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Author Topic: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : Premature End Of The World  (Read 46337 times)


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #345 on: May 12, 2016, 03:19:19 pm »

Go to the capital, might as well get all the leaders at once. Then level up

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #346 on: May 12, 2016, 03:20:26 pm »

The Magical Forest is the safest place for you. You control Magic and in the Magical Forest your powers are practically unlimited.

Watch the Ains.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #347 on: May 12, 2016, 05:33:41 pm »

(either everyone is sending secret moves, or its a slow day)

Dustan Hache

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #348 on: May 12, 2016, 05:40:25 pm »

(nope, everyone has posted I think, just waiting on nakeen.)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #349 on: May 12, 2016, 05:43:38 pm »

(I am busy, sorry. Will post the update in a few hours hopefully.)


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #350 on: May 12, 2016, 10:31:39 pm »

Sub-Turn 5:

Create a large number of Prism Trees on the Silt Plains. They are crystal trees, usually a whitish color but tending to take on the hue of physical or magical contaminants in their environment. Their flowers are especially bright and pretty, and the petals often valued as flat semiprecious gems.

Dredge up might channels between the Frells and various other races, so that when the Frells figure out boats they'll have an easy time reaching and trading with others. The Troongs should appreciate another place to build bridges, too.

Speaking of which, teach the Frells how to make boats.
Simple Life Creation "Large Number"
Valence loses 4000 Energy
and 200 Ether
Creation Roll 1d4 : [1]
You create a large number of Prism Trees on the Silt Plains. But because of some unknown reason, the Prism Trees absorbs the nutrients and elements of the soil they are in with voracious appetite. Land around Prism Trees turn infertile and crackled, but the Prism Trees flowers end up extremely precious as a result.
+Prism Trees: render earth infertile. Flowers extremely precious

Valence loses 2000 Energy
World Alteration Roll 1d4 : [2]

Using your divine powers, you command the earth and dredge enormous channels between the Frells territories and the other races. Connecting them to the sea and the rivers of the mountains, you fill them with water.

[3] Then you teach to Frells how to construct boats, a technology they didn't use much as none of their territories was close to the sea.
+Boat knowledge

He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends
He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends was glad that the Twisted Cycle Glyph of Knowledge was gone. For good. Wait, the remainder of the glyphs that were still carved could be copied. And then used again. This would not be permitted. The tendency of mortals to extend their lifetimes using any means necessary meant that the Twisted Cycle Glyph of Knowledge should never be used again.

He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends took some time traveling about, destroying the carved, inactive, Twisted Cycle Glyphs of Knowledge. He then attempts to extract the Energy from reality that makes up the Twisted Cycle Glyph of Knowledge's power. If he succeeds, the Twisted Cycle Glyph of Knowledge should become just another symbol.

With that settled(hopefully), He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends thought of Vorenaak. Although hypothetically Vorenaak would no longer interfere in any way with his plans, that was only hypothetical. He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends decided to fortify his Black Palace, just in case...

He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends pulled 3000 Energy(and some amount of Ether) out of his being. With that, he poured half of it into the Black Palace to accelerate its evolution, and he poured the other half of it into the Black Palace to establish an anti-divine-tampering system within it.

With that... how about some more teaching?

He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends travelled to the Frells and gave some of them a lecture on Cycle Philosophy, potentially including the anecdote of the man who used the Twisted Cycle Glyphs of Knowledge as an example of how the Cycle Philosophy is NOT to be followed.
He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends loses 2000 Energy
and 100 Ether
Law Removal Roll 1d4 : [1]
Despite your Glyph having been used scarcely, the Law still was weaved in the gears of the World. Erasing it provoked an unwanted reality collapse resulting in an earth-shattering earthquake whose epicenter was in the "Mainland".
-A Sea [6] > [4]
-Plains and Forests [6] > [2]
-A Range of Mountains [6] > [3]
-Chasms and Rivers [4]
-Wide Black Desert [4]
-"Close to the Mainland" [1] > [2] ((Shit. Means more dice rolls.))
-The Warm Sea [2]
-Silt Plains [2]
-Winter's Teeth [6] > [4]
-Small Upturned Land zone [3]
-Gasnareth's Mausoleum and Catacombs [5]

Where to begin. Strangely, the earthquake didn't harm much of the Mainland. Tremors were felt all across the Mainland, but no significant damages occurred, at first. Then some Mountains suddenly collapsed, and the resulting rock tidal wave destroyed a good portion of the nearby forests and plains.
+Ravaged Plains and Forests
+Collapsed Mountains

