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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27226 times)


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #195 on: June 19, 2015, 11:26:12 pm »

Questions, Mention the being from your dream this night as well.
Remember to remain composed. As for other questions:
May i ask a few questions ma'am?
Do you know what i can expect as my power grows?
Could the thousand soul have become "unshackled" when he died for the last time?
Could i have been "made" by the thousand soul?
...What sort of enemies can i expect to have?
Do you have any tips i might use?

The exact nature of the heat you could feel when using your powers have eluded so far. You thought it was just your own body heat, But now after receiving this new information it suddenly makes sense: You can feel the heat of creation, The fires that burns at the beginning of time and the universe itself.
And now.. You can feel it, subtly within you. Though it has always been there you only just noticed it. A deep warmth roaring from within, A distant echo that grows ever closer.
It is not the flames of the phoenix that burns within your life, But those of eternal creation itself.

Suffice it to say, This is an opportune moment to be slightly overwhelmed. If you are an "echo" of the thousand soul, could you grow to its power? Could you surpass it?
And what of the thousand soul? Are you connected to him? If so, could you potentially access his memories? His experience?
Were you just born in this lifetime or have you been a project in the making for longer?

So many questions, So few answers.
One day we shall become the greatest.
But we are just a child now, We must grow in power and experience before then. But in time... We shall become mightier than the force creation itself.

You are not a monster, But a force of nature. Similar yes, But not the same. Though the difference between you and nature is you have a choice.

As for humanity, We must not grow fearful of it. The thousand soul must have seen something very interesting in man for them to take their form.
Besides, You've seen way to many movies and played way to many games to know humanity is not something to be fucked with. Its only a matter of finding out what sort of genre you are in, So to say.

Nevertheless we shall remain good, For what other choice is there? "Evil" brings forth short term but immediate results. But while "Good" brings results later on but with greater effort, It also has the potential to have the greatest effect. Every life you touch is forever changed, use this knowledge to build forth an following of great power.
They must know that even though we put up a persona of aloofness and sarcasm we are kind and will protect them when needed. They must know to think for themselves, To learn of their own devices so as not be reliant on a single powerful being.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, That's a long time from now. So for the time being, Just be nice to others.

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Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #196 on: June 20, 2015, 08:33:00 am »

"Your Majesty, if I may-" you started as the woman sat at the head of the table gave you a dismissive wave of her hand.
"You need not stand upon ceremony, help yourself to that what you wish to have for breakfast," came the Monarchs response, though that wasn't what you wanted to ask. "You need not stand upon ceremony when it comes to addressing me, either, it is cumbersome and you are here as my guest to speak of yourself and your future," she added after a moment was taken to sip at her tea.
"By that, she means that you should address her as ma'am," came Minster Smith's words as he wrapped his hands about the glass of water he was holding, thumbs resting upon the rim.
"Do I?" challenged the Queen as she let out a weary sigh, one that should have sounded overly dramatic and yet, it was practiced and perfected. Everything about the womans emotions was concealed behind the facade of a royal, every gesture perfected in form, every expression there soley for you to read has she wished for you to read her.
While it was of no surprise, it was infuriating.
You'd dealt with agents who always had tell tale signs that they were deceiving you or moments where the person beneath the profession shone through regardless of what they were trying to do.
With her, with the Queen, you were completely in the dark.
Even Minister Smith seemed to be unreadable, though as a politician, a Tory at that, it was entirely possible that he was a souless monster.
No, you just had to remind yourself that the Queen was tutored and trained in her public image and Minister Smith had to deceive other politicians, this was why they were magnitudes above you figuring them out.

Everything was interconnected though, if you couldn't read emotion, you could read them in their answers.

"Ma'am, I wished to know if I may ask questions of you and of Minister Smith, if that is permissable," Awkward as that was for you to say, you'd not used manners of that sort since you were in school.
"Again, you are here as my guest for this very reason. Ask what you may, though do have the courtesy to answer that what may be asked of you."
"Yes ma'am," you responded as you crossed your hands over your lap beneath the table. You could help yourself, as you'd been told you may, to breakfast once you had addressed the main concerns. "I have concerns about my power, it seems... Unimaginable, hard for me to focus and control. I have moments where it seems to wish to escape from my grasp and burst out about me. Recently, I've realised that it roars like a fire wishing to reforge all I touch and... And..."
"You are afraid. It is natural to fear such power, the common man sees it as unnatural and wishes to control it so that it may not turn upon him. However, those in the agencies that I founded so long ago," she paused as she looked over at Tom to make a point. "Understand that such power is to be feared less than those that control it. Without discipline and purpose, one may easily turn in the times they bore of such peace and utilise those powers for less noble goals. The path from a figure of glory to that of a dastard is easy to go down, but hard to climb."
"What she means to say is-" Minister Smith started, only for a wave of the Queen's hand to silence him.
"Do not speak for me in these matters unless I request it, Minister," came the Queen's words as she gave him a withering stare.
"Yes, ma'am," came the mans words as he seemed to shrink against his chair.
"What can I expect though, ma'am, as my power grows?" you asked as the Queen this time deferred your question to the all too eager Minister.
"With power such as yours, Alyssa, you can accomplish almost anything you set your mind to. This is something that we wished to address, as while we're quite aware that you possess potential far beyond the realm of any we've seen in recent years, we're not sure if you have an actual limit to that potential," the Minister Paused to sip at his water, a pause simply to punctuate what he was saying. "This is why we feel it may be for the best that you work with us, so that we can offer you whatever training you require. The agency you're working with at this time is... Shall we say, inadequately equipped to handle anything more than the garden variety of extra-ordinary talent."

You tensed up at this question, though you did your best not to betray that you was uncomfortable with it. These were the same people who had agents turn rogue and try to snatch you, apparently, asking you to work with them, despite the fact that there was clearly some element of corruption inside their ranks?
Those efforts to conceal it were frankly futile however, as you could feel the Minister not just reading you like an open book, but finding the answer he needed before you, yourself, knew it.
"We'll leave that one on the table however, such offers are not to be snatched at or discarded with no more than a scant few seconds to decide upon them," he added as he adjusted his grip upon his glass.

