((Still a spot for one more PC, but that will close soon if not claimed.))
Winning vote: D. Kelsey Kaptansalot is the winning commander.
A bright green dodecahedron crashes through the void, rapidly approaching a new star system. Inside, the final watch begins slapping the senior-most crew out of hibernation.
Final course adjustments are made, and the vessel is successfully caught in orbit around a planet with an atmosphere. It looks sorta like Kerbin.
Your orbit is unstable, and the fuel tanks are nearly empty. There are a few choices available:
A) Let the orbit decay, and use the last fuel to adjust the entry window and then help with landing.
I) There's a big continent. It looks to be mostly green, with some mountains scattered around. There's a nice equatorial bay, with river access to a few mountains nearby. It's surrounded by flatlands.
II) Deeper inland on the first continent, also on the equator, is a large forested valley with plenty of mountains nearby.
III) There's a smaller continent. There's a big plateau near the middle, which should make launching more craft easier. That land doesn't look particularly arable.
B) Mostly stabilize the orbit, then perform an orbital mineral survey of the planet below. There should be just enough fuel left to determine a general landing site. The ship was designed to survive a crash.
C) Mostly stabilize the orbit, then study the planet's two moons for minerals. It'll be easier than launching probes or a telescope later.
D) Mostly stabilize the orbit, then perform a basic study of the system. It'll be easier than launching a telescope later or building a big telescope on the ground.