carry a mage group to cast the complicated Winds of Ruin, which is then used to rampage tornados, lightning, and howling winds through enemy lines.  Once again, the frequency of debris in the jungle makes the tornados very effective, and with mages continuously power them they don't lose power over time like a normal tornado.

Arstotzkan infantry still meets with Moskrugs from time-to-time, winning more often than not thanks to their improved armor, razor-sharp crystal axes, and gun-weilding commanders (who generally fire once before switching to their axes as the gun takes too long to reload).

Arstotzkan anti-mage hunters do a decent job at sniping unsuspecting commanders and mages, but with Moskurg off-loading more and more of their wizards to the air they're having less luck making a difference. 

Ultimately, the fact that Moskurg's tornados are extra effective in the jungle and their air-forces tend to stand off and attack from a distance (meaning their untouchable) means they can whittle away at Arstotzkan forces all year long.  The battle is close, and in a fair fight Arstotzka wins every time, but Moskurg manages to scrape out a narrow victory in the jungle.

Moskurg gains a section of Jungle this year.

The battle for the Desert is close.

The desert sands are not kind to the protector here either, though it sees success.  On the rockier ground it does better, but the contraption is so heavy that the wheels tend to sink into the softer sand.  The effect here is modest, but it does see some work as acting as a stationary pillbox at times.  The cooling system must work overtime to keep the engine (and cabin) at a reasonable temperature, and even then things get...uncomfortable.  The fact that the hull is made out of crystal with no obvious openings means its virtually invulnerable against Moskurg artillery, although concentrated firing is enough to engulf the vehicle in flames.  This means the wheels break down and the occupants must flee to avoid suffocation - the fact that they're merely Expensive means they can be used in surprising numbers and that makes it difficult to shut them down...on firmer terrain.

Tornadoes can be cast from beyond Moskurgs line of sight, along with their lightning and winds.  It takes its toll on Arstotzkan forces, though as long as they can continue pushing forward Moskurg must cede ground.  Again, without much debris like tree branches the tornadoes are less effective unless they pass directly over the heavily armored troops - calvary is virtually untouchable, aside from lightning strikes.

As a matter of fact, Moskurgs naval superiority has a greater effect than their tornados here.  Landing behind Arstotzkan lines does a decent job of throwing their lines in disarray, but Arstotzka still has superior infantry and armor-piercing guns so the surprise landings don't do as much as they could.

Relatively flat ground means Arstotzkan artillery still has the advantage, despite Winds of Ruin blunting range.  Their troops are still better for the occasional brief melee, and no longer requiring water means their guns only fall silent when on the move.  The fact that they can put an HAC-1 nearly everywhere means carpet bombers are a non-issue, though the Very Expensive Airships are once again untouchable at max range.

Moskurgs main saving grace is the fact that both Hayat and al-Mutriqahave taken to the desert, flying about and laying waste with their Wands of Thunderbolt and Wand of Heroism, respectively.  They manage to just barely fight Arstotzka to a standstill, and for a long time it seems like the two sides are at a stalemate.

Coinflip = Arstotzka.

The tide of battle changes when Hayat, brave and reckless as always, flies too low on a strafing run against an Arstotzka artillery nest.  A lucky Magehunter manages to get an anti-magic bomb arrow fired off in her direction, scoring a direct hit.  The Queens Will shreds to pieces beneath her, and she herself takes a frightening amount of shrapnel.  She plummets to the ground, and were it not for al-Mutriqascooping her off the sands and flying her out of the danger Moskurg may very well have lost their Heir.  The tide of battle shifts dramatically after that, with Moskurg reluctantly giving up a section of ground.  Arstotzkan soldiers wearily take another section of Moskurg sands.

Arstotzka gains another section of Desert.  Moskurgs Apprentice is Wounded, and they must wait a year to get their Revision Credit.

The plains is definitely where the Protector does its best, though its "best" is still lackluster.

The flat ground means it can move around unencumbered (unless it hits a pothole, which stands a decent chance of wrecking a wheel and stranding the vehicle).  The thick crystal makes it virtually invulnerable against Moskurg ballista bolts, and the HAC-1 on the roof keeps War Pegasi riders from getting close enough to smother the thing in fire grenades.  Only firestorm ballista shells stand a decent chance at defeating the device, by burning up the wheels and smoking out the occupants.  Even then, unless the gunners are killed, the ruined machine can act as a limited pillbox with what small ammo supply the gunner has.  Moskurg tactics generally involve waiting for a wheel to break or get shot off, and then rushing the giant crystal box and swarming the occupants. 