"If I may change the subject, ma'am, to the subject of dreams, out of body experiences," you started, pausing to take a breath as you figured that a moments reprive from the issue of recruitment and your power to cover this would be what you required to gather yourself again. "I've experienced the latter recently, and the former... I had a dream of an entity that said it had brought me to its realm to tell me that... I needed to burn less brightly as I was getting too much attention.  It was in an old farmland, and... Um... I'm sorry, I don't recall much more."
"Dreams are fleeting," came the Queen's initial response as she held her delicate looking teacup carefully before her. "That is why when they come, you should grasp them and hold onto them firmly. Do you have anything to say about her dream, Minister?" she added as she turned towards the man sat nearby.
"No, ma'am, there's nothing I have to say," came his response.
"Very well. Address then if you will, address the matter of her out of body experience," the Queen huffed as she sipped at her tea.
"Yes, ma'am," the Minister responded dutifully as he turned his attention back towards you. "Humans as a whole seem to have senses that extend beyond their mortal form, they can feel that they are being watched for example or when they are not alone. There are those that grow close, that bear a true connection to another, that know when something has happened to them. It is not uncommon with those that are more than human to have some form of sensetivity to more than this. Out of body experiences are not very well documented however, so there is little more that can be said other than it may well be an extension of the same sensetivity you had that permitted you to have such a dream as you did."

That wasn't very fruitful, though you'd at least gathered something from it.
That being that it wasn't unexpected.

"If I may get back to the subject of what I am, what I appear to be, ma'am, could it be possible that the thousand soul could have been unshackled when he was killed that last time?" you paused, to add something more "Could it even be possible that I was created by him, somehow?"
The long, withering stare you received from the Queen was one that had you feel as if you were shrinking into your chair to escape it, as if you had just asked the most inappropriate question you could at this moment.
"Miss Smith, we have already thoroughly investigated that matter. To lose a dear friend such as him was a blow, but to be told by the investigations, having called in every favour I could from every connection I had to be told time and time again that he had been fully extinguished drove me to despair. It is doubtful that he could have been behind your creation during the twilight of his existance, as he was simply much too weak at this point. The one responsible for his demise remains locked up to this day within the Tower of London."

Yes, Anxiety, you'd asked if they could arrange for you to meet her - the one locked within a noteworthy landmark.
The Tower of London had been used to imprison her, Big Ben was off limits due to reasons...
Landmarks had some bearing on things, perhaps Stone Henge had relevance, too?
Not that you could see how it connected to things yet, no.
You weren't even certain how these other things connected to other things just yet, but you had more parts to this jigsaw.

Though right now, you felt it was wise to eat breakfast before you dared ask anything else.

Still, there were connections just out of sight, suspicions you could address.
There was the matter of meeting Anxiety, too.
Did you wish to grasp at straws and address any specific suspicions?
Did you have other questions you'd ask after breakfast?
Or were you content for now and simply wished to to move onto the matter of Anxiety when it was appropriate?


You brushed against a plot point in there - while I won't say what one, I will say that if people hit certain ones head on, I'll let Alyssa unveil the point in the story sooner than she otherwise would have.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #197 on: June 20, 2015, 11:44:26 am »

I'm sorry ma'am. I just.. I didn't.. I'm sorry.
Just this weekend my life was simply normal. There wasn't any monsters in the dark, No secret conspiracies or world shattering powers around. It was just me and my family.
I'm sorry if i am overstepping my boundaries, But i'm simply curious. The world that has been opened to me is frightening but also filled with wonders i could only have imagined to exist.
I have always had the desire to know more, Even as a kid. And now i have the chance to do so. I'm just trying to understand all of this that has been revealed to me, Even if it is just the same world with the veil lifted.

For now, Just eat. We are starving after all.
Maybe ask why it is your body that feels the burn of your powers?

Tom seems.. Uneasy. More so than normal. Is he alright?

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #198 on: June 20, 2015, 01:36:32 pm »

After a few moments eating in silence, Alyssa spoke again,

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't meant to offend. It's just... everything that's happened over the past couple of days has pointed to some sort of connection between me and the thousand soul. The Jotunn gave me a piece of one of his weapons, claiming it was mine. Officer Joy said I reminded her of him. And my powers... they're not identical, I'm not him... but they're similar. Similar enough that I might have to worry about the same sort of enemies he faced, that I might end up facing the same sort of fate.


I know it's a difficult thing to ask, but... could I talk with the one responsible? It's hard to explain, but it just feels important."


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #199 on: June 20, 2015, 04:19:13 pm »

After a few moments eating in silence, Alyssa spoke again,

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't meant to offend. It's just... everything that's happened over the past couple of days has pointed to some sort of connection between me and the thousand soul. The Jotunn gave me a piece of one of his weapons, claiming it was mine. Officer Joy said I reminded her of him. And my powers... they're not identical, I'm not him... but they're similar. Similar enough that I might have to worry about the same sort of enemies he faced, that I might end up facing the same sort of fate.


I know it's a difficult thing to ask, but... could I talk with the one responsible? It's hard to explain, but it just feels important."

Ooh, Nice. +1


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #200 on: June 21, 2015, 12:43:34 am »

After a few moments eating in silence, Alyssa spoke again,

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't meant to offend. It's just... everything that's happened over the past couple of days has pointed to some sort of connection between me and the thousand soul. The Jotunn gave me a piece of one of his weapons, claiming it was mine. Officer Joy said I reminded her of him. And my powers... they're not identical, I'm not him... but they're similar. Similar enough that I might have to worry about the same sort of enemies he faced, that I might end up facing the same sort of fate.


I know it's a difficult thing to ask, but... could I talk with the one responsible? It's hard to explain, but it just feels important."

Ooh, Nice. +1
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #201 on: June 22, 2015, 11:06:08 am »

The breakfast spread before you contained everything you could have wanted, yet you knew that you had to be sensible about what you took.
It wouldn't do to shame yourself before the Queen, to take slices of cake for breakfast as you would have otherwise done. No, while you had the kind of metabolism that could handle such a poor diet with ease, you were going to take a proper breakfast, the kind that was sensible and polite.
Toast, not your favourite thing, though you had no objections to it.
Tea, something you were quite content with.
Crumpets, because, well, why not add another savoury bread based thing to your plate?

And then an awkward silence in what you conducted yourself with as much grace as possible, nibbling daintily upon your breakfast and sipping in a measured manner at your tea.
You just had to give the moment a chance to pass before you addressed the monarch once more, to ask her something that was, you felt, an important matter that had to be dealt with as soon as possible.
You had to meet with Anxiety, get her side of things, learn the story from the point of view of the one that had betrayed the thousand soul.

