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Author Topic: Gods of Creation IC  (Read 29009 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #255 on: June 04, 2016, 05:14:01 pm »

Asteros observe the strange travellers approaching his universe. He is particularly interested in the Warlock and the mage, so he greets them both with open arms.
He speaksto the mage first"Welcome here Inobi. While this world is young there are already many forms of magic and i will make sure you'll find the adventures you seek.
Then he speaks to the warlock"I appreciate yor effort to eliminate the plague of Pherse's minions from this world, you havbe my full support on that."
Let the mage and the warlock in


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #256 on: June 04, 2016, 06:33:20 pm »

Kyazir merely stifled a laugh as the petty feud between two gods continued to escalate into larger and larger warfare, with far more death and suffering. Still, that was the game of others, and Kyazir turned elsewhere to focus his efforts.

Spending 20 IP, Kyazir creates a small continent some distance southeast of the eastern continent, sculpting it to have a few mountains and several river valleys and highland areas, and that the climate of the area is temperate, if a little on the comfortably warm side. Currently lifeless, the continent is rich and fertile and would easily support a multitude of life.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #257 on: June 04, 2016, 10:21:43 pm »

As Triniteus kept watching over the Sunlit Elemental Chaos, he thought how empty the chaotic lands were.
Sure, the Asthates and some Golems roamed the land. But overall, it still lacked some more life.

Create an animal species and a vegetal species for 10 IP each :
-Eltrian Trees : Leafless trees with a somewhat crystalline appearance capable of surviving the harsh conditions of the elemental lands. They are capable of absorbing and storing elemental energy to some extent, and will gain different properties depending on the soil they grow in.
> "Fire" Variant: red colored, they increase temperature around them. Their fruits are called Sear Pears
> "Ice" Variant: crystal blue colored, they lower temperature around them. Their fruits are called Frost Berries
> "Thunder" Variant: bright yellow colored, they generate electricity. Their fruits are called Shock Grapes

If one of those fruits is planted in elemental energy-rich soil, the tree will grow according to the soil element.
If one of those fruits is planted in a soil lacking one of Triniteus's elements, the tree will grow according to its fruit variant and will slowly saturate the soil with elemental energy.
Eltrian woods have countless uses, but many of the most complex uses will require specific knowledge.

-Aldezards : Quadrupedal creatures bigger than a lion capable of quickly changing the element of their body, allowing them to adapt to the ever changing conditions of their environment. They are omnivorous predators yet can sustain on elemental energy to some degree. They live in packs, and are very territorial.
They may be tamed with the required knowledge.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 02:24:09 am by Nakéen »

Happy Demon

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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #258 on: June 04, 2016, 11:46:10 pm »

[Sleeve, Snake of Medicine]

Sleeve slithers up to one of the Anorath she had saved, and pulls a feather from them.
Then she takes a feather from herself, and finally, she takes a scale from a Lamia.
She puts them together, and they absorb each other, becoming a glowing blob.
Sleeve molds what this creature will become. With attention to the voice, it'll have a very pretty voice, that can be used to soothe and calm.
The blob is a fist sized bubble, with something inside. Two feathers, a scale, and part of a being. A chest, a neck, and half a head, the mouth and nose.
Sleeve puts 5 points into the blob.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 01:03:56 am by Happy Demon »
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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #259 on: June 04, 2016, 11:54:48 pm »

[Sleeve, Snake of Medicine]

"Wait, wings."
Sleeve flies off to the Alarri lands.
Sleeve looks for the Lamia diplomat she left in these lands.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 12:00:48 am by Happy Demon »
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #260 on: June 05, 2016, 02:22:42 am »

A travelling salesman of antiquated and strange objects has two objects for sale. It doesn't take divine premonition to see that this guy likely sells snake oil, smoke, and mirrors. But perhaps he has one or two legitimate items. I have a great deal for the divines today. There is in my possession, a rare and powerful artifact. Its a very very powerful seed. It will grow into a giant tree, which, will increase the fertility of those who live near it. I'm selling this for a measly 7 influence. I mean, what a steal.
"Sleeve, since you will receive the benefits of the giant tree as well, I was wondering if you would be willing to give me the Harp? I intend to improve it"

