Amazing how "no arrests or injuries" becomes "beatings and the rioting" in LoSboccacc's mind.
I'm also amazed that LoSboccacc doesn't see the irony of a fascist getting driven out of a place with protest and unity is somehow worse than the fascist in question giving a speech in which he incites violence and isolation. Either he has some kind of mental deficiency, or he's pretending to have a mental deficiency in order to troll people. The first one is forgivable, possibly treatable. The second is not.
It is amusing to note the parallels in how religious conservatives are usually more reluctant to conduct interfaith dialogues than religious liberals, much in the same way that progressives do not conduct interpolitical dialogues in Universities or the Media. We are all much alike in our flaws and virtues!
How about that
Wait, are you saying that outright fascism is now an acceptable position in the United States? That in order to be inclusive, liberals need to give a stage to authoritarian nationalists? Speakers who will then use that stage to call for violence and sectarianism?
No! I will protest
NOW against the violence and idiocy of the alt-right, not after they have a foundation!
We cannot be weak here. Steve Bannon is on the NSC. The Alt-Right candidate won the election, and disruptive protest is the
least we should do --
can do -- to overcome this trial. It would not be protest if it was permitted.