While the Queen herself was busy with her breakfast, Minister Smith had made no effort to take anything more than his water. He wasn't watching you, however, despite being sat opposite you. No, he seemed to be watching Tom out of the corner of his eye.
This would have surprised you more if you hadn't ascertained from his knowledge of your... State of being, that he was a part of the agency that currently lay within the Queen's hands.
How odd though, that a politician would be a member of that agency, when the original agency had been taken away by polticians and mismanaged into the ground.
Or so you assumed, anyway.
Was he here to slowly wrest control away from the Queen?
No, he seemed to bow to her will, to address her as if he cared for her well being.

Not that you could tell if those gestures were real or not, the pair of them were beyond your comprehension.
You were sat here with a Queen who was two centuries old now, with a politician who was friends with the Queen and clearly trusted enough to be a part of her agency. There was a puzzle here, yet you couldn't see any pieces for it.


You'd figure this out eventually, but here was neither the time nor the place for you to concern yourself over the affairs of the Queen or her company.
That was, unless it somehow threatened you, or her, or him for that matter.
Just how could she be this old and still be alive?
Perhaps it had something to do with the thousand soul, to do with the Enlightened, to do with... Anything.
You'd learn the answer sooner or later, but again, this wasn't the time or the place.
Right now you had more pressing matters to concern yourself with.

It was a long moment however before you mustered the courage to address the Queen, you didn't like to issue apologies at the best of times, but this time you were left feeling the crushing weight of anxiety upon your chest as you steeled yourself.

"Ma'am?" you started as you turned your attention towards the Queen. "I'd like to apologise for any offence I may have caused you. It wasn't my intent to upset you, it's just with everything that has happened I allowed myself to get carried away with my efforts to grasp at answers and as such I did not keep in mind such concerns as how what I may ask may distress you."
As you paused for breath the Monarch let out a weary sigh, her fingers interlaced about her teacup as she shook her head.
"You lack his presence, his way with words. Perhaps that is for the best, however, for an apology from him would have been accepted without second thought. I understand that this matter is a concern for you, and I thank you for realising, late as it may be, that it is a sore one for me. it will continue to be a sore one for me, but, I must come to terms with that should I ever want the rest of the answers to the mystery myself."
"Perhaps I can help with that then, given that I am so similar to him?"
"I do hope so, Miss Smith. I do truly hope so, as I cannot hold onto this grief without closure for centuries to come."

With the air of tension dissolving you figured now was a good moment to pause, to let this effort at warmth you had kindled linger as you addressed the Minister and made small talk. Or an effort at it.
At least after giving things a few moments longer before you moved onto the next topic.

"So," you started as you gave the Minister opposite you as polite a smile as you could muster. "I never dreamed I'd be sat at breakfast in such a manner. With the Queen of this fair land and a noteworthy member of the Tories. I'm not big on politics, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance on your position, but what exactly is it that you do within your party?"
"I assume you are a Labour voter, Miss Smith?" came the mans response as he gave you a warm smile in response. His attention was drawn away from Tom, that meant that your bodyguard had a moments breathing room as he was no longer under the scrutiny of this hawk eyed man.
"I am, though I feel it would be unfair to bring my political prejudice to play when in pleasant company. I was simply curious as to what your role is, as you're not one of the names ofen seen on the news."
"Fair enough. I handle aspects of culture, heritage, tourism and the like. Important sites need preserving, the culture of this island needs to be put on display, and tourists, well, they bring in some of the much needed revenue that we allocate to things such as public works, education and so on."
"That actually sounds like a nice job to have," you responded before you sipped at your tea.
"It is quite an exaustive one to hold, but, it is one that I am glad to perform. If we do not preserve some of the iconic landmarks we have, then they would fade into obscurity and leave a hole in the very soul of this land."
"Do you have a favourite landmark?"
"Hmm. I would have to say that stone henge is given the mystery that surrounds it. People are still divided over the function it played to our anscestors. Is there one you have yourself?"
"Not as such, but I do like some of the old cathedrals."
"I ensure they are preserved too, as they are are historical landmarks that show us how ancient engineers overcame the issues of making such grand buildings persist to this day."

There was further silence as you finished up your breakfast, as you finally turned your attention back towards the Queen, having figured now how you were going to address the matter of how you'd attain answers to the mystery, as it was.
"Ma'am, if I may make a request, as we both desire answers to this mystery over my identity-"
A hand was raised to silence you.
"I desire answers to the mysteries surrounding him, you however will get the answers ascertaining to your identity in due time," came the monarchs response as she shifted to place her tea cup down upon its saucer.
"Yes ma'am, as it is though, I have been told I was reminiscent of... Of him by officer Joy, I was given a piece of his revolver by a Jötunn that claimed it was mine. My powers are not the same as his, but I feel that they share a similar root. I am afraid of what I may face out there, what may come for me as it mistakes me for him."
There was a pause as the Queen turned her attention from you to the minister.
"Is there anything you have to say on this matter, Jack?" came the Queen's words as she addressed the Minister by name this time.
"No, ma'am. There's nothing I have to say at this time," the Minister responded as he shook his head.
"Very well. Alyssa, we do not know the extent of his enemies, though we do know that his enemies were numerous. Various immortals, the deathless, various civilisations. He was apt at making enemies, but there are things out there beyond mere men that he no doubt raised the ire of. There were nights over the many years I knew him for where he would vanish, only to return with the most haunted of looks in his eyes as he confided in me a pained voice how he had been too late,  that he had seen and fought horrors. Each time it took him longer to recover, both physically and mentally from the ordeals."
"What ordeals where they, Ma'am?"
"He never told me, Miss Smith, he simply told me that he had ensured that I would be safe, that he would never permit harm to come to me. I am sorry, Miss Smith, that his legacy is to become yours in such a manner."
"If it is possible then, ma'am, may I... May I speak with the one responsible for his ultimate demise?" you paused as you took a breath to steady yourself for what you wished to say next. "If I am to deal with the issues that arise with my similarity to him then speaking with her will give me a chance to understand the mysteries that-"
"Miss Smith, she has not spoken to a soul since her imprisonment, but, if you wish to do such,  I shall have you cleared to visit her. As it is, I believe breakfast is ove and we have no other matters to discuss, so, I shall bid you and your bodyguard farewell. By the time you reach the tower you shall be cleared to visit... Her." the last word was filled with disdain as the Monarch rose from the table and started to make her way towards one set of doors leading out of the dining area.
This left the Minister to guide you out of the doors you had entered by, leaving you with the waiting agents to be escorted back to the entrance to the palace by the same route they had brought you by.