Use 8 Power to resurrect as many Tortons as possible.
Name the joint Lamia-Torton-Inax settlement Sun's End, and order the Tortons to turn it into a fortress
Buy the giant tree seed for 7 IP and plant it at the center of Sun's End
The Tortons should begin studying warding magic in earnest, and use this to further fortify Sun's End
Om stops physically manifesting
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 02:31:30 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #261 on: June 05, 2016, 09:03:14 pm »

Turn 8

Xenraft creates one of his first true mosnters. The grimelings. These short apish creatures are photophobic and hate light. They are strong and have great endurance. They have sensitive eyes which grant them superior night vision. Its possible that some of these creatures may be trainable, if the tasks they were to do were carried out in the dark. These monsters are released into the Western Forest.

Sleeve  appoints the greatest Lamia musician to be the harp-bearer. With time, they will be able to play it for hours on end.

Sleeve then takes 200 Lamia and trains them in combat. These medic soldiers are trained in hand to hand combat, but often avoid killing their enemy. Merely disabling them with a few broken bones or so.

Xenraft goes down in mortal form to try and teach the Lamia non-lethal combat, but finds he is without the Influence necessary to do so.

Sleeve then decides to bring Synic into the world. Sleeve does so so that the mercenary for hire can join the Torton army and fight against the luminites.
Synic look at sun's end, makes a dissatisfied grunt, and "commandeers" the nicest quarters in the camp. The torton who previously lived there, and build the home, went to try and find lodging elsewhere. Despite being gruff, unfriendly, and somewhat of a bully, it appears as if this large soldier will be very very good at slaying Luminites.

Sleeve collects several pieces of other races and puts them together in a blob, and tries to invest 5 IP into, but she discovers that she was out of influence and must wait to invigorate the blob.

Two of the other heroes are allowed into this realm are the warlock, who didn't give a name. In fact, you can't remember him ever saying anything, even what he was here for. But you know what he's here for somehow... Best not to dwell on things like this. You mustly forget that he's here in the world, as he is so quiet. The silent warlock goes about his business without making a sound. No footfalls, no swishing of robes, no hiss of dark magics as the sky goes black. Nothing at all. After about two days of completely unalarming darkness over the jungle, the ravens appear. There were still five left in this world to cause madness and mayhem, but they all were captured by the warlock. You don't remember this happening, but you have a strong feeling that all of this happened. Thinking back on the whole thing, you cant remember what he looked like or anything else about him. Only that he was a warlock here to take away the ravens. He was however, a very nice guest. You can't remember him speaking, of course, but you feel that if he did speak, he would have been very polite. And he even left you a gift before he left, despite you not knowing exactly when that was... One hundred and fifty spidery alarri appeared in your jungle. They seem significantly less evil now that they aren't under the Raven's control.

The final hero granted access to this world is the apprentice mage Inobi. He is a strapping young mage who's curly brown hair and lanky body have all the hallmarks of a mage to be. That is, they're slight singed by magic gone wrong. Thanks Asteros! He says, smiling and happy to be on his way to becoming a full fledged mage. A moment of horror comes across his face I mean, thank you divine god, sir! The mage, looking apprehensive as he expects a lightning bolt to smite him in the next few seconds, but when none come, he moves on. He spends time with the alarri, learning true name magic and learning about the world.

The new god Kyazir is the second god to join this pantheon after its formation. Seeing the world already created, and filled with life, he decides to create his own land. It is further south than the other two continents. The land itself has several mountains, with many river valleys and highlands. The climate is a warm temperate one and the land holds much potential to support life.

