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Author Topic: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game  (Read 24722 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #90 on: July 16, 2015, 10:58:47 pm »

3821, the third month of the year, and the first month of spring.

Governor Adeeb Wasirri
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Setting up the lumber operations would initially be a vulnerable time for the enterprise, and it's possible that they could face attack. As such they request a score of your men for protection, until such a time as the area becomes safe, to discourage attack. It's also possible that the carts transporting lumber could be raided, and so they may require some protection, though the aforementioned guards may prove sufficient in protecting the lumber carts if you choose not to recall them once the the enterprise is established. It is suggested that it may be simpler to provoke a skirmish or two with bandit patrols in the area, to communicate to them that you are prepared to fight them if they interfere with your affairs, and that you are claiming the area around the planned lumber camp. They would be willing to offer some support in such light skirmishes, though there is little support they could offer if you chose to seek out and assault their strongholds.
Though you offer to extend a loan in case planting seed is sparse it is stated that there is sufficient planting seed for this spring's crop of wheat, oats, barley and hops. If you wish the local farmers to grow anything else however, you will have to either provide money or seed for that.

You encourage the landowners to come to you with any problems or requests, though with the disclaimer that you will be very busy in the coming spring.You agree to allow Eduard to enter your service, and quite happily he quickly darts off to make his goodbye's and gather his things. With those last closing issues dealt with you and Vest mount your horses and leave, everyone more or less glad that the talks are over with for now.


You return to Bonewatch, and begin to attend to the basic matters of state. Aldagor continues to draft and make copies of the documents you asked him to make. He advises you to have copies sent to the crown recordkeepers, and each of your vassals at the least, else the legal change might not even be officially recorded or made clear. You ask Desan to begin making estimates on the potential cost of replacing or improving various pieces of castle infrastructure, and he agrees, over the coming days he spends a roughly equal time shut away and calculating figures or looking over the keep and it's holdings, while often speaking to locals about various pieces of minutia. Though Balpher had wanted to spend time canvassing the locals for recruits you instead have him focus on ensuring the basic competence and discipline of his men, to ensure that this matter is handled with at least some competence underneath him you assign the most experienced member of your personal gaurd, as his junior garrison commander. The man's name is Elerik, and if truth be told he's probably a better swordsman than you are, and well respected by his fellows for his cool and collected nature under pressure.
Vest takes water and porridge down to the prisoner in order to get information out of him, and finds that his health is holding for now, though imprisonment and sparse meals leave him growing weaker as time passes. The prisoner is hopeful that he will live, and lets slip that there was someone Walder was working closely with, someone who had been selling him information, though he claims not to know exactly who it might have been. You send your friend out with a quarter of your gaurds to gather information in The Boneyard, Sir Madagor's township.

You yourself spend time reading through Walders records. Some of the notes are obscured in a rather primitive code, with certain names and places being unclear, though it is clear he kept careful figures when it came to his transactions. You believe that he was selling grain back to those he taxed it from, though at fair seeming prices, and that he was selling military gear to someone, though you can't be sure exactly to who. He was also paying what seems to be a few dozen people regularly for "services rendered", which could mean anything. Judging from the chest full partially of clipped silver coins that he left stashed away he was either being cheated or cheating someone, you cannot be sure which.
It's mind-numbing work, and you are glad for the distraction afforded by Eduard. He strikes you as quite clever and likable, even if his commonborn manners leave something to be desired. He does at least, learn quickly, and in the coming month he becomes passable enough in basic etiquette that you might trust him to speak with his betters in casual conversation, if not dine or dance among them. He knows only a little of local trade, having never accompanied traders who operate within the province, but he expresses that travelling merchants from other outer provinces generally manage the trade in Dhum-Blud, with few local merchants having the capital to hire the mercenaries they would need to protect caravans and still ensure the investment is worth it. Trade routes with the bordering provinces are moderately dangerous, driving up the price of most goods. He doesn't know precisely what trade opportunities might be available, but he states it might prove profitable to better maintain the local roads, patrol them regularly, and then set up tolls.


