Name: Ophelia T. Darcy
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Darcy has dark hair greying at the temples, and black skin with vibrant bruises caused by her alchemical experiments. Not that you'd know that from meeting her - she's been dressed
like a plague doctor since the fog rolled in, her justifications a rambling lecture on miasma and plague. A stench of chemicals surrounds her and places she's visited for an extended period.
Status: Resident
Occupation: Town Doctor. Darcy also has a sideline in recreational herbs and spices.
Starting position: The cemetery would be appropriate; perhaps she doesn't even live there, but has the most
exciting idea for an experiment that requires... Particular resources that a graveyard could supply. If you include AbstractTraitorHero's character, Darcy could be the mortician who discovers her/him/their eerie resurrection. If this is all a little much, a house/clinic in the centre of town would make sense.
Primary power/ability: Alchemy: Before she awoke, Darcy was little more than a half-mad quack with a tendency for self-medication. But the Veil granted her the memories of the scholars and sorcerors who plunged the depths of natural philosophy, uncovering secrets no mortal should touch. She can create soothing medicine, diabolical plague, miraculous metals, and all sorts of strange chemicals beyond the bounds of human conception. From there she can use them in potions, apply them to weapons, or create
grenades with them. Of course, the risk of violent illness or massive explosions hangs over this power like a Sword of Damocles.
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