The very thought of meeting with this woman filled you with dread however, as you didn't know what to expect. She had managed to kill one with a similar nature to you in the past - did this mean she was also the one who could kill you, too?

That concern was one you'd address later, the thing that concerned you now was that this woman had been a prisoner for over a century. This meant that she was...
...Surprisingly still sane, given this lengthy imprisonment?
...Somewhat frayed around the edges, though that was hardly a surprise?
...Deranged, she'd snapped and in her madness she thought you were her victim returned to life?

Did you have any specific questions or matters you wished to address with Anxiety when you met her, or would you simply see where the meeting went?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 01:32:56 pm by Silleh Boy »


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #202 on: June 22, 2015, 12:23:23 pm »

Honestly, I feel like this is a situation where the mod should pick. Anne really isn't a character under our control, and I think the state she's in should be up to the mod.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #203 on: June 22, 2015, 01:33:42 pm »

OOC: Fair enough - edited to provide a different choice in the meantime.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #204 on: June 22, 2015, 02:17:20 pm »

Don't ask why Anxiety did what she did at first. (Though do address her by name, so long as it doesn't upset her. We don't need more enemies.) Instead, ask her what we are, if there's any connection to the being she killed. Only ask why afterwards. We want answers.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 11:31:30 pm by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #205 on: June 22, 2015, 02:37:44 pm »

I agree in saving "why" for the last question we ask, since I suspect it'll probably end the conversation.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #206 on: June 22, 2015, 03:25:58 pm »

Ask her what we are.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #207 on: June 23, 2015, 10:16:24 am »

It was a weight off your shoulders to once more be within the jeeps metal frame, to escape the world of the rich, the world of those who didn't quite see the world as others did due to their disconnection from the struggles of the common man.
Once you had dreamed of being rich and famous, but those dreams had died with your innocence, many years ago.
Oh, how you had been disillusioned with that kind of world, that kind of lifestyle. You had seen the various stars you had looked up to as role models being pushed into rehab, falling out with the police, even dying as they indulged their self destructive lifestyles.
You had wanted nothing to do with it, no part of a lifestyle fueled by excess driven by an inability to be happy with what you had and an ego the size of the universe.
Of course, you'd had a taste of that ego and reigned yourself in, you knew that the taste of power was intoxicating, yet...
Yet, you couldn't justify becoming like those people you'd had pushed upon you as familiar figures you should have looked up to. You'd disconnected yourself from that particular treadmill and lived life as your own - somewhat paranoid - person.
No, you didn't want to be the next household name, the next starlet that the world aspired to be - you were just like the stars before fame got to their heads.

Flawed, in many ways, but still aware enough of your flaws to work towards overcoming them.
You would overcome them, too.
There was nothing you couldn't do if you put your mind to it.

Tom's discontent was apparent to you, yet you felt that it was far from the right moment to address how he was practically seething before you - no, you'd give him a little time on the road to cool off before you addressed this.
Your ability to deal with people online didn't translate smoothly into real world experiences after all - online you were queen of such, able to mediate and solve issues while in the real world you floundered and struggled as you'd been out of the loop somewhat since school.

You'd had a bright future ahead of you, your teachers had said.
You were a bright young lady who could get far, they'd said.
Work in your area had been something you'd never been able to get, and further education was something you couldn't afford without work to support it.
Perhaps, you dared to hope, if you were employed by one of these agencies, you'd be able to afford to pay for higher education. You'd be able to get your own place - not too far from your parents, you wanted to be close enough to visit. You'd be able to get further education, pick a subject and reach for the stars
You'd make your name known in whatever field you took for your accomplishments - you'd show them all that you were a genius who didn't need her damn near divine power to get ahead.
Of course, that power wouldn't hurt, but...

"Hey, Tom?" you ventured as the jeep pulled up to a set of traffic lights, as traffic rushed ahead of you. A few taxi's, a double decker bus and a fair amount of regular cars passed by before the man beside you finally turned to look at you, to utter but a single world in response to your attempt to gather his attention.
"You were tense back there, what about the entire situation was getting to you?"
"That's need to know."
"Right, Thomas VICTORIA."
"That's not my surname," came his response as he tried to keep a straight face, though there was a hint of a smile.
"Damn, games and movies lied to me. You should have been the Queen's estranged son, furious that you had to return there and deal with her refusing to acknowledge your existance."
"I wish, I wouldn't have to work this job then."
"So, want to talk about it?"
"As I said-"
"Oh, yeah, sure, need to know. That's entirely bullshit you know, you were sent to tag along with me because your boss is grovelling at my feet right now as I present so many opportunities. This is personal, isn't it?"
"You don't like HMSO, that's a given. Can't blame you, bunch of egotistical assholes who don't operate properly. You were recruited from the armed forces, right?"
"So, you get the value of a chain of command, you want order, accountability. They lack that. But it's not that, either. No..."

You fell silent for a long moment as the lights changed and you turned towards the river, towards what you presumed was the way towards the tower of london.
It wasn't really much of a tower, you expected with a name like that, that it would have towered on the skyline like some grim needle, but you had to keep in mind, you figured, that this was a tower built many centuries ago before they figured how to make a building stand as tall as a skyscraper would tumbling down.

"It wasn't the Queen either, she's just a grumpy old lady as far as you're concerned, it was the Minister, wasn't it?"
"Are you done grasping at straws?"
"Nope, it was the Minister. He's a monster with no soul."
"As a member of the Tories that's redundant."
"So, what was it?"
"It was the minister, he doesn't have a heartbeat."
"You say that as if you don't think it's signifigant at this point."
"Well, yeah, the Queen's two centuries old, I died recently and got better, Millicent wears peoples bodies as clothes and your boss sees dead people. You can blame modern media for how fast I get disillusioned and over everything."
"You do realise this means he's deathless, or worse?"
"Wait, deathless, as in-"
"Yeah, the people who will want to exact revenge upon you for things you never did."
"Well... Shit. What's the best way to kill them?"
"Varies, most of the ways involve shooting them in the head miss 'I play games and watch movies'. You should have known that."
"Yeah, and you're still evading the question. What bothers you about the deathless?"
"It's not so much what bothers me about them, it's the threat that they pose to you that bothers me. I'm here to make sure you come to no harm, and historically, the information we have on the deathless amounts to a whole lot of nothing."
"And you know this because...?"
"Combat training, I have to know how to take care of any unnatural entity efficiently."

