Her name was already smeared prior to the election by Benghazi and by her emails. The democratic primary was doubly embarrassing for her. On one hand she performed poorly against a candidate that had neither her name recognition or money. On the other hand people have been mad for years over the superdelegates and then the democratic party showed favoritism towards her. Plus there's has always been a lot of memes about how she either is pathetic for being cheated on by Bill or two-faced for continuing to stay with him. Which is obviously sexist crap but as we've seen with this election a few memes can go a long way.
All of these things resulted in an overall pessimism towards her. However most of the complaints against her weren't substantive. Benghazi was basically the government kicking the state department while it was down. Could you imagine if people tried to, for example, turn the Texas sniper attack into a witch hunt for the police chief? Republicans saw that a request to reinforce the security detail had been denied and smelled blood, so they ripped up every dark corner of the government looking for a conspiracy. There wasn't one, nor was there gross enough incompetence for it to be congress's business rather than the president's. The emails were always a scam. The secretary of states before her had a private server and the ones after her did as well. That doesn't make it right, of course, and an closed door investigation was justified. The scam comes from the angle Republicans took, that she had the private email server because she was hiding something. The thing is that every inch of that email server has been ripped open and there was no conspiracy, but the implication that there might be is somehow still there. Additionally the public nature of the investigation (against typical FBI procedure!) meant that her name was smeared even tho she was found innocent. As for the democratic primary... yeah, its scummy as fuck. But Bernie himself wanted Hillary to win the general election. There's no way in hell you could understand and genuinely agree with Bernie's ideas and think that Trump and Hillary are even slightly similar.
I don't know. If the backlash against Hillary were more proportionate or the general election had gone differently I wouldn't be defending her but this has always been ridiculous. If Trump is the stainless steel president where shit slides off of him, Hillary is like the... white t shirt that stains easily. The candidate for who can be forgiven for everything against the candidate who can be forgiven for nothing, even the fake stuff.
Edit: Also,
wikileaks published a searchable database of Hillary's emails. If anyone in this thread wants to use one of the "but her emails" conspiracy theories, I challenge you to actually link one of her emails that supports it. With all the journalistic attention this story has gotten, you shouldn't even have to do the legwork yourself.