A little less than a month passes, all in all, and at last you are beginning to settle in. The nights can be a little cold, and the servants arn't always able to keep your fire well stocked. The food is already plain, and even so the castle larder dwindles, with the supply of dried meat and vegetables shrinking to nothing, and the supply of salt close to follow. Without stocking your larder soon you, and your court will likely be eating the same plain porridge, and bread that your troops complain of. The weather at least, begins to warm, what snow there is beginning to melt. It had been warm for a winter, but spring is welcome all the same.
Carts arrive from bleakhaven carrying weapons, armour and rich fabric bearing the kings colours of gold and purple, both on banners and tabards, the carts drawn by your horses and being led by a handful of your deserters. Six of those come willingly, and three more come hogtied together in the back of a wagon.
While your garrison troops havn't done much combat drilling, you are beginning to notice an improvement in their discipline. They've begun a watch on the towers regularly, are working on keeping their gear in better condition and can now open the gate promptly. Desan mentions that as long as you have sufficient labor and lumber, it won't neccecarilly cost much beyond the cost of food to tear down and replace the outer palisade and watchtowers. In fact, if you gather enough lumber it should not be too difficult to create proper walls that the guards could patrol and watch from. Improvements to the keep itself would be extremely expensive, requiring not only engineers, but a great deal of  quarried stone and skilled labor, and it's not a task currently in your price-range, though establishing quarries might make it a great deal cheaper. An iron gate installed in the outer palisade or wall is within your price-range, with price varying depending on the quality of metal and craftsmanship you might prefer.

Vest returns to the castle with little trouble, guards in tow. The party had posed as a group of mercanaries in order to better explain why six well armed men were travelling through the lands. They were met with a certain amount of suspicion by the local populace, who recognized the difference between a mercenary and a highwayman; circumstance. Under this guise however, Vest was able to meet with one of Sir Madagor's lieutenants, a former mercenary captain. They gained what information they could about the township's military through observation and well-placed questions, and found it to be a well-oiled machine, small, but well trained. They've crossbowmen, shieldbearers, and light cavalry, and Sir Madagor had been until recently recruiting to form light skirmishing bands of mercenaries and conscripts. Boneyard itself is not very large, though it has large wooden walls protecting it's core, and the township economy seems to come largely from a local iron mine.

Towards the end of the month various local commoners petition to work in your service. A half-dozen petitioners are unskilled commoners looking to become servants, and another is an apprentice smith claiming that his master has been taking advantage of him. You also receive a letter delivered by rider, sent from your vassal, Mayor Veera, administrator of the town of Stokeswood. The letter expresses regret about the unfortunate incident that led to the maiming of a prominent nobleman's son, before building up to a request to receive the mayor within your castle soon for a formal audience.

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« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 02:51:07 am by Mlamlah »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #91 on: July 16, 2015, 11:22:31 pm »

The update length is fine.

Receive the mayor.

Ask the apprentice blacksmith how skilled he is.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #92 on: July 16, 2015, 11:58:50 pm »

Send a letter to both of your vassals, enclosed with the laws we wish to change
Plainly tell them that we don't care as much for Walders harsh laws, as the peasantry cares against them; Still, if there might have been reason for some of these laws - not surprising, given the locale - or they have concerns, ideas or proposals for change of their own, now would be the right time to raise such a topic.

For Mayor Veera, tell him that he is welcome as he can make it, but we would like the date known beforehand.
Especially that we can recieve him according to his status. We really should refill the larder with palateable food, at least for the occasion.

For Sir Madagor, tell him that it is good that Walders ill treatment of himself, and the resulting feud, has been ended before any military actionhas come to pass (at least according to our informations, that is). As such, we hope to bury the previous matters, welcoming a first meeting with him as he is able to. (Us, currently a bit busy, prefering him to visit [Like, really, no other reason])

We also should look into refilling our larder / possibly by letting Desan get some taxation going?
If it can be arranged, we also might want to start clearing the forest asap. A show of force, should drive them out, and lower the numbers of wounded and dead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #93 on: July 17, 2015, 02:40:58 am »

I agree with demonstrating to the bandits we intend to protect the lumber camps and forest around them by a show of force(hopefully crushing a couple patrols). Also I agree to a larder restock by either taxation or sending a few hunting patrols(or both). I also +1 inviting both our vassals for a face-to-face whenever it is convenient for them
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #94 on: July 17, 2015, 02:46:53 am »