Humans: [1] > [5]
Skyborns: [6] > [4]
Amazons: [4]
Dryads: [4]
Night Stalkers: [1] > [1] ((Oh shit. Not like they didn't get enough tragedies))

Amazon, Dryad and Skyborn territories were unharmed by the slide. Even better for the Skyborns, the slide created a natural wall protecting their territories. Easy for them to cross, but not for other species.
Humans lost a lot of territories. Many villages and some cities were leveled in a flash. But the rocks brought incredibly rare minerals with them, turning this tragedy into some blessing in a way.
Night Stalkers...Oh Night Stalkers... There last territories were in the mountains that collapsed. All of them died, except for the Zealot that hid among the humans.
+Landscape: Natural Rock Wall
+Massive human casualties. Territories lost. Rare minerals found.
+Night Stalkers near-extinction. One individual left.


Now, for the territories out of the Mainland. The shockwave had devastating effects out of the Mainland, shattering and rupturing the earth of the Silt Plains. In the Warm Sea, a massive tidal wave appeared because of the shockwave, destroying most of the Warm Sea shores.
As for the "Upturned" land zone, it is now even more upturned.
The Winter's Teeth and the Catacombs were spared through sheer luck.
+Disfigured Silt Plains, majority completely destroyed
+Warm Sea bottoms ravaged
+Upturned Land even more upturned

Frells: [3]
Pelagics: [4]
Troongs: [2]

Despite their lands having been completely destroyed, the Frells had few casualties. But with their lands in such a bad shape, their future would be sure to change.
As of Pelagics, their main population centers were unaffected by the tidal wave. Furthermore, the imperial capital is in the Main Sea.
Troongs lost a lot of their people during the earthquake. Caught in places where none could help them, many perished.
+Frells: medium casualties
+Frells: territories destroyed
+Troongs: heavy casualties

Well anyway, you then headed to the Black Palace.
Unique Being uplift
He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends loses 1500 Energy
and 50 Ether
Life Modification Roll 1d4 : [3]
Anti-Divine Tampering system
He Who Flies Through The Darkness, Aloft On Dragon's Wings, Seeking To Bring Beginnings And Ends loses 1500 Energy
and 50 Ether
Life Modification Roll 1d4 : [1]

[4] The Black Palace suddenly moved and changed as you poured your power into it. Stronger, Tougher... The Black Palace had grown into an even more impregnable fortress.

But on the Anti-Divine Tampering system side, there was an ironic unwanted effect. You successfully created a field greatly weakening Divine powers that would affect the Palace, but it seems your powers are also included.
+Indiscriminate anti-divine tampering system : limit Gods powers under 1500

You then traveled to the Frells. As per their choice, they greeted you and listened to you.
[1] > [1] During your lecture, you eventually spoke of the story of the man who tried to free itself from the Cycle. You pointed out how wrong it was, but it was too late. The Frells assembly curiosity lightened up and burnt with the primal desire of breaking away from death.
The story of this man fascinated them, and all they understood from your lecture was that one could become immortal if he broke away from the Cycle.
+Lecture gone wrong: Living forever is great

Lux nods at the humans statements before in a informative and friendly tone.
"The new luxlings are a lot less arrogant but they look the same feel free to visit em but anyway humans I enjoyed this conversation but i think I'm gonna explore your civilization if you have questions before I go feel free to ask."
A man who was some kind of religious leader asked :
"Why did the Gods return ? What will happen to us humans and the other races ?"

Rally the amazons, all of them to this village and prep for war
With your absolute word, you rally the Amazons for war. Words of power, of conquest, of worthiness. All of them reach the hearts of this people of warriors.
You bring them to the attacked village.
[2] Except for a minority of Amazons, who see this as pure madness. They claim that the Amazon people grew and strived by cooperating with the other races. Going to war would destroy the current political balance.
+Minority of opposing Amazons: War no good. Cooperation+

Go to the capital, might as well get all the leaders at once. Then level up
You teleport the delegation to the Capital, straight to the meeting. Lux is there, talking to the Human leaders.

A shout of stupor grasp the Humans, Skyborns and Dryads alike.

And immediately, you consume your Ether in front of the assembly.

Saraab consumes 750 Ether to increase its "divinity stage"
Saraab Energy Cap increased to 40000. Energy Recovered increased to 2000 if under 2000.
Saraab Ether Cap increased to 2000. Ether Recovery increased to 40 if under 80.
Maximum Size increased to "Extremely High Mountain" [Taller than Mt Everest]

[4] Your ascension is less explosive than Valence, but it is not less spectacular. Divine light and energy flows in the room, visible to mortals. All of them are both awed and terrified by so much power.