You slumped back in your seat as those words were uttered in response.
Here you were with power beyond your wildest dreams at your fingertips and you couldn't use it effectively enough to defend yourself against these things.
So far, you'd managed a grand total of one kill with them - yourself.
When trying to manipulate air currents.
You needed an instruction manual to inform you how to do this stuff, as you didn't know how you'd accomplish control otherwise.

The journey continued in silence as you approached the Tower of London, as you took note of how the building you approached had a fair number of people going in and out of it.
It was a tourist attraction, this shouldn't have been a surprise for you.
Yet, the fact that this place was a tourist attraction and functionally acted as a prison for one very special inmate was what surprised you.
If the woman here had killed someone of immense - even if diminished - power, was it safe to have tourists come through this place if she was able to escape?

While you didn't have the answer for that, you knew that she hadn't spoken since being imprisoned, so it was potentially a fruitless endeavour for you to be here in the first place.
Perhaps the time she had spent here had dulled her, left her no longer capable of rationalising the concept of escape - perhaps she was as sharp as ever and simply had nothing to say to those that were here.
You'd know once you were face to face with the woman, you knew that much.

"So, the Queen said she'd have us cleared by the time we arrived," you started as the jeep pulled up into the parking lot nearby. "Does this mean you're just going to escort me with guns in plain sight?"
"Of course," came Tom's response as he pulled a pair of sunglasses from the glove compartment of the jeep.
"Isn't that asking for trouble?"
"I have my identification on hand on hand to get us through security checks."
"Are you a Major?"
"No, why?"
"Just wondering, you could have been Major Tom."
"Oh, that song."
"Ground control to Major Tom..." you hummed to yourself as you hopped from the jeep, though your intent to follow behind the man was shattered as he gestured for you to take the lead. "Why?" you questioned, as he sighed in response.
"Just take the lead, I need to be able to keep you in sight while watching you in any public location. If you get snatched, it's hard for me to react as quickly if you're behind me."
"No buts."
"That's what Millicent told me," you grumbled, remembering how she had been quite clear that you had no ass.
"Nothing," you sighed as you stepped ahead of the man. "At least I know I have nothing to stare at. Fuck you Millicent."

You could feel the confusion washing off the man as he fell into step behind you, one hand upon the weapon slung about his neck. He didn't have context and you were content to keep it that way for the foreseeable future.
Potentially indefinately.
Perhaps as long as it took you to forgive Millicent for saying that your slender form was flat.
Maybe you should be worrying more about the fact you were being escorted by an armed man who could potentially look like he was using you as a human body shield.

Predictably, it was at the entrance to the Tower of London, a place that was more of a keep with a curtain wall surrounding it than a proper tower, that you were stopped by armed security.
They'd obviously seen you approaching before you had arrived via either the watchmen that stood atop the walls or the camera's they had placed within the various nooks and crannies that'd permit them to watch the surrounding area's without being entirely obvious.
It was as you approached the portcullis leading in that they became visible - they in this case being the Yeomen, the people that you'd thought were nothing more than people employed to dress up and look the part about the grounds of the place.
"Okay, stop there Alyssa, they're trained soldiers," Tom stated as he placed a hand against your shoulder, then stepped before you with his hands held out to the sides as not to appear threatening. "I believe you're expecting us?" Tom stated as he nodded back towards you. "I believe Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria should have arranged for us to visit a certain individual in holding here?"
There was murmering amongst the ranks of the rifle armed guardsmen as they gestured for Tom to approach them and present his identification, something that had them quickly relax as they gestured for you to approach next.
"Follow us, we've been expecting you, but you can't be too careful these days," came the ones voice as you fell into step behind the group.

But this wasn't what you wanted now, no, you didn't want to simply follow the group when another idea was burning its way into the forefront of your mind.
"Hey, before we do that... I hate to be trouble, but do you sell camera's at a tourist stand or something here?" you asked, prompting the guardsmen to turn and face, giving you the chance now to see that each one of these men looked to be at least in their fourties. "It's silly, but I'd really like to get a photo of myself with you while I'm here," you added as you smiled sheepishly.
The group of men glanced at Tom as if to ask him if they really should, a nod from him being the sole response that they were given as he reached into his pockets to retreive a handful of bank notes.

As one hurried away to obtain the camera with the money they had  been passed by Tom, Tom himself stood a short distance from you talking with the group about things as deployment and other such military things that you had little interest in. It was the perfect chance for you to look about, to take in the details of the tourist attraction you were in as you took note of the inner side of the curtain wall's details, as you glanced at the main keep - a palace, a fortress in its own right.
You still were't certain why it was called the Tower of London, but it did have a few towers on its corners that you presumed one of which served as the residence of Anxiety.
Before long had passed, standing in the pleasent heat of a summer giving way to autumn, the guardsman that had departed to obtain the camera returned, handing it to you while you reached over to pass it to Tom.
"Snap one of me with them first, I'll get one of you with them after," came Tom's response as he moved to pose with the group, saluting smartly as the camera was raised and with a flash of light, a picture of him was snapped with two guardsmen either side.
No sooner had that been done, he stepped back towards you to repeat the process with you - though you didn't want a picture that was so formal, no, you wanted some cheerful picture to send back home.
Your one had the men positioned about you as you smiled brightly for the camera.

As the group started leading the way once more, Tom reached to pass the camera to you, only for you to shake your head as you held a hand up to dismiss this.
"No, not until after I've met with Anxiety. I don't want to risk the camera being damaged as it'd suck to lose those pictures," you stated as Tom gave you a slight nod.
"Fair enough," came his response as he placed the camera's carry strap about his neck. "I'll return it to you once you've finished the meeting with her."
"I can't wait to be done so I can change out of these clothes," you mumbled as you idly straightened out the frilly clothing you wore.
"You look nice in that."
"Easy for you to say, it's not the kind of thing I'm used to wearing. I can't run in these shoes and this skirt," you mumbled in response as you entered the main keep - the difference in heat was immediately noticable as you felt the warmth on your face and the heat permeating your clothing give way to the coolness of the Tower itself.