The limited amount of occupants means it isn't as effective as a "no-mans land"-crossing device as hoped, but the ingenious men on the field have found a way to artificially increase the number of men it can carry.  By putting the rear metal ramp on upside down so the hinge is on top and propping it open, it can act as a sort of mobile shield for a squad following close behind.  This limits the speed slightly, and if the Protector breaks down everyone is stuck out in the field with no cover moving forward, but it does help.

Tornados and lightning do their job, though tornados do a poorer job here than in the jungle.  Artillery is still in Arstotzka's favor.  No one has naval advantage.  Airships still pick and chip at enemy lines, thoughbeing Very Expensive limits how much they can do.

Bjorn and Myark fight on the plains this year.  Bjorn is frustrated with the rather mundane job of working artillery, eagerly jumping on a nearby HAC-1 for a sudden air-raid.  He succeeds in scoring two confirmed kills this year, though Myark worked himself ragged protecting the blood-thirsty young heir.  His bravery on the battlefield will go a long way towards convincing others in the noble court of his legitimacy as heir to the kingdom.

Arstotzka manages to gain ground.  It's not by a huge degree, but the battle does go solidly in their favor.

Arstotzka moves up another section and gains full control of Plains.  If they hold it for a year, they may exploit it for resources.  Bjorn fights unscathed and Arstotzka recieves their Revision Credit.

The Winds of Ruin manages to make the Airships relevant on the seas, working full-force to sink every crystalclad ship they can find.  For each ship they sink, two more pop up.  The crystalclad beign Cheap means they can afford to keep pressing forward, despite their losses.  The frequency of the ships means not every crystalclad can field more than one apprentice, but they don't need to.  There's simply too many for the Airships to kill, and the Sirocco is virtually obsoleted at this point and not terribly relevant to the theatre.  Despite their loses, Arstotzka continues sailing further south - though those loses aren't terribly pronounced, as Moskurg has a hard time penetrating the crystal shells at all.

Arstotzka gains a section of shoreline in both the Eastern and Western Seas.


A trader sails into your harbor this year on a very familiar boat...although instead of the familiar Chinese merchant you're used to, it's someone new.  He says his name is Cao Xiu, and he demands that you sell your magical secrets to him.  He refuses to say what happened to the former merchant, although you note that none of the crew seems to be the men who've visited you in the years past.  His grasp on your language is faltering and broken, but he seems to be interested in magical weapons, and is willing to pay you an Expense Credit for three.  This newcomer and his...mysterious nature makes many of the nobles nervous, and some suggest simply seizing his ship.  He's likely a pirate after all, and probably stole the merchants ship.  You technically wouldn't be stealing if you stole a stolen ship...right?

It is 943, the Design Phase.

Spoiler: State of Forenia, 943 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Moskurger Spells (click to show/hide)

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« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 10:08:44 am by evictedSaint »


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2678 on: July 05, 2017, 03:08:00 am »

Okay. So. Our nimble carpet riders are getting shot down. Our lumbering airships are too slow to pull off bombing raids.

Skyskiff: A compromise between Pegasi and the Alsamma Safina, the Skyskiff has both enough armour to survive Arstotzkan rifles, and enough speed to avoid their cannons. Shaped like a narrow boat, the Skyskiff carries four carpets in its hold, and carries a two-man crew- one pilot, who maintains the carpets and provides propulsion, and one bomber, who drops Firestorm Shells and fires Wands of Thunderbolts. The hull of the Skyskiff is covered in a layer of Adamantium, whilst the rest of the vessel is as light as possible to maximise speed.

Then we use our revision to create some better payloads... or perhaps improve our weapons/armour, since we're still losing infantry combat.

EDIT: Alternatively. Since we're, like, 2-3 turns from losing, if we're being honest, maybe we should do something more... drastic.
Remember when we spent, like, four turns developing anti-magic? Remember how our initial spell covered an entire theatre, until eS reconsidered?
Okay, so. We spend this turn designing absolutely nothing practical. We do theoretical work only.
Then! Next turn! As Arstotzka's troops march up to the gates of our capital!
We unleash the Final Spell.
We apply Tubikh Rrahim to the entire desert.
Their cannons? Useless. Their tanks? Useless. To be fair, so will our airships, lightning wands, and storms. But! Our basic ballistae require no magic to function. We simply go back to destroying them at long range with mundane weaponry.

