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Author Topic: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)  (Read 244921 times)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #255 on: May 29, 2015, 05:54:00 pm »

The wolves would be a colab, so presumably each god that put energy into them would have an equal share.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #256 on: May 29, 2015, 06:06:03 pm »

The cheaper price of having them be wolves is negligible considering that many of us would have to put our Essence into it anyway. By having them be wolves we are unnecessarily creating risk. Perhaps if we have them randomly change form and shape? A random animal the first use, a sphere the next, a golem the time after that, etc. Since we're basically only changing how it looks like, it shouldn't cost too much.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #257 on: May 29, 2015, 06:09:45 pm »

How about the ones that produce raw matter are giant wolves, the ones that make atmosphere and plants are giant mobile plants, and the ones that make animals and liquids are giant blobs of flesh?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #258 on: May 29, 2015, 06:22:12 pm »

Then you could have the giant wolves create a bunch of uranium on planet Xenos. That you are defending the inclusion of wolves so heavily makes it obvious that having these world wolves are integral to your plans.

EDIT: To be clear, the world wolves should have NO specific forms because a new god could just take the sphere of that form and do whatever they want with those wolves.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 06:24:38 pm by Andres »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #259 on: May 29, 2015, 06:26:08 pm »

I was sorta going under the assumption that the wolves would create an equal distribution of matter. So lighter elements would be more common, where heavier elements, such as uranium, would be rare.

Also as they are producing matter, and therefore gravity, giving them an intolerance to 1.5G's worth of gravity would keep them moving, and therefore creating more land. They wouldn't be Able to make stuff on planet Xenos because they couldn't live there.

I'm defending the wolves because I have a feeling the discount will matter quite a lot.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #260 on: May 29, 2015, 06:36:41 pm »

I just hope we don't have more than one planet this time. Not to begin with anyway.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (14/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #261 on: May 29, 2015, 08:47:01 pm »

*Note to self, insert kvetching later*

Do you even calculus bro?

Calculus is an elaborate lie made by a made alchemist/coin maker and perpetuated by Mathematicians so they can have all the real math to themselves.

Well, I don't honestly know enough to specify some of these. Besides essence, what are some other viable power sources? Could calling portals use up the wizards lifeforce? Perhaps portals could be powered by sunlight? Blood? Precious Metals? Could portalwizards choose to sacrifice memories to make portals?

Anything you could think of. !SCIENCE! will have to be done to see what works best, of course, but non-direct sources of energy usually are cheaper and work better then direct essence spending. Just try whatever you think is cool.

Ease of access, making it harder to access would decrease essence cost right? So could do something like make the ease of access "only creatures specifically adapted by godly design, can use portal magic. Even if they can use other magic, if not specifically adapted, cannot use portal magic."? And then go "my ants are designed to be able to use portal magic". Could I be more restrictive and go "only the ants I specifically designed for it are able to use the portal magic, no one else can"? Or going in the other direction "even creatures not capable of using other magic can use portal magic. It is freely available to everyone"

First question: Kind of. Restricting it to "only people who worship me", for example, would cost more. "Only creatures specifically adapted to use it" would make it cheaper, but then you would have to pay essence for each race you want to use it (defeating the point). Ease of access simply refers to how easy it is for the average mortal to get to, how wide spread it can easily be. In the other direction, you could try, but it *might* not be a good idea to grant random deer, bears, and bees the ability to make portals and it will no doubt spread the energy very thin.

Strength of the magic. I don't really know what I should specify here. Stuff like "temporary portals can only be kept open by continuous effort, and not longer than a hour"? "Temporary Portals cannot have a radius larger than 500km"? "Permanent portals take longer to construct the larger they are, ranging from weeks to months to years to decades, with a max size of about 100km radius, but requiring several decades to construct"? "Constructed portals require rare reagents and materials to make"? "Summoning up or constructing portals uses up the lifeforce of the caster"?

Strength is more "What can be done with this magic by the average user?", and is generally much more abstract. The general effects will very from user to user in most magic systems unless specified otherwise. A novice will be able to do less then an experienced user who will be able to do less then the archangel specifically designed to use the magic who has trained for centuries.

Is "above ant intelligence" smart enough that I can get essence from them worshipping me? As long as I can get essence from them worshipping me that's sufficient intelligence for me. Also, would having them have ~century long lifespans effect that essence cost?

Yes, the worship is enough. No, it is generally assumed that Sapients live about a century unless stated otherwise.


Glowing asteroid belt: 3E~ (Creation, same bonuses as other planetary bodies)

FArgHalfnr's Spiral Sun: +0-5E from a normal sun (Creation, etc etc) (20-35E total)

EDIT3: Stirk, if I used power to rip holes in the fabric of space, would the holes themselves be permanent?

Didn't I answer it already? Oh. I thought I did. "Shrug".

What about soulless creatures, e.g. golems of some sort?

Looks like I missed that one too. Souless creatures are under the same rules as the ones you quoted, on a linear scale. They are essentially puppets unless there is reason for them to be otherwise, and cannot reproduce unless specifically designed in a way for them to make more of themselves.


Essence eating Gravity things: 7-8E (eating essence probably won't end up as you hope~)
+intolerance: Just not liking it or having minor physical reaction to it is free. Having worse reactions counts as a weakness, and would likely cost somewhat less. The ability is assumed to go away when they die.