"There's a few things to keep in mind while visiting the inmate, Miss Smith," came one of the group's voices as they turned you through one of the doors marked as being off limits. "While she has been restrained in advance and has shown little activity in the years she has been here, she is still to be treated as dangerous. Getting close is something you do so at your own peril."
The heavy door slammed behind you, reverberations echoing down the stone corridor as you were guided towards a spiralling stairwell.
"Similarly, she has not spoken in her time here, and while we have been informed that your presence may be enough to provoke a verbal reaction from her, we have also been informed that she may simply elect to remain silent, if she still remembers how to speak," they continued, their voice reverberating about the stairwell as they lead you upwards and past the doors leading off onto each floor.
You were being taken to the very top of the stairwell, to the top of the small tower.
"A final warning, the taint she bears is in an advanced stage, as such she is no longer entirely human. Do not allow her appearance to alarm you, however. If she grows rowdy or attacks you, shout and we will enter the room and provide you with assistance."
"You're not entering with me?"
"No Miss Smith, we've been informed to admit you alone, as it is unlikely she will speak with any other."
"What about me?" Tom immediately asked as a frown became visible behind his sunglasses.
"Sorry, you're not permitted entry either. In the event that Miss Smith is assaulted however, you're fully authorised to subdue the prisoner with any level of force you feel necessary given that she will recover swiftly from even lethal injuries."
"I see," Tom grumbled as the guardsmen placed a heavy key within the lock of the door at the top of the tower and opened the door.

The room that greeted you as you stepped through the heavy oak door was not entirely what you expected. It was bare, that much you expected, made of heavy stones, this you expected too, but it looked like something from the last century.
The room was littered with black feathers, straw and a few tattered books that sat in stacks gathering dust, it was illuminated by light filtering in through old latticed windows with glass panels set within, glass that was barely translucent enough to permit light through, let alone to permit you to see out.
There was an iron rung set into the floor beside a simple wooden bed frame with chains leading beneath the sparse covers, covers that bore a shape that was lumpy in a way that looked almost like a person, yet at the same time it was all wrong unless... Unless that person was a giant.

"Anxiety?" you ventured as you watched the shape beneath the covers shift lazily, the sound of those chains clinking followed by silence. "I have come to speak with you, if you'll permit such," you added after a long moment's silence.
The covers shifted again as a hand with delicate fingers tipped with claw like nails reached out, patted for the pillow that sat at the end of the bed, then in a futile gesture, flung it your way.
The pillow sailed past you by a wide margin, striking the wall as a cloud of dust burst forth.
"If you do not wish to speak with me, say so and I'll leave, Anxiety," you ventured once more as you watched the covers slowly pulled down. The form that was unveiled was one that lay on its side, facing the wall away from you - a figure that had to roll over towards the wall to turn to face you as not to roll over the large, unkempt wings that stood on its back.
That figure was one of a woman dressed in a plain, though by now grubby white dress, a woman with vast black wings on her back. A woman whom with a face framed by long, unkempt black hair, that gazed at you with solid black eyes that looked almost akin to those of a bird.
As she pushed the covers aside and sat up, you could see the short chain that restrained her sat about her ankle, preventing her moving more than a short distance from the bed - though as this room was small, you figured you barely had more than a few feet more that she couldn't reach into if she chose to leap at you.
"Do you recognise me?" you asked, hopefully as you watched the woman stretch out, her hands clasping above her head as her wings stretched out, fluttered and settled behind her back.
Yet there was still no response, only an alien expression as the woman regarded you as if you were an intruder in her territory.
"Of course not, you've been here so long you don't remember anything but the tower," you sighed as you turned towards the door.

This was fruitless, the woman was a dead end as she was dulled by the long years of imprisonment - the one time companion of the thousand soul, his killer, reduced to a caged bird with no song.
You'd tell the boss that she had ultimately been a dead end, that perhaps with further visits you'd get some result, but as it was... She was simply not going to be of much help until the peson she once was, was roused from the stupor of such lengthy imprisonment.


That slurred and stuttered word was just what you'd hoped for - some form of response, some form perhaps, of recognition.
You had hoped that she would respond to you and here was your window.
The chains clinked once more as she stood, as she clambered from the bed and stood there with her head tilted curiously as those alien eyes regarded you.
"Anxiety?" you whispered as you took a cautious step forward.
"Are... Are y-y-you here for-for me?" came her words as she rubbed at her throat gingerly, with the back of her hand. It was as if she trying to dismiss an unwelcome sensation.
"Yes Anxiety, I'm here to visit you," you responded in a gentle tone.
"Wh...Why are... Why are you... A woman, You-choo-keys?"
Oh. The thousand souls name, it was an awkward one, it was a wonder she even remembered it after all this time.
"I'm not-" you started, only for her to take a step forward. You couldn't help but feel intimidated, there was something distinctly predatory in her nature that had taken root in the absence of her humanity.
"It suits... Suits you. Always delicate. Delicate delicate. Pretty now. Like," came her stilted statement as she swallowed akwardly. You could see the light of recognition in her eyes shining through that haze as she seemed to be rapidly awakening from a deep slumber.
"So, you recognise me?"
"Yesss," she hissed. "Delicate girl. Slender, easily broken. Want... Want... Want to... Take me from... Cage and... Let me... Protect?" came her words as that predatory edge tainted them, a half step forward from her mirrored by you as you took half a step back.
"I don't think they'd let me take you from here," you whispered nervously in response.
"Ask... Nicely. Do thing with voice. Ask?"
"I'm not able to do that."
"Oh. Need remember how then, remember from last time and... Ask. Then... Then I will keep you safe. Never let you get... Hurt again," there was some hint of regret in those words, but the mention of remembering how to do something from last time struck your curiosity.
"What do you mean, remember how to do it from last time?"
"Could you explain?"
"Not remember?"
"I don't remember anything."
"Oh," she paused as she sniffed at you. "Yes. Just need remember, like did with... Past lives. Was able to... Make magic, talk to past self. Use past skills. Just need remember and... Do again?"

This was interesting, but you were pretty certain at this point that you had no means of accessing the skillset of a dead immortal. Still, if this thousand soul had different skills across different incarnations and was able to access them all somehow, that was a fairly formidable trick.
But you didn't want tricks, you wanted true power with what to change the world and get results.

