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Author Topic: Omega Legion: Omega Base  (Read 284243 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Action diplomacy and drowning dwarfs.
« Reply #255 on: December 23, 2015, 10:27:37 am »

Team One

Attempt to get the two wasps out of the bucket and then get all of them outside
(1) I can't believe how badly you and Simmie are losing to a bucket. You send all five free wasps to the rescue of the three trapped under there, only to have the weight on top shift, and pin three more in the rubbish pile.

Team one Jack Spark.

"Great. It just HAD to be raining. I'll just wait for these idiots to get here then."

Invoke an umbrella of heat that evaporates the rain on contact, and wait for the idiots to find their way up here.
You heat up the air in a dome above yourself pretty well, and the rain is quickly heated as it falls through. Much of the water begins converting to steam, and what falls onto you is quite hot.

Well, well, well, looky at wot we got here. Looks like the festival is starting early for us, boys you look up and see several figures in the darkness just down the alley from yourself.

==Team 1==
==Eye Mk 00.01==
>Surveil.  Keep an eye on that house I just came out of.  Run diagnostics on the transmitter.
Everything seems fine down there. No problems, just a little noise.

team 1, Cho-Ja.

Bite and claw at my assailant until I gain possession of the broom then jump on the table and start waving it around and screeching angrily like one of the sand people from star wars.

Use innate magic to spit caustic venom at the two people with cudgels and attempt to spear them with my tail if they get too close.

You get possession of the broom and disentangle yourself from the screeching human. Such a lovely voice it has. Now, a speed roll to see if you get to the table before they get to you. You roll a 6. With a -2 in speed. Turning toward the table you hurtle yourself on top of it, assisted from behind by a powerful cudgel blow. You land through the table, crashing into a wall, and tilting a cabinet full of pots and pans into the path of your opponents. You climb the wreckage and wheeze out a challenge to all comers, the broken end of the broom clutched high in triumph.

Team One -- Dar'yajira, magic cat

Just retreat down the staircase and wait for the twolegged bug (who probably is a demon) to deal with the normal twolegs.  Once down the staircase, hide and attempt to get to a vantage point.

it's hardly less noisy and exiting down here than up there, but you manage to make your way through the clatter and clutter and find a (presumably) safe spot diagonal from the stairwell. You can't see the room above, but you can see the stairwell all the way to the top, along with the little wriggling mass underneath, and the squirming and cursing trash heap to the side. Oh, and the flashie thing, right there, out in the open. It emits a small puff of smoke with every flash. You see the Feegle snatch it up, heading stairward and cursing all bigguns.

==Team 1==

"CRIVENS! GET OFFA ME!" Simmie tries again to get the bucket off. If successful, he'll shout at the scuffle upstairs "Don't ye scooners be starting th' fun wit'out me!"
IF he notices the flashie thingie flashing in the room's semi-darkness, he'll grab it while running out the door. Seeing someone hit his new companion, he'll swing the flashie thingie edge-on (if he has it) or kick (if empty-handed) hard at the broom wielder's shin, yelling "ONLY I CAN HIT ME FRIENDS!". Whether he manages to connect that swing or not, he'll then gleefully abandon himself into the fracas.

You manage to lift the bucket high enough to wriggle out, though it's a tight squeeze. Never looking twice at the wasps, neither the ones who were trapped with you, nor the ones that had come to help, you head stairward, picking up a flashie, smoky thing on the way. Something darts out from the stairwell and trips you up as you rush to the aid of your brother in arms above. Yo uend up smacking face first into a stair. That smarts. That smarts so much it dumbs.

Team 1, Fiddler!

Shimmy and crawl out from under the fiddle.

Delicately remove the fiddle immediately afterwards - if possible, of course. Be very careful with it.

You shimmy and crawl like a pro. Maybe you overdo it a little, and end up sliding a little more forcefully out from under the stairs than you intended. You might be smallish to a human, but you qualify as a biggun for a Feegle. And you kick one right in the shin, sending him face first into the first stair with a dull -thwack!-

Team Two

"Really? You just had to sink the boat."