You claim you brought Skyborns and Dryads to negotiate for peace among people.
[2]+1 The Humans can't refuse your offer, but at the same time, this isn't so easy for them. One leader stands up and explains :
"This is not in my intention to offend your wiseness Great Saraab, but a peace treaty between the Dryads and the Humans wouldn't fix our relationships so easily. Though leaders from both people know peace is for the best, but the memory of our dark past is ingrained in the minds of the population of both people. There is no doubt a sudden peace would give rise to outrage from humans and dryads alike..."

A Dryad representative adds :
"I agree with the Human leader. A simple peace treaty won't change the mind of both people. Atrocities and crimes of wars won't be forgotten by any party so soon..."

The Magical Forest is the safest place for you. You control Magic and in the Magical Forest your powers are practically unlimited.

Watch the Ains.
You watch the Ains. They are a newly formed people, so there isn't much to say about what they do.
Super-Beard Magi : [3]
BeardAlon gauges the Ains and watch them to find a "King Candidate". To his dismay, the Ains are too young and inexperienced to be worthy. They do have some potential though.
+Ains: No worthy candidate

Rogue Pelagis :
All the Skyborns that fought the last standing Pelagis got brutally killed. As for the few Amazons warriors, they were beaten into submission but left alive. An impossible, never heard before feat. There were at least fifteen Skyborn Warriors and a dozen Amazon Warriors.
You recover 50 Ether

You lose 10 Energy
and 150 Ether
Creation Roll 1d4 : [3]
Suddenly the dead Pelagis rise back up, resurrected.

Secret Action :
You loses 1000 Energy
Alteration Roll 1d4 : [4]
You manage to correct your mistake.



Spoiler: Overall Landscape (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Non-Sapient Life (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sapient Life (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Unique Beings (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Magic/Laws (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 01:50:56 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #351 on: May 13, 2016, 12:05:25 am »

Call a meeting for the gods at the Divine bar.

 "I have something important to discuss you. Something pertaining to the great creations we have made."
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #352 on: May 13, 2016, 12:09:34 am »

"We returned because we have regained sufficient energy and what we have planned....well I can't really say I don't know the others plan but if you're asking for mine probably explore the world maybe help a few people maybe make some kind of temple....I haven't decided yet really. "
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #353 on: May 13, 2016, 01:25:54 am »

(you missed the pelagics again with the earthquake roll. And they even had a perfect overshoot in their sea...)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #354 on: May 13, 2016, 02:35:47 am »

(you missed the pelagics again with the earthquake roll. And they even had a perfect overshoot in their sea...)
(Actually the post is missing a part. I rolled for the "Mainland-border", where Frells and some Pelagics are.)

edit: Missing part added !
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 02:56:12 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #355 on: May 13, 2016, 05:08:51 am »

Use the Dryads and Skyborn in the human territory to help the victims of the earthquake, while I assist the buildings with repairs. Then, ask the humans if they at least wish to try peace (neutral).

Teach the Skyborn cremation (obviously away from the forest), and to treat the undead as an abomination.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #356 on: May 13, 2016, 06:06:38 am »

"Go on your adventure then BeardAlon it is your destiny to find a Kings Candidate, do not limit yourself to a single race!"

Fredegar goes deeper into the Amazon territory.

Fredegar creates 5 "Likrila" large beasts with fur, magnificent beards, claws, sharp eyesight, they never sleep, and able to wield all of the elemental magic.

The Likrilla were created to Guard the Magical forest from any uninvited visitors until the Ain have become strong enough to guard it on their own.[/color]

"Do your task and you will be rewarded extremely well when the time comes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #357 on: May 13, 2016, 06:33:33 am »

I create the white road to increase the speed of my undead towards my mausoleum, it will simply be a road of bones held together with a mix of blood and crushed bone leading from the human capital straight to my mausoleum.
Afterwards I head for the mountains intent on cleaning out the dead night stalkers for my first meal this age.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #358 on: May 13, 2016, 07:54:05 am »

Call a meeting for the gods at the Divine bar.

 "I have something important to discuss you. Something pertaining to the great creations we have made."
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/?) : The Second Era
« Reply #359 on: May 13, 2016, 08:23:08 am »

(I guess we don't need the GM to help us with that command, huh?)

Teleport into the bar

Vorenaak, what is the purpose of this meeting?
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