"In a year in which a Federal financial obligation is not addressed in a passed budget, the previous year's funding toward that obligation will be applied. In no case will this be held to require the Government to overpay on a financial obligation. For each such obligation, Congress may pass a bill to deny that obligation's funding through this Amendment for the coming year. One such bill may apply to multiple obligations.
Federal financial obligations shall include, for the purposes of this Amendment, funding of Federal agencies, funding of any programs or projects established by Federal law, payments on Federal debts or treaty obligations, and any funding paid to State governments, private citizens and corporations, and foreign governments (including foreign aid) in accordance with a legal contract, or, if no contract exists, for the three consecutive prior years.
This list is not exhaustive. It is explicitly within the power of the Judiciary to determine whether other payments qualify as Federal financial obligations for the purposes of this Amendment."
"Only persons may benefit from the protections of the First, Third, Fifth, Eighth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty Fourth, and Twenty Sixth Amendments. While the term "person" is not defined in this Amendment and may be defined by other law, no definition of the term shall include entities that, by their nature, cannot be imprisoned, executed, fined, and/or deported from the United States. Notably, legal corporations cannot be considered persons, and so cannot benefit from these protections."
The last one probably needs some tightening up, but I want to do away with some corporate abuse of election law, by altering the perception of corporate personhood by judges, without inadvertently making a preemptive ruling on the nature of AI civil rights (however plausible that is or is not, I want to leave that for a world that's actually prepared for the argument by dint of having AIs - and if no such world will exist then it's not worth passing a law about).
I'm not sure which of these I think would be more important.
EDIT: Clarified some things a bit.