Triniteus looked down upon the Sunlit Elemental Chaos and decided to plant trees here that would be fitting for such a land. The Eltrian tree is a crystalline tree which can absorb elemental energy from the land it lives in. The energy absorbed changes the tree itself. Trees in areas charged by the element of fire have a redder color and give off heat. Their hot red fruits are called sear pears. Similarly, trees growing in frosty areas are a pleasant blue color and give off a biting chill. Those trees produce small bluish berries called frost berries. Finally in the thunder elemental areas the trees take on an electric yellow coloration and lightning can be seen arching between their branches as they produce electricity. They produce shock grapes. If any of these trees are planted in an area lacking elemental energy, they will grow whatever fruit they last grew and start charging the soil with elemental energy. This process is slow and quite stressful for the plant, especially if the conditions are poor.
Triniteus also created a large quadruped creature, similar to an extra large lion, which can quickly change their elemental alignment to adapt to their environment. These large creatures are territorial, live in packs, and are omnivores.
The quest for the tablet continues, and the Asthates draw ever closer to finding it. However, the closer they get to it, the more common golems are. At the start of their quest, the golems were infrequent and could be seen far off in the distance. Now it as matter of sneaking through heavily populated areas without being detected. A lone golem is easily avoided, but avoiding several at a time is becoming more and more difficult. There are as many golems as there are Asthates, but the golems are incredibly angry, several times larger, and almost completely immune to fire, ice, and lightning. About 50 people have died at the hands of the golems now, and even the closest asthates are only two thirds of the way there.

Sleeve travels to the Eastern Jungle to locate the diplomat she left there earlier. She found the diplomat, who had yet to be met by a diplomat from Asteros. It seems some god isn't paying attention.

Om use's their divine power to resurrect tortons from the dead. This is the ultimate feat of godhood, the holy grail of divine magic, that is only achievable by gods, and rarely, demi-gods. The god Om manages to resurrect 80 tortons from the recent battle.
Om quickly takes control of the Lamia camp, naming it Sun's End. Om then orders the Tortons to turn it into a fortress. They do so as best they can using the weapons from the battlefield, but there aren't very many weapons left over, much less any that are suitable for construction purposes. And without knowledge of mining, the tortons can't mine more ore for new ones. The get by however, building a tall wooden wall around the outside of the camp. Then, after buying a giant tree seed from a shady interplanar vendor, Om has the tortons plant the seed in the center of the camp. The seed immediately sprouts. And then immediately begins growing. Its visibly growing, before the eyes of the Tortons, Lamia, and Anorath. Its not an incredibly pace, but fast enough to easily see by eye. In a matter of hours its a sapling. In a day, its a normal tree sized. By the end of the week it is a very large tree almost 5 feet in diameter. After two weeks, its 15 feet in diameter, and starting to worry the people of Sun's End. Its already pushing up against the nearest building, and its roots have toppled more than one shack. Many worry that if it continues to grow, it will be very damaging to the camp.
Om tells the tortons to start studying warding magic in earnest. It will take some time for them to really work out how this magic works, but they have a natural knack for it. Several tortons almost have working spells within a few weeks.

The luminites and Inax follow the orders of their absentee god Zelthen. Those in the eastern forest return to site of the battlefield to burn the corpses of those who died. They burn the corpses of both sides. While they are there they collect as much weaponry and armor as they can and take it to their camp on the edge of the forest.

The luminites in the caverns are still prisoners of the Ickyanthy.

The luminites on Berails continent work with the anorath survivors to rebuild their encampment and nurse their wounds.

The unaffiliated races make moves in the world, often without the watchful eyes of the gods keeping track of them.

Grots are beginning to adapt to their environment. While they are all the loveable wide beings that everyone knows and loves, it is now becoming possible to differentiate between different types of grot. It seems that grot evolution can take place in just one generation.
Forest grots are now almost all tan or brown with very few pale grots remaining. These grots also have grown longer arms in order to live in trees away from orange slimes.
Jungle grots have adapted even darker coloration, most being shades of brown, however, a few have a greenish color to them. They have developed much longer thinner tongues that they use to eat honey out of slime hives. Cave grots are, in comparison, much much paler. Aside from this, they remain mostly unchanged. The Ickyanthy grots however are slightly less hostile. Grots in the southern region find themselves better able to survive in this area. They have gained much better resistance to temperature differences, but they still find lightning strikes to be a major issue. The northern grots take on a very pale coloration with some having a blueish tinge. Some have begun to grow fur over their bodies.

