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Author Topic: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!  (Read 15523 times)

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #105 on: November 09, 2016, 04:08:04 am »

In light of Trump winning, we can't have him shoot at civilians, I'll plan a better mission, maybe we'll go purge the old administration or something.

Ok Trump and Janeway get another 5xp for winning the election.
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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #106 on: November 09, 2016, 04:14:42 am »

In light of Trump winning, we can't have him shoot at civilians
Sounds to me like we can have him shoot MORE civilians. Self-pardoning ho!
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #107 on: November 09, 2016, 04:19:11 am »

For Mirella

Buy 3x more frame charges, 10x napalm fuel mix (Stored in car), 2x 5kg TNT blocks (Also stored in car), 1x 1kg TNT block, 3x 250g blocks. Formal dress, collapsible grappling hook (Whatever that costs), perfume bottle filled with poison.

Do I get a bulk discount on TNT?

Total cost $1249 plus whatever the grappling hook and poison cost.

If, after all this, $7000 remains I will buy a sports motorcycle.

I realise I am buying a lot of napalm when I don't have a flamethrower but it seems like a good way to perform arson.

You buy 10 Gallons of Napalm for $100

We'll price TNT at $40 per Kg for consistency, but that's pushing it, because the production costs are at least $30 per Kg.

11.75kg of TNT will cost $470.

Formal Dress... you shouldn't pay less than $500 for that.

You get a climbing hook to go with your rope, for $50

Total 1120 so far.

You know poison perfume will just get absorbed by your own skin right? Unless you want the victim to use it.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #108 on: November 09, 2016, 05:18:04 am »

Here's an option for the next mission:

The guys at Cheiron went over the files and data recovered at the warehouse. They have uncovered shocking information of where some of the blood is going.

With the blessings of the new President Elect, the team is given a warrant to enter the premises, by force if necessary, and uncover the truth.

I'm also open to other ideas. Feel free to suggest some.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 05:23:11 am by Aigre Excalibur »
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #109 on: November 09, 2016, 01:19:27 pm »

I'm cool with that.  I'll post... later, I guess, still slightly in shock and don't really want to minmax Trump right now.

Spoiler: Trump's Shopping List (click to show/hide)

I'll figure out what to do with his stats tomorrow.

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #110 on: November 10, 2016, 11:46:49 am »

I'm cool with that.  I'll post... later, I guess, still slightly in shock and don't really want to minmax Trump right now.

Spoiler: Trump's Shopping List (click to show/hide)

I'll figure out what to do with his stats tomorrow.

Trump plunders the team funds and gears up.

For another 200 bucks, we added armor piercing cores to the Match ammo too.

We're down to 19,800 in the team funds.
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #111 on: November 10, 2016, 11:50:19 am »

still in the planning stages of my next character, not sure what i want to do.
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Glory to United Forenia!


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #112 on: November 10, 2016, 11:53:08 am »

Sean will buy a 8 more rounds of dragons breath, and a rapier.
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #113 on: November 10, 2016, 02:04:18 pm »

Sean will buy a 8 more rounds of dragons breath, and a rapier.


Cheiron group is also giving the team access to some entry level henchmen:

The Cheiron Blackshirts are a bunch of unemployables who signed their life away, are given basic paramilitary training and are told to pass muster or die. Those that survive are generally loyal and obedient enough to be used as muscle - the pay is good, and the Cheiron group gives them new purpose in life. Most of them end up attached to combat teams as extra manpower. They aren't smart enough to become full operators on their own, all are flawed in some way and are almost universally addicted to the combat stims given out by Cheiron.

2 freshly minted Blackshirts are being semi-permanantly attached to the team "for your protection". They are however, armed at the team's expense. Additional Blackshirts are available at 2,000 per man per mission.

Barney Brauchitsch

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Peter Petraeus

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Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #114 on: November 10, 2016, 05:17:30 pm »

Ah, dang, why didn't I catch that special rounds could be match?  Probably because I was checking ammo after one in the morning, but I still should have gotten that. >.<

Drop the steroids and use that 300$ to make the API rounds match grade.  Also, Trump is leveling stamina to 2, spending 10 xp.

As to arming the mooks, assuming they're pure combat, we should take their current guns away and give them JHP SMGs with light shields.  MAC-10s would be cheaper than their current guns, while MP7s would be more effective; the shield drives cost up regardless, but significantly increases their durability and lets us use them as better cover!  Explosives dude can just use hand grenades instead of his launcher, assuming we even trust him with such things.  Oh, and they should get some adrenaline too--it's cheap, and has a powerful healing/buffing effect without a real downside.

Also, I think we should have them both carry a couple kilograms of TNT, preferably without them knowing somehow.  False bottoms in their backpacks?  If they're mobile bombs, we can set them off after death, if they get grappled, or if they betray us (vamp hypnosis?).  Generally just a great idea, and it's not too expensive.

Not bolding the above though, as I've already spent over half our funds.  Sialia should probably get this call, unless someone else thinks it's a bad idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #115 on: November 10, 2016, 07:54:25 pm »

Could you change the rapier to a claymore and Sean will pump str to 2 and he will also buy sharksuit.
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #116 on: November 10, 2016, 08:19:51 pm »

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Shopping list to come.
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #117 on: November 10, 2016, 11:22:00 pm »

Syv has some really good ideas. If we give them 5kg TNT that's disguised we can also use them as walking bombs if we so require. They can take out a fair chunk of building that way. I really like it. Also I could not buy a bike and we could add two more quite easily, I may do that. The more we have the more effective the team can be against a single target. The rolls will work really well for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #118 on: November 11, 2016, 12:24:27 am »

Alright, here's what I'll buy. Approximately, because I'm not the accountant here.

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Anything I can make myself, do so.
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


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Re: Inquisition - Base Camp: Now recruiting for mission 3!
« Reply #119 on: November 11, 2016, 03:46:43 am »

Egan are you really claiming that bio has an inteligence of 3? And composure of 2?
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