I grab one of the floating crates, toss it to the side of the boat, and then follow it. Once clear of the pile of people with a swimming aid for when I get tired, I look back to see if everyone else is okay.

After seeing what everyone else is doing, and how they are all copying my idea, I climb up the box while shifting into Raven form, and taking flight for the shore once the change is complete, leaving the box behind for whoever needs it.
You climb aboard a crate and change, feathers growing, beak hardening. You stretch your wings, feeling winded. it is ungainly, but it flies. It gets you to the town, where you find a corner of a rooftop and land, exhausted.

"Really? You just had to sink the boat."

I grab one of the floating crates, toss it to the side of the boat, and then follow it. Once clear of the pile of people with a swimming aid for when I get tired, I look back to see if everyone else is okay.
Reggie team 2
wait wait I'll become a boat that should fix everything,just a second!
recall boat from memory and use shape change skill to become a boat that can float and is big enough to fit everyone.
All you can remember about the boat was that it was a box full of people and is now very wet. Attempting to form into something that floats goes badly too, and you end up looking more or less like a sea anemone, with floppy appendages sprouting every which way, some wrapping around each other, some rigid, some stunted. And all of them underwater at this point. … Time to find out if a homunculus can hold it's breath.

Team two
Sirkie K.

Follow Aylia's lead and grab a crate. Wait to see if Reggie becomes a boat large enough, and test it myself.

"Well. Looks like you need some work on your shapeshifting."
You get a crate and peer around, spotting reggie as tentacles sprout from its face and it slowly sinks below the surface, a dozen feet away from you. You hear an unearthly shriek as the boat overturns.

TEAM2 Ssslavina

Ssslavina hissssighs pathhhetically.
"Ssssstupid mammalssss. Later."

Bail on the tiny ship. Ssnakes are probably natural swimmerss, right? Try to carry a crate to shore too.
You feel pretty comfortable in the water. It's a little cumbersome moving a crate along with you, but you manage. You'll get to shore in one turn without the crate, and in three with the crate. You hear an unearthly shriek as the boat overturns.

-Team 2, Clunkers-

"Escuse me, organic being. Would you mind not grabbing a hold of this one's head with your disgusting tentacles? Also, this one feels it might be best that everyone abandon ship. At least those of you who have trouble surviving under water."

Get out of this hunk of junk and get to shore somehow. On top of a bit that floats preferably, though I suppose just swimming/walking on the bottom will do as well if need be.
You're pretty heavy, so you sink, even grabbing hold of any boxes that were in the boat. So you wait until you settle to the lakebed, and trudge through the murk and muck in the direction you think town is. You have two turns of doing this before you know anything.

==Team 2==
Durmokh Dumrhysson

Ack no. No. NO! Just when I thought today couldn't get any worse, this happens!

Attempt to swim to shore, using a floating crate as a buoyancy aid.
You may very well be our first fatality. You clutch that bench so hard your knuckles crack. You watch in horror, almost as if from outside yourself, as the water rises up your beard. Suddenly, the world goes sideways as the boat overturns. The world goes dim, and grey green, and your beard floats unnaturally up about your face and neck, clinging and drifting in cosmically inappropriate ways. The sheer horror overwhelms you, and goes dark. (not dead just yet.)

-Team 2, Ebony-

If Reggie succeeds in becoming the boat, jump in. Else swim to a crate, grab on, start swimming to town.
You get to a crate easily enough. You should make it to town in three turns using the crate to keep afloat. You hear an unearthly shriek as the boat overturns.

=="Terrence", Team 2==

Wrap my writhing horror-arms around the nearest obviously buoyant object. Hold on for dear life.
You find an unoccupied crate and hang on. It doesn't sink. You hear an unearthly shriek as the boat overturns.

At Base
Arileth is tossed roughly onto the floor of the canyon, picking up another bruise. A moment later, the tension on his arms from the ropes is released, and, as blood slowly begins pumping back into his hands, it brings pain, sharp, tingling pain. Welcome to your new home. make yourself comfortable. food will be served in an hour. Don't be late. A voice calls, from somewhere above and to Arileth's left.