The Ora in the north have begun studying ice magic. Now that the anorath no longer separate them, several Kilk teachers have traveled to the Ora tribe to teach them writing and other academia. The two races have always shared an appreciation for the sea, but now they have an appreciation for each other.

The Ickyanthy have been hard at work building themselves an underground metropolis. After they adopted grots into their civilization as laborers, their society began advancing rapidly. The underground city of the Ickyanthy is lit by fire magic, powered and protected by their grot allies, and contains some of the best minds in the world. Not to mention they are the only race, with the exception of the dremonians, who are capable of mining for ores and stone. Many ickyanthi craftsmen have begun creating wonderful pieces of art and furniture, but the most beautiful of all is their jewelry.

The pirates union sends a representative before the pantheon. Your world is distinctly lacking in naval activities due to a large abomination infesting your ocean. The pirates guild is very disappointed to hear this. Unless something is done about this soon, we will be forced to suspend the request board operations for this world until it is capable of sustaining the required pirate population.

OH MY HOW MUCH I HAVE MISSED THIS WORLD! AND I KNOW IT MISSED ME! The demi-god Jyll has returned with another request. Green and jiggly as ever, the demi-god makes their request: Last time I was here I offered to spatter the world with a little slime to get the ball rolling, and now I'm back again with the same offer. 10 IP to whichever and whatever god allows me to add more slimes to the world. If more than one god accepts, they split the pot.

Suddenly the gods feel a mighty pull as a monstrosity tries to enter the world. This monster is very very sick, and is trying to enter the world by force. It seems like it has enough juice to make it in. Unless its rebutted it will enter the world. The beast seems to be somewhere between ferret and dinosaur. It is incredibly large, and bears signs of many infected injuries.  These infections seem to be supernatural in nature, and disgusting black worm-like spirits can be seen digging into the flesh of the monster and vile goo and puss oozes from the wounds. The creature must be desperate and crazed to attempt to cross the boundary into this world by force. 8 points should be enough to prevent from entering this world, and its likely that it will die in the process of entering through the reinforced border.

A race of  sexually dimorphic plant people seek asylum in your world. One half of the race are mostly stationary treelike beings. While they are like trees, they are still conscious, and think. They can only move occasionally and have few means of direct communication. Except they are able to radiate emotions around them. The second half of the race is a type of green skinned elf of sorts. They range from almost normal elf looking to almost completely made out of plants. Our world has be overthrown by vile creatures of darkness and fire. Our race began to wither and die. However, through magic we escaped and are now seeking a new land to put down roots. It would cost 7 IP to bring the plant people into the world.

Player Inventories
Spoiler: Om (Demonic Spoon) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Slaeve (Happy Demon) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Triniteus (Nakeen) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Asteros (leonardo8) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Xenraft (Crazyabe) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kyazir (Taricus) (click to show/hide)

*He said no, so I'll roll for someone else later*
Spoiler: Mir (Sentient Bowtie) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Free Actors (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Other Creatures (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mortal Races (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Landmarks/Objects (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Heroes (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Knowledge (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Magic Types (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Magic Spells (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 11:24:55 am by Roboson »


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #262 on: June 05, 2016, 09:16:10 pm »

Xenraft Spots the Slime Woman Approaching and Quickly Goes to her to Say...
Ye Forgot ta pay me for Lettin' the Slimes in Last time, So I Would like to endorse your addin' some more ta the world.
((Question: How much would it cost to keep the Worm things Out but let the Monster in? If impossible how much to Direct where it goes in? because I think The Sea would be a perfect place to Drop it if I cant Get it de-Wormed.))
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #263 on: June 05, 2016, 11:25:03 pm »

Triniteus gazed upon the sick Monstrosity, and felt pity and outrage.

