The world is full of trenches. Every continent, country, and city has miles and miles of trenches and millions of miles of barbedwire, minefields, and artillery craters.
The enemy has taken defensive positions. But, so has your army. You are in the middle of a field near Smithsville. The enemies have been entrenched about one thousand yards across the no man's land.
For about a year, both armies have took and lost these trenches over and over again.
The Commanding Officer looks over the top of the wall.
"Okay lads. Looks like they're gathering for a charge. Defensive positions."You hear the tweeting of the opposing CO's whistle. For a few seconds nothing. Then you hear it. The steadily rising scream of nearly a hundred men.
It is early Afternoon.
((Roll for position indicates that, Reginald is in the Reserve Trench, Mowry is in the Front line Trench, Tillman is in a Machinegun nest twenty yards behind the front line, Bill is in the Reserve Trench, and Hiroharu is in the same nest as Tillman))
Reginald Esquire: You sit in the trench with you head and rifle just over the side of the sandbags. You see over the craters and debris, seven soldiers coming straight in your direction.
Michael Mowry: You and Louie had been having a wonderful time playing I spy in the frontline, when now there's like a bazillion men armed to the teeth running to your trench. Louie starts to say something, but a whoosh of air and a wet sucking sound silences him. He disappears into the muddy floor below you. The rifle report is heard a quarter of a second later.
'Abe' Tillman: Your game of poker is interrupted by the gunner firing three short streams of bullets and him requesting an ammo resupply. You look at what he was shooting at and you see the wave of soldiers.
Bill Alabaster: You sigh and take a short peek over the trench wall. Your face is spattered by mud and splinters as a bullet hits just before you. You sit back down for a sec.
Hiroharu: In the same nest as Tillman, you throw down you hand of two aces and two eights and follow Tillman's cue.