The AAR is planned for if/when I finish. It'll basically be a more polished rereading of the thread, with occasional interludes for NPC chatter nobody was around to hear, such as Hideaki talking to Maria about his Sasha concerns, or Pedro tapping Danis FTE and convincing her to include him on the PLN, which gave him the PLAN.
And the scene where Pedro gets the escape button and tosses it into the incinerator.
Sasha is the planned protagonist for now, but you're right; it's a multiplayer game. She's not going to be able to have all the fun. You guys shouldn't worry about the gaze shifting unduly on her. She does have some very interesting secrets though.
And Yuki is a lot of fun to watch try to deal with everything. Sasha reads like Emiya Shirou, but Ito reads like Makoto Naegi.
If I had only had the forethought to put in a Madoka Kaname type into the story...
Oh wait
I did
Quickedit: almost forgot to post what I originally meant to: my computer is dead and needs to be sent in for repairs. Unfortunately, the game is on hiatus while that's happening.
During the meantime, I will be brainstorming possible murder plots given floor 2. And writing them down. Then there will be a block of FTEs once I return. And then, and only then, will the second... Case... Happen. So I'm not abandoning you guys.
You can expect sparse updates from my phone but nothing complex. It's hard to type with my meaty manfingers.