Operation Finality: God is merciful. God is good. The word of God is absolute. All things come from God, be they magic or mundane. And all things must answer to His will. Legions of researcher mages will dedicate themselves to plumbing the depths of our anti-magic. We know that the power of Tubikh Rrahim is hard to control- to the extent that early versions of the spell prevented the mage from ever casting again. We sealed away this great power, out of fear. Well, we cannot let fear control us any more. Unleash every restraint! Throw out every safeguard! Let the will of God be made manifest in its full glory, consequences be damned!
(This is a theoretical research action to improve our understanding of Tubikh Rrahim's more ludicrously powerful aspects)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 03:25:06 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2679 on: July 05, 2017, 03:34:24 am »

While we're at it we should just banish magic from the world and teleport the island to the other hemisphere whilst rotating it 180 degrees. That'll solve all our problems as we will then, canonically not be defeated for another thousand years!

I'm more keen on Skyskiffs though, preferably with a revision to make our shells explosive instead of just burning.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2680 on: July 05, 2017, 03:48:34 am »

While we're at it we should just banish magic from the world and teleport the island to the other hemisphere whilst rotating it 180 degrees. That'll solve all our problems as we will then, canonically not be defeated for another thousand years!
I have suggested that before, yes.

But seriously, I think we should go for Operation Finality. The reason Arstotzka's cannons are beating us is because they've sunk, like, a dozen actions into them. The only thing we've sunk an equivalent amount of effort into is our anti-magic. It'd depend on how eS is feeling, and how the dice roll, but I really think that with a bit of luck, we could do this.
And, I mean, let's be honest. We're too far behind to win this war by fighting fair. We need to not just one-up the Arstotzkans, we need to completely change the rules of the game (so to speak). And even if it doesn't work, I'd rather go out with a bang, you know?
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2681 on: July 05, 2017, 08:05:25 am »

Actually by my read of it, the only thing we need to do now is make our Airships Cheap(er) and either improve Adamantium to nosell cannons or improve the Winds of Ruins even more. That, or make better/cheaper Ballistas as they solidly outnumber our Ballistas.

We're at the edge of pushing them back, we just need to be able to take advantage of their range limitation now.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2682 on: July 05, 2017, 08:11:28 am »

Revising our incendiary ammo to be explosive should be a good step for artillery.

I like the idea of the skyskiff too. It's a good compromise of individual carpets and the heavy Alsamma Safina.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2683 on: July 05, 2017, 08:28:33 am »

I really wish eS would cut down their ridiculous bull crap. I can't see any easy way to kill them, not if they can just "Crystalworks" everything.

So, my thought is this: Ramp up our lightning spells, using our new ultra-storm-control. We make lightning seek crystals, and make it powerful enough to shatter, not just crack, crystals. Seriously, I know enough about lightning to tell you that if their crystals can't be destroyed be the heat applied NOW, well, look it up. Lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun.

That, or we do as proposed...sort of. If we get massive antimagic area of effects we can shut them down faster than you can say "Useless primitives". Also, we'll have to try and make it Arstotzka-specific.

Also, eS, why in the name of goodness did WE NOT HAVE MORE BALLISTAE? They have to use THREE wizards for every one of their Extreme-ranged weapons, we needed ONE. Not even, if two ballista fire alternately and the wizard stands between them. We should have MANY more than they can operate, since we have more wizards than they do anyway.
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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2684 on: July 05, 2017, 08:44:40 am »

Reacting to us losing by calling Arstotzka unfair is, uh, kind of Arstotzkan (old Arstotzkan, they've gotten better after certain members left). I trust they rolled well on their crystalworks revision, and we have less ballistae because their are more expensive to manufacture.

That, or we do as proposed...sort of. If we get massive antimagic area of effects we can shut them down faster than you can say "Useless primitives". Also, we'll have to try and make it Arstotzka-specific.
Why must you always be so overambitious? Think, for a moment, how ludicrously overpowered what you're proposing is. To balance it, it would either be impossible, or so expensive as to be Theoretical.
Besides, on a mundane level, we outclass them. Remember when we first introduced ballistae? It'd be like that. So there's no need to be so ambitious either.
Long Live United Forenia!
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