There is a MUCH STRONGER correlation between kiddie boinking and conservative thinking, than there is between kiddie boinking and liberal homosexual tolerance.
bruh, they literally packaged liberal homosexual tolerance with pedophiliaThe researchers found that several of the foster fathers were high-profile academics. They speak of a network that included high-ranking members of the Max Planck Institute, Berlin's Free University, and the notorious Odenwald School in Hesse, West Germany, which was at the center of a major pedophilia scandal several years ago. It has since been closed down.
There hasn't been a "conservative thinking" of pedophilia, there has been a progressive school of pedophilia. That's not to say there haven't been conservative pedophiles, but you didn't say that - you said there is a link between conservative
thinking and pedophilia, which is fairly petty mudslinging when it's clear conservative thinking has opposed pedophilia, whilst progressives like Foucault, Derrida, Simone de Beauvoir and so on - whose works still remain foundational study materials in University disciplines like postmodernism, feminism and intersectionality, advocated for legal pedophilia.
Berlin’s Green Party called on Tuesday for an investigation into a massive child abuse scandal that saw foster children placed into the care of pedophiles for more than 30 years – all the way up to 2003. According to a new report published on Monday, the city’s educational authorities and Senate knew what was taking place, and the practice was “accepted, supported, [and] defended” by left-wing politicians and academics throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
And if you look at the NA movements,
you see the same pattern - pedophilia advocates attaching their cause to leftist causes. If recent revelations about powerful pedos in the church, in various governments both state and local level, the UN, the security services, academia and the street are to go by, shit is global and shit is pervasive. I would argue that pedophiles in progressive circles and pedophiles in conservative circles share one trait in common, that only
appears to be separate.
In both cases, the taboo is so strong that pedophiles must align themselves with the morality of the majority. In progressive circles, they attach themselves to the next progressive vanguard cause, fighting to place themselves at the forefront so people are more inclined to look the other way, owing to their usefulness and the embarrassment of blowback. You can see this stuff in how people like Harry Hay are still popular figures in LGBT institutions, still receiving honours and memorials despite such persons having been very vocal supporters of NAMBLA. And of course, we have the recent Berlin sexologist Helmut, who explicitly linked the normalisation of pedophilia as just another step to be taken in tandem with casual sex & homosexual sex. In conservative circles, their exists no language for arguing permissive attitudes to pedophilia, yet the phenomenon remains the same - attachment to vanguard causes. And so you see those con politicians who so vociferously fight to "protect the children," all the whilst they are themselves the danger. The only difference is the former is for social engineering, the latter is for camouflage. Either way, it is a great problem, wouldn't you agree?