"Anxiety, I... I don't remember anything," you started, you didn't like that you were lying to her, yet you knew that allowing her to believe you were the entity that she had once killed was your best chance to get her to co-operate. "What am I?"
"Delicate," came her solitary response.
"What am I, other than delicate?"
"Pr-eeee-tty," she cooed.
"Um. Thanks, I guess," you mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably. This wasn't a response you'd wanted from her of all people, you were fairly average.
"Face okay. Pretty under."
"Wait, what?" you hadn't meant to state this, but it seemed the shocked response was what she needed to hear to elaborate.
"I see... Colours. Pretty colours, like last time. Thousand colours. More colours than others. Not as smooth, maybe put back together wrong?"
"How could I be put back together wrong?"
"Not know, just see... Colours not flow together right."
"So, what am I?"
"Pr-eeee-tty," came her coo once more. This wasn't going to get you anywhere, you had to approach the question slightly differently.
"What does that make me?" you sighed as you slumped down and settled upon your knees on the hard wooden floor. You felt weary.
"Makes you... Put back together. Were broken. Most parts not original parts. Body new. Delicate. Colours old, but new. Not understand what that mean."
"How can you see those 'colours'?" you asked as you watched the woman settle down opposite you.
"Not sure what it mean. Maybe... Way of breaking cycle," she mumbled to herself, no longer listening to you. "If colours not smooth, maybe... Can't shatter colours," she continued as she made a stabbing gesture towards her neck with her finger, a gesture that had her draw a dark fluid that you could only assume was blood. That blood welled up only briefly as it darkened the neck of her dress before the flow stopped.
"Who am I, Anxiety?"
"Already say. Delicate. Pretty."
"People call me a monster, is this true?" you asked as you watched her eyes widen.
"No! You... You not monster, different. Not tired anymore. Not monster, no. Who call you monster, say so... Can make pay?"
"I don't want you to exact revenge upon-"
"Re-venge. Are... Are you... Are you here for revenge?" she asked as you saw realisation dawn across her features. She clearly remembered what she had done and had finally put two and two together with the puzzle pieces you had left her. If you had been that entity, it was possible, you supposed, but you didn't have any reason to wish to exact revenge on a woman you'd never met before now. "Did you... Stitch yourself back together so... So I couldn't stop you again and... Come to kill me for what I did?"
"No Anxiety," you breathed as you shook your head slowly. "I'm not here to hurt you, I just want answers."
"No... You're here to... To kill me. You always knew how, always saw dirty, dirty truth. Tainted soul, tainted body, broken immortal, needing you to live. Stolen power, but then you went and... My body adapted. Don't need you, don't need your stolen power. Ways you could kill me don't work now, sick, sick monster. Leave me here for longer than I remember, then come to kill me when you're done letting me suffer."
"Won't let you, can't let you. Waited too long, your knowledge doesn't work now, not the same flesh you knew."
"Leave me, I don't bow to a patchwork god born of stolen human parts, just because I can't see how you can be killed anymore doesn't mean you can't be. Try to kill me and I will tear your throat out and stab you a thousand times, I will break you again as I did so before-"

You stood and folded your arms about your chest, the more she raged the less intimidated you felt. She was dangerous, yet deep down you felt that the worst she could do was scream at you as long as you remained out of her reach.
"Goodbye, Anxiety. I'm leaving now, I don't think I'll return if this is how you're going to treat me," you stated as you turned towards the door, only for the woman to let out a wailing cry.
"Don't go, I'm sorry!" she screamed as she leapt forwards, the chain about her foot causing her to fall flat on the floor behind you as she scrabbled in vain to make up the meters distance it'd have taken to reach your foot. "Don't go," she sobbed over and over as she scratched at the floor, while you slowly sank down to sit before her once more.
Gingerly, against your better judgement you reached out with one hand to place it against the back of one of hers in a comforting gesture, a gesture that had her snatch your hand with both of hers, grasping it as you looked up at you with an expression that was almost childish in how innocently distraught she seemed.
"Please don't... Don't leave me. I can't take being alone anymore," she whimpered as she implored you with tear filled eyes to remain.
"Will you answer my questions?" you responded cooly as she nodded her head frantically in response.
"Anything, just don't... Don't go!"
"Why did you do what you did, Anxiety, why did you kill... Me?"
"I had to, I'm so, so sorry. I had to. If I didn't you'd... You'd leave and... And never come back for me. I didn't know you were too weak to... To come back again," she sobbed as she tugged on your hand, drawing you steadily towards her as she brought your hand to her cheek.
"How did I come back?" you asked as you brushed the back of your hand against her cheek.
"I don't know... Maybe... Maybe Jack stitched you back together. Always following you, calling you... Boss. Didn't need him, only needed me, didn't need Joy either, just me. Just us, always just.. Us."
"Who is Jack?"
"Calls himself... Lord of souls, lord of the dead... Was once here, people called him the ripper. Sometimes talks to me in dreams."
"What does he say?"
"Don't know, never listen to him. Never speak to him. Just... Sat there waiting, waiting for you to... To come back."

"I," you started as you rubbed at your stomach. You could feel nausea rising as the entire surreal experience started to get to you. Here you were, struggling not to let this situation overwhelm you as you turned paler than usual. The implications of what had been said, along with the frayed sanity of this woman were things you hadn't been ready for, and yet, you knew you were in for more of this in the future.

You just had to remain collected long enough to swallow that anxiety, to either present her with further questions or to bid her farewell with whatever promises it took to allow you to get out of the door safely.
You were going to make false promises, weren't you?
...You couldn't just promise the inevitable question of taking her with you, that you'd honestly talk with people about her being released, could you?
That was crazy, wasn't it?

What on earth were you going to do about this madness?


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #208 on: June 23, 2015, 11:44:53 am »

Describe the happenings of your dream. Of the farmhand you encountered, Of the shed and the man and the dead, How you awoke with the taste of dirt in your mouth. We might get some answers this time.
Maybe he was "Jack"? Remember to ask him about that next time.
For now, Stay. She is broken and desperate and most likely if she kills us Tom will come in and subdue her and then we will just regenerate.
Haven't you ever done something you regretted? Something you desired greatly to do differently? To change? She has. For a loong long time. And look at her. She's afraid, Terrified. What do you see in her? Look.

