Uh. Heeelllgggoooo. The right wingers gone far enough to start doin' the militia thing in the US generally want to burn the government to the ground, set fire to the country's social order, and/or shatter the USA in a bunch of little pieces. They're damn sure advocating for as much or more societal transformation than your average left wing extremist, and they're also the ones most consistently actually challenging the state's monopoly on force (again -- they're the largest single bloc of domestic terrorists, here.) amongst all its other crap.
And they tend to get shut down much more fiercely by the state.
Oh aye, there is that. That TEVUS gander I took a bit back was pretty telling in the relative difference in proportion of "unknown" category stuff (basically junk they just didn't have certain sorts of info on) between right and left wing terror incidents. Cops got left wingers on
lock, comparatively, but they seem a lot less on the ball 'bout their counterparts.
Lemme try to find the thing I saw: edit: Not actually the link I saw before: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/15/charlottesville-militia-free-speech-violence They do slam the police in Charlottesville as well.
That definitely was somethin' pretty striking in the near aftermath. Lotta' conservative folks jumping to condemn the cops, tryin' to propose the genocide idolaters would have been harmless if only the cops hadn't screwed up/been sidelined by nazis.
Quite possibly the thing that's struck me as most
weird bit of this whole mess, honestly. However much it's true, normally you can't get right-wing talking heads off the police force's wang with a crowbar and hitched team of buffalo. Nazi gets loose from a swastika street party and they half seem quicker to slam the cops than they are the skinheads. Louder about it, too. Usually it wouldn't matter how the hell badly the cops cocked up, that lot'd be trying to spin things to downplay it and take a dump all over whoever the non-cop parties involved were.
All sorts of uncharitable as hell things that could be said about that, but I guess it's something like heartening that even most of the right wing'll throw shade at the cops when they drop the ball, so long as nazis are involved.