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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #256 on: December 23, 2015, 10:49:55 am »

Reggie team 2
((Man Reggie's unlucky))
I need to stop people from drowning I can't let people die because of me!

untransform use all my strength to swim and save Durmokh Dumrhysson swim to the surface call for help LOUDLY!!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 11:05:52 am by AbstractTraitorHero »
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.

Comrade P.

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #257 on: December 23, 2015, 11:02:17 am »

((Done fiddling with the character sheet, now it's all good. Post with the sheet.))

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #258 on: December 23, 2015, 11:03:47 am »

clunkers- team 2

Try to use my Calculations (farseeing) to divine where the heck the town is. If I divine where it is, head over in that direction. If I fail, just keep trudging along as I am right now



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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #259 on: December 23, 2015, 11:22:44 am »

==Team 1==

"FUARRGH!!! FECKIN' BIGJOBS, WE'RE HERE TA HAELP YE!!!" Simmie blows his fusebox and attacks whomever it was who kicked him. For all practical purposes, he's now an out-of-control snarling, ferocious, fearless, and pugnacious 16.1cm humanoid-shaped badger decided on having a fight just becuse.
((Sorry, Harry...))
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 12:00:10 pm by Maegil »
What does Maegil have in common with a frag grenade?
Answer: does not suffer fools gladly.

Your friendly mysanthropic machete-toting sail-sailing sailor nut job.
Also, a Serial Editor. Just in case, do check my previous post to see if I didn't change or added to it. I do that, a lot...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #260 on: December 23, 2015, 11:30:48 am »

Aylia, Team 2

I stay right where I am, resting, and looking out over the town, listening to conversations of passerby.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 11:45:59 am by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #261 on: December 23, 2015, 11:40:09 am »

quickly stand up and explore my sourroundings
"Where am I? I know I was getting dragged somewhere, but where specifically am I?"
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 01:57:20 pm by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #262 on: December 23, 2015, 11:47:15 am »

=="Terrence", team II==

Paddle my crate towards shore with whichever arms are closest to the water.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #263 on: December 23, 2015, 11:54:13 am »

Fiddler, Team One!

"Simmer down, you rabid little ball of control issues."

Should the Feegle successfully make an issue of this, chuck him out a nearby window. Or kick him through one, whichever seems most practical.

And if he fails to do so, retrieve my precious fiddle and step away from any excitement.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Arcanus Technica
Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #264 on: December 23, 2015, 12:05:46 pm »

((Well, carp.))
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #265 on: December 23, 2015, 12:11:38 pm »

At base:

Mordred awakens in a painfully bright room, on a hard sandstone floor. Everythi8ng is spinning

Comrade P.

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #266 on: December 23, 2015, 12:29:18 pm »

==| Mordred | Base - Unknown room |==

Mordred lays still until the complete disorientation wears off at least a little, letting the eyes get used to bright light as well, then carefully raises his head, looking at himself. If there are no ropes or chains on him that stop him from doing so, he stands up and looks around.

((Also, calling crimson speech color. Or is that taken?))
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 12:58:33 pm by Comrade P. »

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #267 on: December 23, 2015, 01:01:40 pm »

Not what I had in mind! OW OW OW! Quickly cancel the fire dome and turn to address the newcomers. Be prepared to lightly par-broil them with a flamewall if needed. "Oh? Festival's not over here boys, so I suggest you keep moving."
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


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Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #268 on: December 23, 2015, 01:26:26 pm »

==| Mordred | Base - Unknown room |==

Mordred lays still until the complete disorientation wears off at least a little, letting the eyes get used to bright light as well, then carefully raises his head, looking at himself. If there are no ropes or chains on him that stop him from doing so, he stands up and looks around.

((Also, calling crimson speech color. Or is that taken?))

((There's another player using red, I think. Might cause some confusion. Terrence does too, but it's stylized right that it shouldn't be an issue.))

Spoiler: Sample (click to show/hide)



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    • Arcanus Technica
Re: Omega Legion
« Reply #269 on: December 23, 2015, 01:29:11 pm »

((I'm probably going to drown, you should be fine with crimson.))
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