Our troops haven't even begun training and their equipment sucks. We should beef up our military before we take on the bandits. At most we should start logging on the smaller forest where it's less dangerous.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #95 on: July 17, 2015, 04:24:30 am »

Our troops haven't even begun training and their equipment sucks. We should beef up our military before we take on the bandits. At most we should start logging on the smaller forest where it's less dangerous.
I think our garrison should at least know basic fighting stuff, at least enough to go against mere bandits? But you do have a point;

Let us ask Elerik about this matter
He has seen to their training for some time by now, so he should be able to judge if there is enough "fight" in them, to hold their own against some bandits.

But still, these fellas go to the woods to forage; they might be inconvenienced by us taking control there, but they should not have the numbers nor drive to seriously go against us for it either. Either way, lets see what Elerik thinks about it, then make plans accordingly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #96 on: July 17, 2015, 05:16:59 am »

I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #97 on: July 17, 2015, 10:30:39 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #98 on: July 17, 2015, 11:14:56 am »

Receive the mayor and yes mlam the length is fine.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #99 on: July 17, 2015, 02:20:11 pm »

There is also the matter of what to do with the nine returned deserters, three of which where hogtied and forced to come.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #100 on: July 17, 2015, 02:43:01 pm »

Offer the six deserters who returned of their own will places as soldiers. However they will not be required to stay at Bonewatch, their job will be to act as the Bleakhaven garrison, and they'll be stationed at our manor there. They will also be part of those soldiers who will be assisting in the guarding of the lumber camp, and the lumber carts.

I think this gets us six soldiers without pissing anyone off really, and will probably improve out relationship with Bleakhaven quite a bit.

As for the three who are hogtied have the other six explain why they are hogtied, and then place them in the dungeons until we decide their sentence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #101 on: July 17, 2015, 03:06:33 pm »

Also train our new court apprentice on etiquete for the meeting with the Mayor. Things he can do or say and what he shoudn't do or say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #102 on: July 17, 2015, 05:38:02 pm »

Have the deserters start training with the rest.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2015, 12:54:35 am »

Offer the six deserters who returned of their own will places as soldiers. However they will not be required to stay at Bonewatch, their job will be to act as the Bleakhaven garrison, and they'll be stationed at our manor there. They will also be part of those soldiers who will be assisting in the guarding of the lumber camp, and the lumber carts.

I think this gets us six soldiers without pissing anyone off really, and will probably improve out relationship with Bleakhaven quite a bit.

As for the three who are hogtied have the other six explain why they are hogtied, and then place them in the dungeons until we decide their sentence.
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.

Generally me

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #104 on: July 18, 2015, 01:13:13 am »

Send a letter to both of your vassals, enclosed with the laws we wish to change
Plainly tell them that we don't care as much for Walders harsh laws, as the peasantry cares against them; Still, if there might have been reason for some of these laws - not surprising, given the locale - or they have concerns, ideas or proposals for change of their own, now would be the right time to raise such a topic.

For Mayor Veera, tell him that he is welcome as he can make it, but we would like the date known beforehand.
Especially that we can recieve him according to his status. We really should refill the larder with palateable food, at least for the occasion.

For Sir Madagor, tell him that it is good that Walders ill treatment of himself, and the resulting feud, has been ended before any military actionhas come to pass (at least according to our informations, that is). As such, we hope to bury the previous matters, welcoming a first meeting with him as he is able to. (Us, currently a bit busy, prefering him to visit [Like, really, no other reason])

We also should look into refilling our larder / possibly by letting Desan get some taxation going?
If it can be arranged, we also might want to start clearing the forest asap. A show of force, should drive them out, and lower the numbers of wounded and dead.
Offer the six deserters who returned of their own will places as soldiers. However they will not be required to stay at Bonewatch, their job will be to act as the Bleakhaven garrison, and they'll be stationed at our manor there. They will also be part of those soldiers who will be assisting in the guarding of the lumber camp, and the lumber carts.

I think this gets us six soldiers without pissing anyone off really, and will probably improve out relationship with Bleakhaven quite a bit.

As for the three who are hogtied have the other six explain why they are hogtied, and then place them in the dungeons until we decide their sentence.
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