And so far.. she has been the one being that has been completely straight forward with you, No lies or circles. Well, Except for that one fear driven outburst, But that was fear and fear is irrationality incarnate.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 05:54:15 am by Fallatus »

Silleh Boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #209 on: June 24, 2015, 09:26:20 am »

A new possiblity was shining through amidst this chaos, a new possibility telling you that you it was entirely possible that you were both the thousand soul and not at the same time.

"Jack," you breathed as you furrowed your brow. That entity from your dream could well be Jack, he could well have a hand in all of this that ran deeper than you could see on the surface. "I had a dream that could well have been one in what I met him last night, it was too much of a coincidence to assume it had been mere chance that you'd dreamed it before meeting with the Queen - before meeting with Anxiety.
"Tell me?" came the womans voice as she rubbed her tear stained cheeks against her shoulders. "What did Jack say?"
"He," you paused as you took a deep breath, furrowing your brow a little further now as you reflected quickly upon just who you had dealt with to date. The agency, Millicent, they were making you jump through hoops to give you little bits and pieces. They said it was in your best interests, yet they were leading you in circles, promising to help you every time you threatened to pull away.
There was the Queen and her agency, an agency that wasn't even fully under her control given how some of them had turned rogue to snatch you. They had been somewhat more forthcoming with information, yet that was soley because you were too valuable to them to burn bridges with.
And then there was whomever those agents turned rogue worked for. They could have been anyone, anything.
And so here you were, an echo of the original immortal, with the half crazed companion who had killed him time and time again through history while his other one now worked for the LPD, for the Guardians. She had potentially come a full circle there, if she had been one before.

"I think I met him in a dream last night, he told me that I need to stop trying to use my power so much as I'm too... Bright, it shines too bright even when the results are minor. He took the appearance of a farmhand, there was a shed that some... Man ran out of, after shooting something inside."
"Things used to haunt your sleep, came for you when you were alone. Told me about this once, once woke up in a shed on a farm where they had brought you. Stopped being haunted by them when others were around, they didn't like coming for you when you were not alone."
"I," you swallowed as your blood ran cold. Had you witnessed an echo of that incident in the dream before what you presumted to be Jack spoke with you?
"Hmm?" Anxiety responded as she tilted her head.
"Moving on, the entity I spoke with took the form of a farmhand there, in the middle of a field filled with wheat. After he was done speaking with me he pushed me through the ground and I... I woke up with the taste of dirt in my mouth."
"Not a dream then. Not entirely. It was a dream, but also not. Sounds like Jack. Flimsy straw man, stalks with puppet bodies. Hate, hate."
"Why does he call me boss?"
"Don't know, maybe he works for you or he's... Acknowledging natural order or... Something."

The woman tugged at your hand briefly as she drew you closer, something that you permitted against your better judgement as she pulled you close enough that she was able to lay her head upon your lap.
Could it be that Jack had a hand in your existance, that while you weren't the thousand soul, that you had been pieced together from what had been left of him, that the pieces that were missing had been filled in somehow?

A patchwork god, as Anxiety had put it.

This was why Anxiety was completely comfortable with you as you were, she saw you as good enough to be him, even if you were not, as you were possibly made from what was scavanged of him.
It was like some vast cosmic joke, that you, a relatively normal and unassuming woman, would turn out to be gifted with power beyond your comprehension for some reason or another.
Was it that the power that was 'stolen' from the thousand soul needed to continue to exist?
Was it that aspects of you coming into being were so that those that 'stole' that power to exist could continue to do so?
You could be little more than a living battery, there to provide a charge for the weary immortals that needed it to exist, warned not to shine so bright because something could come and snuff you out like a candle, leaving Jack with the task of creating another like you from what pieces still remained.

Anxiety seemed to have settled down in this moments silence, prompting you to gently brush your fingers over her hair, an action that coaxed an unintelligable murmer from her as she turned to look up at you.
"Why," she asked as she sighed softly. "Did he bring you back?"
It was a rhetorical question, yet it was one that mirrored your own thoughts at this moment.
You weren't the thousand soul, you were a replacement for it, you were certain of this now.

You'd seen creatures that wore people like a skin, you'd seen giant river monsters covered in scales and the once human counterparts that echoed them, you'd seen the tainted birds that haunted the night and you'd met an ancient entity that haunted the dream world, when you thought about it that way, the winged woman who sought comfort from you wasn't all that strange.

The time you spent with her dragged out as you sat there stroking her hair, reflecting over how all she had known for longer than you could comprehend was the walls of this tower.
No desire to speak with others, no mental stimulation, nothing but imprisonment.
What did someone who had been here this long even dream?

"Anxiety?" you whispered after a long moment's silence with just your thoughts.
"Mm?" came an almost sleepy response from her as she opened one eye.
"I'll have to go at some point, would you like me to come back and visit you when I am able?" you asked, not entirely certain if you could even get authorised for such a visit again. It didn't hurt to try though, did it?
She had clearly retained more knowledge of the era she was from than you could have dreamed of, remembered more of the things she had seen than books would tell you about.
"No... Don't go." she whispered back to you as she frowned. "Take me with you, don't... Don't leave me here," came her words as she wrapped her arms about your waist you hold you in place with a surprisingly gentle insistance.
"How about if I talk with the Queen about having you moved from here?"
"I'll see what I can get her to agree to."
"She won't let me leave. I killed you, she never forgave me," she mumbled as her grip about your waist tightened. "Take me with you, I'll... I'll protect you."
"There's five armed men on the other side of the door, I don't think we could take them."
"I could."
"Then we'd have more of them chasing us, we'd have the Guardian's after us too."
"I could keep you safe."
"How about we do things peacefully first, see if the Queen will change her mind about keeping you here?" you asked as you looked down at her. "Then we won't be on the run for the rest of forever."
"I... I guess." she mumbled as her grip tightened that little more, contrary to her words.

It was a few long moments more before her grip was relinquished, before she looked up at you with damp eyes. Even with the alien appearance the avian eyes she had gave her, there was something about that, about the situation she'd been left in that made your heart sink.
"Promise you'll return?" she asked, as she allowed her arms to release their grip about your waist, as she took your hand in her own once more. "Promise you'll try for me?" she added, as her fingers interlaced with your own one last time before her hand was drawn away.

As you stood and made your way towards the door your heart sunk all the further, you'd promised her what she wanted, what she needed to hear, and yet, you had no idea if you could deliver upon that promise.
You would try though, wouldn't you?
Amidst the other things you had plans to do like... Like... Like what?
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