"A supernatural affliction. A scourge that no mortal creature should deserve..."

He called out to Slæve.
"Slæve, Master of Medicine. I come to you with a request : I will keep the Monster away from our World, but I ask if you could spare Influence to heal the creature. Its affliction is an aberrant anomaly, and this very thought disgust me."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #264 on: June 06, 2016, 12:07:25 am »

Kyazir looked onto the new continent with pride, admiration at his own work. Still more needed to be done for his people to live upon it however, at the very least they'd need food and materials to build shelter.

First, Kyazir crates the Torek, a variety of deciduous tree that, while non-fruiting, has hard and sturdy wood which is surprisingly easy to work. The Torek does best in warm climates like those of the southern continent, though can survive elsewhere relatively decently, and blooms with vibrant white flowers in the spring. (3 IP) He spreads them around the world, placing the vast majority in the southern continent.

Then, he creates the Chal bush. A medoum sized, hardy bush which produces it's moderately-sized orange berries perennially, though isn't tolerant of frost in the slightest. (3 IP) Again, Kyazir spreads them throughout the world to take root where possible, though concentrates a significant amount onto the southern continent

Finally, he creates the Risume, which has two varieties. The first is a tall, blue grass that has particularly large, silvery seeds, suitable for agriculture. The second being a much shorter, ground covering variety, though it can still reach up to half a metre if not kept in check. (3 IP) Kyazir however keeps this contained on the southern continent for fear of it being too invasive outside it's intended home.

Then, he settles the Tasatha onto the continent after ensuring that they'd be able to survive upon it, turning his attention back to the outside world.

The last IP is spent blocking the omnifruit from taking hold on the continent

"I see you have seemingly sorted out how to deal with the beast trying to enter our domain, so I trust you'd not require any assistance from me in that regard. To that end I'd be willing to chip in what power I have remaining for the moment to bring the refugees into this world, though I would ask what sort of environment they'd prefer to make acclimatisation easier.

And Jyll, while you have my... tentative consent on the matter, it comes with a single condition: No slime is to be placed upon the southern continent unless I explicitly request it.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 05:02:51 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #265 on: June 06, 2016, 12:08:32 am »

Accept Jyll's Offer
Bring the plant people into the world for 7 IP
Spend 3 IP to spread omnifruit trees to the Abyssal Easterlands
Tell the Tortons to build onto the sides and top of the tree. Treehouses!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:22:09 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #266 on: June 06, 2016, 12:18:52 am »

Spend 3 IP to spread omnifruit trees to the other two continents
"Excuuuuuse me, but what in the world makes you think that you can spread your trees onto MY continent?!"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #267 on: June 06, 2016, 12:21:09 am »

Spend 3 IP to spread omnifruit trees to the other two continents
"Excuuuuuse me, but what in the world makes you think that you can spread your trees onto MY continent?!"
"The same thing that made you think you could interfere in my business, then fail to accomplish anything except boost the enemy's morale by telling them what I was planning and then me being forced to cancel that due Triniteus?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #268 on: June 06, 2016, 12:25:03 am »

"To start off with I hadn't planned on the latter actually occurring. Not that I minded it given that the battle in the end was glorious as it was brutal, even with your intervention."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Happy Demon

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Re: Gods of Creation IC
« Reply #269 on: June 06, 2016, 02:25:29 am »

[Sleeve, Snake of Medicine]

He called out to Slæve.
"Slæve, Master of Medicine. I come to you with a request : I will keep the Monster away from our World, but I ask if you could spare Influence to heal the creature. Its affliction is an aberrant anomaly, and this very thought disgust me."
"B-but the Valk..."
Sleeve closes her eyes and takes a breath.
"I will hold it off for now."
Sleeve uses 10 points to cure the creature of it's affliction.
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.
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