Torus planet:20-30E, same as a normal habitable rocky planet, assuming it is relatively the size of Earth. +4-10 for every extra "earth" size. (Etc, etc bonuses)
Extending: I am assuming that the drawing isn't perfectly to scale. With semi-realistic planet to sun size, you could fit a hundred earth size rings around it without effecting too much.
Normal Sun (Like Earth's): As stated before, between 20-30E.

This laser but with more power - enough so that the laser is as big as this one relative to its size.

We should get this out of the way now, references are a horrible way to price check anything. I have not seen either of those movies.

So how would we actually go about creating the council? Do we just go "Let's make a council that's X powerful and works like Y!" and then we have the Ye Gods council? Does everyone need to agree? Does a majority? A mere plural amount of gods? A single god?

The gods that agree will form the council, unless otherwise stated. Trying to force the other Gods into it is possible, but a single God could form his own council that doesn't effect anything if he really wanted me to try my best to get him killed. Basically, you make rules that the members agree to via Celestial contract, then the council performs whatever purpose it can.

While it's a very interesting concept, I'm going to have to -1 for two reasons. The first is that it's needlessly complicated and my own personal preference lies with a normal solar system. The second is that while we won't have to make any new stars, we will have to spend Essence every time we want to extend the sun so we won't be saving any money there.

I think this is a good time to remind everyone of the typical size comparison between planets and stars:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Unless the planet is huge, or the sun is particularly small, there is plenty of room for plenty of planets if that is what everyone desires. With the spiral or otherwise. I mean, we have multiple (potentially) habitable planets in our own solar system, there is nothing preventing a dozen planets existing in the same one. Space is a big place.


This would be a good time to point out that I plan to relate the cost of planetary bodies to how many planets we start with. If we end up making one or two planets to start with, making a third will be an impressive feet with a suitable price tag. If everyone makes their own planet, then it will not be a major change in the game and will be comparatively cheap. This is one of the reasons current planetary bodies are tabled with "At Creation", as the price will change after "Creation" is over.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 08:49:20 pm by Stirk »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #262 on: May 29, 2015, 08:56:27 pm »

So can the game start now?
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #263 on: May 29, 2015, 08:57:30 pm »

So can the game start now?

Ill start it Saturday morning as planned. My time, that is. So tomorrow morning  :P.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #264 on: May 29, 2015, 09:02:36 pm »

Spoiler: Irrelevant Rant (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
If the sun was really that much bigger than Earth, then how come that Earth model isn't orbiting the sun model? Checkmate, atheists.

Unless the planet is huge, or the sun is particularly small, there is plenty of room for plenty of planets if that is what everyone desires. With the spiral or otherwise. I mean, we have multiple (potentially) habitable planets in our own solar system, there is nothing preventing a dozen planets existing in the same one. Space is a big place.
So there's no difference between a spiral and a non-spiral other than cost and complexity. Cool. So how many Earth-like planets can be fit in a red dwarf system?
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #265 on: May 29, 2015, 09:13:07 pm »

But have you seriously not watched the Star Wars movies? How could you have not watched the Star Wars movies? They're like a cornerstone of our culture. The other thing I understand cos I didn't watch it either (it's just the picture for the trope page) but how could you have gone your whole life without watching Star Wars?

And it is a REALLY bad idea to price check with references you don't know yourself  ::).

When I was little, my parents never watched it with me because they find that kind of thing boring and I had no way to watch it myself. When I grew up to be old enough to get it, it seemed kind of pointless since I have probably seen a hundred parodies of it already, and it literally predates the fall of the soviet union and would be far to outdated for me to take seriously.

So there's no difference between a spiral and a non-spiral other than cost and complexity. Cool. So how many Earth-like planets can be fit in a red dwarf system?

As many as you want, really. Space is incomprehensibly large, there is no reason for a limit. You would run out of essence before room. Remember that, in real life, every planet in our solar system could fit between the Earth and its Moon with room to spare.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 09:20:03 pm by Stirk »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #266 on: May 29, 2015, 09:23:32 pm »

And it is a REALLY bad idea to price check with references you don't know yourself  ::).
I don't need to watch that series. It's a battleship (check) in space (check) firing a giant laser (check). All that was needed was to increase the E-cost relative to the laser's size relative to the thing that was firing it.

As many as you want, really. Space is incomprehensibly large, there is no reason for a limit. You would run out of essence before room. Remember that, in real life, every planet in our solar system could fit between the Earth and its Moon with room to spare.
Cool. How much would such a sun cost, though? It's quite a bit smaller than our RL one.

EDIT: Watch this.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 09:27:20 pm by Andres »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #267 on: May 29, 2015, 09:31:29 pm »

Cool. How much would such a sun cost, though? It's quite a bit smaller than our RL one.

Ill just say the same price as a normal sun (Creation), since they serve the same purpose. They are a little different from a normal sun, but easier to make offsetting any costs.

Planetkilling weapons: Depends on the number of planets created. If we only have one and it would completely ruin the game for it to be destroyed, it will be incredibly expensive. If every God owns five, it will be significantly cheaper.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #268 on: May 29, 2015, 09:38:25 pm »

Personally I prefer the idea of one world. If we make it so additional terrain can be generated on demand, then space will never be an issue. Just would be more interesting than everyone going and doing their own thing.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (15/⊕∵↯)
« Reply #269 on: May 29, 2015, 09:40:13 pm »

Indeed. This game isn't just about 'oh let's all do our own thing and create seperately so we never have to come into contact with one another.

It's a multiplayer game. So let's multiplay.
EDIT: Also, price check $$$ on a smaller, cooler sun that we place the planets nearer to. Would it be cheaper or no?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 09:48:39 pm by Rolepgeek »
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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