But I don't think this kind of microscopic scrutiny should be normalized in all cases. The idea is to prevent people who will abuse their position from entering office, not punish people we disapprove of.
In all cases, no. For a fucking SCOTUS seat, or position of similar power,
maybe yeah.Same sentiment for the convict comparison. This isn't some kind of basic job being considered, nor something necessary for someone's survival, or anything even remotely along those lines. This isn't a "good job" or "good home." This is a consideration for literally the fucking highest judicial position in the country, and to an arguable extent by dint of it being the US's highest position the highest on literally the
entire goddamn planet.The standards. Should. Be. Real. Bloody. High. Yes, we should probably be holding significant drinking problems in their late teens/early twenties against them, because we don't fucking
have to excuse shit like that. We can say, hey, you know, maybe you stick to being an appellate judge and we find someone who
didn't spend their formative years thinking that was okay. We have that option. We probably should take it.
... beyond all that, it's
way past the point we should stop peddling the line that shit like getting blackout drunk is just "college shenanigans",
particularly when that bullshit is being used to attempt to excuse attempted or explicit rape. Shit isn't something that "just happens", it's something we as a people have been tolerating and in many ways encouraging, and giving how many people that ends up varyingly literally fucking maybe just
maybe we're due to knock that shit off a bit harder.